The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 57


"How is it? Are you still having a headache?" Yu Yuan asked.

Feng Chen felt that his headache was gone, and the stuffy feeling in his chest also disappeared, so he shook his head and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Your perception is outstanding. We will need your help in many areas in the future." Yu Yuan stood up and said, "Take Curly to have lunch. I heard there will be delicious food in the cafeteria at noon today."


A while after Yu Yuan left, Yan Bubu's singing disappeared, the bathroom door was pushed open, and a wet head poked out.

Her curly hair was piled on top of her head, and her eyes were watery, like a poodle sticking out its head.

"elder brother."

Feng Chen asked: "Are you done washing?"

"I'm done, oh!" Yan Bubu screamed, pushed open the door and rushed out, climbed onto the bed naked, and started rolling on the bed, "New clothes! New clothes! New clothes!"

"What are you doing? Did you wipe the water off? Get out of here if you're still wet!" Feng Chen shouted angrily, and stepped forward to grab Yan Bubu and said, "Stand still!"

"I have wiped it. I have wiped it." Yan Bubu said hurriedly.

"What are you using? Your hair is still dripping."

Feng Chen quickly went to the bathroom to get a bath towel, covered Yan Bubu's head with it, and rubbed his face.

Yan Bubu finally put on his new clothes. The T-shirt was the light blue color that he liked. There was a Binunu embroidered on the right chest. It was round like a potato and just showed outside the chest pocket of his overalls, which made him very satisfied.

But when Feng Chen asked him to try on the new sneakers, he was not very satisfied.

"I like my shoes. My wife said you won first place wearing them." Yan Bubu was reluctant to part with his old pair of sneakers.

"Don't you think your old shoes are hitting your toes?" Feng Chen pressed his foot. The foot was round and plump, and the five nails looked like five pink shells. "Look, your feet have grown bigger. You can't wear the old shoes anymore."


"No buts!" Feng Chen interrupted him, "I want to see you run first in your new shoes."

"Is that so..." Yan Bubu scratched his trouser legs and finally said, "Okay, then I'll wear new shoes."

Yan Bubu put on the new shoes and moved his toes in them. He had to admit that the new shoes were more comfortable than the old ones, although the front was a little empty, but the old shoes had been biting his feet recently, causing some pain in his toes.

Feng Chen pressed the little space in front of his toes: "I specially chose a bigger one so that he can wear it even when he's a year older."


Feng Chen tied his shoelaces and asked, "Yan Bubu, are you seven years old? Why do I feel like you've been six for a long time?"

"I don't know." Yan Bubu tilted his head and thought: "I think I might be full, maybe ten years old."

Feng Chen asked: "Do you remember your birthday?"

"I don't remember." Yan Bubu shook his head, "I only remember that your birthday is August 17th."

Feng Chen paused as he was tying his shoelaces, then asked, "Do you remember what everyone wore on your birthday? Thick or thin?"

"Hmm... not too thick, not too thin."

"Change your foot." Feng Chen tied the shoelaces for his other foot and continued to ask, "Can you remember anything that happened on your birthday in the past that you remember vividly? It would be best if it's something I know too."