The Husband was the Long Aotian

Chapter 92


Jian Xingzhi took the sword and walked out of the cave. He was afraid that Bai Wei would find Qin Wanwan's location, so he set up a barrier for Qin Wanwan's location, bypassing Bai Wei Yujian and appearing far away from Qin Wanwan, and called out, "Bai Wei."

When Bai Wei heard the voice, she turned back instantly, she tilted her head: "How dare you come out?"

"Just fight, why not dare?"

Jian Xingzhi raised his hand and summoned Yuan Ning, staring at Bai Wei with a little eagerness in his eyes: "Qian Shi Hua Meng Dao, let me try!"

"Master..." 666 sensed his emotions and stammered, "You... why are you so happy?"

"I haven't had a good fight in a long time."

Jian Xingzhi held a sword flower: "While Wanwan is not here, I'll have a good fight!"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Wei raised her hand to seal, but before the seal came out, Jian Xingzhi had already appeared in front of Bai Wei, raising her sword in a hurry.

Bai Wei was startled by the speed and did not dare to neglect, she opened the distance in an instant, and when the magic seal in her hand was completed for a moment, the vines rose into the sky and became a barrier, separating Jian Xing in the air. At the same time, the crimson magic light bloomed in Bai Wei. In his hand, thousands of roses exploded in the air, galloping towards Jian Xingzhi. At a distance of three feet from Jian Xingzhi, the roses exploded and turned into thousands of petals, each with a sharp killing intent. , directly attacking the whole body of Jian Xing.


666 screamed, and at the moment when the scream, Jian Xingzhi's hands burst into white light, and the white light collided with the petals. Around him, his sword light pointed directly at the vine that separated him and Bai Wei. The moment the sword tip touched the vine, countless insects fell on the vine along the sword light, and Bai Wei screamed when he noticed what fell on the vine. Speaking out, the vines backed away instantly, scolding angrily: "Jane Xingzhi!"

"Afraid of insects?"

Jian Xingzhi smiled and held up a Qiankun bag: "I still have more here."

"Childish!!" Bai Wei roared, "Are you a child?!"

"Yes," Jian Xingzhi used his sword to send out a wave of bugs and rushed out, raising his eyebrows, "compared to you, am I not younger?"

Insects were flying all over the sky, Bai Wei's face changed greatly, the situation reversed in an instant, and Jian Xingzhi turned from defense to attack.

Jian Xingzhi dragged Bai Wei, Qin Wanwan turned on the water mirror, watching Jian Xingzhi fight, and contacting Xie Gutang and others.

If you want to find a way to set up a teleportation array to bring people here, you must first determine the location of the other party. At least the two sides can have a connection. Either the same magic circle is set up at the same time, or she can confirm the location of the other party and summon the other party.

She left a sound transmission magic tool on Xie Gutang, and first called Xie Gutang a few times with the sound transmission technique, but when Xie Gutang didn't respond, she drew a teleportation circle to summon Xie Gutang, and contacted them one by one. Emerald Liu Yuehua and others.

With a sound transmission instrument as a medium, as long as Xie Gutang is not restricted, he can accept the summons to come here.

Qin Wanwan was busy drawing arrays and at the same time paying attention to Jane Xingzhi in the water mirror.

With the help of the power of heaven and earth, Fa Xiu is good at long-distance attack. The biggest flaw is that it takes a certain amount of time to cast spells, so he cannot melee combat. Even if Bai Wei is two big realms above Jian Xingzhi, he does not dare to let Jian Xingzhi approach.

And Jane Xingzhi knew this, broke through her vine barrier with bugs, and approached when she found an opportunity.

Bai Wei has a lot of experience in fighting, so she immediately adjusted her combat plan, distanced herself from Jane Xingzhi, no longer attacked with flower vines, and turned her spiritual power into a light blade to fly towards Jane Xingzhi.

Jian Xingzhi chased directly in front of her next to the light blade, opened the Qiankun bag, and in an instant, all kinds of aphids, red spiders and scarabs came over the sky, Bai Wei held her breath, and the whole person trembled. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jian Xingzhi pierced Bai Wei's body with a sword. Bai Wei was covered with bugs and gritted her teeth tremblingly: "You... find... die!!"

