The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 56: Chapter 56


Xie Gutang didn't ask more about the reason. Seeing Qin Wanwan made up her mind, she nodded and didn't say more.

"Then I'll come to you tomorrow," Xie Gutang instructed, "If there is nothing else, I'll go back first."

"Get some rest early."

Qin Wanwan took Xie Gutang out, and when she arrived at the door, Xie Gutang pursed her lips and turned back hesitantly. Qin Wanwan was stunned, and felt that Xie Gutang was fragrant, and she felt a little embarrassed to hear Xie Gutang say: "Then tomorrow I'll find you to practice swordsmanship in the morning, can I?"

"Oh." Qin Wanwan's heart beat faster.

Is this about her

It was the first time that a boy asked her out in person, and she was a little nervous!

She didn't dare to neglect, and nodded quickly: "Of course you can."

"That's great," Xie Gutang laughed, "I wonder if the seniors will come to give some pointers?"

The restless heart suddenly calmed down. Seeing the bewildering smile on the young Qingjun's face, Qin Wanwan raised a smile and said gently, "Let's watch your fate."

After she finished speaking, she closed the door with a snap, and as soon as she turned around, she saw the young man in blue shirt leaning against the window sill, Qin Wanwan was startled, and when she realized who it was, she patted her chest: "Master, do you want to? Can you come through the front door?"

"I'm afraid to disturb you."

Jane Xingzhi sat against the window and glanced at the room: "Xie Gutang just left? Don't you say a few more words?"

"There's nothing left to stay after we've finished talking," Qin Wanwan said, glancing at Jian Xingzhi who was still at the window, "Master is not resting, what are you doing here?"

"I," Jian Xingyi was stopped when he was asked, he stammered, "I'll come over to see how your injury is."

Having said that, Jian Xingzhi felt that he seemed to have found a very reasonable reason to jump down from the window and pull Qin Wanwan's wound that was bandaged by Xie Gutang.

These wounds were caused by magic, and Chunsheng could not heal. Jian Xingzhi glanced at it, and was quite disgusted. Without waiting for Qin Wanwan to speak, he decisively removed the bandage and buried it as he removed it: "A sword repair wound can't be wrapped well, this What have you been doing for two hundred years?"

With that said, Jian Xingzhi re-bandaged Qin Wanwan's wound. He wrapped it more delicately than Xie Gutang. After wrapping it up, he tied a bow with admiration on his face: "Look, this is not much better?"


Qin Wanwan felt that it was not bad, but she never hit anyone, so she smiled: "Master did a good job."


Jane Xingzhi was happy, and as soon as she raised her eyes, she blurted out: "I still have to give you the bag in the future, and no one else will."

Qin Wanwan was stunned for a moment, and Jian Xingzhi somehow felt that this statement was a bit wrong, so she hurried to make up for it: "It's not impossible to do it soon. I mean..."

Jian Xingzhi thought about it and didn't know how to express it, and finally gave up and looked at her seriously: "Master is definitely the best for you."

"Oh," Qin Wanwan was a little bewildered by Jian Xingzhi's entanglement, but she pretended to be sober, "I know."

"It's good that you know," Jian Xingzhi sighed with relief, "you must never forget Master when you have a man."

"Don't worry," Qin Wanwan understood what Jian Xingzhi meant, and pulled Jian Xingzhi affectionately with her hand wrapped like a boxing glove, "I will definitely be filial to you."

Jian Xingzhi was deeply moved. Hearing filial piety, he felt reassured, but he always seemed to feel that something was wrong. With one hand behind his back, he pulled Qin Wanwan with the other, pretending to be lofty: "If you have this heart, you can be at ease as a teacher."

"Then, Master, are you okay?" Qin Wanwan raised her finger to the door, "Go back to sleep?"


Jian Xingzhi nodded, walked to the window in the opposite direction that Qin Wanwan had pointed to without hesitation, jumped on the window, and came out.

Qin Wanwan didn't quite understand how he developed this habit of opening windows, she was about to close the window, she watched people go and come back, suddenly stuck her head out, and looked at her from the window: "Don't set boundaries for me, I It feels weird."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qin Wanwan to answer, the man jumped back into his room like the wind, and closed the window with a snap, as if afraid of Qin Wanwan chasing after him.

Qin Wanwan paused for a moment before realizing what Jian Xingzhi was talking about. She rolled her eyes, closed the window, and scolded in a low voice, "Childish."

This kind of primary school chicken-style possessiveness has disappeared since she was in primary school.

"I think… "

Facing Qin Wanwan's evaluation, 38 finally hesitated: "It may not be childish, but it may also be mature."


