The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 73


"What's wrong with my name?"

Jian Xingzhi bluntly expressed her dissatisfaction. Seeing Ning Huihe clenched her fists, Qin Wanwan hurriedly smiled: "Miss Ning, leave him alone, you continue to speak."

"My name was chosen by my master, why can't you say it?"

Jian Xingzhi was very dissatisfied, Ning Huihe eased his emotions, tried to calm himself down, and smiled politely at Jian Xingzhi: "I was impulsive, you have a good name and strong action, just A little lack of wisdom, but not a big deal either."

With that said, Ning Huihe turned to look at Qin Wanwan who was willing to listen to her: "This girl, who are you?"

"My name is Qin Wanwan."

Ning Huihe looked at Xie Gutang, Cuilu Nanfeng and the others, everyone reported their names one by one, and Ning Huihe nodded.

Seeing Ning Huihe calm down, Qin Wanwan hurriedly asked, "Where did those two immortals go?"

"I have no idea."

Ning Huihe shook his head: "They took Yanzhi and let me stay here, saying that they will nourish my soul and come back to save me in the future. But I have waited here for two hundred years, except last time at the Twelve Life and Death Gate, I The obsession of seeing you, has never seen anyone else except what you perceive."

"Then they are lying to you!"

A brief summary of excitement.

Qin Wanwan immediately retorted: "You are talking nonsense!"

It was only then that Jane Xingzhi remembered that these two might be Qin Wanwan's parents, so she quickly sought to make up for it: "I'm talking nonsense, they definitely won't lie."

It's even weirder to say.

"Then before they left, did they leave any clues about their whereabouts?"

Qin Wanwan ignored Jian Xingzhi and only asked curiously. Ning Huihe shook her head: "The situation was urgent, they didn't say much, they just let me wait here and left."

"What about before?" Qin Wanwan frowned, "Have you seen them before?"

"I haven't seen it, but I heard it mentioned." Ning Huihesi recalled, "Yanzhi once came to tell me that there were two immoral immortals who would help him seal the demon in order to treat his daughter's illness. Speaking of which," Ning Huihe laughed, "the two immortals seemed to have said that they wanted to invite Yanzhi to be their son-in-law, but unfortunately they were rejected by Yanzhi."

Hearing this, Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan's expressions turned sour.

Qin Wanwan kept her face and pretended not to care: "Fortunately, I refused, or my daughter wouldn't want it."

"That's right!" Jian Xingzhi nodded heavily, "I don't like him!"

"I don't like listening to what you say," Ning Huihe turned to look at Jian Xingzhi, "What's wrong with my family's words? Knowledgeable, profound cultivation, and looks make the female immortals in the cultivation world flock to her, and she deserves her silence. Isn't the mountain girl worthy of you?"

"I… "

"Of course it's not worthy." Jian Xingzhi decisively interrupted Qin Wanwan's words to counterattack and stared at Ning Huihe, "The lady of Jingshan is of noble birth, the richest in the fairy world, beautiful, strong, good-natured, gentle. Lovely and smart."

"It's okay, it's not so good." Qin Wanwan was too embarrassed to be praised by Jian Xingzhi, she turned her ears and listened to Jian Xingzhi continue: "And under the tutelage of Heng Daojun, the first year old in the world, her future husband will also be No. 1 in the world, can Lin Yanzhi beat Daojun Suiheng?!"

Qin Wanwan: "..."

She was suddenly amazed at Jane's bragging skills.

Ning Huihe was also taken aback by Jian Xingzhi's words. After a long time, he asked, "Who is Suiheng?"

"It's not important," Jian Xingzhi bypassed the topic and only looked at Ning Huihe seriously, "In short, Lin Yanzhi is not worthy of the Lady of Jishan Mountain."

"Is it important to talk about these topics now?" Emerald listened to them talking and went home, and she was a little anxious when she was in a hurry to go out. "Let's clear things up and go quickly. Ning Huihe," Emerald turned to look at her, " Just tell me, is the Divine Sovereign dead or alive?"

Ning Huihe moved for a while, and a bit of sadness appeared in her eyes: "I don't know. The last time I saw him, he was swallowed by the evil god. I don't know if this is dead or alive."

"That is to say, if the immortal couple didn't succeed in their transformation, then Lin Yanzhi is the evil god, right?"

Xie Gutang frowned, and Ning Huihe nodded with difficulty.

The crowd fell silent. After a while, Jane Xingzhi asked persistently again, "Then, can we go out now?" "Okay."