The moment she spoke, countless rose petals burst out from her body and slashed towards Jian Xingzhi. The spiritual force sucked Yuan Ning tightly. Concentrate on spiritual power and fight against Bai Wei.

His cultivation is not as good as Bai Wei's, and he naturally suffers from spiritual power. Now he is disturbing the sea of consciousness, and he is afraid that the sea of consciousness will collapse, so he draws a spirit gathering formation under his feet, and gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body continuously.

In this way, the spiritual roots in his body are constantly being washed away by the spiritual energy, almost bursting open. Because of the spiritual power that the body can bear, his skin is soaked with blood beads. Once he runs Chunsheng repair, he will make up for the body in time, and then will expand Linggen, the spiritual power that absorbed the spiritual root into Nascent Soul's tempering, runs around the body and condenses on the tip of the sword. The spiritual power rushes into Bai Wei's body along the tip of the sword. Bai Wei's spiritual power stops Jian Xingzhi's spiritual power. Rush forward with his sword.

"Is there no worms?" Bai Wei watched him grit his teeth and sneered.

Jane Xingzhi raised her eyes: "Guess what?"

"Want to survive the calamity here?" The sky was covered with dark clouds, and Bai Wei's eyes were full of anger: Thinking beautifully! "

After all, the vines suddenly grew and became a sharp blade running through Jian Xingzhi.

Qin Wanwan opened her eyes wide and was about to draw her sword subconsciously, when she heard Jane Xing's voice: "Don't worry."

Saying that, Jian Xingzhi kicked Bai Wei, pulled out Yuan Ningji and retreated. The vines were entangled like sharp blades from all directions. Going to attack Bai Wei, there is no intention of retreating.

"Let me enlighten myself."

He said, a sword slashed on the vine, at the same time, the flower blade cut off Jian Xingzhi's arm, blood splashed out, but the moment the blood touched, it immediately linked, and the arm returned to Jian Xingzhi's body, He raises his sword and chops!

The pain seemed to have no meaning to him at all. Under the internal and external injuries, his speed was not delayed at all.

Chasing and slashing Bai Wei all the way, as if Bai Wei is the weaker one.

Jian Xingzhi practiced Dao in battle, and he was terrifying during the battle, if ordinary people would have been afraid, but Bai Wei, after all, had experienced hundreds of battles, she knew that Jian Xingzhi was the way of attacking and defending, so she went crazy and attacked like crazy. follow him.

Qin Wanwan watched Jian Xingzhi's body stained with blood in the water mirror and still persisted, sensing the changes in the spiritual energy around her, and she clearly realized Jian Xingzhi's plan.

——He wants to transcend the calamity here and directly step into the gods.

It is common for Jianxiu to leapfrog during the battle, but it is also extremely dangerous. The leapfrogging process is when Jian Xingzhi is the most vulnerable, and Bai Wei is also the easiest to kill him. But if Bai Wei can't kill him at this moment, it will be extremely difficult for Bai Wei to kill him again when he steps into God Transformation.

Everyone present knew this, so Bai Wei didn't give him any room to breathe at all, and attacked him with all her strength, killing him under the flower blade!

The sword wind cut off the vines that were soaring into the sky, and the thorns crossed each other. Qin Wanwan watched Jian Xingzhi's flesh and blood fly, but he didn't care, and just attacked forward again and again.

Qin Wanwan's hands trembled while watching such a battle, she had never seen such a bloody fight.

At that moment, she suddenly understood why Jian Xingzhi had always made her suffer and be beaten in the past.

The real battle field is not the point-and-click test of swordsmen, nor is it a risky trial with elders guarding, but a decision between life and death in a sword, and a decisive battle between flesh and blood.

She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down as much as possible. After a long time, she took a deep breath, turned her head forcibly, and continued to try to contact Xie Gutang.

After drawing the teleportation formation that contacted Xie Gutang, no one else responded. Qin Wanwan thought about it and could only pin her hopes on Nanfeng, hoping that Nanfeng would be with them.

Qin Wanwan tried to sense Nanfeng's position using the sense between her master and the spirit beast. This kind of induction can break through any barrier restrictions. However, when she sensed Nanfeng's position, her eyes widened. There was no other reason than Nanfeng's. The location is too close to her!

Not only was Nanfeng very close to her, it was still moving fast, Qin Wanwan couldn't help but call out, "Nanfeng?"

