The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 109: One hundred and ninth (there is only one Lin Yanzhi in this world...)


Everyone said that Daojun Suiheng was cold-hearted and focused on swords.

At the age of sixteen, he left the sect alone, and at the age of eighteen, his master fell. So far, he drifted away until he soared.

He has sect elders and fellow sects, but he never looked back.

Everyone said that it was because he was simple and firm, but he himself knew that it was because he had nothing to worry about.

He has never established a long-term relationship with anyone, even his master, he only met occasionally, and every time they met, they faced each other with swords.

The master said that their sect practiced swords in battle, so they only learned the way in the fight, and every time he saw the master, he was full of scars.

When he was young, he was wronged and dissatisfied, but one night, he felt that someone was giving him medicine. He secretly opened his eyes and saw that it was Master, and he suddenly became happy.

Since then, he has had no complaints.

At the age of sixteen, he found a piece of meteorite iron, made a sword with his own hands, and gave it to his master as a birthday present.

But the master took the sword, but he didn't speak for a long time, and finally threw the sword into the lake next to him, and said coldly: "You go."

He was expelled from his division and has nowhere to go.

But now he has seen this sword again. The man in the water mirror is exactly the same as the one he saw on the stone wall in Lin Yanzhi's tomb, and it is not at all similar to the master in his memory. But the sword, he walked, he spoke, he still recognized it at a glance, it was the person who raised himself as an adult.


Venerable Miaoyan observed him, Jian Xingzhi stared blankly at Shui Jing and did not speak.

"To be honest, I'm also surprised." Venerable Miaoyan sensed his emotions, turned his head and looked at the person on the water mirror, "I never thought that they would use this method."

Jian Xingzhi couldn't understand it, but he didn't want to listen either.

He just looked at the water mirror quietly.

Above the water mirror, Qin Wanwan became happy after being surprised for a while: "Dad, you're fine too."

Said, Shang Sui floated down from a height, Qin Wanwan stepped forward and held Shang Sui's hand, Shang Sui's hand was very cold, she looked at Qin Wanwan tenderly, Qin Wanwan used her spiritual power to confirm that Shang Sui was okay, she felt relieved.

"Father, mother," Qin Wanwan said quickly, "I have a friend who is still trapped by the evil spirit, let's go and rescue..."

"No need."

As soon as Shang Sui grasped her, Qin Wanwan was stunned for a moment. She looked up at Shang Sui and subconsciously repeated, "No need?"

While talking, footsteps came from the entrance of the cave, Qin Wanwan turned back and saw Xie Gutang and Cuilu appear at the door together.

They didn't follow Jian Xingzhi, Qin Wanwan didn't speak, she stared at the two people at the door.

She didn't dare to ask, and the two people at the door seemed to have never seen her, and respectfully saluted Shangsui and Taiheng: "Xianjun."

"You guys," Qin Wanwan pretended to be calm, but her voice was still slightly trembling, "Do you know that my parents are here well?"


Xie Gutang answered calmly, Qin Wanwan forced a smile: "Sister Cuilu has seen my parents, it's not surprising, then Big Brother Xie—"

"A hundred years ago, Tianjian Sect," Xie Gutang went up without the slightest expression, "I have seen it."

"A hundred years ago, Heavenly Sword Sect?"

Qin Wanwan turned her head to look at Shang Sui, who grabbed her wrist, lowered her eyes, and explained to her, "We made a plan for today."

"what's the plan?"

Qin Wanwan's voice trembled.

Everyone didn't speak, Qin Wanwan only asked: "Tell me," she stared at Shang Sui, "Jian Xingzhi, is it really the soul and four souls that Lin Yanzhi cut out back then?"

"Yes." Shang Sui lowered her head to answer, Qin Wanwan shook her off abruptly, turned around and walked back.

Xie Gutang and Cuilu both came, that is, they left Jian Xingzhi.

They obey Shang Sui and Taiheng, they have a plan, and Jian Xingzhi is Lin Yanzhi's soul and four souls.

What they were going to do, she understood.

However, before she got to the cave, she heard the cold voice of Sui Sui: "Why don't you listen to me?"

Qin Wanwan paused and said last year, "It's not that we want to harm him, it's his own plan made a hundred years ago."

