The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 71


Unexpectedly, Qin Wanwan reacted this way, and Jian Xingzhi's expression froze.

Emerald next to her covered her face with a broken fan, and laughed out loud.

Jian Xingzhi felt embarrassed, and turned to stare at Emerald: "What are you laughing at, old bald bird."

"Who are you calling a bald bird?"

When Cui Lu heard this, she became anxious, she rolled up her sleeves and started to work: "I tell you, don't think that you look like a god and I won't beat you."


Jane Xingzhi glanced at her coldly: "I can't ask for it."

"you… "

Cuilu stood up and wanted to hit someone, but Qin Wanwan quickly grabbed her: "Sister, don't bother with him for my face."

Emerald didn't want to really fight with Jian Xingzhi. If she really started, who would lose and who would win, she walked down Qin Wanwan's steps and only threatened Jian Xingzhi, "I'll let you go today."

"you… "

"Shut up!" Qin Wanwan saw that Jian Xingzhi was going to talk back, so she turned her head and drank it. Jian Xingzhi's words came to her mouth, and after thinking about it, she endured it again, and turned her head to say no more.

The group rested for a while, and then set off again. This time Xie Gutang decided not to believe any of them, and went forward to explore the road in person.

Xie Gutang is willing to take care of the work, and Jian Xingzhi is also happy. Cuilu doesn't want to walk with Jian Xingzhi, and pulls Nanfeng forward.

Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan walked together, he glanced at Qin Wanwan from time to time, Qin Wanwan looked over, he turned his head again, and his face was full of dissatisfaction.

He also has a temper. He talks nicely to Qin Wanwan, and Qin Wanwan talks to him, so he doesn't take the initiative to talk to Qin Wanwan.

But he thought again.

So he took a peek at it, Qin Wanwan turned back, and he ducked again.

The two of them looked at each other for a while, and Qin Wanwan understood what he was thinking, so she decided to be more generous and take the initiative to show her goodwill.

She took out the heart talisman from her sleeve and poked his arm with the talisman.

Jane Xingzhi refused to look at her and said, "Don't touch me!"

"Don't you want the heart symbol?"

Qin Wanwan leaned over and reminded him.

Jian Xingzhi paused, and Qin Wanwan shook the Lianxin Talis in front of him: "I'll give you this to make amends, I shouldn't tell you to get out, don't get angry, okay?"

"Apologize for what I gave you?" Jian Xingzhi sneered and turned his head, "I don't want it."

"Lianxinfu, you stole it three times, don't you?"

Qin Wanwan continued to sway in front of him, Jane Xingzhi was too lazy to care about her, raised her hand and pushed her away: "Hold it for you, I don't want it."

Qin Wanwan was inexplicably happy when she heard this.

She put her hands behind her back and said slowly, "Actually, it's useless for me to hold this spell."

"Then you didn't want to pay me back!"

Jane Xingzhi glared at her, Qin Wanwan smiled: "Who told you to steal after knowing that I was the Queen of the Mountain? You can't tolerate me being unhappy if you don't believe me?"

"I thought you were afraid of me."

Jian Xingzhi was a little surprised, but Qin Wanwan didn't care: "I believe you won't hurt me."

Jian Xingzhi didn't say a word, Qin Wanwan handed over the heart talisman seriously: "Take it, it's such an important thing after all."

Jian Xingzhi looked down at Lianxin Talisman, and after a long time, he raised his hand and pushed the talisman back.

"You take it, I don't want it."

After saying that, he walked away.

Qin Wanwan was stunned for a moment, she couldn't understand: "Why did he suddenly quit?"

"Youth feelings are always poetry, I want to have more relationship with you." 38 sighed.

Then, he took out a cigarette case, Qin Wanwan was a little surprised: "What are you?"

"Oh, I got a lot of points just now," 38 explained, "1000 points, we opened the permission, and I bought a pack of cigarettes."

"Does your system still smoke?!"

Qin Wanwan was a little shocked, and nodded at 38: "Yes, I also bought a bunch of lollipops for my wife and asked the switchboard to mail them to her. Alas, I don't know where my wife is on the mission."

38 was a little melancholy. It struck a match and turned to look at Qin Wanwan: "I haven't smoked in the host's mind for a long time, please forgive me."

Qin Wanwan didn't understand. After a while, the match lit the cigarette, 38 took a deep breath, and blew a smoke ring.

In an instant, smoke filled her mind.

Qin Wanwan collapsed immediately, and said hysterically, "Exit the cigarette for me!"

"do not… "

38 Some grievances.

Qin Wanwan refused to give up, and the smoking ban would last for a long time. When Qin Wanwan completely put out the cigarette of 38, she heard Xie Gutang ask, "Where is this?"

Qin Wanwan only stopped at this time, raised her head, and noticed her surroundings.

Before, they had been walking in a dark cave, and now, in front of them, the dirt road that had been simply dug in the cave came to the end, and a huge stone gate was in front of them. Two bronze figures stood on both sides of the stone gate. The bronze immortal lamps reflect the two ancient fonts on the front of the stone gate with sword intent flowing.

