The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 108: One hundred and eighth (you were abandoned...)


Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi chatted casually for a while, then went back to the room and began to prepare for tomorrow's affairs.

Qin Wanwan was mainly preparing what she needed after entering the maze, while Jian Xingzhi was busy preparing to greet Qin Wanwan's parents.

After the two spent a whole night filling the bags of Qiankun, they finally gained some confidence in entering Xuanshan.

666 looked at Jane Xingzhi's busy work, a little helpless, and praised Jane Xingzhi against his will: "Master, you don't have to be so nervous, right? You... You are quite likable."

"I don't know if I'm likable or not," Jian Xingzhi hung the Qiankun bag on his waist and pulled the door to walk out, "but no one likes someone who beats their daughter, this time I have to behave well, wait until I get back. Immortal world, Taishan adults won't hate me so much!"

"All right?"

Seeing that Jian Xingzhi opened the door, Qin Wanwan and others who were waiting outside turned to look over, Jian Xingzhi patted the Qiankun bag, and said happily, "Okay!"

The group came to the foot of Xuanshan Mountain with confidence. At this time, there were already many people gathered around. This time only two teams entered the semi-finals, and they did a quick job of confirming their identities. After confirming their identities, Luo Bufan briefly explained the rules to them. , asked one last time: "Any questions?"

"no problem."

Qin Wanwan answered confidently with her hands behind her back.

Venerable Miaoyan smiled and nodded: "There is no problem with this seat."

"Okay." Luo Bufan raised his hand, and two light gates appeared in front of the two teams, "Please enter the maze at the same time."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Wanwan took the lead, leading Jian Xingzhi and others to rush in.

After rushing into the gate of light, the first thing is a fork in the road. Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan looked at each other. Qin Wanwan took out four ropes and looked at them with anticipation: "This is the solution I came up with last night."

Everyone looked at the rope, and Qin Wanwan explained to them: "I found the four longest ropes I could find so far last night. You tie the ropes around your waist and choose a way to run out. I can sense your position and draw a picture. Come up with a map, and then speculate on the possible routes. You run according to my requirements, and after all the dead ends, the only way to survive is."

"good idea."

Xie Gutang nodded and said immediately, "Tie it up then."

"Wait," Jian Xingzhi stopped everyone, quite confident, "I have a faster way."

Everyone looked at him together, and Jian Xingzhi vowed: "I used to dig ancient tombs, and I often encountered mazes. There is a way to try all the hundred spirits."

"any solution?"

Qin Wanwan was curious, and Jian Xingzhi turned to look at the wall at the end of the front, full of confidence: "Go directly."

"Straight... go straight?"

Qin Wanwan was a little stunned, Jian Xingzhi nodded, and took out the map from her hand: "Look, we are in the west now, and the exit is in the east."

"That's right," Qin Wanwan didn't understand, "and then what?"

"Let's keep heading east," Jian Xingzhi drew a straight line on the map, "that's it."

Everyone didn't understand, and Jian Xingzhi looked at everyone: "What's the problem with you?"

"This is a maze," Emerald couldn't help but reminded him, "There is a wall blocking it, how do you go straight?"

"Tear down the wall," Jian Xingzhi said as he should, "Isn't it enough to tear down a path?"

Everyone was stunned. After a while, Xie Gutang frowned: "I remember that the walls in the labyrinth usually have special magic circles that can't be demolished."

"That's because you're not strong enough." Jian Xingzhi waved his hand, "Mazes are built by walls, or illusions. There are only so many formations to maintain the walls. I found a way back then. Come with me!" Jian Xingzhi raised his hand, turned his head and looked aggressively at the wall blocking their way. After rubbing his fists for a while, he raised his hand and turned in the air. A seal appeared in the air. He absorbed the spiritual energy, shouted loudly, and rushed towards the wall. go!

Inside the maze and outside the water mirror, everyone's eyes widened.

After a while, I heard a loud "bang" and the wall crashed down. Standing in the dust, Jian Xingzhi turned to look at the stunned people and greeted them: "Go!"

"This..." Luo Bufan looked at this scene in shock, then turned to look at Liu Yuehua next to him, "Is this cheating?"

Liu Yuehua was speechless for a while, but after a while, she gritted her teeth: "It's a skill to dismantle, let's see."

After the first wall was demolished, Qin Wanwan and the others no longer doubted this method. Everyone followed Jian Xingzhi, who taught them to demolish the wall. All the way, when they encountered the wall and demolished the wall, the whole maze heard "Boom" and "Boom". "Long" loud noise.

