The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 21


Feng Chen covered Yan Bubu's mouth and whispered, "Nothing is more important than life. I'm going to give him the code box. When I walk out, run immediately towards the direction of the underground city."

Although Yan Bubu couldn't speak, he didn't nod either. He just looked at him with his big eyes that were clearly black and white.

"Did you hear that clearly?"

Yan Bubu still didn't respond.

"Don't worry, as long as I hand over the code box to them, everything will be fine. I will come to the resettlement site to find you later."

Outside, Chushi picked up the cannon again: "I'll count down to three more times, and the whole place will be lit up. You two poor little cats, you better find a cave to hide."

Feng Chen let go of Yan Bubu's mouth, took a deep breath, and was about to stand up when he heard the rumbling sound of a helicopter in the sky.

Then a bright beam of light swept across the ruined streets and stopped on the foundation stone.

"Attention people on the street, you have been targeted, put down your weapons immediately, put down your weapons immediately, otherwise you will be severely punished."

Chu Shi and A Dai turned around and looked up at the helicopter in the sky. The subordinate shouted nervously, "Deacon Chu, it's the Western Alliance."

"You have been locked up. Put down your weapons immediately. Put down your weapons immediately, otherwise you will be severely punished."

Feng Chen, who was about to stand up, did not move. Yan Bubu also moved to the gap, and the two of them looked outside from above and below.

The group of men who were fighting fiercely with the tiger came running from a distance, and the tiger was no longer following behind them. It was not known whether it was killed or ran away.

However, out of the six men, only four are left.

One of his men panted and said, "Deacon Chu, we made too much noise and attracted the Western Alliance patrol. Let's go quickly. The helicopter is here and the army must be on their way. Let's avoid causing a lot of trouble."

"Yes, Deacon, these two bastards can't get away. Let them go for now and come back later."

Chushi turned around and scanned the ruins with a sinister gaze. After considering the options for a moment, he finally said, "Let's go."

He carried the cannon barrel and walked towards the hovercraft parked nearby. The warning from the helicopter continued: "Put down your weapons immediately, hold your head and squat down. Now count down ten seconds, ten, nine, eight—"

Jishi lowered his head and got into the hovercraft. The vehicle started, the countdown on the helicopter stopped, but a new call began.

"Everyone in the car, get out, squat on the side of the street with your head in your hands, and wait for inspection. Now count down ten seconds, ten, nine—"

The hovercraft was still moving forward, but Ji Shi leaned his upper body out of the window, carrying the cannon on his shoulder and aiming at the helicopter above.

"Learn to count down from me, f**k you."

The shell was fired, leaving a long trail of white smoke. With a loud bang, the helicopter exploded in the air, like a ball of brilliant fireworks, illuminating the entire night sky.

Yan Bubu kept looking up with his mouth open in horror. Helicopter debris was flying and a propeller was spinning at high speed. He stupidly forgot to hide.

Feng Chen quickly pulled him to the side, and the propeller cut off half of the earth wall beside them.

“Hahahaha…” Foundation Stone laughed crazily, and the hovercraft whizzed away into a cloud of dust.