The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 38


The next morning, soldiers and administrators checked each room and measured body temperatures.

When checking Feng Chen and the others' room, Wu You told him that there was an accident on the upper floor because someone had a fever, but that person did not want to be locked up in the military medical center because at least half of the people who went in never came out again. So he did not know what means he used to prevent the external body temperature tester from detecting that he had a fever.

Although he got away with it, something went wrong last night, so now they have replaced the original mercury thermometers with the soldiers themselves testing the body temperature to leave no chance for cheating.

Feng Chen and Yan Bubu each had a thermometer under their armpits. After listening to Wu You's story, the temperature measurement was just over. When the soldier came to take the thermometer, Feng Chen was still a little nervous, worried that he might have a low fever again.

"36.0, normal."


Feng Chen slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

For the next period of time, life in the underground resettlement site was relatively smooth. There were no more incidents of zombies biting people, and the potatoes and corn in the plantation were about to mature.

This time everyone was on high alert and checked carefully before leaving the plantation every day to make sure there were no problems before leaving.

Feng Chen also encountered danger when working on the ground, such as when he was carrying corpses or disinfecting ruins, he suddenly encountered mutants. Fortunately, they were not powerful mutants, so he got through it safely.

Yan Bubu has been eating well recently. Although he eats the same few dishes over and over again, he has a good appetite. Even if it is tasteless soybeans, he eats them spoonful after spoonful with great relish, and the fat he had lost has grown back.

He still went to pick up limestone every day. If he was lucky, he could earn ten points a day, but if he was unlucky, he would earn nothing that day. But overall, the credit points in his card that he had not yet moved were slowly increasing.

After getting up that day, Feng Chen went to work on the ground, but Yan Bubu did not go to pick up Lithium stone as usual, but went to the trading center.

Supplies were becoming increasingly scarce, and many people had gone to work, so the trading center was much quieter than before. But there were still some people manning the stalls, selling a variety of things.

Yan Bubu held the credit card tightly in his hand and walked slowly along the stalls on both sides, his eyes wandering over the various goods.

He went to pick up Lithium for his brother's birthday tomorrow, August 17th. He had saved up credit points for so long just to buy a good birthday present for Feng Chen.

Yan Bubu can remember Feng Chen's birthday because every year when this day comes, her mother A Mei will start to say: "Bubu, today is August 17th, which is the young master's birthday. You must be good today, don't bother him, don't cry in front of him..."

Yan Bubu can't remember when his birthday is, but he knows about birthdays and likes to celebrate them.

There will always be a day when, just after waking up in the early morning, his mother not only does not blame him for wetting the bed sheets, but also smiles and hands him a bowl of noodles.

The snow-white noodles are sprinkled with green chopped green onions and topped with fragrant eggs.

"Bubu, it's your birthday today. Eat this bowl of longevity noodles, grow up healthy, and never wet the bed again."

His birthday was a wonderful day. His wife gave him new clothes and made him a small cake. His husband also asked his adjutant to take him horseback riding and gave him a toy gun that made a beeping sound.