They rushed to the gate unimpeded, and after blasting the wall to nowhere, everyone looked up and saw a fork in the road ahead, and the wall in front of them had been demolished.

"This..." Nanfeng looked around, "Is this where we first came from?"

Everyone didn't speak, and Jade looked around for a while, affirming Nanfeng's conclusion: "We seem to be back again."

Jane does not speak.

Qin Wanwan thought for a while, and then took out the rope: "How about using some simple methods..."

"Do not talk."

Jian Xingzhi raised his hand and pressed Qin Wanwan's hand, but no one dared to make a sound. Jian Xingzhi closed his eyes and used his divine sense to distinguish the flow of spiritual power around him.

After closing his eyes to watch all the "Qi", he saw the end all the way, and found that the "Qi" seemed to have touched something and flowed back from below.

"This space is circular."

Jian Xingzhi opened his eyes and reminded everyone.

Xie Gutang immediately understood: "There is a formation here. They not only use walls to stack up to change the route, but directly change the entire space?"

"It's not just the formation," Jian Xingzhi looked around, "it seems to be a special environment, the elements are extremely unbalanced, and it is a circular space in itself, but it just opened a door in the due east, allowing us to go out. Possibly. Once the gates are closed, we can't get out."

"Elemental imbalance?"

Nanfeng didn't understand, Qin Wanwan explained to Nanfeng: "Everything in this world, time and space are composed of elements, and all elements need to maintain a balanced relationship in order to maintain the normal form that we ordinary people recognize. Elemental changes, more or less extreme, will form a state that is different from what we usually perceive.”

"Now we're trapped, it's a man-made circular space formation," Jian Xingzhi pulled out his sword and led everyone towards the position where the elements were flowing backwards, with a serious expression, "but this large space is natural, ordinary People can't open it, but the only exit is very easy to close, if Venerable Wonderful Words is the first to reach the exit—"

Jian Xingzhi picked up his sword and slammed it into all the places where the 'qi' met. The intersection suddenly exploded, and the gust of wind came, and the huge light made people unable to open their eyes. After a while, everyone fell on the ground. On the ground, I heard the sound of "bang bang bang" wall collapsing.

"It's Venerable Wonderful Yan who is tearing down the wall!"

Emerald heard the source of the sound and made a hurried voice, but at this moment, Jian Xingzhi had already rushed forward, raising his hand towards the walls in the due east and blasting them.

"He will definitely block the exit!"

Jian Xingzhi definitely spoke.

At this moment, everyone realized that if Venerable Wonderful Yan rushes forward and closes the maze, then it is not a matter of them losing the game, but they may stay here forever and never get out.

Realizing this, listening to the sound of the wall collapsing not far away, everyone's hearts twitched.

Xie Gutang glanced at the seal on Jian Xingzhi's hand, wrote it down immediately, and then lit up a seal on his hand, rushing away in the direction of the sound of the collapsed wall not far away!

"Thank you bro!"

Qin Wanwan turned back in a hurry, Xie Gutang's voice was calm: "I'll hold them back."

Having said that, Xie Gutang has blasted away the last wall from Venerable Miaoyan, and slashed towards Venerable Miaoyan with a sword!

Venerable Miaoyan is not far from them, but at the distance of the three walls, Xie Gutang's movements are already under his control. When he lifts his hand, countless silver threads fly out, and the people behind him seem to be covered by silver threads. Manipulate, draw the knife instantly, and meet Xie Gutang!

Cuilu immediately joined the battle and instructed Qin Wanwan, "Follow Jian Xingzhi and go first!"

"Wait for you!"

Qin Wanwan didn't hesitate, rode on Nan Feng, and rushed forward after chasing Jane Xingzhi.

But they are fast, Venerable Miaoyan is not slow, Xie Gutang Cuilu is dragged by the puppet, and occasionally he can touch Venerable Miaoyan, but he is extremely fast, sliding away like a loach, advancing. The action doesn't fall into place.

Jian Xingzhi blasted away a wall, Venerable Miaoyan blasted away a wall, Jian Xingzhi moved forward one zhang, and Venerable Miaoyan moved forward one zhang.

You come and go on both sides, and there is no breathing time at all.

Qin Wanwan followed closely behind them, and she soon realized that something was wrong.

Every time Jian Xingzhi smashes the wall, he needs to use his spiritual power to blast away the wall. Every time the wall is blasted away, there will be an extremely weak golden light.

