The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 38


As soon as Jian Xingyi entered the garden, Qin Wanwan dragged Nanfeng and ran to the edge of a big tree not far from the garden.

"Hurry up and find out how many people went to the Qunfang Banquet today, who are these people, and what are their arithmetic skills."

Qin Wanwan instructed Nanfeng to climb up the tree by herself and look at the situation in the garden from the tree.

She was shocked when she saw it. Although these people changed their faces and concealed their identities, she immediately recognized them from the light of the soul. Besides Shen Zhiming and Jun Shu, there was also a person who transformed into a god and passed the calamity.

How is this going? How can there be so many masters here? !

Qin Wanwan was stunned for a while, she swallowed her saliva, quickly calmed herself down, and immediately changed her strategy.

If there are so many masters here, Jian Xingzhi's body is no more than a golden pill, and the refining equipment is probably not cheap. The idea of using the refining equipment to draw arithmetic points is basically unfeasible.

Qin Wanwan thought about it, raised her hand and stroked her ear, a small magic circle lit up on her ear, and whispered Jane Xingzhi's name: "Jane Xingzhi, can you hear me?"

Jian Xingzhi was knocking on the table anxiously. Hearing Qin Wanwan's words, he paused and immediately raised his head to look around. He was a little surprised that Qin Wanwan could put this kind of speech on him without him noticing. array.

"I'm in the tree."

Qin Wanwan reminded him that Jian Xingzhi took a quick look at the surrounding trees, locked Qin Wanwan, and Qin Wanwan whispered to comfort him: "I put a magic circle on you, wait for a while, you can practice as you like, don't waste your spiritual power. Go and compare with them, your knowledge is unstable, take a good rest. Focus on the arithmetic paper, I will come in after a while, you copy the questions, I will help you do the questions, and after you finish, you can write as I say Answer."

Hearing this, Jian Xingzhi instantly calmed down. He had never thought Qin Wanwan was so reliable.

He drew a magic circle in his palm to isolate the people beside him from eavesdropping, raised his hand to cover his mouth, and replied softly, "Yes."

"Are you all the guests of the city master?"

Jian Xingzhi was talking to Qin Wanwan, and the man in pink next to him seemed bored and started chatting with everyone.

He reported to his family: "Liu Feixu in Xiahuacheng, you don't look like people from ghost towns."

Saying that, Liu Feixu looked at the young man sitting next to him coughing. The young man raised his head and smiled at Liu Feixu, and reported to the door: "Huangcheng would rather not speak."

The two signed up their names, and Xie Gutang also signed up politely: "Xie Gutang from Tianjian Sect."

"Simple cultivation practice."

"Ask Xin Zong Shen Ming."

"Lecheng Junfan."

A group of people reported a number of pseudonyms, but these pseudonyms were full of characteristics. Qin Wanwan knew as soon as she heard it: "Every school and faction has sent people here, and Shen Zhiming is here, I'm afraid it's for the exquisite jade. The second piece of exquisite jade The news of the birth should be known to everyone."

After speaking, Jade Green walked in.

Everyone looked over and saw Emerald sitting on the main seat: "Today the city lord is unwell, I will choose someone for the city lord. You should hear the rules clearly, it is not so easy to become the city lord's male pet. The city lord often It is said that the literati misunderstood the country, and the refining of instruments rejuvenates the country. Today’s first competition is the refining of instruments. The materials present are optional, and it will be seen who can make things that are more subtle and valuable.”

Hearing this, everyone started to get up and choose materials. Before Jian Xingzhi, he had only learned about forging swords and refining tools, but he was not good at it.

Looking left and right, thinking about what to do, the flames next to it ignited. Jian Xingzhi was startled, and looked at Xie Gutang blankly: "You... What are you doing?"

"I don't know anything else," Xie Gutang smiled, "I can only forge a sword, so I can forge a sword with the true fire of Samadhi."

Samadhi is really hot. Before letting him go, he glanced at him without stopping, but listening to it now, he was a little envious and nodded: "It's good, not bad."

As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of wind and snow came towards Jian Xingzhi. Jian Xingzhi rolled on the spot and raised his head coldly, to see that there was a large ice cube in front of Ning Buyan with crystal clear spiritual energy flowing. , Ning Buyan coughed, looked up with a pale face, smiled embarrassedly towards Jian Xingzhi: "I'm sorry."

Saying that, he took a carving knife, leaned over the ice cube, and began to carve the big ice cube.

One of Jian Xing can understand that this is an ice jade bed. Lying on it to practice, not only clears the mind, but also keeps the mind warm in winter and cool in summer. This bed existed before Jian Xing. Carving a bed is very simple. The cold ice jade of power cannot be made in the non-tribulation period.

Stuff is good, but not something he can do.

