The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 9


"The thing to do is simple." Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi entered the door together. As soon as they entered the hall, Qin Wanwan realized that Jian Xingzhi was standing side by side with herself. She glanced at Jian Xingzhi, and Jian Xingzhi immediately realized the position. No, take a step back.

Standing one after the other, Qin Wanwan felt that the door was coming out, she coughed lightly, smiled at Jun Shu, and stretched out her hand: "What you promised me, do it first."

"I'll do things for you first, how do I know you're not lying to me?"

Jun Shu turned to look at her, his eyes questioning. Qin Wanwan turned her head to look at the surroundings: "There are so many of you here, are you afraid that I won't be able to escape the foundation stage?"

"What Junior Sister said is," Song Xinian was very anxious and urged Jun Shu, "Now it is the most important thing for Junior Sister Su to wake up. What you promised Junior Sister, hurry up and do it."

When Jun Shu heard this, he took a deep breath and stood up: "You come with me."

Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingyi followed him into Linglong Pavilion one after another, Jun Shu turned to look at Jian Xingzhi: "You don't have to follow."

"You told me not to follow me?" Jian Xingzhi sneered, "Who are you?"

"Wan'er," Jun Shu turned his head to look at Qin Wanwan, "you don't understand the rules too much."

"He understands what I mean." Qin Wanwan stretched out her hand, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

Jun Shu stared at Qin Wanwan, the woman in front of her looked both familiar and unfamiliar.

He suddenly realized that he hadn't looked at her so well for many years.

She had been around him in the past, and he was used to her caring. Even if she bought Jian Zhiyan, he knew that she just wanted to be mad at him.

After all, he was the young master of Lecheng, and she couldn't let go of the glory and wealth.

After getting used to it for too long, she saw him in her eyes, but suddenly one day he found her eyes open and magnanimous, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

But he quickly suppressed the discomfort and took out a jade pendant from his sleeve.

It is indeed not easy to dispel Shen Zhiming's spell with his ability, but fortunately, there are many treasures in the Jun family, and this jade pendant is a tracking spell specially planted for this kind of power.

Jun Shu raised his hand to hold Qin Wanwan's wrist, put the jade pendant on her wrist, quickly drew a few runes, then put his fingers together, leaned on the jade pendant, and asked in a low voice, "You have removed the tracking spell, and you plan to do it again. What tricks are you playing?"

"Nothing to do with you."

Qin Wanwan watched nervously as the runes climbed up from her arms, always alert to Jun Shu's movements.

Such precautions made Jun Shu glance at her more, and said mockingly, "Are you really planning to leave the Asking Heart Sect?"

"Why not?"

Qin Wanwan raised her eyes and looked at Junshu: "Why can't I leave?"

The discomfort in Jun Shu's heart was even worse, he reminded her: "Your and my engagement..."

"Forget it," Qin Wanwan became disgusted when she heard this, and immediately said, "This matter was decided by my parents, and I didn't agree to it. Now that my parents are gone, you can just ignore it. Exist, just tell your father that I don't want to marry you."

Hearing this, Jun Shu's anger rose instantly, he suddenly withdrew his hand and put away the jade pendant: "Okay."

After he finished speaking, his spell caught up with Shen Zhiming's tracking spell in Qin Wanwan's body, bit it down, and the two runes dissipated in Qin Wanwan's body at the same time.

The three walked out of the back hall together. When they arrived at the front hall, everyone looked over. Song Xinian was very anxious: "Junior sister..."

"Senior brother," Qin Wanwan interrupted Song Xinian, approached him, and asked in a low voice, "Have you set the barrier I asked you to set before?"

"Okay." Song Xinian nodded, "You told me two days ago that I had already set up a barrier around Junior Sister Su to shield her consciousness."

Qin Wanwan nodded. In this way, Su Yueli should not know what was going on outside and was unprepared for everything.

"Okay," Qin Wanwan smiled and turned to look at everyone, "Today, I invite all the uncles and uncles, brothers and sisters, and sisters and sisters of the sect to come here, mainly for my Qin Wan's innocence."

Everyone looked at Qin Wanwan, Qin Wanwan was a little nervous, she cleared her throat: "A few days ago, Junior Sister Su and I were in danger together in a secret environment, and the two of us encountered a ninth-grade porcupine. This porcupine was seriously injured and wanted to Swallowing us alone to supplement, it attacked Junior Sister Su from behind, and I pushed her down the cliff in a hurry, hoping that she could get out of the battle and escape from death. I fought with this porcupine for ten days. Fortunately, this monster was seriously injured. In the end, I got lucky and ate his demon pill, and barely survived. And Su Shizhu happened to record the scene where I pushed her, so everyone thought it was me Murdering her, to prove my innocence today, I am determined to wake up my junior sister, let my junior sister testify for me, and give me justice."

Saying that, Qin Wanwan gave Jian Xingzhi a wink, and Jian Xingzhi opened Qin Wanwan's box and showed it to everyone.

