The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 80


"change destiny?"

Qin Wanwan was lying in her arms, with Jian Xingzhi still smoking from her mouth. She knew that Jian Xingyi could not tell for a while, so she quickly moved Jian Xingzhi into the house and asked Nanfeng to fetch water and get a veil , and found 38 to exchange some medicines specially designed to deal with electric shocks to pour into Jian Xingzhi.

Jane Xingzhi drank the medicine, her complexion finally recovered, her hair became smooth and shiny, and her charred face became snow-white.

Qin Wanwan wiped his face and saw that he was getting better before she sat down to take a breath.

Watching Jian Xingyi recover little by little, she sighed.

She realized that Jian Xingzhi must maintain her beauty in order to maintain her health.

She waited for Jane Xingzhi to relax, Xie Gutang and Cuilu also rushed back, and when they entered the room, they saw Qin Wanwan and Nanfeng sitting in the room.

Qin Wanwan looked up at them and immediately asked, "What did Jian Xingzhi take you to do?"

Xie Gutang and Cuilu looked at each other, Xie Gutang lowered her head, Cuilu turned her head and fanned her fan, Qin Wanwan thought about it, and sat next to it, as if she was sad: "You are all hiding from me and treating me as an outsider, okay, Don't tell me if you don't tell me, you all look down on me anyway."

"Oh no," Cuilu Xie Gutang and others had seen such a posture, Cuilu quickly explained, "We didn't, he took us to fight at night."


Qin Wanwan immediately raised her head, her face was serious, Emerald choked, glanced at Jian Xingzhi who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and pretended to be dead, and coughed lightly, "That's right, Shen Zhiming."

"Shen Zhiming?!"

Qin Wanwan was shocked, she stood up abruptly: "He was originally going to cross the robbery, and he just ate Jun Wuyuan, the three of you go to him..."

Qin Wanwan stopped talking, the three of them were all here, and they didn't seem to be hurt, so she turned her head: "What about the others?"

"Dead." Xie Gutang finally found something he could answer.

Qin Wanwan was stunned, she stammered, "Dead... dead?"

Died so fast, so suddenly

"Are you sure? He is in the tribulation period."

Qin Wanwan was incredible.

Jian Xingzhi couldn't listen to it anymore, and got up from behind her: "What is there to be afraid of during the Tribulation Period? Don't say that he has just eaten Jun Wuyuan, and he must be injured with spiritual energy, even in his heyday, I'm not afraid! "

Qin Wanwan heard Jian Xingzhi's words and turned her head with a cold face: "Are you awake?"

Jian Xingzhi saw Qin Wanwan's expression, coughed lightly, lowered her head and said, "Well, the time is almost up, you hurry to the arena."

Qin Wanwan looked at the sky and knew that Jian Xingzhi was right. She took a deep breath and decided not to argue with Jian Xingzhi at this time. She stood up and said, "Let's go."

Jian Xingzhi felt that Qin Wanwan was in a bad mood and did not dare to provoke her, so she stood up consciously, and followed Qin Wanwan to the arena with everyone.

Qin Wanwan didn't speak all the way, and Jian Xingzhi was a little uneasy. He glanced at Qin Wanwan from time to time, thought about it, and asked her a few words: "You must be careful today."


"When you win, I will invite you to dinner!"

"Where did the money come from?"

Qin Wanwan glanced at him lightly, and Jian Xingzhi was elated: "I can get it in the tomb, I'm rich now. Let's dig another tomb when we find a chance... Oh no," Jian Xingzhi remembered, "Let's go back quickly. , I have a lot of spirit stones in the fairy world."


"Don't be angry," Jian Xingzhi bumped her with his elbow, "the next time I listen to you, I won't kill anyone you don't want me to kill, how about that?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Qin Wanwan was unhappy and glared at him: "Are you hiding something from me?"


Jian Xingzhi immediately denied it: "I just thought that he would definitely come to you and hurt you later, so I was afraid that he would run away and kill him in advance to avoid future troubles."

Saying that, Jian Xingzhi made a gesture of raising his hand and dropping the knife, his face full of pride: "And don't worry, I didn't fight recklessly. I knew you were worried about me, so I asked Jade Green Xie Gutang to help me start the battle, and then Move the sword mound of the Heavenly Sword Sect over, and set up the Shifang Divine Execution Formation for him, it will not affect the sea of knowledge."

"Who cares about you!"

Qin Wanwan listened to him shameless, and whispered, "Shameless!"

"Then you don't worry about me, why are you so angry?" Jian Xingzhi frowned, "You are so hard to coax."

