The Husky and His White Cat Shizun

Chapter 332: The side story Xue Meng's Blind Date Little Sister of Tea (2)


To be honest, Xue Meng felt that he did not need a woman to accompany him.

But to tell the truth again, Xue Meng feels that every sentence said after his birthday is the truth, and he always has no disgust for such an honest woman.

The so-called stretched out hand does not hit the smiling face, not to mention that the other party is so honest and sincere, Xue Meng was embarrassed to drive people for a while, so she had to let her stay at the top of life and death, and she "represented the owner of Ma Zhuang to the head of Xue. With the most sincere apologies."

A few days have passed, and after the birthday has been very interesting, without Xue Meng's permission, she will never sway under Xue Meng's eyelids, but neatly and quietly help fight at the top of life and death.

There are actually a lot of things in life and death, because after the war, although this sect has been making great strides, it still loves to accept the kind of appointment that "Grandma Wang's cat can't climb up and down the tree again".

When Xue Meng was young, these tasks were generally completed by teachers, and sometimes the ink burned and bored and would pick it up, but after he took over as the head, he hoped that every disciple could go deep into the village and understand that good deeds are big or small. , all make sense. Therefore, he asked the twenty elders at the top of the dead to arrange for their disciples to undertake such small tasks in turn.

This month happens to be the greedy wolf's turn.

The disciples of the greedy wolf are the least except for Chu Wanning. He is probably a disciple selected according to his own model, so the group of people under the door are all dead and strange.

Going down the mountain to help Grandma Wang take the cat down, his disciples are absolutely reluctant to do it, but the requirements of the head can not be fulfilled, so they usually go to Xuanji's door to pick out the bully disciples, or money temptation or threatened him with a stick, and let Elder Xuanji's apprentice cry to complete these little things for them.

For this reason, Xuanji, such a gentle person, also went to the greedy wolf to settle accounts.

But after the birthday, everything is different.

I don't know what kind of charm this girl has. She can persuade the disciples of the greedy wolf with a few words, and let the group of people take the initiative to go down the mountain to help, and she actually enjoys it.

In addition to persuading the fight, she helped the aunt of Mengpotang cook vegetables, wiped the stone lions on Naihe Bridge, and registered the books in the library... She was willing to do any errands, and she did a good job, ranging from elders to elders. Meng Potang's dog and Madam Wang's cat, as long as they can pant, will evaluate her in one word:

"Wonderful!" This is the cat.

"Wang!" This is the dog.

"Okay!" This is man.

It can be seen that there is more wisdom and calmness of the elder sister after the birthday.

So on the third day, Xue Meng couldn't sit still.

He felt that this woman had two brushes, and he could ask her for advice and experience. But he has a good face, and he can't bring himself to talk about this with a girl from another sect.

Just as he was hesitating, he heard a few Xiao Xiu walking under the veranda rustling and discussing something.

Disciple A: "The girl after her birthday is so beautiful. Sigh, I don't know how long she can stay on top of life and death. If she can stay for three or five months, I must go after her!"

Disciple B rolled his eyes: "Toad Toad wants to eat swan meat, don't you see that Miss Shou clearly and secretly admires our Sect Master?"

Xue Meng was shocked. At this time, they just walked around the corner. Xue Meng immediately raised the sword score in his hand, covering his entire face while listening to their conversation.

"Huh? Is there any?"

"You're stupid, you see, when she talks to others, she goes back to the head of Xue in a few sentences. I think she's doing two things besides helping the sect these days."

"Which two things?"

Disciple B held his finger: "One, praise the head of Xue. Two, ask about the head of Xue. Kua closed his eyes and praised, saying that our head is more handsome than Master Mo, smarter than Master Ma, and more fortune than Jiang. Ye Shen is strong and kind-hearted than Master Chu... The most important thing is that she actually said that he has a good body and height, do you think she is blind?"

"???" Xue Meng was very angry.

All the girls tell the truth, you two are blind!

"She inquired about everything, from the dishes the sect liked to the latest mood of the sect. Yesterday, I saw that she was still asking the sect's opinion of Mei Hanxue."

"Huh? Why did she ask the head what he thought of Mei Hanxue?"

"Naturally, it's because the Sect Master and Senior Brother Mei are the best friends. When you get a man, you have to get the man next to him. I think Miss Shou is really moving. If you die as soon as possible, don't fight with the Sect Master. Now, where can you get it?"

They murmured and walked away.

Leaving Xue Meng standing in place, slowly put down the sword book covering his face.

