The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 30


The yellow sand is long, the sunrise in the east. In the early morning, the sun shines on the sand, and the wind rolls up the thin sand, heading for the distant city.

With a loud "bang", the boy in blue was smashed to the ground, and the vines protruded from the ground in an instant, grabbed the boy's limbs, sent him to a high place in a blink of an eye, smashed it down again, sent it to a high place, and smashed it down again, After repeating this several times, the young man lay on the ground, vomited a mouthful of blood, and stepped on the young man's head with a broken and dusty shoe, and the young man's head was stepped into the yellow sand.

The person who stepped on the head was Qin Wanwan, and the one who was stepped on was naturally Jian Xingzhi.

At this moment, Qin Wanwan is in ragged clothes, her hair is disheveled, her face is full of wind and frost, her eyes are numb and staring into the distance, and she can't see the slightest appearance of the original sweet beauty from all over her body.

Jian Xingzhi shouted vaguely in the soil, Qin Wanwan looked back, kicked her impatiently, and kicked Jian Xingzhi out of the soil, coughing sand at her.

"Say no magic!" Jian Xingzhi choked the sand out of his throat, "Why are you so rude?"

"Master's martial arts are strong," Qin Wanwan praised indifferently, "How can I beat you without magic?"

"Then don't act like this!"

Jian Xingzhi looked down at the body that was beaten completely unable to move, and complained to Qin Wanwan: "We are going to the city soon, you have discounted my whole body, I have to recover for a day, won't it waste time?"

Qin Wanwan gave him a cold look, didn't bother to pay attention to him, and walked forward with her sword in her hands.

Jian Xingzhi saw that she was gone, and was in a hurry: "don't go by yourself, take me away!"

"Host, you can't leave him alone." 38 persuaded Qin Wanwan, "Many tasks have to be carried forward by him."

"Look for Linglongyu and open the gate of immortality," Qin Wanwan said numbly, "I can find it myself."

"But..." 38 hesitated, "you left it here with a comminuted fracture of your whole body. What if you were eaten by a wolf?"

Qin Wanwan paused, she heard Jian Xingzhi calling her vigorously behind: "Hey, good disciple, don't leave me behind. Come back and carry me!"

She took a deep breath, turned around in resignation, and skillfully took out a wooden trailer from the Qiankun bag. After throwing Jian Xingzhi on it, she carried the rope at the other end of the trailer on her shoulders and dragged Jian Xingzhi to the city ahead. .

Behind her, Jane Xingzhi happily summed up her strengths and weaknesses today, and said with great relief: "I originally expected you to complete 3,000 points every day, so you can complete 90,000 points in a month, but I didn't expect you to exceed my expectations. Now that you have just left the desert, you can defeat the master with your spells. With your drive and aptitude, it is just around the corner to catch up with the master. Beicheng, I really didn't see it at the beginning, you have such talent! Be careful next time, don't become a master If my whole body is broken, I just need to break my hand, otherwise you are dragging me away, which is a waste of time."

Qin Wanwan didn't speak, she wanted to cry, but Xiuzhen/Jie didn't believe in tears, her tears had been dried by the desert wind.

At the beginning of this month, she still wanted to defeat Jian Xingzhi and let him know the pain.

Who knew that the first time she stepped on his sternum, he was not only in pain, but also pleasantly surprised. He felt that she was something that could be made, and he made a detailed discussion on how she could break his sternum more decisively.

She thought that maybe he wasn't playing hard enough, so she continued to fight with him.

She didn't sleep, didn't eat, didn't take a bath, she ran his perpetual motion mental method every day, and wanted to teach him a lesson.

Unexpectedly, she worked so hard to break him into a smashed bone, and he could lie on the ground with admiration for her in his eyes.

When she asked "Master, does it hurt?" and he replied "It hurts, but I'm very happy for the teacher", she didn't feel the slightest joy of revenge, she was even a little desperate.

She felt that in her life, she might not be able to take revenge on Jane in a real sense.

He has no weaknesses as an ordinary person, and he is a neurotic.

Violence only makes him more excited, and magic can't beat magic.

Qin Wanwan dragged Jane Xingzhi and walked slowly to the gate of the city. When she got to the gate, she raised her head and saw the word "Ghost Town" written on the gate.

With the sound of [ding], the crisp voice of 666 came from Jian Xingzhi's mind:

[A new mission arrives: provoking the prostitute of Fengya Building, and being robbed by the old bustard to enter Fengya Building, causing the heroine to make a scene in Fengya Building, you are caught by the city supervisor's family, and you are brought into the city lord's mansion. The heroine is arrested by the city lord and becomes a prisoner . Completion points +500]

Having said that, the task was accompanied by specific descriptions, which seemed to be copied from the novel.