Qin Wanwan walked to the box and introduced seriously: "I came to Linglong Pavilion two days ago and found that my sister seems to be very active in the sea of consciousness. I guess the reason why the sister is not awake is that she is trapped in the sea of consciousness. Forcibly breaking through the sea of consciousness of others, right My sister is detrimental. As a senior sister, I can't bear to stop people's future, so I specially made this 'projector' to help my sister wake up from the illusion of the sea of consciousness. However, I need the help of a monk above Nascent Soul. Entering the sea of knowledge of junior sister, who can help?"

"I come."

"I come."

Jun Shu and Song Xinian spoke together, Qin Wanwan nodded and looked at Jun Shu: "For the sake of Young Master Jun's sincerity towards Junior Sister Su, Young Master Jun, I will leave this to you, and please sit here."

Jun Shu got up and sat on the chair in front of Qin Wanwan. Qin Wanwan took out a few pieces of talisman paper that were less than the size of a palm. The talisman paper was connected with a line, and the other end of the line was a square talisman paper of similar size. Qin Wanwan handed the talisman paper to Jun. Shu: "Young Master Jun, this is something that can help you enter the sea of knowledge of Junior Sister Su, do you want to check it?"

Jun Shu smiled and looked up at Qin Wanwan, with a little warning in his eyes: "I don't believe you will hurt me."

"Is it not enough?"

Jian Xingzhi gave him a sideways glance, Jun Shu glanced at him coldly, and sat up straight: "Let's start."

Qin Wanwan took the talisman paper and stuck it on Junshu's temples and Baihui points on both sides.

He then walked to Su Yueli's side with the talisman paper and stuck it in the same position.

Jian Xingzhi took out the mirror from the wooden box and put it aside. Qin Wanwan took the wire connecting the mirror and stuck the wire talisman on Jun Shu's back.

"Jun Shu, I'm curious," Qin Wanwan lowered her voice, "What do you like about Su Yueli?"

"She is simpler than you," Jun Shu said coldly, seeing a bit of disdain in her eyes, "Love me more than you."


Qin Wanwan shrugged: "Okay, hurry up then."

Saying that, Qin Wanwan raised her voice and used a volume that everyone could hear: "Young Master Jun, I will play the flute in a while, after the flute sounds, you can't open your eyes, you will see a gate first, you can think of a way. Open it, and when you enter the gate, you will turn into a rabbit or a cat, approach Junior Sister Su first, wait until Junior Sister Su relaxes her vigilance against you, and then take her out slowly. Remember not to be rash, in case you let Su Junior sister is stimulated, and within her sea of consciousness, both of you are afraid that both of you are in danger."

"Got it, let's get started."

Jun Shu responded, Jian Xingzhi took out the reduced curtain from the box, shook it opposite the mirror, the curtain expanded, Jian Xingzhi stood on the ground with a bracket, and a simple cinema was formed.

"Wait a while, no matter what happens, don't make a sound, and disturb the young master."

Qin Wanwan pretended, and everyone nodded nervously.

Seeing everything take shape, Qin Wanwan played the flute, Jun Shu frowned, at this time, the screen actually lit up, everyone saw a gate appeared on the white curtain, Jun Shu turned his back to them, and walked towards the gate quickly go.

Everyone looked at the mirror connected to Junshu, and then looked at the screen, and the people present immediately reacted, this is probably Su Yueli's sea of consciousness, but why, Qin Wanwan took all her efforts to get Su Yueli's sea of consciousness out to give What do you think

Everyone was puzzled, but they didn't dare to say more.

Seeing that the door on the curtain was heavy, Jun Shu put his hand up and pushed it, not moving at all.

Jun Shu frowned, injected spiritual power into his hand, and after a violent force, the door slammed open, and a cold wind rushed in. Jun Shu remembered Qin Wanwan's words, turned into a white rabbit, and jumped into this icy world.

After running in the snow for a while, Jun Shu realized that this place seemed to be the landform of a barren city in the north. There was ice and snow everywhere, and the house was also built of snow bricks. Su Yueli had never been to a barren city, why would she have such a knowledge? Ocean

Jun Shu was full of puzzlement. After a moment of doubt, he heard Su Yueli's voice: "Ah, if you don't fix it, look at it, there is a rabbit here."

It's Yueli!

Jun Shu turned his head happily, but at the moment when he turned back, he was stunned.

I saw Su Yueli holding a man in white, the two of them looked at him with smiles like a fairy couple.

"I'll get it for you."

The man next to her laughed, and immediately came to Junshu, grabbed Junshu's ear, and smiled at Su Yueli: "Yueli, this is a silly rabbit, why don't you bake it?"

"I don't want it anymore." Su Yueli walked up to the man, smiled and wanted to hug Junshu, but the man moved Junshu far away and stopped Su Yueli, "If you want this rabbit, you have to give it to my husband. repay."