Although he felt that he was not as good-looking as himself after his birthday, she was still a very outstanding girl. Well, since she has already praised him to death...

Treat her to dinner, ask her how to manage the sect or something... It shouldn't be ashamed, right

Anyway, people have eyesight.

With this idea in mind, Xue Meng and the people inquired about the whereabouts of Shou girl, and heard that she was in the library, so she adjusted her clothes, cleared her throat, and walked there.

At this moment. Inside the library.

Peach Blossom Villa's birthday girl - the hero of the deep bond, the master of disguising art - nickname "Wangmei Que thirst" - real identity Kunlun Taxue Palace senior brother The first wind in the cultivation world - Xianjun Mei Hanxue, is concentrating on Looking at an ancient book called "Ancient Enchantment Catalog".

This book was originally placed in the red lotus waterside pavilion of Chu nightning. After Chu nightning returned to Nanping, Zeng Xiushu asked Xue Meng to move all the books in his water pavilion to the library for the disciples to practice. Along with the "Ancient Enchantment Catalogue", there are also many books such as "The Collection of Grass and Trees", "Journey to the Middle Shu", "Linyi Confucianism" and many other books.

As a music cultivator, Mei Hanxue is not very interested in enchantment. Logically speaking, he should be more able to read "Linyi Rufengmen Piano Score", but he didn't. Instead, he was holding an obscure and difficult knot. Jie Shu looked at it with relish, touching his chin from time to time, and nodded with a smile, as if he agreed.

Could he not take it seriously

Because in this "Ancient Enchantment Catalog" left by Chu Wanning, there are actually a bunch of erotic pictures in the Erotic Palace!

Mei Hanxue Bingxue is smart and naturally knows that these paintings will not be related to Chu Wanning. After a little thought, he immediately guessed the whole story. Come to think of it, these ink treasures should have been secretly left on the top when the ink burned stubbornly. The picture is wonderful, and the conception is amazing.

I have to say, Mo Ran is a very thoughtful young man. Mei Hanxue has been in the wind and moon field for so many years, and the usual bright colors can no longer enter his eyes, but he was deeply moved by the original works of Mr. Mo Weiyu in his early years. .

What impresses him even more is that this person dares to make this obscene picture in Chu Wanning's book, and he can still live to this day, which is really a strange person.

Mei Hanxue looked at it and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Mo Weiyu is really interesting, but Xue Ziming has been with him for so many years, but it is even more interesting.

"Interesting" is one of Mei Hanxue's most important requirements for a person to be interested. And since he knew Xue Meng, he didn't think anyone was more interesting than Xue Meng. In Mei Hanxue's view, Xue Meng is too impulsive, too impatient, too simple, and forgetful, just like a puffer fish in the water. He sat on the shore and patted it, and the puffer fish immediately became angry. It was bulging, but it didn't take long before he foolishly forgot, and swam around as usual.

Mei Hanxue couldn't help but be like an addicted cat, hit him if he had nothing to do, hit him again, the more angry Xue Meng was, the more he smiled.

Xue Meng had asked him when he couldn't bear it before: "No, Mei Hanxue, do I have a grudge against you?"

Mei Hanxue thought, you are the son of my benefactor, and naturally there is no hatred, but there is an old account, you can't remember it yourself.

Yes, Xue Meng absolutely can't remember, the first time they met when they were children, they once did something so wicked that they smoked-

He let Mei Hanxue wear women's clothes.

At that time, Mei Hanxue was still a child with slightly fleshy cheeks, short arms and short legs, and followed the group of Master Mingyuelou and others to the top of death and life. It was winter at that time, and he was wearing a white fluffy hat and a heavy robe. The hat was a little bigger, and it always slipped down sideways, not counting his pale blond hair, it was always Covering one of his blue eyes, Xue Meng did not notice this little disciple with an exotic face.

That was the first time that Mei Hanxue left the Snow Palace to come to another sect. At that time, he was young and just arrived. Because he always spoke with a little Yecheng accent, he didn't want to be laughed at, so he didn't say much at all. Standing in the corner with only pale golden eyelashes hanging down, it was completely different from the appearance of attracting bees and butterflies later.

So how did he and Xue Meng get married

Others are not bad, thanks to the thick fog of Miaoyinchi.

There are many hot springs near the Kunlun Taxue Palace. The disciples are used to bathing in the hot spring pool, and Mei Hanxue is the same.

That night, he originally wanted to take Mei Hanxue, who had transformed into a person from the Central Plains, to go to the Wonderful Sound Pool for a bath together. But while waiting, Mei Hanxue didn't return to the room, so he had to go to the bath by himself.