Qin Wanwan didn't move and walked towards her last year.

"You were born without a golden elixir, and your constitution is weak. The medical fairy asserted that you will not live to be three hundred years old. We tried our best to seek medical treatment everywhere. Finally, more than a hundred years ago, this small world saw your cause and effect."

Qin Wanwan listened quietly, recalling the past year: "We know that you are my child from Xiu Qian Shi Hua Meng Dao, it doesn't matter, everyone has reincarnation, you were born by me, I watched You never know how to speak to call my mother, you are our child. We searched for your past, only to find out that your dream of a thousand lifetimes was not completed at all. As early as a thousand lifetimes, you should have died. It was Lin. Words help you, but this is also a leak of heaven, so heaven does not allow you to become an immortal in this way, you are destined to fall for three hundred years, whether there is a golden pill, this is your life."

"so what?"

Qin Wanwan's voice was low.

"So, there is only one way to save you," Taiheng walked out and stretched out his hand to pull his wife, "that is to get the approval of heaven, so that you have enough merit. In this world, there was originally a great meritorious person, and that person was Lin. In other words. He owes you a golden elixir, so we agreed with him that we will help him eliminate the evil god, and after he obtains the merit of saving the world, he will use all the merit to save you."

"and after?"

"But then we failed," Taiheng's voice didn't fluctuate too much, "We have many restrictions in this small world, and we can't interfere too much. So we originally wanted to lock him in Lin Yanzhi's body and pass the century-old journey. change, completely destroy him. But as you know, whether in ghost towns, barren cities, or flower towns, there are always people helping the evil spirits. The ghost town Huarong betrayed, the desolate city relatives cannibalize each other, and the Huacheng hates each other because of love, and Lin Yan has a lifetime. A place to put it. Until the end, Lin Yanzhi split the soul in two, we fought with him and both were injured, so far we can no longer find him."

"I know all this," Qin Wanwan turned to look at Sui and Taiheng, "so what exactly are your plans?"

"Later, when they were seriously injured," Cuilu said, taking their words, "I brought the gods with one soul and four souls to the Heavenly Sword Sect. The gods took the initiative to propose a way to finally destroy the evil gods, and let the two immortals bring them with them. His one soul and four souls are reincarnated. After his soul is nourished enough to be strong enough, he will return to this small world. At this time, the evil god will definitely find him and merge with his soul. When he wakes up completely, he will lock the Evil God with his soul, and if we act in time, we can completely eliminate the Evil God. Before that, we have to pretend that we don’t know anything, lest the Evil God notice.”

"Then," Qin Wanwan understood, she felt as if she had been gouged out in her heart, "who... reincarnated with Lin Yan?"

"it's me."

Taiheng spoke, Qin Wanwan turned to look at him, Taiheng looked calm: "I took him to another small world, to the teacher's gate where I stayed before I became immortal."

"You are his master."

Qin Wanwan was sure to speak out, Taiheng lowered her eyes: "It's just raising up."

"You know he's going to die," Qin Wanwan blushed and stared at Taiheng, "so you don't dare to get too close to him, and don't let him get too close to others."

"It's the path he chose."

"This is not the easy way!"

Qin Wanwan shouted loudly, she clenched her fists and stared at Taiheng: "Do you know that he has never held an umbrella in more than a hundred years, do you know that he never knows how to get along with people, he has never He has never eaten glutinous rice balls, candied gourd, and he doesn't even know how to express his feelings normally, Father, you raised him with your own hands, how can you bear it!"

Taiheng didn't dare to answer, he lowered his eyes, didn't dare to listen to Qin Wanwan's words, and only explained to Qin Wanwan what happened: "Originally, his spirit would have to be raised for a while, but Linglongyu was born and the evil god moved in advance, we had no choice but to I'm calling you here in advance. His body is too strong, and I never thought he would be so strong. Once we enter this small world, and the evil god robs him of such a strong body, we may not be sure to kill him. So we and another A race in the world who is responsible for maintaining the world order to obtain energy has made a deal, summoned your spirits, put them in the most suitable body, they will guide you to destroy the evil god’s plan, and they will also gain energy when the world order is maintained.”

"Even 38 is..."

Qin Wanwan couldn't help laughing when she heard this, she turned to look at Xie Gutang: "What about you?"

