The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 24


There was a small commotion in the cafeteria, and everyone stood on tiptoe to look out the window. Several Western Allied soldiers immediately drew their guns and rushed to the corridor.

When the man saw the gun in the Western Alliance Army's hand, he was still shouting for help, but now he hurried to stop it: "Sir, don't shoot, it's my wife, my wife, she seems to have a fever and gone crazy, I just carried her on my back, and she suddenly bit me."

He stood at the gate, his neck covered in blood, with a piece of flesh bitten off. The people in the cafeteria were horrified and started whispering.

Yan Bubu also stared at him and grabbed the corner of Feng Chen's clothes with one hand.

"She must be delirious from the fever, don't shoot..." While the man was still muttering, a woman's figure suddenly flashed outside the window near the corridor.

A sharp howl came from the woman's mouth. Although it only passed through the window for two seconds, the people in the cafeteria could see her face full of purple veins, bulging eyes and wide-open mouth.

Several soldiers put away their guns and rushed forward, blocking her behind a wall that was invisible to everyone. Then the woman continued to howl, and a soldier roared breathlessly: "She is so damn strong, tie her up with a rope... gag her first, she still wants to bite people..."

People near the door ran out to see what was happening, then ran back in in panic: "Oh my God, this is crazy, like rabies."

There was a lot of noise in the cafeteria. Those at the back were pushing forward, while those at the front were rushing towards the door. People on this floor also walked out of their rooms and stood in the corridor to watch.

Yan Bubu staggered after being pushed by those people. Feng Chen pulled him to the front and bent his elbow towards the back calmly.

"Fuck, someone is pushing me so hard that my lungs are about to explode. Stop pushing me." A cry of pain came from behind, and the person who was pushing forward finally restrained himself a little.

The woman was still howling, and the sound was no longer human, it was sharp and piercing, like some ferocious beast. The soldier was also shouting in frustration: "I can't tie her up, she's too strong, knock her out, knock her out first, find me a brick or something."

"There are no bricks here."

"Go look for it in the cafeteria. There's one in the cafeteria—ah! She almost bit me. Go find it quickly."

Just when the chaos was at its most chaotic, there was a muffled knocking sound. The woman's scream suddenly disappeared, and the soldier's roar also stopped abruptly. The corridor suddenly became unusually quiet.

A tall, thin officer appeared at the gate and handed the gun in his hand to the soldier behind him: "Take it back, disinfect the butt, and carry the man to the medical room for a thorough examination."

"Yes, Major General Lin."

Major General Lin glanced at the man at the door again and said, "You go with him and bandage his wound."

"Yes, yes." The man said hurriedly, covering his neck.

Several soldiers carried the woman who was knocked unconscious by the butt of a rifle forward, and the man followed beside them. When passing the gate, Yan Bubu looked at the woman's hair dragging on the ground and her gray and purple face, and suddenly remembered the dead body of the woman hanging upside down on the street after the earthquake. He shuddered with fear.

Everyone in the cafeteria saw it clearly and started talking about it.

"The eyeballs are terribly black, they are definitely not normal people's eyes."

"A madman's eyes are like this. They stare at people straight ahead, and their pupils are bigger than those of ordinary people."