The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 72


Hearing this, Qin Wanwan was relieved.

Jane Xingzhi is right, no matter what the past is, it is the past, what is left in the past is just a problem, and when the problem comes, the solution is, don't worry.

She sank, walked beside Jian Xingzhi, and looked at the relief on it with him.

Xie Gutang frowned tightly, explaining the lotus flower on the screen: "This seems to be a demon hunting battle."


Qin Wanwan turned her head to look at Xie Gutang, and Xie Gutang nodded: "I just listened to what my predecessors said about this matter. Back then, when the demons were reckless, the cultivation world went around to capture the demons in their bodies and kill them when they found them. There was a group of people who had demons that could not be eliminated, so they gathered together, built the Moradam Palace and spread the demons wanton. It was about two hundred years ago."

"So the Cultivation World established the Immortal Alliance, and with the power of the Immortal Alliance, they captured the Moratan Palace. The Moratan Palace was close to the barren city area. , Since then, the city will be sealed with ice and snow, and there will be no escape from the world."

Emerald said, looking at the relief next to her, her eyes showing admiration: "It was not until the appearance of the Mingjing God that the Ning family returned to the field of vision of the people in the realm of self-cultivation. Back then, the God-monarch, in less than a hundred years of transcendence, built a ghost town with his own power, and died without a trace. Once a defeat, the world will not dare to commit it, and it is called the first person in the world."


Qin Wanwan couldn't help but sigh, Jane Xing listened beside her, coughed lightly, and reminded Qin Wanwan: "Isn't it just a hundred years of tribulation, some people have soared in a hundred years."

Qin Wanwan knew that Jian Xingzhi was complimenting herself as soon as she heard it, and she couldn't help but argue: "The important thing is not to cross the calamity or to ascend. People built ghost towns by themselves. Did some people do it?"

"Then," Jian Xingyi choked, then changed his angle, "then some people can destroy the ghost town by themselves."

As soon as the words fell, Cuilu turned back suddenly, with a fierce face: "Who are some people?!"

Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan were silent together, they turned their heads and turned to both sides, looking at the reliefs on the walls on both sides.

The belly of the woman on the relief is getting bigger and bigger, and she starts not only to drink medicine, but also to take a bath.

I don't know what was added to the bath. Every time the woman entered, she would scream desperately, and the people next to her would hold her down, and every time it was a desperate confrontation.

The woman began to realize that something was wrong and wanted to escape, so the young man directly tied her daughter and threatened her life.

In a heavy snow, the woman finally gave birth to a child.

On the day the child was born, the young man's entire family surrounded the door, and the house was in full bloom, and then the young man walked out with a child in his arms.

In the snowstorm, the young man lifted the blood-stained child, and the family rejoiced. Only the mother reluctantly got up from the bed and climbed down to the ground, trying to snatch the child back.

But she was too powerless.

She could only watch the youth come back and drip her own blood on the child's forehead.

The complex rune lit up on the child's forehead, and everyone was stunned the moment they saw the rune.

That is the unique spiritual deed of acknowledging the master of the spirit beast.

In other words, this young man treated his child as a spirit beast.

But how can a person become a spirit beast

Qin Wanwan couldn't understand, but Jian Xingzhi reminded her: "This woman has a demon bloodline, and she should be of some kind of special bloodline, so the children born are all heaven-ranked single spiritual roots."

"Then why does she look like a mortal? No cultivation at all?!"

Qin Wanwan was shocked.

"There are too many possibilities," Emerald said in a flat voice. "It may be that the bloodline has been separated for several generations, or something happened to her. For example, when she was a child, she was extracted from the spiritual root, and she never knew it."

Qin Wanwan was speechless.

Just look at the child on the relief, and start to grow up slowly.

He was a boy, and he was born with a golden elixir, so it should be the stars and the moon, but this was not the case.

He has been trapped in a secret realm for many years, and he has to take bitter medicine every day. He has to soak in a medicinal bath once a month. The medicinal bath is extremely painful. Zhang He.

Such a body that has been tempered repeatedly, when he was less than ten years old, he was already invulnerable.

His monthly life is fighting in the secret realm, being bitten by various monsters, and being chased and killed by the death row prisoners thrown into the secret realm.

His father told the death row that if he could kill him, he could go out. So he has been living between life and death.

The only tenderness in life is that he can see his mother and sister once a month.

His elder sister is different from him. The tree is a spiritual root, and she is destined to become a medical practitioner sought by the Quartet in the future. Although the family does not recognize her, she lives well in the family.

Brocade clothing and jade food, unobstructed entry and exit.