Xie Gutang bowed her head in response, Qin Wanwan asked: "Cuilu is for her bright and pure god, follow us all the way. What about you? Why are you? You also have other goals from the beginning?"

Xie Gutang didn't speak. He wanted to answer, but felt that he couldn't speak.

"say something!"

Qin Wanwan roared.

Jade Green spoke for him: "He didn't know anything at first, and then on the eve of our departure from Huacheng, the barrier of life and death was broken by the influence of the evil god. Luo Bufan contacted everyone temporarily and informed the secrets a hundred years ago, so the immortals decided to join forces. , Using the selection of the leader of the Xianmeng Alliance as a bait, in fact, I want to attract the evil spirit and let the evil spirit merge with Jian Xing in advance. Today's time has come, Luo Bufan gave him the task last night, let him assist me, and leave Jian Xingzhi to the evil spirit today. "

"The maze is placed in a circular space, is it your intention?" Qin Wanwan understood.

"Yes," Emerald said with certainty, "It is set here to easily trap Jian Xingzhi and the evil spirit. Outside the circulation space, the Heavenly Sword Sect and other sects have already set up a magic circle, waiting for the evil spirit and Jian Xing's soul to merge. , Mingjing Shenjun returns to his place, and we can kill him together as soon as he controls the evil god."

"But what happened to Guan Jian Xingzhi when the barrier of life and death broke?" Qin Wanwan stared at Xie Gutang.

"The world of life and death detains countless demons, and there are many evil thoughts," Xie Gutang finally explained, "Now it is supported by Tianjianzong, but Tianjianzong can't support it for long. So Jian Xingzhi must be before Tianjianzong can't support it. Controlling the evil gods will give us a chance to defeat them one by one. If we wait until the evil spirits in the realm of life and death are exhausted and then kill the evil gods, the cultivation realm is equal to being attacked by the enemy, and the cultivation realm has no chance of winning.”

"And once the evil god uses the exquisite jade to open the gate of the immortal and leave this small world, it means that the evil thoughts of the three thousand worlds are his energy," Shang Sui added, "Even if it is me and your father, and even the gods in the heavens, he will be treated by him. Impotent."

Saying that, Shang Sui raised her eyes to look at Qin Wanwan.

"Wanwan, the road to immortality is long, you don't get along with him for a long time, and you will forget it in the future."

"When he sacrifices himself to the Heretic God, the world of self-cultivation can regain its peace. You will have the merit of saving the world," said Shang Sui looking at his red-eyed daughter, and said with difficulty, "At that time, you will be able to live a long life like an ordinary immortal. , enjoy the fairy year forever."

The moment the voice fell, the water mirror shattered.

Venerable Miaoyan, or the Heretic God, his appearance gradually changed to Lin Yanzhi's appearance, he squatted down and stopped by Jian Xingzhi's ear: "Have you heard? This is their wish. No one expects you. , no one cares about Jian Xingzhi. All of them, Taiheng, Shangsui, Cuilu, Xie Gutang...even Qin Wanwan, what they are really waiting for is the True Monarch Mingjing, Lin Yanzhi."

"You have been their tool since you were born, and in their eyes, Jian Xingzhi never existed, never came," the evil spirit looked over, observed his expression, raised his hand to his heart, "Ah, you are so sad. "

"You," blood coagulated in Jian Xing's hair, he looked up at him, "what do you want to do?"

"You are my soul and four souls," the evil god approached him and looked into his eyes greedily, "We are only one person, and we should be one, so that we are complete. I have prepared more than a hundred Years later, as long as you come back, I will be the strongest existence in this small world. As long as we can get the Linglong Jade to break through the restrictions given to me by the Heavenly Dao, and use the energy of the three thousand worlds for me, we will be invincible."

"Why?" Jian Xingzhi looked at him through blood. "You already know their plan, why do you want to follow it? Aren't you afraid?"

The evil spirit smiled and did not speak, and Jian Xingzhi continued to ask: "Why didn't you come to me and eat me at the beginning?"

"Aren't you in pain?" The evil god ignored his question and only reminded him, "They have all given up on you. You have never given your sincerity, and the first time you gave is the result, aren't you sad?"