Jian Xingzhi couldn't care about such details, but Qin Wanwan keenly captured the little golden light.

She didn't dare to remind her that Jian Xingzhi and Venerable Miaoyan were fighting for the last moment. If Venerable Miaoyan dashed forward and closed the door, everyone would be trapped here forever.

But she was always concerned and kept observing the golden light on the wall.

This is the light of the magic circle. What magic circle did Jian Xingzhi touch? Is it to protect the wall

Qin Wanwan did not dare to neglect, closed her eyes, and began to track the direction of Jian Xingzhi's spiritual power.

The first time the spiritual power of Jian Xing disappeared too quickly, the second time, the third time...

Qin Wanwan tried to chase it several times, and finally, at the last time, she saw the golden light pattern with a kick, and spiritual power flowed into the pattern. Although there was only a small stroke at the end, Qin Wanwan suddenly realized what it was.

This magic circle is the same as the magic circle that Ghost Town uses to summon Linglong Jade!

The appearance of Linglong Jade, except by accident, if it is deliberately summoned, it needs a great amount of energy as a guide.

"Just do it!"

Qin Wanwan reacted suddenly and shouted, "Jump up!"

As she said that, she grabbed Nanfeng and jumped. It was at this moment that Jian Xingyi smashed the last wall, and the swirling gate appeared in the open space dozens of meters away, and at the same time golden light and vines rose from the ground.

Jian Xingzhi moved up subconsciously under Qin Wanwan's reminder, and the vines that broke out of the ground were half an inch short of grabbing him.

Jian Xingzhi flipped over in the air, Luo Shui unsheathed, Yu Jianxing grabbed Qin Wanwan between the vines that rushed out violently to grab him, raised his hand to blast away the overwhelming vines, dragged her and rolled to the ground. There was no place for a magic circle in the distance, and when he looked up, he saw Xie Gutang emerald green still trapped in the vines. He raised his hand with a sword light, blasted a way for the two of them, and shouted: "Xie Gutang! Emerald!"

When the two heard the voice and saw that Jian Xingzhi was opening a way for them, they immediately retreated to the side of Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan. As soon as they landed on the ground, they felt the ground shaking violently.

"This is… "

Emerald was a little shocked.

The water mirror suddenly turned black, Luo Xingzhou, Liu Yuehua and others were stunned for a moment, then immediately got up: "It's Linglong Yu!"

Just before they left the table, black mist rose from the ground, and everything around it turned into a thick black.

"Sir Shenjun said," a mechanical voice came from the black mist, "Everyone, please be safe, don't leave the table, those who violate the rules—"

While speaking, a young man who was running out suddenly screamed, and his whole body lit up with green light, becoming the only thing that everyone could see except black.

He seemed to have been sucked by someone's vitality, and his flesh was instantly shriveled, but the moment he screamed, he turned into a pile of bones and scattered on the ground.

"Kill without mercy."

There was chaos outside the water mirror, and in the labyrinth, Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan looked at the huge circle above the ground. In the center of the circle, the ground cracked like a flower blooming, and then the light fell in the center of the circle. The Venerable looked at the formation, his eyes filled with tenderness: "The last piece of Linglong Jade, with my spiritual power alone, I think it is not enough to open this formation without disturbing the old age, I guess you will tear down the wall and hide it on purpose. This magic circle is under the wall," Venerable Miaoyan said, turning to look at Jian Xingzhi, "Thank you very much today."

"No thanks!" Qin Wanwan immediately countered when she heard this, "We are looking for Linglongyu, thank you for your help."

"Oh," Venerable Miaoyan shook his head, "it's so cute."

As he spoke, black air gathered around his head, and there was a vaguely familiar aura above him.

"My mother?"

Qin Wanwan reacted immediately, Jane Xingzhi squeezed her hand, and said in a low voice, "You and Nanfeng go first."

Qin Wanwan raised her eyes, and before she could react, she saw Jian Xingzhi suddenly draw his sword and slash at Venerable Miaoyan, and shouted, "Cuilu, Xie Gutang!"

Seeing this, Qin Wanwan rushed out the door without hesitation and called out, "Nanfeng!"

Nan Feng grew louder the moment Qin Wanwan spoke up, Qin Wanwan threw himself on him, and the two galloped towards the exit. However, at that moment, as soon as Venerable Miaoyan raised his hand, dozens of puppets appeared at the door and moved towards Qin Wanwan. He waved the knife over, and at the same time he moved, catching up with Qin Wanwan.