Qin Wanwan didn't understand: "What maturity?"

"Just..." 38 hinted vaguely, "He may have grown up."

"speak English."

Qin Wanwan directly ordered, 38 gave up, and only told her: "Let's rest, we will practice sword tomorrow morning."

Qin Wanwan knew that there were some limitations in the system, and she wouldn't say some things directly, and she didn't bother to go into it. Anyway, what Jian Xingzhi thought specifically had nothing to do with her soaring career.

She lay back on the bed, and after hesitating for a moment whether to practice or sleep, she closed her eyes peacefully.

Sleep well so that you have the strength to practice.

She fell into a drowsy sleep, and before dawn, she heard a knock on the door: "Wan Wan."

Xie Gutang's gentle voice came from outside the door. Before Qin Wanwan opened her eyes, Jian Xingzhi woke up instantly on the bed.

He was lying on the bed with his eyes open, pulling the quilt in panic.

He didn't know what he was panicking about, and he was full of hesitation between whether to go out or not.

Xie Gutang took the initiative to invite Qin Wanwan, which was a major development in their relationship and a gratifying event.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't bother, but why does he want to see it so much

Jian Xingzhi opened his eyes on the bed and hesitated whether to go out and "run into" Xie Gutang. Qin Wanwan was woken up by Xie Gutang, rubbed her eyes and opened the door. Yi smiled: "The injury is better, can we practice swords together?"

The cold wind blew Qin Wanwan's mind instantly. She thought about letting Xie Gutang do things. She had no reason to refuse his request, so she nodded quickly: "Wait a minute."

After speaking, she took a shower and went out immediately.

Xie Gutang looked at Jian Xingzhi's door with some yearning: "I don't know senior..."

"Go away."

Qin Wanwan thought about how Jian Xingzhi was running Chunsheng to repair her body yesterday. Although Chunsheng was trying to repair her mind, it was actually very tiring and she should have a good rest. Qin Wanwan didn't want to disturb her, so she dragged Xie Gutang away: "Don't disturb his sleep."

Jian Xingzhi lay on the bed and listened to the conversations of the people outside, listening to them walking away, and then heard the sound of [ding bell] that the points were credited.

【Congratulations, 5 points! 】

Briefly: "… "

I always feel that the timing of this point is a bit strange. >

> Jian Xingzhi was lying on the bed and wanted to sleep for a while, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help it.

He has to go check the situation.

He thought that Qin Wanwan couldn't handle Xie Gutang, he had to observe them and give Qin Wanwan an idea.

After thinking of the reason, Jian Xingzhi got up without hesitation and quickly touched it. He used a magic trick to hide his breath, and crouched behind the flowers to watch Qin Wanwan and Xie Gutang practice their swords.

Qin Wanwan won the preliminary round, and then she will compete with those who have won ten games in a row in the final, and finally become a gentleman's sword. Xie Gutang is now fighting with her, which is also an experience.

After all, the gap between Jane Xingzhi and her is too big, and only when she fights against people of different levels will she grow faster.

This principle is easy to understand, he squatted silently behind the flowers, watching them secretly.

Qin Wanwan's injuries have not fully recovered, Xie Gutang focused on discussing with her the sword moves taught by Jian Xingzhi, and let her be in strength, speed and speed.

The two exchanged moves while talking about today's itinerary.

"Today, let's go out first, follow him quietly, and then decide how to catch him after we understand him."

Qin Wanwan and Xie Gutang discussed, and the two passed by by mistake. Xie Gutang raised his hand and slashed over her head: "Why not do it directly?"

"Catch it back for news," Qin Wanwan swept her backhand sword around Xie Gutang's hand, "to find out the details, the possibility of asking is higher. Moreover, it would be even better if you could find out the news directly."


Xie Gutang responded, and the words of the two fell into Jian Xingzhi's ears. Jian Xingzhi listened carefully, and found that he could not understand.

He couldn't help pinching the twig in front of him.

His apprentice, and Xie Gutang, have a little secret that he doesn't know!

He also said that the master is the most important, and said that he will be filial to him in the future!

But he knew he shouldn't be disturbed at this time, so he held back his breath and let Qin Wanwan cultivate her feelings.

The sky is slowly getting up, and people are getting up one after another in the morning.

Jun Shu was the first to start. He was responsible for cleaning the courtyard. He had never experienced this kind of life in the past, but after a few days here, he gradually got used to it...

He skillfully picked up the broom and bucket, and was feeling exhausted when he heard the sound of swords intersecting, and there seemed to be a familiar female voice, Jun Shu reacted for a moment, and instantly realized that it was Qin Wan!