Jane Xingzhi grasped the sword tightly and continued to ask: "In the deserted city, why did you remind me to like Wanwan at first, and then you wanted to kill me because of my heart?"

"I said I was jealous," the evil spirit smiled, "do you believe it?"

"I do not believe."

Jian Xingzhi supported himself and stood up slowly: "In Tianjian Sect, you are a hundred years old, but at that time, you didn't know who I was."

"When you arrive at Huacheng, you know who I am, so you trapped Huarong, changed Huarong's magic circle, and wanted to use the magic circle to merge with me, but you didn't have time to complete it, but at that time, you started You can sense my emotions, don't you?"

The evil god smiled and said nothing, and Jian Xingzhi gasped: "When you reach the barren city, you feel my love for Qin Wanwan, you are upset, you and I are one, you will not be jealous of me, you are jealous of Xie Gutang, so you Remind me. But then you discovered something—"

Having said that, Jane Xingzhi approached him: "I am tempted by this matter, so that our souls may not be compatible."

The evil god's face was cold, and Jian Xingzhi smiled: "You are evil, the reason why you dare to devour me is because you know that I may also become evil. So you show me these things now, why don't you dare to show me? Go down? Because you are afraid that I will see other good things in this world, you only dare to let me see ugly."

"In the past, Lin Yanzhi would be influenced by demons, and I can do it today. They bet that Lin Yanzhi's goodness will always be good, and you bet that goodness will also turn into evil. As long as I am demonic, I will betray them, If you devour me, it will only be stronger, and there is nothing they can do, right? But if I still have beauty in my heart, you can't devour me."

"So what?" The Evil God stood up, and he sneered, "Do you think you are more noble than Lin Yanzhi? Your heart is already dirty, if I devour you, do you think you can still maintain your senses? I just don't want to. It's just too much trouble."

"I don't know if I have the nobility of Lin Yan," Jane Xingzhi gasped, "I only know one thing."


"Wan Wan," Jian Xingzhi said, her blood-stained smile brightened a bit, "I was holding on to the magnolia I gave her just now."

The evil spirit was stunned for a moment, the young man's eyes were like gems washed by water, clean, beautiful, and indestructible.

"Wanwan is waiting for Jian Xingzhi," Jian Xingzhi raised his sword, "and I will always be Jian Xingzhi."

After saying that, the long sword slammed towards the evil god, and the evil god saw the light of the sword and was a little disappointed: "Since you are obsessed with it—then let me see—"

As he said that, the surroundings of Jian Xingzhi suddenly turned into a long long road. The long road was surrounded by Lin Yanzhi and his youthful memories. Those memories were painful and unwilling, and the voice of the evil god came from a distance: "How long can you go, this The road, you can't walk until the end."

Jian Xingzhi didn't speak, he raised his sword and raised his head. The long road was full of blood at the beginning. The sin baby was born. Swinging the knife, the young Jian Xingzhi looked at Taiheng eagerly and wanted a hug.

Jian Xingzhi's hands were full of blood, he raised his hand tremblingly and held the jade pendant on his neck.

"You try?" He laughed, even if he was in a state of embarrassment, he was still like a phoenix in flames, "Let's see if there is anything I can do easily - I can't do it."

After that, he rushed forward, chopped off those memories along the way, and shouted in a low voice: "You bastard, give it to Lao Tzu to die!!"

He was chopped to pieces by the painting, and the fragments turned into sharp blades and slashed all over him.

Qin Wanwan clearly felt his injury, she couldn't feel his pain, but she knew he was still alive and how he was hurt.

She looked at the people around her and repeated the old words with a smile: "Longevity is immortal, and immortal years are forever?"

"Jian Xingzhi is dead," she put her hand on her chest and looked at the old man, "died for me, how do you want me to enjoy the immortal years forever? Will you not be sad? Will you not suffer? No guilt Why? Why are you so sure, that your method can be useful? Did Lin Yanzhi never do it? Lin Yanzhi was trapped by demons back then, and finally created evil spirits to counterattack. What is the difference between what you are doing today and what you were doing back then? ?!"

"Back then, we gave him time."

Shang Sui said indifferently: "And this time, we have already laid a net of heaven and earth outside the labyrinth. As long as their souls fuse, we will immediately start." She raised her eyes, "Also, you have a heart-linking talisman in your hand, isn't it? Is it?"