"you… "

Qin Wanwan still wanted to speak, only to hear the crowd cheering loudly, only to realize that she had arrived at the arena.

"Wan Wan!!"

Someone in the crowd screamed: "Fairy come on!!"

Qin Wanwan was heartbroken when she saw that she had so many fans, but she told herself to be a prudent female fairy, so she kept smiling, nodded towards everyone in a rather temperamental way, and walked in from the red carpet.

There are only four people in the final, Yan Wushuang will not come, and now there are only three people left. Qin Wanwan walked along the red carpet to the waiting area, turned her head to say goodbye to Jian Xingzhi and others who sent her over: "Okay, you can find a seat, I'll go to the waiting area first."


Emerald nodded: "We will all watch you win! Come on girl!"

Saying that, Jade Green raised her hand and greeted everyone to go back. Jane Xingzhi took two steps, her heart throbbed, and she quickly turned around and called her: "Wanwan."


Qin Wanwan turned her head and saw that Jian Xingzhi stepped forward in a hurry. She raised her head and stamped a mark of her consciousness into her sea of consciousness.

"What could be wrong?"

Seeing that he was worried about herself, Qin Wanwan couldn't help softening her tone: "Aren't you watching from below?"


Jian Xingzhi nodded: "Yes, I'm watching from below," he said, glanced at the waiting area, "Go ahead."

Qin Wanwan was watched by Jian Xingzhi and sat in the waiting area. After she sat down, she found that the waiting area was empty, and no one came.

After a while, a man in a black robe finally came over. He sat down at the farthest place from Qin Wanwan, with a cold temperament and said nothing.

Looks like a big guy.

Qin Wanwan subconsciously sat on a stool next to her, staying away from the boss.

After the contestants were ready, the host trotted onto the court. As the finals, the venue was very fancy, and the host was also very decently dressed. After he came on the stage to greet everyone, he said: "Time flies, the once-in-a-decade gentleman sword selection competition , finally ushered in its final end. Among the tens of millions of outstanding sword cultivators, we have selected the strongest four through strength evaluations to compete for the gentleman sword in this decade. The final gentleman in this competition The winner of the sword will receive three free quizzes from the organizer of this event, Young Master Wuyou, as well as gifts worth 10,000 spirit stones from shops such as Wang's Gold Shop, Zhao's Iron, Jiang's Silk and Satin, and Zhangjia Shaobing. A single serving!"

As soon as the voice came out, everyone applauded fiercely, and Nan Feng became happy, turned his head towards Jian Xingzhi and said excitedly: "Jian Daojun, ten thousand spirit stones, our master sent it!"

"Well," Jian Xingzhi nodded, quite calmly, "it's okay."

He used to play games when he didn't have any money, 10,000 Spirit Stones would be fine.

But think about it, this is what Qin Wanwan earned, and she can have 10,000 spirit stones in the game...

Jian Xingzhi suddenly sat upright and began to applaud: "Okay! Wanwan is amazing!"

"In order to give our players full play space, Young Master Wuyou deliberately opened a small secret realm as a battle site. There are special peeping instruments in the small secret realm, and the complete battle scene will be recorded in a safe state. Although we cannot enter the secret realm, But it doesn't affect the viewing of this game!"

With that said, the host looked down at the manuscript in his hand: "Now we have the first group of contestants, Fairy Jinlui to Yan Wushuang."

There was no sound, Qin Wanwan glanced to the side, Yan Wushuang would not come, but this golden thread fairy? ?

The host called three times in a row, looked around again, and after confirming that there were no players, he coughed lightly: "Both of you seem to be in trouble, then we have to invite the next group. After the next group is decided, if Jin Before Fairy Lu and Yan Wushuang appear, they can only regretfully announce their abandonment. The next group—"

The host looked at the waiting area and said excitedly, "Qin Wanwan to Xiao Sehan!"

When Qin Wanwan heard this, she stood up, and the man in black next to her also got up.

The two walked to the stage together, Jianxiu cheered and cheered, Jian Xingzhi nibbled melon seeds, looked at the black-robed youth above, and said casually, "Why doesn't this man show his face, what kind of mystery is he playing?"

"Some people are like that."

Cuilu took the seeds from Jian Xingzhi and gave it to Xie Gutang: "I just like to attract attention."

On the stage, Qin Wanwan and Xiao Sehan took out the identity tokens issued by the competition, signed the life and death certificate, and then a lark flew in circles. The lark spread its wings in the air, and the wings suddenly became huge. The bird instantly turned into a teenager. Body shape, the wings are not closed behind him, and he is half-floating in the air.