Because he was good at medicine at a young age, he was favored by ancestors from all walks of life.

His sister and mother are very gentle and love him very much.

When he was young, he didn't understand. He always went out of the secret realm dripping with blood. When his mother and sister saw him, they would cry.

So he realized early on that he shouldn't be like this. When he saw his sister and mother every month, he would clean up his wounds in advance and clean them up. When they saw him, they asked him if he was doing well, and he said, he very good.

He wanted to break through the secret realm countless times, but every time he was about to break through, his father would appear.

He couldn't disobey his father's orders, no matter how strong he was.

His father asked him to kneel, and he couldn't help kneeling.

Such absolute surrender made him gradually give up on himself.

His father told him that as long as he obeyed, he could go out and be reunited with his mother and sister.

He promised him.

At the age of twenty, he broke through Yuan Ying, and his father finally agreed to take him out.

He walked out of the secret realm and saw the blue sky, white clouds, green mountains, and green water for the first time.

He opened his eyes wide.

Such a blooming life is a beauty he has never seen in twenty years.

He is obsessed with this world.

However, after he brushed this rose, he rushed to the battlefield.

There was friction between the clan and the surrounding sects. He went to pacify the chaos. The scene was very chaotic that day. He controlled his body and killed many people.

When he left, he stood on a hill full of corpses and wiped the blood from his face.

Back in the family, he got permission to see his mother and sister.

He couldn't laugh that day. After his sister left, his mother asked him what happened, but he didn't answer.

After that, he was taken to these large and small battlefields again and again. He had no way to control his body and sword. He was not alone, he was just a sword in his father's hands.

He can't decide the direction of his sword, and he can't decide his own destiny.

One night, he finally broke down and cried in the room.

Mother stood at the door, holding the boiled soup, listening to the drizzle of the autumn night, motionless.

She's mortal, she can't do anything.

She had tried to cultivate immortals, but couldn't.

She also tried to get stronger, but couldn't.

She was helpless in the face of the tragedy of her children's lives.

She could only watch the child cry, but she didn't even dare to send a bowl of soup.

The woman stood at the door for a long time, then turned to leave.

For many days after that, this child repeated this kind of life. The only gratification was that under his protection, his sister and mother lived well.

My sister has her own medical clinic and is married to someone she likes.

Looking at the newlyweds in happy clothes on the screen, everyone stopped.

Qin Wanwan stared at the groom for a long time and finally confirmed.

"Is it Yan Wushuang?"


Jian Xingzhi nodded and looked at the bride next to him: "Then this elder sister should be Ning Huihe. And that trashy man is supposed to be Ning Wenxu."

If it was suspected before, then at this moment, they finally confirmed that this is Lin Yanzhi's tomb.

They continued to move forward and saw on the screen that Yan Wushuang and Lin Yan had a good relationship, and they often asked him to drink and discuss with him.

Lin Yan was peacefully spending the years when he returned to his sister's place, while he was on the battlefield in front of Ning Wenxu's weapon.

It seemed that life was about to end like this, until one day, Lin Yanzhi's mother came to him.

She said that she found a way to unlock his spiritual deed and reverse his physique, and after letting him unlock the spiritual deed, he left on his own.

Lin Yanzhi said yes, he listened to his mother's words, and after drinking the medicine, he lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found that the ground was covered in blood. A tube in his mother's hand, a tube in his hand, blood from her body to his, she lay in a pool of blood with a dagger in her chest, looking at him weakly.

Ning Wenxu led people around them, clenched his fists, restrained his emotions, and called him over.

Lin Yanzhi got up and raised his sword.

He felt that there was no more restraint in his body, but at the moment when he raised the sword, his mother reached out and pulled him.

Lin Yanzhi stared blankly at his mother, who looked at him tenderly.

"I want to go home."

"In other words, stop killing people," she said.

The hatred has no end. Today he killed the Ning family. If the Ning family does not die, they will not let him go.

"I changed the blood on your body. I didn't want to listen to him anymore, so I left."

The mother's voice was hoarse, and Lin Yanzhi's eyes were filled with tears, watching her mother stretch out her hand to him with difficulty: "In other words, you... you hug Niang."

Lin Yanzhi held up the sword, he was deadlocked and hesitant, between this soft love and monstrous hatred, he finally chose to put down the sword.

He reached out and hugged his mother.

The mother smiled: "In other words, I'm sorry for you and Huihe. I didn't protect you well. I believe in villains. But I'm so happy to have you as my children."

"Don't avenge me," she cupped his face, "do what you want to do. I know you have a good heart, so just follow your heart. In this world, there are many good people you will meet. , you will fall in love."