"Aren't you afraid that Jian Xingzhi, like Lin Yanzhi, will fall into the devil again?"

Qin Wanwan gritted her teeth.

"He carries Lin Yanzhi's kindness," Taiheng affirmed, "I know, he won't."

"But good can also turn into evil, and people's hearts are disappointed enough to despair!"

"Then what do you want us to do?" Shang Sui looked at Qin Wanwan, "The reason why the evil god is a god is because he has no body, it is a soul body, it is a belief, if there is no container to hold it, it will be inexhaustible. If you don't die, what about other people in the cultivation world? As long as there are other ways, we won't choose this one."

"Then if it's me who is going to die today, what about my father?!"

Qin Wanwan raised her voice, her eyes were red, she gritted her teeth: "The same decision."

"We won't indulge the demon for our own sake, Qin Wanwan," Shang Sui said, "If you have no other way, you have to give up on him!"

Qin Wanwan was speechless, she and Shang Sui looked at each other, and after a long time, she said, "You don't let Jian Xingzhi come back from the fairy world because he has only one soul and four souls, and the evil god may control his body. If his soul Complete?"

Last year did not answer, Qin Wanwan continued to ask: "If he is not Lin Yanzhi's soul and four souls, if he is just Jian Xingzhi, can he kill the evil god?"

"The evil god is a god!"

"He used to be human too!" Qin Wanwan raised her voice, "On the snow mountain, he used to be just an ordinary scholar, didn't he?!"

"You have already sacrificed Lin Yanzhi once, this time," Qin Wanwan raised her sword and turned around, "I won't let Jian Xingzhi follow in his footsteps."

"Qin Wanwan!" Shang Sui gritted his teeth, "Don't be self-willed! The major sects have already filled up the magic circles there to kill the evil gods. This is the agreement that Lin Yanzhi and Luo Bufan made back then. The cultivation world cannot plan for this for a hundred years because Change if you say it, and we won't care about you in the past!"

"Mother," Qin Wanwan turned her back to her, her voice steady, "I know, in your heart, I'm lazy, playful, weak, and hide whenever I can. I need your help in everything, and I need you to shelter from the wind and rain."

Last year was stunned, Qin Wanwan raised her head, she looked into the distance, and recalled Jane Xingzhi's always energetic appearance: "But when I met Jane Xingzhi, he urged me, accompanied me, he taught me to persevere, taught me Being brave makes me feel what it's like to win, and it also makes me understand that as long as I live, I can't give up."

"This time, this is my choice. I'm very grateful if you are willing to help," Qin Wanwan walked out of the cave.

With that said, Qin Wanwan walked out of the cave.

Nan Feng hesitated for a moment, then he turned his head and glanced at the people in the cave, and finally his eyes fell on Xie Gutang.

"Xie Daojun, Master Cuilu, I'm just a little ant, and I don't understand what you call the righteousness of the common people, but I know one thing. Jian Daojun will give me a bath and feed me candy, he will not let me down, and I will not let him down. Jian Daojun treats you as friends," Nanfeng stared at Xie Gutang, "Is that what you Daojuns do to be friends? Or do you really have no hearts when you cultivate the sword of questioning heart?"

"South Wind..."

Xie Gutang muttered, Nan Feng turned his head and rushed out after chasing Qin Wanwan.

Nan Feng turned into an ant and ran wildly, chasing after Qin Wanwan, and shouted, "Master, come up!"

Qin Wanwan turned her head in surprise and saw Nan Feng, she quickly reacted, fell from the sky on Nan Feng, and hurriedly said, "Why are you here?"

"I'll accompany you to find Jian Daojun!"

"You..." Qin Wanwan was at a loss for words, "Don't you want to ascend? I'll release the spiritual deed later, and you'll be free..."

"I want to save Jian Daojun!"

Nan Feng interrupted her. Seeing that he was about to reach the place where the monks formed the formation, Nan Feng hurriedly instructed: "Master, wait for me to rush in and smash these monks away, and you will rush directly to the labyrinth!"

"You have to be careful."

When Qin Wanwan heard this, she couldn't think about it, she patted Nan Feng's head: "Look back, I'll give you more candy."

"Jian Daojun feeds every day."