Nan Feng didn't answer, Qin Wanwan immediately realized that the situation was wrong, and called out urgently, "Nan Feng, if nothing happened to you, speak to me."

Nanfeng still didn't answer.

Qin Wanwan looked at Nanfeng's position, and without saying a word, raised her hand to set up a formation on the ground, that is, a moment after the formation of the maze, a figure suddenly appeared in the cave!

He was still in his usual appearance, wearing a red robe with gold threads and splendid clothes, and the south wind was the size of a doll.

Qin Wanwan observed the person who came in and put her hand on the white saber next to her.

This is the sword that Jian Xingzhi brought from Lin Yanzhi's tomb, named Luo Shui, with a slender body. For Jian Xingzhi, this sword is too delicate and he is not used to it.

Now that Jian Xingzhi took Yuan Ning away, only Luo Shui stayed by Qin Wanwan's side, Qin Wanwan hid in the dark, using the maze to hide her figure.

Mei Suihan walked into the cave step by step, he observed the mist formation, and his tone was quite playful: "The fairy method of the upper realm is really extraordinary, Wanwan, you really surprised me."

Qin Wanwan didn't speak, she glanced at the teleportation formation hidden behind the mist formation, restrained her beating heart, observed Mei Suihan, assessed the strength gap between the two, and thought about Mei Suihan's purpose.

Mei Suihan put down the ant gently, raised his eyes and began to observe the formation. He put his hand in the air, and there seemed to be a thin film in the air. Where his fan touched, there was a light golden pattern, and Mei Suihan's fan was smooth. Swiping away from the pattern, he swiped and then said gently: "If you find the eye of the array, this array will be broken, Wanwan, how long do you think it will take me to find this eye?"

Qin Wanwan didn't dare to say a word. She raised her eyes and glanced at the water mirror. On the water mirror was the scene of Jian Xingzhi and Bai Wei fighting.

Jian Xingzhi was already covered in blood, the thunder in the sky gathered, and Bai Wei was full of spiritual energy. The two seemed to be at a stalemate, but Qin Wanwan knew clearly that Jian Xingzhi would not last long.

Chunsheng is not invincible. If Jian Xingzhi pauses for a moment, his spiritual power cannot continue. With his current state of body and spiritual power, his body will explode immediately.

She pinched Luo Shui and watched Mei Suihan search for the array eye little by little, and the teleportation array next to her lit up. It should be Xie Gutang who finally responded.

But she didn't dare to move at this time, as long as she made any movement, Mei Suihan could find her immediately.

She has a Twin Talisman on her body, and if she is injured, it will be fatal to Jian Xingzhi in the battle.

She pondered the purpose of Mei Suihan, how to solve the influence of the Twin Talisman on Jian Xingzhi, and kept secretly changing the pattern of the mist formation.

Mei Suihan looked for the array eyes, Qin Wanwan changed the array eyes, and after changing it twice, Mei Suihan realized Qin Wanwan's actions, he stopped the fan, and his voice was gentle: "Wanwan, do you just want to see me? I'm here to save you."

Outer Jian Xingzhi and Bai Wei fought at a critical moment, Mei Suihan sighed, and simply gave up breaking the fog formation, turned to look at the water mirror, and complained to Qin Wanwan: "You always refuse to believe me, I'm really good Regret. Actually, if you are willing to choose me, I will not be against you, I don't want to kill you, on the contrary-"

Mei Suihan looked at the thunder in the water mirror, and meditated cross-legged in the thunder and lightning, and then Jian Xingzhi, who was slammed through his chest by Bai Wei, said in a calm tone: "I really want to stay with you in this life, and you have a belt on your body. With the Dragon Pill, you and I both cultivate, soar together, why not be happy?"

Hearing this, Qin Wanwan's eyes instantly turned cold.

She knew who it was.

This is the man who raised Qinglong, was stabbed by her with a sword, and killed Huarong in Huacheng - Baisuiyou.

She clenched her sword tightly, restrained her trembling, and looked at Jian Xingzhi, who was enlightened in the thunder in the water mirror.

Bai Wei attacked him again and again, but he turned the thunder into energy and poured it into his body to resist Bai Wei's attacks again and again.

Mei Suihan looked at Shui Jing, he didn't seem to be in a hurry, he was waiting for something.

