The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 15


After taking a shower, it was already completely dark. Yan Bubu wrapped in the blanket thrown by Feng Chen, groped his way forward in the bus like a little blind man.

With a slight click, the light in the bus came on, illuminating the surroundings.

"Ha!" Yan Bubu looked at the homemade gas lamp in Feng Chen's hand, surprised and shocked: "Master, you are so awesome, why are you so awesome?"

He just watched Feng Chen fiddling with the small iron box, and he didn't expect it to turn into a lamp.

Feng Chen hung the gas lamp on the armrest of the car and made a rare joke: "Because I chanted a magic spell, ah... bang gaya."

Yan Bubu laughed out loud: "No, no, it's Ah Wu Bang Ga Adausia."

Feng Chen took out new pants and a new T-shirt from his backpack and threw them to Yan Bubu: "Put them on quickly."

Yan Bubu slowly put on his shorts and T-shirt, then laid down on the seat, watching Feng Chen continue to do other things while chatting with him in an inconsequential manner.

"Master, when will the gentleman and mistress come to pick us up?"


"How soon will it be?"

"Soon it will be soon."

Gradually, Yan Bubu's voice became softer and his even breathing sounds were heard.

Seeing that he had fallen asleep, Feng Chen put down his tools, took out his clothes from his backpack, and went around to the back of the bus to take a shower.

On the night of April, Feng Chen did not feel cold at all while bathing in the open air. However, he did not think this was a good thing and a layer of worry arose in his heart.

He just hoped that his father would send someone to pick him and Yan Bubu up soon.

He didn't realize that he had never considered whether his parents would encounter any accidents, and he was always sure that they were safe. Or, in other words, he was resisting thinking deeply and didn't allow himself to doubt.

After taking a shower, he washed the clothes that the two of them had taken off and hung them on the front of the car next to him before returning to the bus to sleep.

When he stepped into this boundless land of ice and snow again, Feng Chen did not feel a bit panicked. He clearly understood that he had fallen asleep and was in a dream again.

In the distance, there was still the big cocoon, standing quietly in the wind and snow, still making him feel a familiar sense of closeness.

When he got closer, he found that the shadow inside the cocoon was clearer and no longer chaotic. Through the egg-like shell, he could vaguely see the shadow's head and torso.

He put his hand over it again, feeling the rhythm of his heart beating in unison with his own.

Bang, bang.

It sounded like a call, or like a friendly greeting to him.

In the following days, the two ate up the crab and began to look for food in the ruins.

Those residential areas had been searched many times, so they chose places that were easily overlooked, such as office buildings that had not completely collapsed, or half of the remaining video game arcades, where they could always find some instant noodles or potato chips to fill their stomachs.

But the temperature was getting hotter day by day, a lot of food had gone bad, the bodies buried under the rubble had begun to rot, and the air was filled with a lingering stench of decay at all times.

More and more people could not stand it anymore and chose to go to the resettlement sites set up by the Western Alliance. When Feng Chen and Yan Bubu went to the well to fetch water, the long queues that used to be there were gone, with only two or three people left. When they went to the streets to look for food, it was hard to meet other people.