“Bright and clean…”

Xie Gutang murmured, and Cuilu saw the word "Mingjing" and showed excitement: "It's the word of the god! It was written by him!"

Saying that, Jade Green hurried forward, and Jian Xingzhi's face changed instantly: "Don't touch!"

But Jade Green was too eager, the moment Jian Xingzhi spoke up, she had already hit the door, and she was instantly knocked out!

Qin Wanwan stepped forward to stop Cuilu, but Cuilu was still shocked and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"There's a ban on it."

Jian Xingzhi looked at Shimen and thought, "This restriction was left by Lin Yanzhi."

"Are you saying that the god is still alive?"

Emerald looked at Jian Xingzhi anxiously, and Jian Xingzhi shook his head: "No, most of the great powers will start to build their own tombs before they die. This should be left by Lin Yanzhi in advance."

Emerald froze for a moment, the light in his eyes dimmed.

Jane paused for a while, and then she was not very skilled and stiffly comforted: "Maybe you are alive?"

Emerald seems to be even more sad.

Qin Wanwan supported Cuilu and hurriedly urged, "Is there any way to open the door?"

Jian Xingzhi thought for a while: "I can try, but I may not be able to split."

With that, he raised his hand and Yuan Ning jumped up from Qin Wanwan's waist and fell into Jian Xingzhi's hands.

Emerald was a little shocked: "How can he use your sword?"

Generally, Lingbao is reserved for the owner, unless the other party is a blood relative or a partner, Jade Lu suddenly filled up a lot of messy things in his mind, just before she spoke, Jian Xingzhi ruthlessly interrupted her: "There is no me in this world for the time being. Unusable sword."

Jian Xiu's Sword Intent means his level of control over the Sword Spirit.

Although Jian Xingzhi's cultivation base is not enough, his sword intent has always remained at the peak. With his understanding of sword intent, it is not difficult to control Yuan Ning.

Cuilu was startled by this, she subconsciously looked at Xie Gutang, Xie Gutang nodded in resignation: "The seniors in the Sword Tomb of Tianjian Sect listen to him."

Xie Gutang said so, and Cuilu finally believed it. She spent a lot of effort to accept the fact that Jian Xingzhi, a stunned young man, was so powerful. After thinking about it, she finally found a reason.

"Thanks to God's face."

She held Qin Wanwan's hand: "He is so powerful."

Jian Xingzhi sneered when he heard the words, ignored her, held Yuan Ning in his hand, and raised his hand across it.

The surrounding ground began to tremble, and the stone chips flew up. Qin Wanwan greeted everyone with a certain atmosphere: "Everyone back up, my master wants to zoom in..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Shimen slammed open with a bang.

Jian Xing was stunned for a moment. Xie Gutang immediately raised his head and looked at Jian Xingzhi eagerly: "Senior, you can break the ban without doing anything. It can be seen that the sword intent is so pure that I can't understand it!"

"I'm not… "

"Jane Xingzhi, I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

Qin Wanwan murmured, Jian Xingzhi heard the words of Qin Wanwan's admiration, and suddenly felt that she didn't want to explain.

He coughed lightly, pretending to be modest: "It's all trivial matters."

With that, he invited everyone: "Let's go."

The door opened and the group walked in.

There is a stone passage inside, which is much finer than before. The white jade floor is painted with bluestone walls engraved with colorful reliefs.

Every other section of the road, there are luminous pearls inlaid in golden lamps to illuminate.

So luxurious, Qin Wanwan couldn't help but sigh: "It's really rich..."

"Of course." Cuilu heard Qin Wanwan's praise of Jian Xingzhi's tomb, and immediately began to show off, "Our monarch was the number one person in the realm of self-cultivation back then, and this wealth is nothing more than a drop in the bucket."

"The paintings seem to have a slightly deeper meaning."

Xie Gutang couldn't listen to Jade Green's bragging, and couldn't help but change the subject.

Qin Wanwan heard the words, turned her head to look at the two walls, and carefully observed the reliefs on them.

These reliefs are all figures of figures, and the relief pictures are connected one by one, which seems to be saying something.

"The paintings in the cemetery are often the life of the tomb owner."

Jian Xingzhi explained that this was not what Qin Wanwan expected. She walked to the picture closest to the door, and just stood in front of her, the picture seemed to sense her existence and immediately moved.

The picture shows a woman sitting on the edge of the long fence, looking down at the people coming and going, and then a young man raised his head and smiled at the woman.

"How to start with a woman?" Nanfeng stood beside Qin Wanwan and expressed her doubts, "Isn't the master Mingjing Divine Monarch?"

"Isn't this just the beginning?"

Jian Xingzhi reminded everyone: "Go in and watch as you go."

Everyone nodded and started pacing slowly, admiring the reliefs.