What is he waiting for

Qin Wanwan tried to analyze.

He doesn't look for her at all now, it can be seen that he has another plan, and only she and Jian Xingzhi are present. If the intention is not her, then it is with Jian Xingzhi, but Jian Xingzhi has no resistance at all now, just gritted his teeth Strong support, if he wants to kill Jane Xingzhi, what's wrong with going out

This thought appeared for a moment, and in the flash of lightning, Qin Wanwan looked at Bai Wei who was casting the spell, and suddenly reacted——

Bai Wei!

Mei Suihan is afraid of Bai Wei!

What he was waiting for was Bai Wei's effort to kill Jian Xingzhi, and when Bai Wei lost her combat power, that was the moment he really waited for!

Realizing this, Qin Wanwan raised her head and saw that Jian Xingzhi's whole body had been turned into a bone in the lightning. At the last moment, Bai Wei raised her hand to gather strength, and it seemed that it was the final fatal blow.

Can't let Bai Wei hand over the last move!

Qin Wanwan's thoughts flashed through her mind, no longer hiding, she suddenly raised her sword and blasted away half of the mountain, exposing the entire cave to Bai Wei's field of vision, and then opened Xie Gutang's teleportation array, and then shouted loudly: " Bai Wei, look who this is!"

Bai Wei turned her head when she heard the sound, her eyes widened the moment she saw Mei Suihan, and she turned her head without hesitation in her hand and slammed at Mei Suihan. Wei's strike did not reduce the speed at all. In the blink of an eye, just before she reached her, the fan turned into a blade, and the powerful sword intent came over the sky and overwhelmed all of Bai Wei's enchantments in an instant, and slashed directly across her neck! At the same time, he broke into Bai Wei's body with his bare hands, and pulled out a crystal clear broken jade.

Bai Wei's blood splattered, her eyes widened in amazement, and she fell from the sky.

Linglongyu's breath permeated the world, Mei Suihan kept moving, turned her head very quickly and rushed towards Qin Wanwan.

Qin Wanwan hurried to the distance, looked at Mei Suihan who was chasing after her in shock, and saw the sword intent and movements on his body, she reacted.

He is a swordsman!

Mei Suihan is not a Fa Xiu at all, he is a Jian Xiu!

With his speed and his ability, she has no power to fight back at all.

At this moment, when the strongest thunder came down, Qin Wanwan clearly felt that Jian Xing's vitality was only at the front line.

He couldn't bear the blow from the Twin Talisman, and she couldn't escape Mei Suihan.

But she wants to live.

She wanted Jane to live. It was the first time in her life that she liked someone so much, it was the first time she had such a deep bond with a stranger, and it was the first time she met such a nice person.

She wants him alive.

The never-before-seen idea of survival broke out. The mountains, rivers, sun and moon flashed in her mind, and the vitality of all things flashed. She held the sword in her hand, and she seemed to feel the surrounding, aura surged, and the ground shook.

The Luoshui sword in her hand shone brightly, and when Mei Suihan arrived in front of her, Qin Wanwan raised her hand with a sword, and the powerful sword intent rushed straight into the thunder and poured into Jian Xingzhi.

At the same time, Mei Suihan went straight into her belly with his bare hands and grabbed the dragon pill in her belly.

The expected pain did not appear, Qin Wanwan calmly looked at the former young man, and the young man looked at her with a gentle expression: "Why choose him? Choose me, how good."

"You..." Qin Wanwan gasped, "who are you... who are you?"

"Me?" Mei Suihan approached her, pressed her ear, and said softly, "My name is Lin Yanzhi."

After speaking, Mei Suihan pulled Long Dan out, and hundreds of sword lights stabbed straight at Qin Wanwan's back at the same time. Just when Mei Suihan was about to retreat, Qin Wanwan grabbed him, and the seal of Jishan Mountain was on the back. Mei Suihan's chest lit up at the same time, and neither of them could move.

Mei Suihan looked at her in surprise: "You..."

Seeing that the sword light was about to penetrate the two of them, at that moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind Qin Wanwan, he hugged her, and hundreds of sword lights went straight into the young man's body and made a muffled sound. Mei Suihan slashed across, Mei Suihan's head was separated, and blood splashed everywhere.