Ning Huihe was a little tired and urged Jane Xingzhi: "There is a teleportation formation over there, hurry up."

"Before I leave, I have an unkind request."

Jane Xingzhi made a sound unexpectedly, and her tone was a little embarrassed. Ning Huihe turned his head curiously, saw Jian Xingzhi coughed lightly, lowered his head and asked, "This, the tomb, is here, would you like to send something?"

With that said, Jian Xingzhi added: "I used to go to an ancient tomb, and the tomb spirits in it would say that I was sent by someone with a predestined relationship."

Ning Huihe's eyes widened when he heard the words, and it took a long time before he recovered: "Why are you so shameless?"

"Then it's fine if you don't want to send it, I'll ask." Jian Xingzhi was rejected, not embarrassed, turned around and walked towards the teleportation array, "Wanwan, let's go."

"Wait." Ning Huihe stopped him, "Do me a favor and I'll take you off."

"You say."

Jian Xingzhi immediately turned his head and looked sincere: "I will definitely try my best to do it."

"When my soul was scattered, there was still a soul and a soul in my body, but my body was taken away by the ancestors of the Ning family. Now my soul is incomplete, even if you give me a body, if I die and come back to life, I will become a body. Fool. Please find this soul and bring it back to me."

With that said, Ning Huihe gave them a piece of talisman paper: "Take the talisman paper on your body, and when you crush the talisman paper, I can sense your position and open the tomb to pick you up."

"You can't sense the people and what happened outside the tomb?"

When Qin Wanwan heard this, she speculated and asked, and Ning Huihe nodded: "Without special contact or means, I have no way to sense it."

Qin Wanwan didn't say a word, Ning Huihe looked at Jian Xingzhi: "I have suspended the organs in the tomb, what do you want."


After Jian Xingzhi finished speaking, the whole person disappeared.

Xie Gutang, Cuilu Nanfeng and others were also a little bit eager to move. Ning Huihe glanced at them and said, "If you want, go too."

"Thank you senior."

Xie Gutang bowed, but disappeared instantly.

Qin Wanwan and Ning Huihe were left in the room. Ning Huihe poured tea for Qin Wanwan. Qin Wanwan thought about it and asked, "You carved the second half of the mural, right?"

From the moment Lin Yanzhi left the Ning family, the mural became the perspective of Ning Huihe.


Ning Huihe nodded: "A hundred years is too boring."

"So you don't know a lot of things." Qin Wanwan turned her head to look at her, "For example, in a ghost town back then, how did Lin Yanzhi get into the devil, don't you know?"

"He never told me about him outside. I heard it all. I always thought he was doing well." Ning Huihe smiled bitterly, "I really don't know what happened in the ghost town."

"You're still hiding something."

Qin Wanwan picked up the teacup, Ning Huihe's movements froze, Qin Wanwan's voice was steady: "Since you don't know what's going on outside the tomb, how did you open the tomb door accurately and connect me and Jane Xingzhi to the tomb again and again. middle?"

Ning Huihe remained silent, Qin Wanwan turned her head to look at her: "Jian Xingzhi and Lin Yanzhi are related by blood, and the tomb itself will have an influence on him, right?"

"Ask these, what are you doing?" Ning Huihe chuckled, "You know the past, it's enough not to be deceived by others. Jane Xingzhi is very happy, why bother him?"

"Since you can perceive him, why don't we suspend various organs in advance when we enter the tomb?"

"I was sealed in the main tomb, there is no way."

Ning Huihe smiled bitterly: "You have opened the seal, so I can control this tomb."

"Who sealed you?" Qin Wanwan raised her eyes, Ning Huihe's expression changed, Qin Wanwan glanced outside: "You carved the mural, and you wrote the big piece of paper outside the door, that is, you have been working on it for so many years. The cemetery is unobstructed, but you are suddenly locked in the main tomb, which means that all this happened recently, recently, who came to the tomb and locked you in the main tomb?"

Ning Huihe didn't speak.

At this time, Jian Xingzhi carried a sword, wrapped a lot of things on his back with his coat, and rushed back happily, shouting excitedly at Qin Wanwan all the way: "Wanwan, I'll take that secret room to the top. The wall where the swordsmanship was painted was demolished, and I brought back the training illusion for you, and I also took a lot of things." Said, Jian Xingzhi ran to her happily, "I even have gold powder on the wall. Scraped off!"

Hearing this, Ning Huihe quickly took a sip of water to suppress his shock. At this time, Xie Gutang, Cuilu Nanfeng and others also came back. Each of the three carried this burden on their backs, probably after the Qiankun bag was full, and everyone looked very happy.