Lin Yanzhi said nothing, he watched his mother cry.

Mother stared at him: "Promise me."

Lin Yanzhi didn't dare to speak, he stared into his mother's eyes for a long time, before he said, "Okay." The mother laughed slowly, the light in her eyes was dim, she seemed to be very tired, and leaned her head on Lin Yan. the chest, and no longer speak.

Lin Yanzhi carried his mother on his back and stood up tremblingly. He raised his sword and looked up at Ning Wenxu.

"Today, I'm leaving, and the grudge will be written off. If I stay, either you will die or I will live. Will you let it or not?"

Ning Wenxu looked at him, and after a long time, he put down his sword and got out of the way.

Lin Yanzhi took the sword and the woman covered in blood and went out. Before going out, he turned his head and looked at Ning Wenxu.

"Ning Huihe stays in the barren city. If she hurts a hair, I will destroy your Ning family."

No one dared to speak.

Everyone knows what kind of existence this mad dog was trained by himself.

He walked out of Ning's house step by step with the woman on his back.

Then he bought a coffin on the street and loaded the coffin for his mother. In the night rain, he came to Ning Huihe's medical clinic.

Ning Huihe and Yan Wushuang were closing the door when they saw the young man dressed in white standing in the night rain and smiling at them.

Ning Huihe raised his head in surprise: "What?"


Lin Yanzhi smiled: "My father is willing to let me go, but I have to leave tonight. My mother and I will leave first, and you and your brother-in-law live a good life."

"Where are you going?"

Ning Huihe put down the plank and was about to go out. Lin Yanzhi stopped her: "Sister, don't come out."

Saying that, he pointed to the sky: "It's raining, don't get wet."

Ning Huihe was under the eaves, she stopped, with tears in her eyes.

The siblings looked at each other, Yan Wushuang came out and put clothes on Ning Huihe.

Lin Yanzhi's eyes fell on Yan Wushuang: "In the future, my sister will ask you."

"Don't worry." Yan Wushuang smiled, "Come back for a drink when you have time."

Lin Yanzhi nodded, he stretched out his hand in front of him, and bowed in a big salute.

With that said, he turned and left. He didn't bring an umbrella, and the rain covered him.

He walked out of the city, carrying a sword, driving a carriage with a coffin, questioning people all the way, and walking towards the place where the phoenix blossoms.

Not long after, Ning Huihe heard that there was a Ming and Pure Daoist in this world. He was kind, gentle, and powerful. He hoeed the strong and helped the weak.

He entered the city that was sealed due to the ravages of the demons, took down the demons for the people in the city, and established a ghost town when all the people who had no demons but were hunted down had nowhere to go.

Ghost towns take in wandering people and homeless people.

His surname is not Ning, his surname is Lin.

And this is their mother's surname, their mother is Lin Fengxi.

Ning Huihe listened to her brother's news every day, and she was very happy to learn that Lin Yan was well.

In less than a hundred years, Lin Yanzhi was able to break through the calamity, complete his merits, and become a half-immortal in this world. At this time, he finally returned to the deserted city.

Everyone seems to have forgotten the past, everyone welcomes the god, Ning Huihe and Yan Wushuang are waiting at home, and after a while, the young man walks into the house.

He didn't raise his sword, he was holding a scroll in his hand, which looked very different from what he used to be.

They drank together, and Lin Yanzhi generously taught Yan Wushuang all the things he understood. He was injured too much, so he created a practice called Chunsheng.

Since then, Lin Yanzhi will come back from time to time. Ning Huihe was worried about him, and put a tracking tool made with her blood on him, so that he could sense the distance between his life and death.

Everything was calm, until one day, a coffin full of seals was suddenly ushered in at the gate of the barren city. Ning's became extremely nervous, Jujian Villa sensed it, and sent Yan Wushuang to investigate the news.

But before Yan Wushuang could find out the news, one day, the Ning family suddenly sent someone to inform Ning Huihe that Lin Yanzhi had an accident and her life was dying, so she hurried back to the Ning's house. live.

She was dragged into a large tomb surrounded by murals. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the pictures on the murals.

She lived a carefree life, and the only pitiful thing was that she was not recognized by her own family. But she didn't care, and there was nothing wrong with being at ease.

She is a medical practitioner and is loved by everyone. She thinks that her mother is dressed in fine clothes and food, and that her younger brother is just a normal monk training. She always thought that her mother followed her younger brother around the world and died of a natural illness when the time came. She even complained about Lin Yanzhi for this.

But until this moment, she didn't understand what her brother, mother, had gone through.