A powerful spiritual force came from a distance, smashed to the ground with a "bang", and then chased a spot of light, chasing and killing all the way away.

And Qin Wanwan couldn't take into account all these simple actions.

The thunder robbery still hadn't subsided, and the lightning was still hitting Jian Xingzhi. One of Jian Xing's hands was around Qin Wanwan's waist, the other hand covered Qin Wanwan's wound, and he hugged her and gently landed on the ground.

He protected her in his arms, and all the lightning struck Jian Xingzhi. After Jian Xingzhi combed the violent lightning with his body, he slowly entered Qin Wanwan's body.

Qin Wanwan didn't have the slightest strength, she leaned on his arms and felt his blood dripping on her cheek.

She looked up at him, the young man was covered in blood, and there was no place left intact.

She wanted to touch his face, but she didn't have the strength to raise her hand.

Fang Cai's sword to prolong Jian Xingzhi's life and the seal of holding Mei Suihan exhausted all her strength, she could only open her eyes and look at the young man in Thunder who was holding her silently.

"Jane Xingzhi..." She said hoarsely.

Jane Xingzhi moved the only eye that was not bloody and looked at her calmly.

Qin Wanwan's voice was weak: "You... you look good."

Hearing her compliment, Jian Xingzhi smiled softly, then lowered his head slightly, put his bloody face on her face, and closed his eyes tiredly: "You look good too, you are the most beautiful in my heart. "

The last strike of Lei Jie passed, Jian Xingzhi and Qin Wanwan digested the spiritual power brought by Lei Jie on the spot, and when the spiritual rain fell, the two stood up and found that Xie Gutang had been beside them more than once.

Seeing Xie Gutang, Qin Wanwan said excitedly, "Brother Xie, are you here? Where are the others?"

Xie Gutang shook his head: "I don't know, I received a call from the senior and immediately came out of the teleportation formation. After I came out, it was a killing formation. I was scattered with other people, and I couldn't contact them. When I received your news and rushed over, you were already in the process of transcending the tribulation."

"you… "

Qin Wanwan was about to ask something when she suddenly felt an unusual aura. She turned her head suddenly and stared blankly at the messy mountain top in the distance.

Jian Xingzhi noticed that Qin Wanwan was in a wrong mood, and asked out of curiosity, "Wanwan, what's wrong?"

"I... my mother?"

Qin Wanwan noticed that there was a seemingly non-existent spiritual power in the wind, she quickly closed her eyes, and used her divine sense to identify the various spiritual powers around her, and vaguely saw a touch of gold that belonged to her mother, coming from the east.

However, the golden color is already very weak. She recalled the fighting process just now, and wanted to chase after Mei Suihan's light, and finally realized: "The light that killed Mei Suihan's soul just now was my mother's spell!"

Xie Gutang didn't quite understand what Qin Wanwan was talking about, but Jian Xingzhi knew the importance of this matter, so he raised his hand and took Qin Wanwan's hand, comforting her: "I can't catch up now, I'll accompany you to the East when I look back. Find."

Qin Wanwan knew that Jian Xingzhi was right, she turned around and saw Bai Wei in the gravel, her heart skipped a beat.

After thinking about it, she decided to deal with the previous matter first and walked towards Bai Wei.

She raised her hand and brushed away the gravel that was pressing on Bai Wei's body, and finally got a serious look at Bai Wei's appearance.

In fact, Bai Wei looks a bit similar to her, but she has been immersed in the magic way for too long, her eyebrows are too sullen, she is wearing a white dress with roses embroidered, and lying in the gravel with her eyes closed, she looks a bit pitiful.

She has lost her breath, Mei Suihan's sword has the meaning of broken soul, not to mention her life, even her soul does not intend to let her stay.

Qin Wanwan looked at the woman in front of her and was inexplicably sad. She sighed and was about to say something when Jane Xingzhi said, "She still has her soul."

Qin Wanwan was stunned for a moment, and Jian Xingzhi handed Yuan Ning to her: "Use your sword intent, and give her a sword."

Qin Wanwan understood what Jian Xingzhi meant, took the sword, raised her hand and slashed the sword through the air, and finally landed the tip of the sword on Bai Wei's forehead.

After a while, a soul light floated out of Bai Wei's body, and then slowly appeared on the flat ground.