For husband!

Everyone present was shocked.

Who is this man? Is it Su Yueli's imagination? Why did he call himself Su Yueli's husband

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, Jun Shu twisted the rabbit's body desperately in the picture, he wished to recover his body immediately and kill the man.

People outside don't know, but in the sea of knowledge, he perceives it clearly.

This is not Su Yueli's illusion, this is a person! !

And this person, he also knows, the young master of the deserted city Ning does not cultivate, and Ning's secret technique is to share the cultivation base after blending with his partner's sea of consciousness.

With the fusion of the sea of consciousness, it is no wonder that Su Yueli can construct the landform of the barren city. But this also means that Su Yueli and Ning Buxiu get married, she clearly said that she only loves him, how can...

Jun Shu clenched his rabbit fist tightly, but he still cared about Su Yueli. He could only let the man grab his ear and see Su Yueli blushing and asked, "What do you want in return?"

"Come on, give me a kiss."

The man chuckled, Su Yueli lowered her head: "No, you give me the rabbit."

The man refused, bowed his head and kissed her, Su Yueli dodged around, shouting no, no, the man chased after him to kiss, the other hand grabbed Jun Shu's ear and swung it in the air.

Jun Shu was so angry that he punched and kicked in the air. He looked at Su Yueli and called out to the man, "How are you!"

Watching her punch the man's chest with a small fist, she turned and trotted away.

This is what Su Yueli did to him!

And that man, just like him, threw away Jun Shu, the obstructing rabbit, and followed Su Yueli with a big laugh. Jun Shu rolled on the ground, shook his head angrily and slammed into the snow, followed by two people rushing frantically.

He's going to kill this man! This man must have deceived Su Yueli! definitely is!

He chased the two people to the small courtyard. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw that the two had been locked in the room, and there were bursts of laughter from the room. Qin Wanwan and Jian Xingzhi immediately looked at each other, Qin Wanwan did not expect There was actually such a scene. After a short pause in her flute, Song Xinian exclaimed excitedly: "Don't stop!"

Song Xinian stopped her, staring at the curtain with red eyes: "Let me watch it!"

Qin Wanwan turned her head and glanced at the curtain. Fortunately, this scene was actually followed by Jun Shu's aerial photography. At this moment, when the two entered the room, they couldn't see anything, only vaguely heard some voices, so they were not so embarrassed.

The two fought fiercely inside, and Jun Shu shivered with red eyes.

About a quarter of an hour later, the battle situation slowed down a little, and the only sound of wind and snow could be heard around. Qin Wanwan saw that Jun Shu in the snow was about to freeze into an ice sculpture, and she thought about the same. It was after smoking a cigarette and chatting slowly.

"Don't repair," Su Yueli said with worry in her voice, "You said, wait for me to go out, if Senior Sister dies, Junshu and Shimen, will they forgive me?"

"What's unforgivable?" Ning Buxiu smiled, "You stay here to consolidate your cultivation. When you go out, Nascent Soul will be complete. It's too late for your teacher to love you, so why would you care? A dead person?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and all looked at Qin Wanwan who was playing the flute.

Su Yueli knew that Qin Wan was held accountable by her teacher for her!

But in order to consolidate her cultivation, she would rather Qin Wan die rather than wake up early, and she is still chatting with a man in the sea of knowledge and talking about love.

Qin Wanwan was a little embarrassed by the sympathetic and guilty eyes of everyone, she looked away and continued to play the flute.

And Jun Shu in the illusion was even more impacted.

The goddess who is gentle, kind, and only loves him in his heart seems to have suddenly changed a person.

"But..." Su Yueli was still a little worried, "What if Jun Shu knew I was pretending to be dizzy and got angry?"

"What does he have to do with you?" Ning Buxiu said a little unhappy, "Could it be that you like him?"

"How is this possible?" Su Yueli quickly explained, "He is just a brother in my heart, don't talk nonsense."

"Then what about your senior brother Song Xinian?"

"Just brother."

"Where's your master?"

"It's just Master." Su Yueli replied firmly, "If you don't cultivate, you know, I only have you in my heart."

Su Yueli spoke affectionately, and Jun Shu, who had been frozen in the snow, was completely chilled.

In his mind, he recalled the scenes he met with Su Yueli, and suddenly realized that there seemed to be no difference between himself and the ridiculous man in front of him.

He had heard all these words, and he believed it just like Ning Buxiu.

"What do you like about Su Yueli?"

"She is simpler than you and loves me more than you."

The words he said before closing his eyes echoed in his ears, and Jun Shu was startled to realize that he was ridiculous.

He stood up with the body of a rabbit, and a tearful snow rabbit looked up and smiled.

No longer restrained, he recovered his body in the snow, and then, regardless of whether Su Yueli's sea of consciousness was damaged, his spiritual power rushed into the house and shouted, "Su Yueli, come out!"