She was dragged all the way to a stone room, and then she saw Lin Yanzhi who was chained with iron shackles.

Lin Yanzhi looked at her calmly, with uncontrollable tension in his eyes.

She was pressed to the ground, and an old man stepped forward and said something to Lin Yanzhi.

Lin Yanzhi lowered his head, but at that moment, Ning Huihe on the screen resolutely pounced on the blade and wiped his neck with the cold blade.

Lin Yan roared, Ning Huihe fell into a pool of blood, and her soul was scattered. It was at this moment that Lin Yanzhi finally broke out, and the evil energy broke out from his body. He broke free from the shackles and rushed towards the old man. past.

Ning's disciples stepped forward, no one was his opponent, the old man reluctantly took a blow from him, at this time, the long corridor had come to an end.

The last painting at the end is of a couple arriving here to meet Lin Yanzhi's last sword.

Qin Wanwan stopped in place, staring blankly at the couple's faces.

Others saw the picture and went forward. In front of them was another stone gate. The stone gate was densely packed with runes that were sealed. It was estimated that it would be difficult to open the inside, and it was impossible to enter from the outside.

Xie Gutang and Cuilu went forward to study the door, Jian Xingzhi strolled around, thought about it, and instructed the two to drill holes in the door.

After confirming it, he turned back to Qin Wanwan's side, and when he saw Qin Wanwan was still watching, he leaned his head: "What have you been watching for so long, your parents?"

He asked casually, not wanting Qin Wanwan to actually nod her head: "Yes."

Jane Xingzhi was startled, she quickly raised her eyes, recognized it carefully for a while, and nodded: "Well, I remember."

These two must never fight.

Qin Wanwan didn't know what he remembered, she looked at the picture and couldn't help thinking.

Her parents arrived at the last minute, so what happened after that

And this Lin Yanzhi, will he live or die after that

She turned her head with a dignified expression, and remembered that, compared to him, Jian Xingzhi should be more saddened. After all, this Lin Yan seems to be inextricably linked with him, in case it was his previous life, with such sadness In the past, he must have been more sad.

She sorted out her emotions and wanted to turn around to comfort Jian Xingzhi. Before she could say anything, she heard Jian Xingzhi shout at Nanfeng: "That one can't be touched!"

Nan Feng's hand was about to touch a talisman paper when he heard Jane Xingzhi's voice and quickly stopped.

Only at this time did Qin Wanwan notice that Xie Gutang and Cuilu were digging holes with swords on the gate.

Xie Gutang's saber stood on the gate, spinning at a high speed like an electric drill, and Jade Green was preparing a talisman array in his hand, looking extremely nervous.

Qin Wanwan was at a loss: "What are you doing?"

"Senior said that with so many seal runes, there must be something extremely terrifying sealed inside. We opened the door rashly. If something is released, wouldn't it be a sin? So let's make a hole first, confirm what's inside, and then open the door."

Xie Gutang answered seriously, Qin Wanwan turned her head to look at Jade Green: "What about you?"

"I'm responsible for sealing it up if something escapes."

Emerald rolled his eyes: "Otherwise do you think I'm here to cheer him on?"

When Qin Wanwan got the words, she somehow felt that it made sense. After Xie Gutang's hard work, she finally wiped off her sweat: "No, this door can't be opened."

"I'll try."

Before Jian Xing went up, he began to repeat Xie Gutang's plan again. After a long time, he finally got into most of it, but he still couldn't drive.

The group tried their best and tried their best to cut a hole with a knife, axe, fire and electric shock.

Everyone was panting from exhaustion, sitting cross-legged on the ground, Emerald looked up at Qin Wanwan: "Do you think we still open this door?"

"Not yet," Qin Wanwan shook her head, "If there is an evil spirit inside, wouldn't it be a sin if we let it out?"

"Then what should I do now?" Xie Gutang frowned, "I can't spend it here forever."

"Take another road and see." Jian Xingzhi thought about it and made a decision, "If you can go, take another road."

Everyone thinks about it too, patted his butt and stood up, exhausted and walked back. After walking a few steps, a female voice came from inside: "Don't go!"

Everyone stopped, the female voice was a little eager: "Tear off the talisman and you can come in!"

"Look," Jian Xingzhi was proud when he heard this, "I just said there was a murderous thing in it, but luckily we didn't open the door rashly. Hurry up!"

"Don't go!"

The female voice was even more anxious: "You guys come back, there is no other way out!"

In such a hurry to let them go back, everyone became more and more determined to escape.

"Hurry up and go."

Qin Wanwan urged: "Don't give her a chance to confuse us."