Jian Xingzhi followed closely behind him, and just before he was about to meet Qin Wanwan, he slashed with a sword, and Venerable Miaoyan was forced to dodge by him.

A thunderbolt with a magic formula from the upper realm crashed down, Venerable Miaoyan jumped away, Cuilu and Xie Gutang stopped the puppets on both sides, but in the blink of an eye, Qin Wanwan rushed out.

"Okay." Seeing Qin Wanwan riding Nanfeng out of the labyrinth, Venerable Miaoyan's eyes showed a ruthless look, he looked up at the spiritual power condensed in the sky again, and said coldly, "When you are old, let your daughter go. Looking for you. Wait a minute, I'll find you."

After that, he turned his head and rushed towards the middle of the formation.

Simple and easy to follow.

The vines in the circle rose wildly when he appeared above the circle, and the thunderbolt of the previous year also landed at the same time. Jian Xingzhi avoided the vines, and Venerable Miaoyan avoided the thunder, and rushed towards the light that gradually condensed in the center of the circle. .

Cui Lu and Xie Gutang were inseparable from the fight with those puppets, and they were about to turn around to help when they heard Jane Xingzhi's voice: "Take this teleportation array, go out and wait for me, when the teleportation array lights up, face the teleportation array. Make up for the last sword."

After all, a talisman paper rushed in from the air, and Xie Gutang grabbed the talisman paper.

Jian Xingzhi poured his divine consciousness into the long sword and slammed a sword in the direction of Xie Gutang!

The sword light illuminated the entire space, making people unable to open their eyes. More than a dozen puppets disappeared when they touched the sword light, and Xie Gutang held the teleportation array and jumped out of the vortex-shaped exit together with Jade Green.

The moment they jumped out, Jianguang rushed to the door, and after a loud bang, the two of them turned back together, and they saw that they were clean and there was only a dry forest behind them.

Xie Gutang and Cuilu gasped, and Cuilu looked down at the spell in Xie Gutang's hand: "What is this?"

"Teleportation Array."

Xie Gutang swallowed, holding the talisman paper on which the formation was drawn, his hands trembling slightly.

Emerald didn't speak, she thought for a while, then said, "He locked himself and the evil spirit inside, and the only way to get out is to open a gap."

"This kind of place," Xie Gutang added, "is generally divided into yin and yang. He opens one of them from the inside and needs us to open the other from the outside."

"So he asked us to make up the last sword."

Emerald understood, and neither of them spoke.

Xie Gutang stared at the talisman paper, full of what Luo Bufan said to him last night.

"The barrier between life and death has been broken. Your master won't have much time left. We don't have time."

"Why did you come in the first place? Because you cultivate the Heart Sword, there is no one more suitable for this task than you."

"Gutang," Luo Bufan reminded him, "you are Wenxinjian, Wenxinjian Wuxin, do you remember?"

Wen Xinjian has no heart, so he will not be soft-hearted.

Therefore, he is the best choice to approach Jian Xingzhi and destroy him.

He closed his eyes and thought of the Thousand Mile Glacier in the Realm of Death and Life, and felt his heart become cold little by little.

He staggered up and handed the talisman paper to Jade Green.

"Let's go." He walked forward hoarsely, "Go forward and find Qin Wanwan."

Jian Xingzhi sent Cuilu and Xie Gutang away, and fought alone.

He went straight to the exquisite jade in the center of the magic circle with Venerable Miaoyan, the thunder hindered Venerable Miaoyan's speed, and Venerable Miaoyan stopped him with vines.

The moment the two of them were about to touch the exquisite jade, the thunder struck down towards Venerable Miaoyan, and the vines tried to penetrate Jian Xingzhi from the bottom up. Xingzhi still penetrated his abdomen with vines, and Venerable Miaoyan was bombarded by thunder. The two grabbed Linglong Jade at the same time, and Jian Xingzhi did not hesitate to condense spiritual power with his divine sense and strike at Venerable Miaoyan. , grabbed the exquisite jade, and hurriedly retreated.

Venerable Miaoyan was in pain, gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Looking for death!"

Having said that, he didn't care about anything else, he directly drew his sword and chased after Jian Xingyi and slashed away.

Tianlei slashed towards him one by one, but at the same time, countless black qi came from all directions and gathered around him.

"Give me the exquisite jade!"

