The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 61


After Feng Chen gave Yan Bubu a few instructions, he left Black Lion to guard him while he and Lin Fen went out.

A Hive Ship was empty. A canopy was erected on the deck. Soldiers stood underneath to avoid the rain and chat. A group of quantum beasts were running and jumping all over the deck.

When they saw Lin Fen, the soldiers immediately stood up straight and kept silent. Even the group of animals stood at attention obediently.

A lynx and a kangaroo were fighting. The lynx immediately stood up from the ground, but the kangaroo was still swinging its fists relentlessly, and was decisively taken back into the spiritual realm by its owner.

Lin Fen took Feng Chen into the cabin and walked down the stairs. "Although the sentinels have super strong five senses, their emphases are different. Some are good at listening. When their mental power is released, they can hear the sound of snow breaking dead branches a few miles away. Some people focus on smelling, using their mental power to capture odor particles in the air. Even a drop of blood can be smelled by them. There are also people whose vision or recognition ability is particularly outstanding. These vary from person to person."

The engine room was on the lower floor. Because the ship was not sailing, the entire engine room was silent. Feng Chen followed Lin Fen into the engine room and listened carefully to his story.

"I think there is some kind of invisible creature on this ship." Lin Fen pressed the switch on the wall, and the engine room was brightly lit. He slowly swept his eyes over the large units and said softly, "I'm sure that thing is hidden on this ship, but my mental power is not focused on identification, so I can't find it. I need you to feel where it is."

Feng Chen did not answer, but he closed his eyes and released his mental power.

Wisps of mental tentacles spread out in all directions, and those dark corners blocked by machines and the space inside the tightly sealed steel pipes were all transformed into images through the mental tentacles, allowing him to see them clearly.

Lin Fen did not disturb him, but just stood there quietly waiting.

Yan Bubu followed Feng Chen's instructions, sat at the table, and wrote in a small notebook with a pen and paper.

He wrote every stroke very carefully, his toes gripping the ground tightly, his mouth moving along with the writing, and it seemed that his whole body was exerting strength along with his hands.

The black lion lay quietly at his feet, eyes half closed, tail swaying gently.

Yan Bubu was writing when a black spot suddenly appeared at the edge of his retina. He paused and turned his head to look, only to find that there was nothing there.

He put down his pen and rubbed his eyes, but still only saw the empty silver-gray carpet.

The black lion lay on the empty carpet, staring at Yan Bubu motionlessly, with its ears standing up nervously.

Yan Bubu looked through his body and looked around. Indeed, he saw nothing, so he picked up the pen and continued to write, mumbling to himself: "Up, down, left..."

He hadn't written two words when his pen stopped again.

The black thing appeared in his sight again.

Although it was not very clear, just like the TV signal was sometimes intermittent, the image also jumped unsteadily, making the boundary between the black and the carpet a little blurred. But he knew clearly that there was indeed a huge black object there.

Yan Bubu's heart was pounding. This time he did not turn his head. Instead, he maintained the writing posture, but his eyes secretly turned in that direction.