The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 6


"How did you know I had a way?"

Qin Wanwan blurted out, Jane Xingzhi was surprised: "Do you really have?"

When the words came out, Jian Xingzhi immediately felt that this was wrong, and quickly asked, "What do you think?"

Qin Wanwan didn't say anything, she hesitated, looked at Jian Xingzhi's face, and wanted to finish her 'break up' just now, but she couldn't say anything. After a long time, she just said, "I have my own way. , don't worry about it. I'll give you the deed and the money, and you'll follow the tunnel..."

"You want to dump me?" Jian Xingzhi understood, raised his brows, and Qin Wanwan shook her head subconsciously: "No!"

"Then why did you let me go?"

"I..." Qin Wanwan stammered when someone saw through her intentions, "I want to go to a safe place."

Finding a reason, Qin Wanwan hurriedly played: "How dangerous is this mountain, you are a mortal, it is not safe to stay by my side."

"I'm not afraid of danger!" Jian Xingzhi said confidently, "I have to accompany you."


Facing such deep friendship, Qin Wanwan felt so moved.

But the more moved, the more guilty she felt.

With a tangled face on her face, Jian Xingzhi covered her lips and observed Qin Wanwan, who had been refusing to agree to stay with him. He changed his position and thought about it, and probably understood what Qin Wanwan meant: "Do you think I'm useless?"

"No… "

"I'm very useful," Jian Xingzhi felt that he had found the point, and he suggested to himself, "Since you plan to go down the mountain, you must have some plans, right? You must be guarded and can't go out now, but you have to do something. You Look at me, I'm in good health, strong, and I'm asking the Heart Sect unimpeded, tell me where you want to go, I'll dig it for you right away, you leave me, I'm definitely not a burden."

Qin Wanwan was taken aback by Jian Xingzhi's words.

She thought for a moment, and suddenly felt that it was indeed the case.

Although Jian Xingzhi is a male pet, judging from the momentum of carrying the sword at the first meeting, and the ability to dig up Wen Xinzong now, he does have some effect.

She is a person who can live a better life. After realizing the role of Jian Xingzhi, she thought about it, raised her hand and grabbed Jian Xingzhi's elbow, and solemnly told him: "I will give you more in the future. some money."

"Good to say."

Jane Xingzhi's attention was attracted by where she was pulling.

It was the first time he had contact with a girl when he wasn't fighting. He didn't know why, but he felt a little strange.

She wanted to pull Qin Wanwan's hand away, but she felt it was a little stingy to do so. He could only look away, pretending to be calm and drinking water.

"What are your plans now?"

It's not like there's no plan at all.

"I think so," Qin Wanwan pondered, "the reason they didn't let me go is because they want me to wake Su Yueli, then we might as well go and see, if we can really wake Su Yueli, we use this Wouldn't it be better for them to let us go down the mountain in exchange?"

"You're right," Jian Xingzhi nodded. "Now that you're going down the mountain, you've always carried a reputation for murdering fellow students. It's better to solve the problem directly before leaving."

"That's what it means."

Qin Wanwan was very relieved to see this 'Jian Zhiyan' on the road. It seems that this male pet does not only have a face.

She turned her head and looked at the sky outside. Seeing that it was getting late, she was about to persuade him to go to bed. She saw the man clapped his hands, stood up and said, "Let's go then."


Qin Wanwan was a little stunned, and Jian Xingzhi used her divine sense to scan around to ask Xinzong, then turned to look at Qin Wanwan: "Do you know where that Su Yueli is?"

Qin Wanwan was stunned for a while before she reacted: "Go now?"

"Otherwise?" Jian Xingzhi asked confidently, "Are you waiting for the New Year?"

Saying that, Jian Xingzhi didn't give her a chance to hesitate, dragged her to the window, the two of them turned over the window together, and Jian Xingzhi pulled her to jump into the tunnel, he turned back to cover the tunnel entrance, turned to look Qin Wanwan, who was still confused, urged her: "Which room, go?"

Qin Wanwan finally regained her senses. She gave a low "Oh", recalled the Wenxin Sect she had observed with her divine sense in the past two days, and confirmed the place: "Probably Linglong Pavilion."

