The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 75


Feng Chen stood up and looked around, trying to find Yu Yuan. But Yu Yuan was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Wu You walked over from the opposite side and said, "Qin Shen, what's wrong?"

The fact that only a very small number of people can evolve into sentinel guides is no longer a secret. Feng Chen hesitated for a moment before telling him about Yan Bubu.

Wu You was surprised and incredulous: "Are you serious? Jingjing will also become a special forces soldier?"

Many people call Sentinel Guides special forces or mutant fighters. Some Sentinel Guides don't like these two titles, but Feng Chen thinks special forces fighters are okay, because they sound better than mutant fighters.

"Yes." Feng Chen replied affirmatively.

Wu You leaned down to look at Yan Bubu, his expression was both happy and worried: "Such a little kid has become a special forces soldier, so does he have to go to fight too? No way..."

"That definitely won't happen." Feng Chen also came over and looked at Yan Bubu with him.

Wu You gradually realized that something was wrong with Yan Bubu: "Why is his face so red?" He stretched out his hand and checked, "Oh, he has a fever."

"Yes." Feng Chen lowered his voice, "Uncle Wu, although he has a fever, I am sure that he is not going to become a zombie, but to evolve into a special forces soldier. Colonel Yu also knows this and has examined Jingjing's body, so you don't have to doubt it."

"Okay, okay, I know that some people who have a fever don't necessarily turn into zombies. They either return to normal or become special forces soldiers." Wu You rubbed his hands happily, "I'll take him to the doctor and tell them that they just need to lower Jingjing's temperature."

"That's what I meant, thank you Uncle Wu." Feng Chen said.

Wu You leaned over to hug Yan Bubu, and Feng Chen made way towards the cave entrance.

"Oh, look at how red her face is..."

Feng Chen was looking at Wu You hugging Yan Bubu, when he suddenly turned his head to look at the cave entrance not far away.

Because of the sentinel's keen instinct when danger comes, his heart skipped a beat and he had a bad feeling.

Several soldiers were chatting in low voices at the entrance of the cave. Behind them was the dark rainy night, and there was not a single ray of light to be seen.

Wu You picked up Yan Bubu, said hello to Feng Chen, and went to the military area where the medical point was located. Feng Chen just responded and walked towards the cave entrance.

Wu You arrived at the medical point, grabbed a medical officer he knew, whispered a few words into his ear, and pointed at Yan Bubu in his arms.

The medical officer's eyes widened. He reached out and touched Yan Bubu's forehead. He quickly ran back and found a guide who was collecting medicines. He whispered to him for a while.

The guide followed the medical officer and examined Yan Bubu with his mental power. He said to the medical officer with great excitement, "The spiritual domain has been formed."

The medical officer clenched his fist and said to Wu You, "I'll go get him some antipyretic medicine. You take care of him."

"I know, I know." Wu You said happily.

Everyone was immersed in the excitement of going to the central city, talking and laughing constantly. Wu You listened with a smile while feeding Yan Bubu antipyretic medicine.

"Please let me pass. Please let me pass."

Amid the noise, an old man in his fifties walked towards the cave wall with a bowl of food in his hand. Everyone was talking and laughing, and no one paid attention to him, only occasionally moving aside to make way for him.