This relief painting is finely carved, but if you look closely at the content, you will find that this is actually a very vulgar love story.

The woman in the picture seems to have been born in a brothel, and she fell in love with the young man who was looking up at her on the street by chance looking at each other. The young man has nothing but looks, but the woman loves him madly.

"Wow, scumbag."

Emerald commented decisively, Qin Wanwan nodded: "Scumbag!"

Several people walked forward, watching as they walked.

On the screen, the young man seems to be being chased and killed. He temporarily hides here, and the woman takes him in.

The young man asked for many things, drinking top-notch white dew tea, piercing clouds and silk, and the women spent all their money to satisfy him.

She thought it was love. Later, the young man left alone. In order to escape from the brothel, she ruined her appearance and scattered all her money. Then she conceived a daughter and gave birth alone.

"This..." Qin Wanwan frowned and speculated, "Is it Ning Huihe?"

"Perhaps so."

Jian Xingzhi's expression was very light, looking at the picture: "After all, this should be Lin Yanzhi's tomb."

Lin Yanzhi's tomb, everything should be related to him.

In the picture, the child grows up, and when he is about three years old, he shows extraordinary talent. The woman finds out about this, but she lives in poverty and cannot provide better conditions for the child. She can only take this gifted child on the street Sell wontons.

One year on the Lantern Festival, their mother and daughter were selling wontons on the street. A young man walked through the downtown with a noble fairy and a child. He bought a bunch of cakes for his son and came to the women's stall. The moment the woman looked up , both of them were shocked.

The young man glanced at the girl next to her who was helping out on the stool, and didn't say much.

At night, the young man came to the small courtyard and wanted to take the woman and the child back, but the woman was unwilling.

Not long after, her daughter was seriously ill, and ordinary doctors could not treat the cultivator. The woman went to the door of the youth's house, but the youth refused to open the door. She hugged the child and knelt and begged until finally, the youth came out.

She became the outer chamber of the youth, unknown to everyone, and in exchange for it, the child was finally saved.

Only then did she know that this young man was the young master of a cultivating family, and he was just chased by his enemies and accidentally escaped into the world for an unexpected encounter.

This girl is a pure spiritual root of the wood system, and she is extremely talented.

She and her daughter depended on each other for life, and the main room knew that she existed, but she was not the only outer room of the youth. In fact, there were several concubines in the youth's family. Because of her low status, she could not even be a concubine.

In this way, she has no influence on the main room, so the main room never pays attention to it, leaving her alone in the small courtyard in the suburbs, living alone with her daughter.

The young man asked many people to take care of her. She needs to drink a bowl of soup every day. She doesn't know what it is, but she has no choice. Don't let her drink it, she can only.

After such a day, less than half a year later, after waking up from a faint, she found out that she was pregnant.

The young man stood in front of the bed, very happy.

After that, she still had to drink medicine every day, and at the same time, there were many pictures of fighting between the pictures.

Qin Wanwan observed the paintings and found that the monk with a blossoming heart was cut and killed, and then pulled out the golden core.

The golden pills were collected one by one and ground into powder.

On one side of the picture, the woman's time was peaceful, and on the other side, the blood flowed into a river.

The more Qin Wanwan looked at it, the more she didn't understand. Until the last picture, the young man took away these medicines that had been submerged in the golden elixir and handed them to the servants. At this time, Qin Wanwan suddenly reacted.

"That's not medicine."

Jian Xingzhi said coldly, Qin Wanwan turned back and saw the answer in Jian Xingzhi's eyes.

She said in a panic, "What she drank was the monk's golden elixir."

The two did not speak, and everyone stood in front of the screen and stopped.

Qin Wanwan had a premonition of what the scene in front of her was, and she suddenly couldn't move.

She couldn't help looking at Jian Xingzhi, who stared at the picture with a calm expression.

"There is no such thing as good luck in this world, everything has a root."

Jian Xingzhi raised his hand and touched the lotus in the hearts of those monks.

"Let's go."

Saying that, he turned his head forward.

Qin Wanwan stood where she was, and after a long time, she picked up her mood and caught up with Jane Xingzhi.

She was a little flustered, and many possibilities began to appear in her mind.

Lin Yanzhi was born with a golden pill, and Jian Xingzhi was also born with a golden pill.

Lin Yanzhi and Jian Xingzhi look almost the same.

Lin Yanzhi died more than 100 years ago, and Jian Xingzhi was born more than 100 years ago...

Countless coincidences echoed in her mind, and she looked up at Jane Xingzhi.

If Lin Yanzhi was born because of sorcery, then who should pay for this karma in the end

She didn't dare to think deeply about this question, she just stared at Jane Xingzhi blankly.

Jian Xingzhi's back was thin and tall, calm and calm, he seemed to sense that Qin Wanwan was restless, walked a few steps, and stopped suddenly.

"If you're afraid of panic, grab my sleeve," said Jane Xingzhi, looking back at her and raising her eyebrows, "Don't worry, there's nothing I can't handle."