Jane Xingzhi got the direction, and without saying a word, he digs directly.

He dug very fast, about the same speed as Qin Wanwan's walking speed. Qin Wanwan took a night pearl from the Qiankun bag and tied it with a cloth belt on the top of her head. Not far behind him, he was nibbling melon seeds slowly, watching a handsome young man who used to be a jade tree facing the wind and skillfully digging soil with a hoe.

In this scene, the two of them didn't feel that anything was wrong.

Digging all the way to Linglong Pavilion, Jian Xingzhi habitually turned back to greet Qin Wanwan: "I'll go up and have a look first, no problem, I'll call you."

Qin Wanwan nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

After finishing speaking, the two were silent for a moment, and the two systems sighed at the same time.

666: "Boss, I'm tired."

38: "Host, I don't need to say more about what to do."

"Or... or should I go up first?"

Qin Wanwan first proposed, Jian Xingzhi nodded, holding the hoe to give her way.

Qin Wanwan walked to the entrance of the cave, the entrance was vertical upward, Qin Wanwan looked at it for a while, and started to climb up with her hands and feet.

Jane Xingzhi held her hoe and watched Qin Wanwan climb up step by step, her face a little sad.

"You said she climbed like this, when will she have to climb?"

"Boss," 38 couldn't help reminding him, "This is the normal speed of an ordinary person, you don't have to worry, it will be very soon."

For a foundation building period, it is not difficult to climb a hole.

Even Qin Wanwan.

She successfully climbed to the entrance of the cave, looked around for a moment at the entrance of the cave, and after confirming that there were no other guards with her divine sense, she climbed out of the tunnel completely, then found some haystacks to cover it, and hurried to Linglong Pavilion.

As soon as Qin Wanwan left, Jian Xingzhi immediately confirmed with 38: "As long as I don't let the big plot change and she realize that my abilities are beyond the scope of 'Jian Zhiyan', I'll be fine, right?"

"Yes," 38 quickly expressed, "you just need to be weaker!"

Jian Xingzhi didn't respond, just a little toes, jumped out of the hole, and ran after Qin Wanwan.

Qin Wanwan cautiously walked to the door. As soon as she arrived at the door, she used her divine sense to see the barrier at the door.

She didn't panic. She recalled the magic circle her mother had taught her. After drawing a magic circle on the palm of her hand, she raised her hand and stuck it on the barrier.

After a while, the enchantment disappeared silently, Jian Xingzhi watched from a distance, and raised his eyebrows.

Qin Wanwan walked into Linglong Pavilion and saw an ice coffin in the center of the hexagonal lobby. Around the ice coffin stood six sword intents of Shen Zhiming, with Junshu's magic circle and Song Xinian's barrier below. In the outermost layer, it can be described as thousands of pets and protections.

Qin Wanwan clearly saw these protections with her divine sense, and stopped firmly outside Song Xinian's array.

From a distance of about half a zhang, Qin Wanwan could see Su Yueli in the ice coffin.

She closed her eyes and put her hands on her abdomen, as if she was asleep, her breath was even, and her face was like a peach blossom.

Qin Wanwan looked at her from a distance.

She is very different from Qin Wan. Qin Wanfeng has thin eyes and thin lips, and her facial features are dull. She looks arrogant and cold, and is not easy to provoke. On the other hand, Su Yueli is the kind of agile look that ordinary people love most, with big eyes, a melon-seeded face, thick eyelashes, and gorgeous and plump lips.

"No injuries."

Qin Wanwan swept around Su Yueli's body with her divine sense, and couldn't help but feel a little strange. Apart from the sea of knowledge that seemed to fluctuate, Su Yueli did not have any abnormality.

She carefully recalled the plot.

Because the plot is Qin Wan's past life memories, in fact, many plots are not complete. For example, Su Yueli was in a coma. In Qin Wan's memory, Su Yueli was innocent and unconscious. She was put on trial, and then she confessed that she killed Qinglong's body. There was a dragon pill, Shen Zhiming dug the dragon pill for Su Yueli to use, knowing that she was innocent. Su Yueli got the dragon pill and woke up soon after, and her cultivation increased greatly. Step into Yuan Ying.