Seeing what Xie Gutang and Ning Buyan had, Jian Xingzhi was a little flustered. He pretended to be calm and swept away, and saw Shen Zhiming raise his hand to cause the thunder to fall, and slash directly on the table. Not yet done, the momentum is already very strong.

Liu Feixu next to him was spinning in circles. As he turned, he attracted butterflies flying around him.

There was also Jun Shu, who was playing the flute to an egg on the table, and his spiritual power turned into a rune and quickly fell on the egg, not knowing whether it was hatching or what.

The people present were busy, so they simply stared blankly at them. Emerald swept over coldly and looked at Jane Xingzhi: "Jane Xingzhi, are you still not doing it?"

Hand, what hand does he do

Under the disparity in strength, the things he practiced were self-inflicted, and he didn't want to lose face at all.

But Emerald looked at him, he thought for a while, then stood up, picked up a saw from the side, and pulled a chair over.

Nothing, just act as a carpenter.

The chair that Qin Wanwan dealt with him was made. It was easy to manufacture. Although it was ugly, it was quite effective.

Jian Xingzhi carefully sawed the seat on the chair, drew a magic circle below, took steel knives from the side, and inserted them into the chair one by one.

After he was done, everyone was about the same. Jade Green sat on a high place and said lazily, "Bring everything up."

Having said that, the servant put all the things the six people made on the table. Emerald took a jury with a pen and paper to look at the forged items one by one.

"This is a clear heart bead..."

"It's a thunderbolt..."

"This is the Frozen Jade Bed..."

"It's butterfly fireworks..."

"It's a sword."

From Jun Shu, Shen Ming, Ning Buyan, Liu Feixu to Xie Gutang, the jury has commented on these things one by one.

"Too ordinary."

"Too violent."

"Too big."

"Too fancy."

"Too easy."

Saying that, the group came to the chair made by Jian Xingzhi, and Emerald frowned: "What is this?"

"This chair is called the 'Up Chair'."

Jian Xingyi said nonsense: "It's main function is to supervise people to study hard, and the user squatting and stomping on the top. Once the reading is distracted, the steel knife below will immediately stab up, ensuring that the person is awake on the spot, and immediately sent to the doctor, I am Relying on this chair, I have memorized 7,000 poetry collections in seven days, which is very useful."

Hearing this, the jury was stunned. Emerald paused for a moment before he couldn't help but say, "With such a big steel knife... will it be stabbed to death?"

"If you don't want to die, then you have to study."

Jian Xingzhi said calmly: "Since it's decided, shouldn't you work hard?"

This rhetorical question made everyone present stunned. Qin Wanwan listened to Jian Xingzhi's words on the tree and raised her hand to cover her face.

When it's over, this one doesn't exist.

Just as she was thinking, she heard an explosion from the crowd: "Okay!"

Everyone looked over and looked at Cuilu in shock, and saw that Cuilu's eyes were excited: "You are saying that in the world of self-cultivation, if you decide not to do it, you might as well die. How to implement it. Go on, make 2,000 of these chairs and send them to the colleges in the city!"

Saying that, Jade Green turned around without hesitation, and gave Jian Xingzhi a thumbs up: "I appreciate you, full marks!"

Qin Wanwan was stunned, looking at the emerald green in the garden full of admiration for Jian Xingzhi, she couldn't help feeling how big the world was.

I thought Jane Xingzhi was crazy, but I didn't expect this emerald to be even more crazy.

Once this decision was made, everyone panicked, and after a while, a row of knees instantly knelt on the ground.

"Lord Emerald!"

An old man in the jury raised his head: "Lord Cuilu, you are just distracted by reading, you are not guilty of death!"

That's right.

Qin Wanwan was a little scared in her heart, she was distracted by reading, who hasn't read it

"Then what should I do?" Emerald frowned, "I can't see that others don't work hard."

"How about..." Jian Xingzhi interjected, "turn the steel knife into a pointed cone and stab it?"

With the contrast of direct stabbing, poking it immediately becomes insignificant.

Everyone hurried to answer the question, and cast a grateful look at Jian Xingzhi, Jade Green hesitated for a moment, seeing everyone's opposition, he was quite helpless: "Okay, that's it."

Emerald turned her head, returned to her usual indifferent appearance, picked up the pen and wrote: "Let's rate it."

Saying that, she didn't hesitate to give full marks to Jane Xingzhi's column.

Others followed her, and out of awe for Jade Green and gratitude to Jian Xingzhi, they also gave Jian Xingzhi full marks.

Qin Wanwan didn't expect this change. The faces of the people next to her suddenly didn't look very good. They looked at each other, but no one said a word.

After resting for a while, Jade Green sat everyone down, and then began to announce the start of the second assessment.

"The second game is about arithmetic. There are ten questions in total. If one is correct, ten points will be deducted. One stick of incense time, let's start."