"I'm really not a murderer! I'm Ning Huihe!"

After hearing this, everyone finally stopped, everyone hesitated, and looked at each other.

"Do you want to believe her?" Xie Gutang frowned.

Emerald reminded him: "Ferocious creatures are very deceptive."

Everyone thought about it, and to be on the safe side, we should withdraw first.

Standing in the stone room, Ning Huihe stared blankly at the group of people who walked away without hesitation, despair welled up in his heart.

"You forced me."

Ning Huihe wiped away his tears.

After a while, this group of people rushed back, all behind them were flying swords, fireballs, and mace.

Jian Xingyi took the lead and rushed to the front.

This time they didn't hesitate, mainly because they had no choice but to hula a group of people rushing towards the gate, Jian Xingyi jumped up, tore off the rune hanging in the sky, and Qin Wanwan kicked the gate open.

Just before Feijian caught up with them, everyone jumped and jumped into the hole in unison.

Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan rushed to the front, and before they looked up, they saw a pair of embroidered shoes with lotus flowers in front of them.

The two looked up together and found a woman sitting in front of them.

The woman is transparent, it should be just a soul, she looked at them tenderly, and whispered: "Are you here?"

"Ning Huihe?"

Qin Wanwan was the first to speak out, Ning Huihe nodded, got up in a group, looked around, and found that it looked like a bedroom, with tables, wardrobes, and paintings the owner liked beside it.

The only difference from ordinary bedrooms is that there is no bed in the room, there is only a high platform, and there is an ice coffin on the high platform.

This should be the main tomb.

Everyone has an idea.

As soon as Ning Huihe raised her hand, she poured out the tea, and the tea was poured into everyone's hands. She greeted gently, "Everyone, sit down."

Everyone sat down cautiously, and Ning Huihe looked at a few people and smiled: "It's written at the door 'No evil inside, just push the door and enter', what are you running for?"

"Did you write it?"

Hearing this, Jian Xingzhi was a little dazed. He looked at Qin Wanwan, and Qin Wanwan looked at Xie Gutang, who should be the best in the cultural class here.

Xie Gutang frowned: "Where did the girl write?"

Ning Huihe was surprised and pointed to the outside: "It's hanging on the door, the biggest piece of paper."

"Isn't that Zhang Fu?" Cuilu wondered, "I thought it was for suppression?"

Ning Huihe's face was not very good-looking, she sighed: "It's just that I don't understand it. It seems that no one has understood it except my peers."

Saying that, Ning Huihe remembered: "Now that I know the past, is there anything else you want to ask me?"

"I have got."

Jian Xingzhi immediately raised his hand, and Ning Huihe looked over with relief: "I know, you want to know what they wanted to force Yanzhi to do."

"No," Jian Xingzhi shook his head, "I just want to know how to get out."

Ning Huihe's face stiffened: "Don't you want to know Lin Yanzhi's story?"

"I don't want to." Jane Xingzhi answered firmly, "I just want to know how to get out."

Ning Huihe was silent, she fixedly looked at Jian Xingzhi, and after a long time, she said calmly: "Oh, since you want to know the past so much, I will tell you that, what I said at the beginning has actually been successful in transforming the evil spirits. The Heretic God no longer exists. But Ning's family kept the news, Ning's ancestor was about to end his life, he wanted to take the body that he gave up. If he got this strongest body, he could soar just around the corner. But I don't want to look like that. Trapped, he committed suicide in front of him."

"The Evil God lives on people's evil thoughts. In other words, at the moment of my death, his hatred rekindled the Evil God. The Evil God devoured him and merged with him. At this time, two immortals arrived in time, and they stopped him. The evil god who wants to kill and forcibly seal him, and then leave my soul here, where my soul is nourished, but when I go out, it will be ashes."

"So..." Jian Xingzhi said in a deep voice, looking up at her, "how do I get out?"

Ning Huihe looked at Jane Xingzhi quietly. After they looked at each other for a while, she suddenly ran away, grabbed the teapot next to her and threw it over, throwing anything!

"Do you listen to me seriously! I'm talking about such a big thing! I'm talking about the secret that you can't get from other people in your life! You know how to get out! Get out! Get out! Will you respect it? Human?! Where's your brain?! Can't think clearly?! What's your name?!"

Jane Xingzhi dodged everywhere, and after finally catching the vase she smashed, she stuck her head out: "Jane Xingzhi."

Hearing the name, Ning Huihe sat down and raised his hand to cover his forehead.

"Let's change your name." She said in pain, "Name is also a curse. Didn't your parents have a fortune-telling name?"