But Qin Wan didn't know why Su Yueli was in a coma until the end. Many people asked Su Yueli later, but Su Yueli couldn't explain it clearly. After a long time, this matter would fall on Qin Wan.

But what if Su Yueli knew

Qin Wanwan pondered, according to this kind of Mary Suwen's consistent urine, Su Yueli fell into a coma on the cliff, and it was impossible to encounter nothing. If Su Yueli lied, she encountered something but refused to say it. ,what is this

This must be something Su Yueli felt unwilling to be known by others. In Su Yueli's life, more than 90% of the plots were related to men, and the man she didn't want to mention seemed to be...

The young master of the barren city would rather not repair.

In Qin Wan's memory, this man once disclosed to the world his marriage contract with Su Yueli, saying that Su Yueli had worshipped him long ago, obtained the true biography of their Ning family, and blended with his spiritual knowledge.

But at that time, Su Yueli's suitors were like crucian carp crossing the river. How could she become the wife of a certain man, so she denied it all the time until Ning Buxiu died for her, and his treasure fell to Su Yue after her death. In Li's hands, Su Yueli was able to open it with divine sense, and everyone confirmed that Su Yueli and Ning Buxiu had indeed blended their divine sense.

But when did Su Yueli meet Ning Buxiu

Moreover, the Ning family's cultivation method is unique. It is said that by blending with Ning's spiritual consciousness, half of Ning's cultivation can be obtained. The process is at least ten days and a half months, and as many as several years. When did Su Yueli have such a practice? For a long time, go and Ning do not repair to do this

Qin Wanwan thought about it, and her eyes fell on Su Yueli's head involuntarily.

The Sea of Consciousness is a person's most hidden place. In the world of self-cultivation, unless the cruel method of searching for gods is used, a person's Sea of Consciousness cannot be entered by outsiders.

The fundamental reason why the technique of 'searching for gods' is cruel is that, after using it, most of the people who are searched suffer from damage to the sea of consciousness and go crazy.

Whether it is Shen Zhiming or Jun Shu, they are all reluctant to search for Su Yueli.

But what if Su Yueli didn't wake up because her soul was trapped in the sea of consciousness and didn't want to wake up

If this is the case, then Su Yueli not only knows everything that is happening around her, but also knows that Shen Zhiming, Junshu, Song Xinian and others are crazy for her, that they are going to dig Qin Wanlongdan, and that they are worried, she may also be in the sea of knowledge With Ning not repairing you, I am lovingly watching all this...

Thinking of this, Qin Wanwan unconsciously felt a little disgusted.

She didn't want to make any more guesses, she hesitated for a moment, raised her hand and set up a screen sound barrier.

Jane Xingzhi was a little puzzled that she did all this, but Qin Wanwan took out a flute from the Qiankun bag after setting the barrier.

It is very difficult to directly invade a person's sea of consciousness.

But if you use media, such as incense and music, you can indeed enter the sea of consciousness of the other party when the strength of the consciousness is much higher than that of the other party.

It's just that this is a method only available in the fairy world. In this small world, there is such a method

Jian Xingzhi couldn't help sitting up straight, watching Qin Wanwan play the flute.

The moment the flute sounded, Qin Wanwan closed her eyes and felt as if she was standing in front of a gate. The gate was thick and heavy, Qin Wanwan pushed forward hard, and at the same time, her flute sound became more and more urgent.

Jian Xingzhi listened to the sound of the flute, trying to figure out which school it was from, but before he could pinpoint the source, he heard the sound of a flute coming in sharply from the outside to the inside, with surging spiritual power rushing towards Qin Wanwan. Come!

Jian Xingzhi jumped down from the beam, formed a formation with his hands, hugged Qin Wanwan into his arms, and pressed the seal on Qin Wanwan's back at the same time.

The door in front of Qin Wanwan's eyes shattered in an instant, and Diyin charged with the spiritual power of Xiao Sheng.

The scene in front of Qin Wanwan flew far away quickly, getting smaller and smaller. She seemed to be looking at a smaller and smaller canvas. On the canvas was a city of ice and snow. The girl in pink ran past with her skirt up. She turned around and seemed to be talking to someone. talk.

"Don't fix it," she shouted happily, "Come and catch me, catch me, I'll be yours."