He heard that she was injured yesterday, but now he can't see her casually, and he doesn't want Qin Wan to see him in a state of embarrassment. I didn't expect to see you today!

Jun Shu hurriedly carried the bucket and ran over with the broom. Just as he was about to squeeze in and take a peek, he saw a man squatting behind the flowers earlier and peeping at 'Qin Wan'.

As soon as Jun Shu looked at it, he recognized that the person sneaking up here was Qin Wan's favorite boy, 'Jian Zhiyan'!

Now he goes by the pseudonym Jian Xingzhi and pretends to be Master Qin Wan, guarding 'Qin Wan' day and night, so that he has no chance to get close.

'Qin Wan' has always loved him deeply until this 'Jane Zhiyan' appeared...

Recalling that 'Qin Wan' was at the trial stage, he didn't want to stab himself at first, it was this male pet who forced her to cut off justice with him and Wen Xin Zong, and later it was the same male pet who took her away from Wen Xin Zong. Without this male pet, 'Qin Wan' would still be Qin Wan back then, still his fiancee, and still deeply in love with him...

The more Jun Shu thought about it, the more he hated him. When he thought that this person was still with 'Qin Wan' now, he squeezed the broom tightly, wishing he could kill him with a broom.

It's just that reason makes him restrain his impulses. He was played around by this male pet in his heyday, let alone now

He can't be impulsive.

Jun Shu restrained his emotions and looked at them, and soon he realized that it was not right, the situation was not right.

This male pet seems to be very nervous, and 'Qin Wan' and Xie Gutang are smiling and talking to Yan Yan...

Could it be... this male pet is about to fall out of favor

When he thought of this possibility, Jun Shu immediately realized that his chance had come.

Xie Gutang asked Xinjian, which was not competitive in the first place, but this male pet didn't know it. Now he misunderstood 'Qin Wan' and Xie Gutang, and now he is suspicious. Fighting with Xie Gutang, if he kills Xie Gutang, 'Qin Wan' will definitely not let him go.

When Jun Shu thought about it, he was very excited. A wonderful plan was quietly formed. He put down the bucket, held the broom, and walked towards Jian Xingzhi with confidence.

Jian Xingzhi stared at Qin Wanwan and Xie Gutang's tactic. At first, he was thinking wildly, but he was quickly attracted by Jianzhao, focusing on how his apprentice couldn't kill Xie Gutang with one sword.

He watched with all his attention, while watching and thinking about how to formulate a further training plan for Qin Wanwan after a while.

Jian Xingzhi glanced coldly, and saw the 'Wuming' squatting beside him with a strange smile.

As soon as he came over, he brought an enchantment. Jian Xingzhi knew that this 'Wuming' was carrying a strange treasure and could cover his whereabouts. It was not surprising, so he just asked, "What are you doing?"

"It's hard, isn't it?"

Jun Shu looked at him with sympathy on his face.

Jian Xingzhi frowned: "Huh?"

"Xie Gutang is the eldest disciple of Tianjianzong, with a noble status and extraordinary swordsmanship. It is the perfect match for Miss Qin. How can you be a country cultivator?"

Jun Shu opened his mouth, he thought, the worst thing about Jane is her background, so what if her cultivation is extraordinary? Not a male pet yet, he must hit the pain point and completely destroy his self-esteem.

Jian Xingzhi was full of question marks: "What do you mean?"

He was in a hurry.

Jun Shu thought, trusting his own judgment even more, and continued to fan the flames: "Israel's servants can't last forever. How can you keep your loved ones if you don't use some tricks?"

Jun Shu said, raised his finger to Qin Wanwan: "I will show you a clear path, I wonder if you want to listen?"

Jian Xingzhi didn't speak. He looked at the crazy old man and Qin Wanwan. Although he didn't quite understand what the old man was saying, he vaguely realized that the old man was trying to do something.

"What's the way?"

Jian Xingzhi was ready to figure out the old man's intentions, so he followed his words.

Jun Shu smiled confidently, and sure enough, this idiot took the bait.

"As long as you listen to me," Jun Shu approached, mysteriously, "I will teach you how to defeat Xie Gutang."

Hearing this, Jian Xingzhi felt that this person was a fool.

If he wants to defeat Xie Gutang, he still needs to listen to this old man

Xie Gutang in the district, if he was there, it would be a matter of a sword.

But think about it, the old man seems to be coming for Xie Gutang, he still has to figure out what the old man is going to do, so he adjusted his facial expression and turned his head: "Tell me, let me hear what I want to do. to defeat him."