After Nan Feng finished speaking, he suddenly accelerated and shouted, "Master, hold on tight!"

While speaking, Nan Feng suddenly became stronger and rushed directly into the crowd.

Led by Luo Bufan, hundreds of elites from the cultivation world stood in the center of the circle. A small ant suddenly rushed over. The cultivator turned his head and covered his face with a bunch of spells. The crowd dashed from left to right, Qin Wanwan raised her sword and slammed it into the air that seemed to have nothing at all!

Only listening to a loud "bang", the spiritual energy in the air fluctuated, but the space seemed to remain unmoved.

Seeing the person coming, Luo Bufan quickly calmed down and looked up at the girl in the air: "Qin Wanwan, what are you doing?"

Qin Wanwan didn't speak, she immediately condensed her spiritual energy on the sword, and slashed again.

Nan Feng was bumping around in the crowd, threatening the surrounding monks: "Come on! Come and fight!"

"Qin Wanwan," Luo Bufan understood what Qin Wanwan was going to do, he said anxiously, "You can't open this space barrier!"

"Then you take care of me?"

The third sword slashed fiercely, and the force was too great, causing Qin Wanwan to suffocate blood.

She did not hesitate, the fourth sword! The fifth sword!

Her sword slashed the surrounding ground and shook the mountains, and the four people in the cave felt the vibration of spiritual power, but did not make a sound.

After a long time, Xie Gutang suddenly got up and walked out of the cave.

Above the snow-capped mountains, heavy snow was flying, Xie Gutang stood at the entrance of the cave, watching the sky in the distance lit up with sword lights and other magic lights.

Cuilu stood beside Xie Gutang, her voice calm: "Aren't you going?"

Xie Gutang didn't answer, and Cuilu said to herself, "I don't dare to go there. I really envy you. You won't be so sad if you repair the heart sword."

"What you are waiting for is True Monarch Mingjing," Xie Gutang watched the snowflakes fall, "Will you be sad too?"

"What I'm waiting for is True Monarch Mingjing," Emerald lowered her eyes, "but I've been with Jane for a long time..."

"I don't have any friends." Xie Gutang suddenly said, Emerald was puzzled, and heard Xie Gutang say calmly, "Since I was a child, everyone said that I cultivated the sword of the heart, and I was cold-hearted, and I would not have relatives, nor would I I have friends. But actually I will be sad, I don't know what is the difference between me and other people, but everyone says I am cold-hearted. Because I can't laugh, I can't cry."

"I study hard, I learn everyone's expressions, everyone's movements, but I still know that I'm an outlier. Only Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan—"

Xie Gutang turned his head and looked at Cuilu: "Only they have admitted that I am a friend."

"Xie Gutang..."

Cuilu stared blankly at Xie Gutang, who turned her head and looked at Feng Xue.

"Everyone said that Wenxin Sword is the sword intent closest to Heaven, and we can see the rules that are closest to Heaven."

"If I could glimpse the rules of the Tao of Heaven," Xie Gutang stretched out his hand and caught the snowflake. Inexplicably, there were countless golden threads interspersed in front of him like star trails. He walked into the snow and murmured blankly, "Can you tell me that day? Why did the scholar who was left on the snow-capped mountain become an evil god; why did Lin Yanzhi feed the devil with his body, and why did he end up in the devil; and now, if you do it simply, will it really be pure and perfect, as we wish?"

Cuilu was speechless, Xie Gutang asked these questions, and the surrounding gold threads turned into gold particles and scattered around him. He looked at the cause and effect involved in these golden threads. He stretched out his hand and slowly closed his eyes.

In his mind, it was the night when Huacheng was drunk, Jian Xingzhi was sitting on the boat, holding the jug, and looking up at the lotus leaf above.

The stars were reflected in the flowing water, and he said casually: "I told Wanwan that if you are willing to go, when you soar, I will ask you to be the best man and Emerald as the bridesmaid."

"Xingzhou said, ask Xinjian..."

"I don't believe it," Jian Xingzhi turned to look at him and smiled, "I just believe what I see with my eyes and what I hear with my ears. Anyway, in my heart, you are my friend."

At that moment, Hua Guang fell on him, and the surrounding spiritual energy surged.