After Jade Green finished speaking, the gongs and drums were sounded, and the maids passed over from both sides and began to hand out the examination papers.

As soon as the exam papers arrived, everyone's faces were not very good-looking, but after a moment of hesitation, everyone still picked up their pens and began to scribble and draw on the grass paper.

Jian Xingzhi also listened to Qin Wanwan and began to transcribe the title. But as soon as he copied it, he found that it was over, the topic was too long.

He began to speed up the transcription, and Qin Wanwan also started preparing for the second exam outside. She waited for the maid who served the tea to come out, raised her hand to stun the maid, and replaced herself with the maid's face with Qianmian. He went in with tea.

She started to change the tea from Shen Zhiming's place, glanced at Shen Zhiming's paper, Shen Zhiming looked solemn, and seemed to be thinking seriously. She glanced at it and saw what was written on the draft paper:

"Pure heart and desire, not irritable or angry"

"If you don't want to be strong, if you don't, don't let it go"

Qin Wanwan pouted and came to Jun Shu.

He saw Jun Shu drawing horizontally on the scratch paper, drawing horizontal and vertical, vertical and horizontal, but his face was calm, as if he had already solved the answer.

Qin Wanwan: "..."

can be installed.

She brought tea to Liu Feixu again, and Liu Feixu was very open, drinking tea and painting at the same time, it seemed that she gave up completely.

Next to Liu Feixu was Ning Buyan, this young man was answering very seriously. He wrote and drew on paper, but he wrote comforting words like 'three and five are equal to eight'. .

After reading this paper, she stopped in front of Xie Gutang and looked at the draft paper that Xie Gutang finally looked like. At that moment, Qin Wanwan felt that Xie Gutang had crushed the IQ of the people next to her.

She put the tea in front of Xie Gutang and said softly, "Young master uses tea."

Xie Gutang didn't notice that it was her, so she raised her head and thanked her politely: "Thank you girl."

Saying that, she walked to Jian Xingzhi's side, and Jian Xingzhi recognized her instantly, Qin Wanwan put down the tea bowl, and Jian Xingzhi went to get the tea, and in an instant, the note went from Jian Xingzhi's hand to Qin Wanwan's hand.

Qin Wanwan took the note and left. After she went out, she quickly found a place to open the note. At a glance, it was densely written, but there was only one question!

This is a combination question, a big question contains ten small questions, Qin Wanwan glanced at the incense in the yard, most of the incense has been burned, and there is not much time left for her!

She gritted her teeth and began to calculate quickly. After doing the calculation, she did the calculation again. Jian Xingzhi sat in the examination room and pretended to paint on the scratch paper.

The scratch paper was painted pure black by him, and he didn't wait for Qin Wanwan's answer. He couldn't help but raise his hands to support his face, cover his mouth, and asked in a low voice, "Where's the answer?"

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, it counts!"

Qin Wanwan calculated over and over again, Jian Xingzhi watched the incense burn out one by one, gritted her teeth and whispered, "Can you do it?"

"No, you copy Xie Daojun's."

Qin Wanwan responded impatiently, Jian Xingzhi glanced at Xie Gutang, and suddenly became anonymous: "I don't copy him, maybe it's not as high as mine."

"Oh, don't talk."

Qin Wanwan was nervous about doing the question: "I can't even figure it out!"

Although Hua Rong is a cultivator, she has a very high level of mathematics. Qin Wanwan almost cried when she did the paper.

She didn't dare to give Jane the answer to the uncertain answer, she could only count it over and over again.

Seeing that the incense was about to disappear, Jian Xingzhi was sweating coldly in his hands, urging her: "Hurry up, the incense is almost gone, five, four, three..."

"Two chickens!"

Qin Wanwan finally checked the first answer to the first question: "The first answer to the first question, two chickens!"

As soon as Jian Xingzhi got it, a gong sounded, and the maid began to come down to collect the paper. The maid pulled the paper, one of Jane Xing held it down, covered the paper with her hand, and quickly wrote: two.

As soon as he finished writing, the paper was taken away, Jian Xingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and began to resign.

To be exact, wait to die.

Cuilu took the paper to the side for corrections. Except for Jian Xingzhi, everyone present seemed to have experienced a battle, drinking tea and wiping sweat. Jian Xingzhi looked at everyone coldly, raised his hand to his lips, and used the array to hide his voice, chatting with Qin Wanwan.

"Beicheng, I think I'm finished, I'll definitely fail the test."

"Master, don't belittle yourself."

Qin Wanwan re-dressed the fainted maid and persuaded Jane Xingzhi, "Maybe they are worse than you."

"I just wrote a 'two', up to one point."

Jane Xingzhi held her face: "I'm afraid we have to change our policy."