Seeing that everyone was back, Qin Wanwan turned to say goodbye to Ning Huihe: "Miss Ning, since there is nothing to do, we will leave first, thank you for helping me this time."

"It should all be."

Ning Huihe glanced at the four people who were carrying the burden next to him, his heart was bleeding, he held Qin Wanwan's hand, trembling slightly: " you pay back..."


When the four people next to him heard the word "return", they immediately cupped their hands together, and Jian Xingzhi took the lead in rushing to the formation, and jumped down without hesitation with their bags on their backs.

Qin Wanwan turned her head and glanced at the four fleeing beside her, and then glanced at Ning Huihe who was holding her hand and refused to let go: "You saw it too, I can't control it."

Saying that, Qin Wanwan drew her hand and walked towards the teleportation array. Before she could even get there, she saw that Jian Xingzhi probed from the teleportation array again. He changed his face again, using an ordinary youth face. Standing on the edge of the teleportation array, he looked at Ning Huihe.

"Ning Huihe," he called out, Ning Huihe turned around in surprise, and saw Jian Xingzhi pretending to tell her lightly, "things won't take you for nothing, just wait, I'll reshape your body, come back save you."

"Oh, and that bastard Yan Wushuang," Jian Xingzhi remembered, "I'll send him down to accompany you, so that you won't be bored."

Ning Huihe couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Okay." She said softly, "I'll wait for you."

"Okay," Jian Xingzhi didn't talk to her anymore, and turned to look at Qin Wanwan next to her, "change your face, maybe where you were in the past, what if you meet someone?"

Knowing that Jian Xingzhi was right, Qin Wanwan nodded, and after changing the face of a servant girl, she jumped down with Jian Xingzhi.

Jian Xingyi grabbed her and accelerated to catch up with Xie Gutang and Cuilu in front of him. He leaned beside Qin Wanwan and said happily, "Wanwan, we have taken a lot of things today, and we can make a profit!"

"That's right." Nan Feng had already turned into an ant in Xie Gutang's arms, and stuck his head out, "So rich!"

When Qin Wanwan heard such words, she looked at Jian Xingzhi's excited expression, she suddenly asked, "If this tomb is yours, are you still happy?"

Jian Xingzhi's face froze, he immediately turned his head and glanced at the two people next to him, Cuilu and Xie Gutang were vigilant and grabbed their burdens, Jian Xingzhi thought about it and turned back, and said seriously: "No, it's impossible, it's impossible. my tomb."

The fields I share cannot be my own.

The five jumped out of the teleportation formation together. After landing, they looked up and saw the resting Ning family guards around them.

This is where their teleportation array left. The guards just repaired the floor tiles that were blasted last night. When they saw them, they immediately stood up with their knives: "Who are you?!"

Xie Gutang responded the fastest, turned to look at Jade Green, and said with a serious look: "City Master Jade Green, this teleportation array is still not accurate enough, you still need to modify it."

Emerald nodded with a serious face: "You are right. Let's go back to the room to study first."

With that said, Xie Gutang and Cuilu swaggered out together, Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan hurriedly bowed their heads, followed behind them like maids and guards, and walked out calmly.

The guards stared at the four people for a while, and when they walked out of the door, they realized, "Who are they?"

"It seems that the two people who are currently locked in the guest room, Mr. Wu Yan told them not to let them run away!"

"Come on!"

The guard finally realized what happened and shouted: "Tianjianzong and Ghost City are going to run away!!"

As soon as the voice fell, a teleportation array under the feet of the four lit up and was about to leave, but at this moment, a sword light descended from the sky and split the teleportation array instantly.

Their Qiankun bags were full of things, and the burdens on their backs were heavy. The swords sank immediately, and they flew extremely heavy.

Seeing this, Qin Wanwan shouted, "Throw everything away!"

"No!" Jian Xingzhi refused decisively, "This is all my capital!"

After coming here for so long, except for the fifty spirit stones that he sold himself, he had been eating Qin Wanwan's, how could he raise his head

In the past, it was only the master who was supported, but now he is no longer a master, he is a man!

A man must be financially independent, and when he is an independent man, he can have the basis for pursuing a girl.

And everything he got today is the capital of his comeback!

When Jian Xingzhi spoke, the three people next to him were silent, but they all expressed it with their actions.

Qin Wanwan suddenly felt a headache, and it was really difficult to lead the team.

The cultivator was chasing after him all the way, and there were more and more people. She made a decision: "This can't be done, I can't run away."