"Xie Gutang..." Cuilu was a little uneasy, she looked at Xie Gutang, whose spiritual energy was constantly involved in her body, "What do you want to do?"

"Cuilu," Xie Gutang slowly opened his eyes, "the way of heaven I see is not like this."

"I," he said, smiling slowly, "don't want to give up Jian Xingzhi."

In the past, he actually didn't know what laughter was or what was crying. He spent a lot of time imitating other people, but at this moment, he knew clearly what laughter represented.

While speaking, he disappeared in place, and Emerald cried out in panic, "Xie Gutang!"

At this time, Qin Wanwan was standing in the magic formation prepared by the major sects, her body was covered in blood, and Nan Feng had already been locked aside with the immortal rope, wailing and struggling.

She couldn't split this circular space, but was instead devoured by her own spiritual power.

Everyone stood by and dared not touch her, so they could only persuade: "Miss Qin," Liu Yuehua watched her walk step by step, "You have tried many times, forget it."

Qin Wanwan didn't speak, blood was on her eyes, she held the magnolia pendant given to her by Jian Xingzhi, and walked to the transparent space barrier with difficulty.

"Just do it."

She slashed the barrier with one sword at a time: "Jane Xingzhi."

Her blood dripped on the space barrier.

Jane Xingzhi grabbed the jade pendant and walked on the long road without end, vaguely seeming to hear someone calling him.

He raised his head and looked up.

There were people around him, and he didn't know how long he had been gone, who he was, where he came from, or where he was going.

But he just had an inexplicable belief that kept him going.

And at this moment, he finally heard the voice of the outside world.

"Just do it."

Simply put, his name.

In this world, there is a person who has been waiting for Jian Xingzhi.


Memories came flying, and he murmured, "Wan Wan..."

At the moment when the sound fell, he seemed to sense something, suddenly widened his eyes, raised his hand with a sword, and slashed hard.

His sword went straight out of the passage he opened for the first time, and touched Qin Wanwan's sword, which was slashing outside. That is, at that moment, the two spaces finally merged, and there seemed to be a layer of glass between them. Seeing each other with scars.

The crystal clear barrier was shattering. Qin Wanwan saw Jane Xingzhi, she raised a smile, and she leaned forward with confidence. On the ground, she held Qin Wanwan in her arms.


Someone panicked, and Luo Bufan immediately ordered: "Form a formation!"

As soon as the sound fell, the giant sword fell from the sky and landed on Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan, who were hugging in the circle.

“Wan Wan…”

Jian Xingzhi murmured hoarsely, protecting her back with one hand and condensing the weak spiritual power on the sword with the other.

However, just as the giant sword was about to fall on them, a sword light descended from the sky and collided with the giant sword.

Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan turned back together, and saw Xie Gutang holding a sword in one hand, blocking them.

The cultivation level of the god-transforming stage spread all the way, and he was like the gentleman sword cultivator they knew when they first met, with wide sleeves hunting and long hair flying.


He didn't look back, but spoke calmly. Seeing the person coming, Jian Xingzhi reacted quickly, holding Qin Wanwan and rushing out in a flash of light.

"Lone Tang!"

Luo Bufan was shocked to see the person who appeared on the spot, Xie Gutang blasted away the magic formation with a sword, holding the sword flower in his hand, and stopped Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan on their way: "Master."

"Are you crazy?" Luo Bufan hurriedly said, "Your master is struggling to maintain the barrier in the world of death and life, he can't hold on for long, you know that the evil god has not been killed before the barrier of the world of death and life is completely broken, so these demons and What are the consequences of the evil gods joining forces?!"


Xie Gutang spoke calmly, and as he spoke, he raised his hand and raised his sword, and knelt down on one knee: "So Gutang asked himself to enter the world of death and life, replace his master, and become the next guardian of Wen Xinjian."

Luo Bufan was stunned for a moment, Xie Gutang calmly said: "Gutang has touched the Tao of heaven, and has reached the stage of spiritual transformation. Cultivation to fill the seal, life after life, not to enter reincarnation, to keep my cultivation world safe."


Hearing this, Luo Xingzhou said in shock, "What did you say?"

"There is only one Lin Yanzhi in this world," Xie Gutang raised her eyes and looked at Luo Bufan, "Please allow the boss."