"Jian Zhiyan saw the prosperity of the ghost town for the first time, and sneaked out to buy a bead flower for Qin Wan, but was caught by the people in Fengya Building, and he forced him to become a servant in the building."

"Jian Zhiyan's outstanding appearance was sold for a lot of money. Cuilu, the city manager, was attracted by Jian Zhiyan at a glance, and he was photographed with a lot of money, and he brought Jian Zhiyan into the mansion. At this moment, Qin Wan rushed into Fengya Building and made a scene. , was seriously injured and escaped, before leaving, tell Jian Zhiyan to let him wait for her in the City Lord's Mansion."

"Jian Zhiyan was dealing with the city lord Hua Rong in the mansion. In order to protect Qin Wan's virginity, she finally waited for Qin Wan to rescue her, but Hua Rong, with her powerful mana, took Qin Wan down. In order to save Qin Wan, Jian Zhiyan had no choice but to do so. In the harem of the city lord's mansion, he has experienced many house fights and became the person Hua Rong loves the most."

Looking at this task, Jian Xingzhi couldn't help frowning. Fengya Building, what is this place

Incorporated into the City Lord's Mansion? Frequent house fights? What is this doing, really treat him as a male pet

"Master," 666 persuaded him, "it doesn't matter how you usually do, you have to leave the key plot."

"Isn't that just taking the exquisite jade?" Jian Xingzhi closed his eyes, "It's okay to let me be Qin Wan's male pet, and now I have to be included in the city lord's mansion, go to Fengya Building, really treat me as a male pet, for whoever points. Can you serve?"

666 listened to Jian Xingzhi's tone, he did not dare to persuade him any more, he sighed, and did not say much, and let Jian Xingzhi run the exercises with peace of mind to repair his body.

Anyway, my whole body is broken now, and I can't do anything I want, so I'll rush it later.

The system quieted down, and Jian Xingzhi started repairing his body wholeheartedly.

Qin Wanwan dragged Jian Xingzhi into the ghost town, walked towards the main road, and wanted to find an inn to rest.

People come and go in the ghost town. Most of them wear black robes or white robes with a white mask with expressions on their faces. There are also a few people who are similar to them and wear ordinary clothes. It is the two of them that are even more dejected.

I don't know what day it is today. There are many people in the city. Not long after Qin Wanwan entered the city, she heard gongs and drums around and the crowd cheered.

Qin Wanwan pulled Jane Xingzhi tiredly and moved forward against the crowd.


Qin Wanwan lowered her head and begged the person in front of her.

But for some reason, there were more and more people in front of her. Qin Wanwan raised her head and saw a ghost carriage approaching her not far away. The frame was like a float, but the wood was all black, and white flowers were dotted around it. Written on the frame of the car, there is a coffin on the car, and a man is standing on the coffin.

The man was wearing a pure white robe and a high hat similar to Impermanence. He was carrying a bamboo pole in his hand, and paper money was hanging on the pole. He was wearing a mask with bloody eyes and an exaggerated upturned mouth. He couldn't see his face clearly, but the eyes under the mask were really beautiful.

On the coffin of the underworld car, he dexterously danced beautifully with a bit of a strange dance. There were four women in red standing at the four corners of the underworld car, holding a Sanqing bell in one hand and paper money in the other.

The paper money was flying all over the sky, Qin Wanwan's eyes couldn't help looking at the dancing man. The man seemed to notice her gaze and squinted over. There was a bit of ghost in her charming movements. Qin Wanwan somehow felt that the other party seemed to smile at her.

She froze in place, and when she reacted, she looked back and saw that the chariot had gone far.

"stop looking."

Jane Xingzhi reminded her: "Be careful of being fascinated by ghosts."

"Are the bones okay?" Qin Wanwan saw him speak, and hurriedly urged him, "Okay, get up quickly."

"Procrastinate a little longer," Jian Xingzhi closed her eyes, "at the earliest, at night."

Qin Wanwan dragged him halfway and felt tired. When she saw a cake stand next to her, she put Jian Xingzhi on the ground, bought a cake and came back, sat down there, and began to eat cake listlessly.

Jian Xingzhi looked at her with her head down and ate the cake, and remembered that when she first met, even in Wen Xinzong, she was able to get along like a duck in such a dangerous situation by herself, coaxing Song Xinian to give her something to eat and drink. Well, now he is sitting on the ground like a beggar and eating bread. He doesn't know why, but he feels a little guilty.

He saw that she was in a low mood and wanted to comfort her.

"Don't be sad either," Jian Xingzhi racked his brains, "it's normal to practice all the way, and it's normal to live in the wind and sleep. There are more people who have a miserable life than us. We're doing well."