"Respect the will of Young Master Wuyou," the young man looked indifferent, and drew a circle with both hands in the air, "Open!"

The circular light door becomes larger and elongated, and when it falls to the ground, it becomes an oval light door.

"Go in." The boy said, the black-robed man calmly entered the gate of light, and Qin Wanwan followed.

After the two entered the door of light, they disappeared in place. After a while, the scene of the two entering the door of light appeared on the arena.

Inside the gate of light was a cave. Qin Wanwan walked out of the cave and found that she seemed to be in the same place as the inside of a volcano. Below her was boiling lava, surrounded by bare stone walls, and there was a small cave directly opposite to the place where she stood. , There is a terrace outside the cave, and the man in black is standing on the terrace.

She couldn't see his face clearly, he didn't move, she didn't want to make a move first, so she observed him.

Jian Xingzhi was nibbling on the melon seeds and looking at the picture, he always felt that something was wrong, he felt uneasy, thought about it, and suddenly realized one thing: "Why hasn't the mission failed?"


666 didn't understand: "What are you asking?"

"I mean," Jian Xingzhi couldn't stand the melon seeds, and he suddenly remembered, "Jun Shu was taken away by Shen Zhiming, and my mission failed. Then I will kill Shen Zhiming, the man who saw the male protagonist. The mission has not failed, why is this? Is this mission still going?!"

666 didn't speak, Jian Xingzhi tossed the seeds, everyone looked over, and Jian Xingzhi ignored them, just shouted 666: "Speak!"

"That's right," 666 bit the bullet and explained the rules to him, "If the system detects that the possibility of completing this task is 0, it will declare a failure, but if it detects that the possibility of completing this task is greater than 0, it will continue to save."

"So now Wanwan may still be in danger and be rescued by that male protagonist and fall in love at first sight?"

Jian Xingzhi clenched his fists, 666 coughed lightly, and couldn't help reminding: "That, host, you must have a correct attitude, now your identity is a tool person who helps the heroine find opportunities, cultivation base, magic weapon, wealth, man , it's all a chance for the heroine. When you finally block her sword and help her soar, you will complete the task. When you reach the fairyland, you will turn to the right side. If you kill the hero, no one can stop you. Right? The most important thing now is to finish the plot. The heroine should have a lot of emotional lines. Look at now, there is not a peach blossom by her side. Originally there was Xie Gutang, but now she is crooked. , you should reflect on yourself, you are not generous enough!"

"To shut up!"

Jian Xingzhi stood up abruptly, everyone shrank back collectively, and Jian Xingzhi pushed aside the crowd and rushed to the edge of the toilet ring, scolding 666: "Has no love line delayed her ascension?!"

666 did not dare to speak, and when Jian Xingzhi arrived at the edge of the ring, he looked up at a blue spirit bead guarded by the young lark in the high place. It's the secret realm itself.

He glanced at the screen on the ring next to him. On the screen, Qin Wanwan was waiting for the person on the other side. Jian Xingzhi quickly called her with the mark of her consciousness left in her sea of consciousness: "Wanwan, this person is not right, you need to find a way to come out!"

When Qin Wanwan heard this, she was stunned, and then asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"I killed Shen Zhiming last night, but the system still reminds you that you are in danger," Jian Xingzhi looked around, took out the treasure he got in Lin Yanzhi's cemetery, and opened his mouth while thinking about a solution. "You admit defeat first!"

Qin Wanwan fell silent when she heard this, and after thinking for a while, her voice was very soft: "No, I won't admit defeat."

Saying that, she raised her head and looked at the man in black robe opposite: "I want to see Young Master Wuyou, I want to win."

She wondered where her parents had gone.

After speaking, she no longer hesitated, and looked up at the black-robed youth opposite: "Xiao Daojun," she said calmly, "offended."

After that, Yuan Ning slid across her waist, and she jumped up towards the opposite side. That is, at this moment, the black-robed youth slowly raised his head, revealing a bloody face.

His face could no longer be seen, but he could vaguely recognize that it was not the face of a single person at all. The two faces were put together, half of Junshu and half of Shen Zhiming.

He opened his mouth, twisted his head, and vaguely called Qin Wan's name: "Late... late..."

Qin Wanwan's pupils shrank rapidly, before the sword light arrived, the other party was as fast as a ghost, and suddenly came to her and grabbed her!

That is, at that moment, the picture on the ring suddenly disappeared.

The young lark standing high in the sky was still, as if everything was within his expectations.