"Then fight?" Jian Xingzhi asked rhetorically.

Qin Wanwan immediately denied: "I can't fight!"

This loss is too great.

"Then what do you say?"

Jian Xingzhi and Yu Jian rushed into the forest with her, Qin Wanwan shouted loudly: "Lin Yanzhi was swallowed by the evil god, my parents took him away, I don't know if he was alive or dead, and Ning Wenxu wanted to kill you when he saw you later, you can see Lin Yanzhi may still be alive."

"Not bad!" Jian Xingzhi responded, "The formation that Hua Rong made before was also used for suppression, not for resurrection."

"If Lin Yanzhi were alive, he would definitely become the Heretic God. It was the ancestor of the Ning family who forced him into the devil a hundred years ago, and the ancestor of the Ning family who killed Ning Huihe, so the curse was either given by him, or It was given by Yan Wushuang for Ning Huihe's revenge, and now that you are here, the murderer doesn't want you to save Ning's ancestor, so he simply killed him."

"So what?!" Jian Xingzhi couldn't understand, "what are we going to do?"

"If Lin Yanzhi is the evil god, then there must be someone in the Ning family who already has a demon seed. It is impossible for the evil god to let the person who harmed him back then. Letting Ning's for a hundred years may just be because he is not capable enough to take revenge. As long as we can prove that For the existence of the Demon Seed, they did the killing, and the Ning's focus is not on us."

What Ning shi feared and cared about most was Lin Yanzhi.

Once Lin Yanzhi, who has truly become the evil god, appears, simplicity will no longer be their goal.

At this time, take advantage of the chaos and bargain with them for exquisite jade...

Qin Wanwan pondered, dodging a sword light behind her, and turned to look at Jade Green: "Cuilu, do you know how to recognize the Demon Seed?"

"Need a special medicine."

Emerald is turning into a kingfisher and nimbly flying and dodging in the air, hurriedly said: "I don't have it for now."

"Take Jane Xingzhi to find it!"

Qin Wanwan instructed: "Xie Gutang and I will go to hold Ning's family, you can quickly get the medicine back, we will wait for you!"

"No, I'm with you."

Jian Xing refused and turned to look at Xie Gutang: "I don't trust him."

"He can act and you can rob. We divide the labor and cooperate."

"I can act too!"

Jian Xingzhi immediately refused to accept it. Qin Wanwan saw that he did not eat hard food, so she approached him, grabbed him by the sleeve, and said seriously, "Xingzhi, the matter of robbing the medicine is more important, our team's hope rests on you, Don't let us down!"

This "Xingzhi" called out to Jian Xingzhi's heart. When he thought that he was the hope of the whole team, he coughed lightly: "Okay, I know, don't worry, I will definitely come back to save you."

With that said, Jane Xingzhi raised her hand to her forehead: "Call me by my name in case of danger, you have used this charm."

Qin Wanwan was stunned for a moment, then reacted, turning around and a sword light greeted the chasing soldiers behind her.

Jian Xingzhi shouted "Jade Green".

Emerald turned into a huge kingfisher in an instant, with a flap of wings, a gust of wind swept across Jian Xingzhi's head, Jian Xingyi grabbed his claws, and the flying sword under his feet charged towards the chasing soldiers behind him, assisting Qin Wanwan to thank him After Gutang stopped a wave of chasing soldiers, he shouted: "Wan Wan wait for me!"

Having said that, he recalled Feijian.

At the moment when Feijian flew back, Qin Wanwan suddenly thought that Jian Xingzhi might not be able to find them, and hurriedly called Nanfeng: "Nanfeng, become the size of a palm."

Nan Feng became the size of a palm, and lay on Xie Gutang's shoulder: "Master, what are you doing?"

Qin Wanwan held a sword in one hand against a cultivator, kicked it, grabbed Nanfeng, turned back and threw it in the direction of Jian Xingzhi, and shouted: "Jian Xingzhi, take the navigation!"

The moment Nan Feng threw it out, he heard a muffled groan, and then a sword directly touched Qin Wanwan's neck.

Qin Wanwan turned her head back calmly: "Don't kill me, I'll report it!"

Ning Buyan, who was holding the sword, was stunned for a while, Qin Wanwan was panting heavily, her face serious: "Daoist Ning, I saw Daojun Mingjing just now, he has become an evil god, he admitted, your Ning's chicken is him. He stole it, he touched the dog, he killed the ancestor of the Ning family, he did all the bad things, he has regained his strength, he will come back and kill your whole family!"