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man threw two copper plates on Jian Xingzhi. He looked at Qin Wanwan, then at Jian Xingzhi, and sighed.

"How pitiful."

The old man shook his head and walked slowly away with a cane.

Qin Wanwan looked at the copper plate on the ground and couldn't help but redden her eyes.

She, a rich second generation in the fairy world, a little fairy who everyone likes to praise as sweet, cute, delicate, and gentle, how on earth can she become such a ghost now!

"You... don't cry."

Jian Xingzhi saw her blushing eyes, and quickly persuaded her: "Master will take you to buy new clothes when you are ready tomorrow."

Hearing this, Qin Wanwan was even more sad, she raised her head with red eyes, and tears fell.

; "Do you have money?"

"I..." Jian Xingzhi was stunned when asked, and after a while, he quickly promised, "I don't have to make money from me, don't worry, I'll make money quickly."

"What do you earn?" Qin Wanwan sniffed, and many grievances rushed up.

I didn't feel it in the desert before, but now I suddenly returned to the ordinary world. Looking at the cake in her hand and the copper plate in front of her, Qin Wanwan finally realized what the hell she had become.

She went to pick up the copper plate in tears, wiped the copper plate on her body, and complained to Jian Xingzhi while crying: "You can't do anything but fight, so what can you buy me new clothes for? In the end, you don't want to spend my money. ? I've had eight lifetimes of bad luck... "

Before she could finish speaking, another spirit stone fell, Qin Wanwan made a move, she sniffed her nose and raised her head, and saw a young man in a black robe with a crying face on his mask comforting her: "Girl, people can't be resurrected from the dead, Get some spirit stones, and quickly send your brother to the ground for safety."

Saying that, the young man waved his hand and left.

Qin Wanwan looked at Jian Xingzhi in surprise, and Jian Xingzhi bit her head and hesitated: "How about... put me here and lie down?"

Qin Wanwan: "..."

"Cry harder," Jian Xingzhi felt that he had found a way to make money, "Let's make money from today's entanglement."

Qin Wanwan: "..."

Qin Wanwan would not cooperate with such a shameful thing.

She put Jian Xingzhi on the side of the road, put a bowl in front of him, sat a little further away, and sat in the corner to eat the cake.

Jane Xingzhi closed her eyes, simply basked in the sun, and listened to the pleasant sound of copper plates hitting porcelain from the bowl beside her ears.

After a while, he realized that the situation was not right, and felt that some women were surrounding him, pointing at him from a distance.

"It's handsome."

"Wash your face clean, it must look good."

"He has grass in his head, and I don't know how much it will sell for."

Hearing these words, he was a little flustered, and now he has broken bones and can't move. He is completely someone else's fish.

He began to gesture to Qin Wanwan with his eyes, and quickly closed the stall.

But after Qin Wanwan finished eating the cake, she leaned against the pillar to sleep, snoring until she slept, and she couldn't see Jian Xingzhi's eyes at all.

Jian Xingzhi whispered to her: "Gu Beicheng? Beicheng!"

Qin Wanwan scratched her ears, turned her head and continued to sleep.

Jian Xingzhi took a deep breath, and was about to shout when he heard a high-pitched middle-aged man's voice: "Yo, this man is still alive? How did he sell it?"

Saying that, the man squatted down, and then Jane Xingzhi saw clearly that this was a man in a goose-yellow gown. He looked pretty good among ordinary people, but he couldn't compare to Jane Xingzhi. He had thick makeup on his face, and his clothes were always unspeakably weird. There were several men similar to him standing behind him, all whispering around Jian Xingzhi.

Jian Xingzhi stared at the man, and the man raised his hand and touched his face a few times, then showed a surprised look.

"It's such a beautiful bone, and it's very open." The man said, looking around, "Who sold this cripple lying down? I took it away with no one."

"I don't sell it."

Jian Xingzhi opened his mouth and stared at the man. The man heard the words and turned his head to look over with a smile: "Don't sell? You are a waste, is it your turn to speak?"

"you wanna die."

Jian Xingzhi's eyes became cold when he heard this.

The man waved his hand: "Take it away."

"Qin Wan!"

Jian Xingzhi shouted, Qin Wanwan woke up suddenly and almost rolled down the steps.

She wiped her saliva, looked up, and found a group of colorful men surrounding Jian Xingzhi. The car where Jian Xingzhi fell asleep had been lifted by two men, and a bells and whistles middle-aged man looked at her and smiled. He said, "Little girl, are you selling people?"

"Selling people?"

Qin Wanwan couldn't react: "Who are you selling?"

"Just him." The man raised his finger and pointed to Jian Xingzhi on the ground, "Lying here with grass hanging on my head, I was notified by someone and came here on a special trip. I heard that your brother is going to die and is going to be sold here. He. How many spirit stones, tell me."

