The Husky and His White Cat Shizun

Chapter 320: Fanwai Who Moved Xue Mengmeng's Dessert (Forum Body) 2


[System Notification] Due to violation of the corresponding version regulations, the user "Jiangdongtang Hua Ruowei", the user "Sunset Red Senior Racing Club", the user "Confucianism Gate Grave View House Sales Department", the user "Xiuzheng Best Male Sex Small Film Producer" ", the user "what the foster father says is right" has been banned for life. The above users can only log in to the forum to read posts from now on, and will never be allowed to speak.

Floor 159: The first forum super administrator

Floor 160: I am a passerby

161st floor: Our village owner got rich

Haha, this is the legendary "unwilling to hold back".

Floor 162: Only Melatonin is accepted for gifts

Unblock "what the foster father says is right". Just a kid, just teach me a lesson. No real punishment.

163rd Floor: Lonely Moonlight Night Jiang Yeshen

OK, solve it now.

Floor 164: The first forum super administrator

... The father is different to the son. The other accounts are really banned for life, and even the female is not merciful, but "what the adoptive father says is right" is only banned for less than a minute.

165th floor: Yuliang Village Aunt's Specialty Specialty Store

Thank you stepfather. But even if you get angry, I should remind you that if you keep doing this, Gu Yue Ye's finances will one day run into deficit.

Floor 166: What the foster father says is right

… re-seal him for me.

167th Floor: Lonely Moonlight Night Jiang Yeshen

OK, close now.

Floor 168: The first forum super administrator

Pfft, I don't think the 166th floor should be called "What the foster father says is right", it is too slap in the face, it should be called "what the foster father says is wrong".

169th floor: Our village owner got rich

A super administrator shouldn't be called a super administrator either, it should be called Ban Immediately.

Floor 170: Really smart

what! Poverty limits my imagination! The head of Jiang, the father of the gold master! !

Floor 163: I also want the gold master's father

Gold Master Dad! ! ! Are you still missing a son

Floor 164: I also want the gold master's father 1

Daddy Jiang! Please accept me as a son! !

165th floor: I also want the gold master father 2

father! ! look at me! ! I promise to be obedient! You are doing everything right! Spend how you want to spend it! I promise to be completely different from 'whatever my adoptive father says is right'! Dad! ! ! I am your long lost son!

166th floor: I also want the gold master father 3

People these days are so rude! shameful!

Rich is a father? Ridiculous!

look at me! I am totally different from you!

Floor 167: Jiang Xi is my father

Hahaha ls is so naughty! Then I will also register a vest~

Floor 168: My father is Jiang Xi

Do you still want to be shameless

Floor 169: The First Cry of the Phoenix

... ah, the landlord has appeared. If lz doesn't appear again, I will forget what this building is used for... I should think this is Jiang Xi's support club...

170th floor: I am a passerby

Sorry, I think this is too absurd. The first forum is the place where the major sects communicate, but the administrators can't help but shut down the account of a sect leader, or ban the account for life. After that, is it someone who provokes Jiang Xi, whose account will be banned? Just now you kept talking about principles, now what? Are principles a waste of paper

In addition, the reason for your ban is "violating the rules". I would like to ask what rules they violated. I used to be a moderator of this forum, and the rules will not be clear to you. Hope you give a reasonable explanation.

Floor 171: I didn't know Mulan was a girl

A new article was added ten minutes ago, Article 131: Please respect the largest investor in this forum. Hope to know.

Floor 172: The first forum super administrator

This is really interesting. @Guyueye Jiang Yeshen Do you want to make a statement like Nangong Liu? You are not ignorant of the lessons of Confucianism.

Floor 173: I don't know Mulan is a girl

Alas... why do you always be the first person to come out...

174th Floor: Only Melatonin is accepted for gifts

Jiang Xi, please say something.

Floor 175: I don't know Mulan is a girl

Ouch, that girl is sick, she is rich, she is the biggest investor, what's the matter with respect.

Floor 176: I also want the gold master's father

The administrator did not 'involuntarily say' to block their account, the administrator 'charged' and then blocked their account. My father spends money to buy happiness, who did he provoke

Floor 177: My father is Jiang Xi

... I can't understand the painting style of this building more and more.

178th floor: Xue Ziming at the top of life and death

There are many things you don't understand.

In addition, many people have come to send cats to the door, you can collect it, the head, and register the money, don't make a mistake.

180th Floor: Elder Xuanji on the Peak of Death and Life

Needless to say, I spend my money legally.

Floor 181: Lonely Moonlight Night Jiang Yeshen

In the past, Confucianism and sects used their power to bully others, but today Gu Yueye is presumptuous by wealth.

Sect Master Jiang, although your nature is not bad, if you continue like this, you will suffer too soon.

Floor 182: I don't know Mulan is a girl

Head Jiang, do you need to ban @I don't know if Mulan is a girl

Floor 182: The first forum super administrator

@I don't know if Mulan is a girl, I still can't teach you.

@First forum super administrator, you don't have to block her.

@Death and Life Xue Ziming, the bank note has been sent.

183rd Floor: Lonely Moonlight Night Jiang Yeshen

Long live! ! ! Who the hell dyed the orange cat white and sent it over to cheat money! ! !

184th floor: The young disciple of death and life

… You can’t even recognize the orange cat? Chromosome type will never change.