The host came up and smiled: "There is a small problem, technical failure! Don't worry, we are working hard to fix it!"

It is said to be a minor accident, but the discerning person in the seat clearly knows that this is not a minor accident.

"That bleak cold..." Emerald frowned, "What is it?"

"Cuilu, Xie Gutang," came Jian Xingzhi's voice, Cuilu and Xie Gutang looked over and heard Jian Xingzhi calmly say, "Help me stop people, I'm going to rob the secret realm."

The moment the voice came out, Jian Xingzhi suddenly drew his sword and slashed the ring barrier, jumped straight to a high place, grabbed the blue pearl, turned his head and rushed into the distance!

It was at this moment, in the cave, the black-robed youth grabbed Qin Wanwan with one claws. Seeing that he was about to grab her face, the cave suddenly turned to the left, Qin Wanwan grabbed a stone, and the youth was violently thrown away from her. It brushed aside and slammed into the wall.

Qin Wanwan immediately chased after her with her sword, and the moment the sword was about to pierce, the cave slammed to the left again, knocking her back into the cave.

After crashing into the cave, the black-robed youth chased her and rushed in. Qin Wanwan turned around without hesitation and ran towards the depths of the cave.

Outside the secret realm, Jian Xingzhi grabbed the cyan pearl and shoved it into his arms, smashed a smoke spell down, and turned into a light to escape.

"Go away!"

The young lark chased after him, but Jian Xingzhi didn't intend to let him go. The one running in front was a phantom. When the young man showed his flaws in chasing people, he appeared directly when the young man stretched out his hand and pointed a little bit at his vertebral column. At the place, the young man instantly changed back to the appearance of a lark, and was pinched by one of Jian Xing and ran away.

The chasing soldiers rushed up behind him, Cuilu Xie Gutang looked at each other, and Cuilu suddenly shouted: "Dengzizi, go away!"

Xie Gutang's face stiffened, but she still cooperated with Jade Green and rushed in the direction of the chasing soldiers. Jade Green raised her hand and slammed her fan, instantly fanning the person who was chasing Jian Xingzhi, and she quickly apologized: "I'm sorry. , the fan is wrong!"

Cuilu and Xie Gutang spoiled the trouble. Jian Xingzhi grabbed the lark and ran away. He rushed into a cave, set up a barrier, took out the blue pearl, pressed the lark on the ground, and touched it with his sword. It hung on his neck and threatened him: "Open the secret realm!"

Speaking, Jian Xingzhi suddenly felt that the sword was too big for the bird's neck, he thought for a while, then pulled out a fruit knife, put it on the bird's neck, and said angrily: "Otherwise I will kill you! "

The lark didn't speak, and looked indifferent.

Jian Xingzhi saw that the bird would not cooperate, so he tied the bird first and decided to study it by himself. While tying up the bird, he confirmed Qin Wanwan's situation: "Wanwan." He tried his best not to appear too anxious, and pretended to ask calmly, "How are you doing?"


Qin Wanwan barely escaped an attack by the young man. She turned into a long road, looked up at the top, and went straight to a high place in January, hanging on the recessed place in the stone wall above: "He is chasing me. This secret realm has a mechanism, It seems to change every once in a while."

"Then be careful," Jian Xingzhi comforted her, "I will try my best to save you!"


Qin Wanwan responded and said, "I'm going to sneak attack on him, don't talk to distract me."


Jian Xingzhi considered himself a sensible man, and after confirming Qin Wanwan's safety, he turned back and looked at the blue pearl on the ground. He picked up the pearl and stared at it seriously.

At this time, Qin Wanwan held her breath from a high place, listening to the sound of footsteps coming in from a distance.


The young man spoke, it was Jun Shu's voice, he seemed very resentful, like a lonely soul: "Come out, you are mine, I will take you away."

Qin Wanwan didn't speak, she began to think about what this 'Xiao Sehan' was.

Xiao Sehan walked in slowly, approaching Qin Wanwan's position, he suddenly became very irritable again, and slammed into the cave with a slap, and it was Shen Zhiming's voice who shouted: "Qin Wan! You hand over the dragon pill! Hand over Linglongyu! Qin Wan, give me back what belongs to me!"


"Qin Wan..."

The voices of Jun Shu and Shen Zhiming came alternately, and he got closer and closer, until at the end, he stopped where Qin Wanwan was hiding.

Qin Wanwan condensed the magic formula on the sword, and the other party suddenly laughed happily.

"Got you."

He raised his bloody face and slammed it out with a claw!