When Qin Wanwan heard the end, she finally realized what the man was saying, she glanced at Jian Xingzhi, then at the man, and forced a smile: "Brother, we're just here to rest, I don't plan to sell it. took him."

"Girl, is your brother's whole body broken?"

The man said, raised his hand to pick up Jian Xingzhi's hand, Jian Xingzhi's bones were all broken, his hands were soft, the man sighed softly: "In your hands, it won't last long, I see you two brothers and sisters. Poor man, why don't you exchange him for some money, you can live a better life in the future."

Qin Wanwan didn't speak, she looked at Jian Xingzhi and saw that Jian Xingzhi was frantically winking at her.

Qin Wanwan was stunned, this was the first time she saw such an expression on Jian Xingzhi's face.

He seems... panicked

Realizing this, great joy flooded my heart.

But she didn't dare to let Jian Xingzhi see it, she coughed lightly, as if thinking about it: "That, eldest brother, what did you want to do when you bought my brother?"

"As for me, I'm Qingzhu, the owner of Fengya Building in the city," the man raised his hand and wrapped his hair around his fingertips, "Fengya Pavilion is a well-known sales treasury. With your brother's appearance, I will treat him well. If it is good, he can also survive, and he can also survive with prosperity and prosperity. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone?"

"Qin Wan!"

Jian Xingzhi glared at her: "what else are you doing nonsense?"

Let's go!

"It really does kill two birds with one stone."

Qin Wanwan nodded: "Then... how much spiritual stone does the boss think my brother is worth?"

Qingzhu didn't speak, he looked back at Jian Xingzhi, and thought for a while: "Human, his face is good, but his body is weak. I spend a lot of money to treat him, so let me give this number."

Qingzhu raised five fingers: "Fifty medium spirit stones."


Jian Xingzhi cursed: "Among the fifty..."

"Stop his mouth!" Qingzhu glared at him, and a servant next to him immediately sealed Jian Xingzhi's mouth with a spell.

Jian Xingzhi's eyes were cold, and he stared at Qingzhu's back.

Bamboo is dead.

Qin Wanwan thought.

She coughed lightly and reminded kindly, "Well, boss, I'm actually doing it for your own good. My brother is a little sick. I'm afraid that you will bring people back and be in danger at that time."

"Dangerous?" After hearing this, Qingzhu laughed loudly, "I am a cultivator of Jindan, and just because of your half-crippled brother, you want me to be in danger?"

"You just have to be confident."

Qin Wanwan nodded and stretched out her hand: "Give me the money."

"woo woo woo woo!"

Jian Xingzhi watched Qin Wanwan stretch out her hand, her eyes widened, and she struggled desperately.

It's a pity that his whole body is broken and his mouth is gagged again, and his struggle can only be expressed by a quick blink.

Qin Wanwan didn't look at him on purpose. After taking the money from Qingzhu, she returned the gift with a smile: "Then I wish the boss a safe and prosperous business."

"It's easy to say." Qingzhu handed over, "I also wish the girl all the best."

The two exchanged greetings, and Qin Wanwan was finally allowed to say goodbye to Jane Xingzhi.

She walked to Jian Xingzhi's edge and whispered to Jian Xingzhi: "Master, I'm going to buy new clothes, thank you for your money.

As she said that, she wiped away tears and said with emotion: "Brother, let's go, no matter if you are a servant or an oiran, you are always a hero in Wanwan's heart. A hero," Qin Wanwan couldn't hold back her smile. , "Goodbye."

After speaking, Qin Wanwan threw the money bag and turned to leave.

Before leaving, she was still a little worried: "38, I'll just leave, no problem?"

"The system recommends that you leave temporarily at this moment."

38 looked at each other: "According to the test, Jian Zhiyan should go to Fengya Building."

Qin Wanwan nodded at ease when she heard this.

In the last Qin Wan's memory, Jian Zhiyan was alive and kicking to the end. He could survive as a mortal, and there was no reason why something would happen to Jian Xingzhi.

She left with confidence, and even thinking about Jian Xingzhi's eyes that wanted to eat people at the end, she couldn't help laughing.

Jian Xingzhi stared at Qin Wanwan's back, if her eyes could kill, Qin Wanwan should have pierced her heart at this moment.

This rebel actually sold him here for fifty ordinary spirit stones. Is he only worth fifty spirit stones? !

The more you think about it, the more angry you are.

Close your eyes, concentrate your mind and calm your breath, and run your mind.

Just wait, wait for his bones to be connected, and see if he doesn't smash this Fengya building!

If he grabs those fifty spirit stones back, that's his money!