"Master, change the angle," Qin Wanwan packed up the maid, turned her face back, and clapped her hands on the soil, "You will only lose one point at most, just wait."

Anyway, there are a group of gods who have not graduated from elementary school mathematics, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Although Qin Wanwan was so comforting, Jian Xingzhi was still uneasy. He waited for a while, and Cuilu finally came out with the paper in hand. She waved her hand, and the maid next to her began to announce the score.

"Shen Ming, it's all wrong, and a hundred percent is deducted."

Hearing this, Shen Ming's face changed greatly, Jun Shu cast a suspicious look, Shen Ming stuck his neck: "There is something wrong with your papers."

Emerald looked at him coldly: "I'm not good at arithmetic, and I say there is a problem with the paper, so shameless."

The maid ignored this episode and continued to announce: "Jun Shu, deduct 90." "Liu Feixu, zero points."

"Ning not talk, deduct fifty."

"Xie Gutang, deduct ten points."

"It's easy to..."

The maid read, looked up at Jane Xingzhi, everyone looked over, and the maid smiled: "One point."

In this big boss assessment, one is divided into kings.

Jian Xingzhi was relieved and smiled, and the maid announced gently: "This time, the highest score winner, Jane Xingzhi. Please also ask Mr. Jian to rest and wash well today, and at night, the city lord will invite someone to pick him up to sleep with him. , please prepare your son well."

Saying that, the maid raised her head and smiled inexplicably with a bit of chill: "Congratulations."

As soon as the voice fell, the system sound rang in Jian Xingzhi's mind.

[Congratulations to the host for completing 'Mission Seven', successfully entering Fengya Building, entering the City Lord's Mansion, and becoming the favorite man of City Lord Hua Rong, points +500, total points 1900]

[Please accept Task 8: The Perfect Hostage, Assist the Heroine to Have a Glorious Moment and Obtain the Exquisite Jade]

[Emotional line task: Let the heroine and Xie Gutang be alone for more than half an hour, points +100]

Hearing this task, Jian Xingzhi was stunned: "Why Xie Gutang?"

Wasn't it used to be an arbitrary choice with a face value of more than 90 points


"Why are the points so high?!"

He has only scored 500 points in fighting monsters seriously, and his cute little apprentice and Xie Gutang have been alone for half an hour, and they have reached 100 points? !

"That," 666 was a little scared, "just, the switchboard checked, the heroine currently has the highest affection for Xie Gutang, and the heroine's emotional line itself is more valuable..."

Hearing this, Jian Xingzhi couldn't believe it: "I have the highest affection for Xie Gutang? What about me?! I am her master!"

666 was silent, and Jian Xingzhi reacted: "Am I still inferior to Xie Gutang?!"

"That," 666 comforted him, "maybe in the switchboard calculation, love and mentorship are separate."

This comfort made Jian Xingyi choked, but it was a little uncomfortable after all.

The maid next to her started to pack her things, Xie Gutang stood up and respectfully called Jian Xingzhi: "Senior, let's go, Miss Qin is still waiting for us outside."

Hearing this, Jian Xingyi glanced over and looked at Xie Gutang coldly.

He looked at the 45 on Xie Gutang's head, and the fire came up instantly.

Xie Gutang saw that Jian Xingzhi did not speak, and called again: "Senior?"

"I warn you," Jian Xingzhi raised his finger and pointed at Xie Gutang, "don't hit my apprentice casually..."

Before the words were finished, the long-lost electric current hit Jian Xingzhi's whole body, and the soft hair on the top of Jian Xingzhi's head exploded immediately. Jian Xingzhi kept pointing at Xie Gutang and froze in place.

666 spoke with difficulty: "Well, the heroine's emotional line cannot be destroyed."

Briefly: "… "

Xie Gutang saw that Jian Xingzhi suddenly froze and his hair exploded. He didn't quite understand what was going on, so he hesitated and said, "What did the senior say to beat Miss Qin just now?"

"She's my apprentice," Jian Xingzhi came over and decided that the enemy would advance and I would retreat, and the enemy would retreat and I would fight, not to compete head-on with the current.

Hearing this, Xie Gutang smiled.

He lowered his head, as if a little embarrassed: "Senior is joking, Miss Qin is so good-natured, how could the junior hit her."


Don't hit her

Miss Qin

Jian Xingzhi couldn't help but clenched his fists. He didn't know why, but he felt that Xie Gutang didn't want to hit Qin Wanwan, but he wanted to hit Xie Gutang.

But he couldn't express his unprovoked anger, it seemed too childish and too destructive to his image, so he could only fight back fiercely with code words.

"She's not called Miss Qin," he insinuated that Xie Gutang knew nothing about Qin Wanwan, in order to elevate his status, "She's called Gu, Bei, Cheng."