185th Floor: Female Disciple of Death and Life

What about the most basic trust between QAQ people

I already have a basin of water at the door, all cats need a bath before they can come in! !

186th Floor: The Little Disciple of Death and Life

Hmm... I just saw this building, and I went all the way down, and I wanted to ask... Did you not find a problem...

Floor 187: Sherlock Holmes in the Realm of Comprehension

Um? whats the matter

188th Floor: Yuliang Village Village Flower

Ha ha! I also found one thing, but I never said it! That Sherlock Holmes, do you want to say that Jiang Xi only sealed the 148th to 151st floors, but let go of the 152nd floor alone? Jiang Fu Po probably thinks that she is complimenting him by saying that he is attacking~

Floor 189: Trumpet is not afraid to offend Jiang Fupo

… Jiang, Jiang Fu Po

Pfft hahaha! !

Floor 190: Use a trumpet when you smile

[System notification] The user "Xiaohao is not afraid to offend Jiang Fupo", the user "Smile and also use the trumpet" has been canceled the account, the keyword "Jiang Fupo" has become a first-level sensitive word in the forum, all accounts that contain this keyword Names cannot be registered, and all speeches containing this keyword will be blocked.

In order to prevent personal attacks from wearing vests, this forum must register with real names from now on.

Floor 191: The first forum super administrator

… do you have to be dog-legged to this point? Jiang Xi didn't even speak...

Floor 192: I am a passerby

No, although I also noticed the fact that the 152nd floor was not blocked, but what I want to say is not this problem.

Why do you suddenly want to collect white cats from the top of life and death? You should not look at it carefully, just play it as a water post, otherwise it should be easy to notice.

Wait a minute for me to sort it out and post it.

Floor 193: Sherlock Holmes in the Realm of Comprehension

La la la ~ wait for 818~~

194th floor: Hua Ruowei, Jiangdong Hall

…Administrator, isn’t the 194th floor blocked? Am I blind or is your forum ripped off

195th Floor: Lonely Moonlit Night Jiang Yeshen

! ! ! It was my mistake! I just obviously blocked her! It may be that I did it improperly, I will seal it again! sorry Sorry!

Floor 196: The first forum super administrator

Hehe~ I can't think of it, I'm bubbling again~

197th Floor: Hua Ruowei, Jiangdong Hall

Quickly close it, it looks annoying.

198th Floor: Lonely Moonlight Night Jiang Yeshen

Alas, no matter how many years have passed, men who don't know how to take care of women still don't know how to take care of women. In fact, you don't need to talk too much about talking to this little girl. As long as you are emotional and make some concessions, she will always understand what you mean. Why be so irritable.

199th Floor: Pity Fragrant and Pleasure Yu Xueyu Mei

Head Jiang, it seems that something has gone wrong... The few people who have just been banned, except the one who invited you to go to the sea for filming, have all been unbanned, and they cannot be banned again...

I'm really sorry, I immediately contact the technical department for emergency treatment.

Floor 200: The first forum super administrator

No, I have it in my head.

@Father says everything is right

Did you do it

Floor 201: Lonely Moonlight Night Jiang Yeshen

Well, it's me.

Floor 202: What the foster father says is right

Today is not the past, your wings are hard, and I am not in your eyes at all.

Very good, you have the ability.

203rd Floor: Lonely Moon Night Jiang Ye Shen

Insert a building front row to eat melon

Floor 204: I am a passerby

Crab Crab @ Yifu is right

Little brother~~The grace of saving the account is unforgettable~mua~

205th Floor: Hua Ruowei, Jiangdong Hall

I did not ignore you. You are very good, you are the gentlest, kindest and sweetest person in the entire cultivation continent. But you've done something wrong, and I can't stand by and watch you make a mistake.

Actually, I know what is right and what is wrong, and the adoptive father knows in his heart, otherwise you wouldn't let go of "I don't know Mulan is a girl".

Floor 206: What the foster father says is right

OMG, what did I see? ? ? LS actually said that Jiang Xi is the gentlest, kindest and sweetest person in the entire cultivation continent? Am I blind or the forum sucks or that 'foster father says everything is right' crazy

207th floor: I am a passerby B

… @Hanlin Holy Hand Eye Emergency Doctor, there are patients here who need medical treatment.

Floor 208: Really smart

Ridiculous, the 206th floor is wearing an 80,000-meter-thick filter. The most gentle, sweet, and kind-hearted idiot in the entire cultivation continent is clearly the person in this seat!

Floor 209: Ergouzi

Ergouzi's speech exuded a strong atmosphere of middle-aged illness.

Floor 210: I am a passerby

I think Jiang Xi... and sweet... are two words that cannot coexist.

Floor 211: The Younger Disciple of Death and Life

Upstairs, to add, I think Jiang Xi is not only incompatible with "sweetness", but also with "kindness", "tenderness", "holiness", "integrity", "softness", "affectionate", "love", "intimacy", "sadness" and "sympathy" "Words like "kindness" are also completely incompatible. Jiang Xi and these beautiful words are like two antivirus software, which will attack each other until the computer is paralyzed.

212th floor: Our village owner got rich

You don't understand him. Please don't say that to him.

Floor 213: What the foster father says is right

This kind of disease should not Aite ophthalmology, should Aite mental health department.

But I think he's terminally ill, let's give up treatment.

Floor 214: Zhongshan Wolf is not greedy