Qin Wanwan was also at this time, and at the same time, the sword flew down.

Jian Xingzhi outside stared at the cyan pearl, and after thinking about it, he suddenly shook it vigorously!

The two people in the secret realm felt as if the entire space was shaken violently, and the black-robed youth was immediately shaken away, Qin Wanwan grabbed the stone wall, and when she saw Qin Wanwan, the black-robed youth rushed over with a scream!

At this time, Jian Xingzhi didn't hear any sound from the cyan pearl, he simply smashed the pearl on the ground!

The secret territory was shaking violently up and down again. Qin Wanwan and the black-robed youth maintained their bodies while fighting together.

Jian Xingzhi smashed the pearl dozens of times, Qin Wanwan felt as if she was in a closed can, and someone was smashing the can frantically.

She held back the vomit, and fought with each other inseparably.

The black-robed youth is very ferocious and has a steady stream of spiritual power. She has to resist the pursuit and killing of the other party, and she has to resist the shaking secret realm.

And this secret realm began to heat up after experiencing violent shaking.

She felt that the surrounding temperature was getting higher and higher, so hot that she couldn't land at all. She used her spiritual power to try not to touch the space in the secret territory, avoiding the claws of the youth again and again.

Such a harsh battle environment and such a ferocious opponent gradually gave her an ominous premonition.

She gritted her teeth and couldn't help but say, "Jane Xingzhi."


Jian Xingzhi, who was burning the blue pearl with the true fire of Samadhi, heard Qin Wanwan's weak voice, and panicked: "What's wrong?"

"I might… might not."

Qin Wanwan said hoarsely: "This secret realm is full of organs, I seem to be losing." "No!"

Jian Xingyi heard it, and immediately increased the fire: "I'm working hard, I will definitely open the secret realm!"

It's hotter around.

Qin Wanwan and the young man on the opposite side were panting, and the young man on the opposite side also slowed down.

This is the true fire of samadhi.

For an evil creature like him, this is the same as Thunder, a natural enemy.

While chasing Qin Wanwan, he was sober.

Sobriety and evil thoughts intertwined.

He started to feel a little dazed.

Who is he? What is he going to do

Qin Wanwan slowed down when she saw the other side, she felt that both of them might die in this secret environment.

She couldn't help being a little sad, and began to explain the future to Jane Xingzhi: "Jane Xingzhi, if I die here, can you do me a favor?"

"You won't die!"

When Jian Xingyi heard it, he became anxious. Samadhi didn't seem to be working. He threw the blue pearl, raised his hand and brought a sword with thunder, and began to slash the pearl frantically.

The lark tied beside him looked at him with an expression like a fool.

He didn't realize it.

Qin Wanwan felt that the world was spinning, and at the same time watched countless thunders coming from outside the cave.

She felt she was closer to death.

"My parents, I haven't found them yet, can you help me find them?"

"It was a pleasure meeting you, and the time with you was a pleasure."

"Jian Xingzhi, in fact, I think you are very good..."

The more she talked, the more she felt that the entire secret realm was shaking more and more. The black-clothed youth was severely hit by a thunderbolt, and then the real fire of Samadhi burned directly, followed by another icy blast...

Qin Wanwan watched the surrounding lightning and thunder, fluctuating cold and hot, until finally, she was hit by a bolt of lightning and lay directly on the ground.

"It's easy to..."

She felt the frantic vibrations around her like a bird peck, and she resigned herself to lie down: "Goodbye. I never thought that I could die in such a complicated way in the end. This secret realm is too imaginative. It was extremely gloomy and cold, and there was lightning for a while, and the world was spinning for a while, and now, it seems that there are still birds pecking..."

Hearing this, Jian Xingzhi, who was clutching the lark and frantically hitting the beads with its beak, suddenly realized something.

He stopped, and Qin Wanwan opened her eyes tiredly: "It stopped."

There was hope in her voice: "Jian Xingzhi, did you find a way?"

Jian Xingzhi didn't dare to speak. He looked down at the blood-filled lark. The lark spat out a mouthful of blood and sneered: "This secret realm has no enchantment."

"Uh..." Jian Xingzhi swallowed, "I think I found it."

When Qin Wanwan heard this, a reassuring smile appeared.

At this time, a ghost carriage slowly drove into the barren city boundary.

"Young Master," a boy called out, "How did the two of you in the secret realm fight?"

"Half-dead," a gorgeous young man said with a smile, "wait for a while, if he doesn't die, then the hero will save the beauty." After saying that, the young man turned his head and looked at the white clouds in the sky, "It's perfect."