He hurriedly drank, but Jian Xingzhi was different from him fighting, blindly avoiding, and at the same time exploring the flow of qi around him, condensing his consciousness on the sword.

His sea of consciousness hurt so much that his face was pale, and he ignored it. Ordinary spiritual power had no ability to split this space at all, which was why he couldn't leave Xie Gutang or Cuilu here.

"Do you think they'll save you?"

Venerable Miaoyan noticed what he wanted to do, and laughed contemptuously.

He chopped off Jian Xingzhi's bun with one sword, Jian Xingzhi's long hair spread out, and Venerable Miaoyan's second sword chased after him. Jian Xingzhi closed his eyes and felt the direction of the airflow.

"They won't, they're just using you! Jane Xingzhi, you only have me in this world!" Saying that, Venerable Miaoyan dodged a thunderbolt and pounced on Jane Xingzhi again.

At this moment, Jian Xingzhi suddenly opened his eyes.

found it!

He rushed towards the position where the air flow was the most gentle, raised his hand with a sword, and plunged into the ground!

Dozens of lightsabers fell at the same time, piercing through his back.

The blood soaked his palms, and he knelt on one knee, holding the exquisite jade in one hand and the sword in the other.

On the tip of the sword is the spiritual power condensed by his divine consciousness. It is inserted on a piece of talisman paper. The spiritual power breaks through the air flow all the way through the space barrier. He gritted his teeth and said, "Xie Gutang, make up the sword!"

no respond.

Jian Xingzhi frowned, he heard footsteps behind him.

Venerable Miaoyan didn't seem to be in a hurry. He walked slowly from behind him: "Do you think you are particularly great?"

"Xie Gutang," Jian Xingzhi urged in a cold voice, "replenish the sword."

"Do you think that you are like Lin Yanzhi back then, sacrificing yourself for everyone, trapping me in his body, and others will save him?"

Saying that, Venerable Miaoyan walked to his side.

"Xie Gutang!" Jian Xingzhi's hand clenched his sword trembling slightly, he lowered his head, his voice was very low, very light, "I consider you Jade Green as a friend."

Yes, but there was no response for a long time. He struggled to support the opened channel and waited for Xie Gutang's last strike.

Finally, he finally heard Emerald's voice.

"Feel sorry."

Emerald's voice was calm: "But we and you are not friends."

The moment the sound fell, the breath at the other end of the teleportation array disappeared instantly.

Jian Xingzhi froze in place.

They destroyed the teleportation array.

Ruined the only medium that got him out.

"Poor," Venerable Miaoyan squatted down and put his hand on his shoulder, "you were also abandoned."

"Do not believe?"

Venerable Miaoyan laughed, raised his hand a little, and saw a painting appear in the air.

When Jian Xingzhi heard the voice, she turned her head and saw Qin Wanwan, who was riding on Nanfeng's body and galloping all the way up.

She grabbed her neck with one hand and Nanfeng with the other, lowered her body, and galloped through the forest.

She chased Tianlei and rushed up Xuanshan. The higher she went, the more snow and ice there was. In the end, the snow and ice covered the top of the mountain, and she rushed to the door of a cave.

There was obviously a restriction in front of the cave, Qin Wanwan turned over from Nanfeng, formed the seal of Jishan, and pressed it on the restriction.

The ban disappeared in an instant, and Tianlei also disappeared.

Qin Wanwan rushed into the cave and roared, "Father! Mother! Where are you?!"

no respond.

She rushed in with Nan Feng, beating the ice frantically and saying, "Father? Mother?"

She beat for a long time, standing in the cave in a daze: "Where are you?"

It was at this moment that she suddenly heard a crackling sound behind her.

She turned around abruptly, and saw that the cracks in the ice cubes behind her gradually widened, and finally exploded, revealing the woman who was sleeping with her eyes closed.

The woman was wearing a red dress similar to Dunhuang Feitian costumes, with a spell in front of her with one hand, and a thunder circle on the other hand, which was held on the side of her head, as if she was casting a spell on someone.

She stared blankly at the frozen woman, watching her slowly open her beautiful eyes.

"Wan Wan," a coughing male voice sounded from the side, Qin Wanwan turned around blankly, and saw Tai Heng, dressed in white, with a sword hanging from his waist, standing weakly at the entrance of the hole.

The moment he saw the long sword on Taiheng's waist, Jian Xingzhi suddenly widened his eyes.

"Master..." His lips trembled in disbelief, "Master?"