The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 137


In the next few days, Yan Bubu kept the necklace box in his pocket at all times. He would look at it after class and rub the surface of the box with his thumb while listening to the class, until he found that the edges and corners of the velvet box had turned white.

All the students in the class knew that it was his birthday present to Feng Chen, and they helped him count the days.

Student A: "Yan Bubu, there are still three days left. Have you thought about how to send it out?"

"How do we send it out?" Yan Bubu asked.

Student A said with a sigh, "You really don't have any romantic sense at all. Since you want to give a gift to your sentry, you can't just give it to him while eating in the cafeteria, right? You have to create a very romantic scene to give it to him."

"What would be considered a very romantic scene?" Yan Bubu asked humbly.

Student B: "At times like this, we must be together under the moonlight."

Student C: "Where are you going to find the moon? There are flowers. There are artificially cultivated flowers in front of the General Military Headquarters. Why don't you let Yan Bubu take his brother there?"

The first place winner Liu Siyuan also put down his book and turned around: "Actually, I think it would be nice to go straight to the left after leaving the school gate and sit on the platform at the edge of the central city to look into the distance."

The second place winner, Wang Chendi, sneered: "Not only is the edge of the central city surrounded by huge metal nets, but all you can see when you sit there are zombies."

No. 1: "What you think in your heart is what you see in your eyes."

Second place: "Only a blind person sitting there can't see the zombies."

They were obviously discussing what kind of scenarios would be appropriate for giving gifts, but the first and second place gradually went off topic, their conversations began to be sarcastic and tense, and the two quantum beasts had already started fighting on the podium.

Wang Suizi shouted to Yan Bubu across half the classroom: "Actually, a candlelight dinner is not bad."

Student C: "But where can we find candles? There are no candles in Central City anymore."

Student D: "Hang a gas lamp on the wall, or two ceiling lamps."

Student C: "The gas lamps hanging on the wall remind me of the resettlement site in the central city before electricity was available..."

Student A: "Actually, you can also make an oil lamp by twisting a piece of cloth into a bundle and soaking it in oil. Go to the cafeteria and ask the chef for some oil."

Yan Bubu was originally just excited about giving Feng Chen a birthday present, but now that he has calmed down, he has started to worry about choosing a suitable location.

Soon it was the night before Feng Chen's birthday, and he tossed and turned in bed before he could come up with a suitable plan.

Feng Chen leaned against the bedside reading a book and asked, "Why haven't you fallen asleep yet?"

"Because I was thinking..." Yan Bubu turned his head to look at Feng Chen, his heart moved, and he immediately got up and sat down: "Brother, I want to ask you a question."


Yan Bubu pondered the wording in his mind and said cautiously: "If Chen Wenchao wants to send gifts to his sentinels, where do you think it would be most appropriate to send them?"

"Chen Wenchao has sentinels?"

"No, I meant if."

Feng Chen flipped the page and stared at it: "They're all similar in every place."

Yan Bubu felt that his attitude was perfunctory, and unhappily put his hand on his book: "What if we deliver it in the cafeteria? In front of the military headquarters building? Or at the edge of the central city next to the giant metal net and watching the zombies? Aren't these places the same?"