The wind was blowing gently, and Bai Wei's soul slowly opened her eyes, and then she seemed to look up at a loss and set her eyes on Qin Wanwan.

"The sword intent just now..." Bai Wei looked at Qin Wanwan and murmured, "Is that you?"

"it's me."

Qin Wanwan didn't understand why Bai Wei asked this question, Bai Wei stared at Qin Wanwan with a bit of moisture in her eyes.

"You..." Her lips trembled slightly. "Can you... let me touch your soul?"

Qin Wanwan was stunned, she vaguely understood what Bai Wei wanted to do, she nodded and walked to Bai Wei's soul.

Bai Wei raised her hand and put her finger on Qin Wanwan's forehead, a gentle white light lit up, and after a long time, Bai Wei slowly put down her hand.

She kept looking at Qin Wanwan, as if she didn't know what to say, Qin Wanwan hesitated for a moment, and finally asked, "Is it me?"

Saying that, Qin Wanwan raised her eyes: "My soul, is it Su Tanyin?"

After saying this, Bai Wei burst into tears, and she forced a smile: "Yes."

"I'm the reincarnation of Su Tanyin, shouldn't you be happy," Qin Wanwan felt a little strange seeing her weeping, "Why are you crying?"

"Sister said it back then," Bai Wei said in a hoarse voice, "if one day, she doesn't remember anything, then she is not Su Tanyin, so I don't have to recognize each other, and I don't have to look for it."

Qin Wanwan was stunned for a moment, and after a while, she said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I just want to know why I came here." "No need to be embarrassed," Bai Wei said to Qin Wanwan in a very gentle voice, "I should have been completely broken. The sword of life in your sword has protected my soul, and I should thank you. You must have many questions, please ask them before I lose my soul."

"The soul is scattered?"

Qin Wanwan stared blankly at Bai Wei: "Aren't you reincarnated?"

"I've entered the devil's way," Bai Wei smiled, "I've committed many crimes, I won't accept it from the ghost world, and I can't be reincarnated."

Qin Wanwan was a little sad when she heard the words, she didn't know what to say for a while, Bai Wei found a stone and sat down, looked at the three standing, thought for a while, and said peacefully, "If you don't know where to ask, Let me start with the relationship between my sister and the man who killed me just now."

"This matter should start more than 200 years ago." Bai Wei thought for a while, with a little nostalgia in her eyes.

"As you all know, my sister Su Tanyin and I are sisters of the same root and different species, both of which are roses. The two of us practiced the Dream Dao for thousands of generations together 700 years ago, but I am not good at learning. At that time, she gave up this way, became a demon cultivator, and did not enter reincarnation. But my sister has always insisted. More than 200 years ago, in her thousandth life, she turned into a rose. At that time, she was born in the Ning family in the deserted city. On the wall, let the wind blow and rain. I go to visit her from time to time, because I know with her that this thousand lives is the most critical one, and in this life, my sister must maintain the original intention of cultivating the Tao in order to successfully survive the calamity. But the problem is, after going through thousands of reincarnations, my sister has actually become numb to this world. So after it became a rose, Heavenly Dao gave her a seal. Only when she can regain her desire for the world can she break the seal and bloom. But she was too numb, she couldn't have this kind of enthusiasm, she couldn't break through the enchantment. I was very anxious at that time, because if she had been lifeless and couldn't bloom, after the flowering period was over and the thousand lifetimes ended, she couldn't devote herself to the fairy womb, then That is her last life."

"and after?"

Qin Wanwan was curious, and Bai Wei smiled bitterly: "Later, one day, a young man walked past the wall. That young man seemed to be seeing Rose for the first time. He injected spiritual power into my sister's body. His enthusiasm, vigor, kindness, and tenderness infected my sister, and at that moment, my sister used his spiritual power to finally break the barrier given by Heaven and get the roses to bloom."

"And that young man," Bai Wei's eyes fell on Jian Xingzhi's face. At this moment, Jian Xingzhi used his own face again. Bai Wei watched him quietly and said calmly, "It's called Lin Yanzhi."

"Later we learned that this is the first time this young man has walked out of the house since he was born. He bears countless darkness and sins, but when they first met, he gave her a life."

Qin Wanwan stared blankly at Bai Wei.

At that moment, she suddenly realized.

Perhaps many of the first encounters in this world are just long-forgotten reunions.