She took off her blouse, leaving only a thin snow robe. Mei Hanxue didn't know where to put her robe, so she simply put it on her blond hair and walked inside on the pebble ground covered with falling flowers. . Walking to the front, I suddenly heard a young and energetic voice.

"Master, you should bask in the sun more, you see that you have been on the top of life and death for so long, still this small body, look at me again, how strong I am. Well, I am worried that you will grow up like What... like that Uncle Wu who sells sesame cakes in Wuchang Town, he is not as tall as his wife."

Then came another gentle and soft voice: "Young Master is naturally the most beautiful, how can I compare with you?"

At that time, Mei Hanxue was not very good at learning Mandarin, and didn't understand what "Young Master" meant. If he could understand, he would know that this was the son of his benefactor. Unfortunately, he couldn't understand it, he thought it was the name of a person named "Young Master".

Xue Meng, who was praised, was very happy and satisfied, so he encouraged the other party: "I like your honesty, but you can definitely grow taller, you can learn from me, I bask in the sun every day, and you follow suit. Sun, I drink milk, and you follow me to drink milk! Don't be discouraged!"

"But I'm just afraid—"

"Oh, what are you afraid of? If I say yes, then you can, but you can't. If you are really only as tall as Uncle Wu in the future, then I will cover you. When you encounter bad people, you hide behind me, how about it?"

The teacher was amused: "Then I will thank the young master first."

"Look at what you said, we are from the same family, why are you polite to me?"

Mei Hanxue approached while listening. At this time, he could see clearly that there were two children about his age soaking in the small hot spring pool with wild flowers. , the other turned his back to him and couldn't see his face, but what made Mei Hanxue unbelievable was that this Xiongtai even had a shower on his head, so that he was wearing silvery hair. Crown, with a jade buckle.

Did he forget to pick it or did he keep it on purpose

Are all people in Shu so strange

Before thinking about it, the teacher in the pool noticed him vigilantly. When he saw a stranger, he couldn't help but immediately reminded: "Young master, look behind you..."

"What are you looking at?" The other child who turned his back to him looked back at the teacher's eyes.

- That was the first meeting between Mei Hanxue and Xue Meng in their lives.

But this first sight is really good fortune. At the moment when Xue Meng turned back, the fog in the wonderful sound pool just rose. Mei Hanxue saw Xue Meng's face clearly, but Xue Meng didn't have time to see him clearly, only felt that the other party The skin is very white, the eyes are big, and the facial features are quite deep.

Should be a girl.

Coincidentally, during that time, Chu nightning had just encountered a female disciple peeking when he was bathing in the red lotus waterside. Xue Meng immediately thought of this when he saw it, and immediately "ah", shouted loudly: "Quick, quick, quick. Come on someone!! Too arrogant! Here again! Quick! Catch the hooligans!!! Catch the hooligans for me!!!”

"Ah, my friend, I'm not a hooligan, I'm just... just..." Mei Hanxue was really incapable of Mandarin at that time, and it was even more chaotic when she was in a hurry.

He wanted to say that he was just hot from practicing swordsmanship, and he was covered in sweat, like a fire was burning.

But he couldn't remember how to express it for a while, so he lowered his head and thought hard: "Sword... sword... sword..."

Xue Meng was shocked: "I'm relying on you to scold who is cheap! You peek at other people's baths, and you have the nerve to say that I am cheap?"

Mei Hanxue still lowered her head and thought hard: ""

"Provoked?" Xue Meng rolled his tongue and imitated him again, and felt it, it seemed to be a vomiting sound, and he was even more shocked, not only shocked, but also angry.

"? You still dare to disgust me?! I am so good! Who doesn't praise me! Teacher, do you think so!"

The teacher was busy coaxing him softly: "Yes, yes..."

Xue Meng said that he was still unconvinced and showed the muscles he did not practice with the "female hooligan": "Look at my arms, my legs... as strong as my father! Xue Lang is very beautiful, do you understand? !"

Mei Hanxue didn't understand, he was still thinking seriously about the word that said that he was hot like a fire covered in sweat: "burn..."

The mandarin is not good, and it doesn't matter.

Xue Meng's movement of fiddling with his arms froze instantly: "... Who are you talking about?"

Mei Hanxue finally thought of it at this time. He clapped his hands and said happily: "Sao! I'm in the ashes!"

"..." Xue Meng was stiff for a while, his face turned green, his mouth opened and closed, closed and opened, unable to squeeze out a word for a long time, and finally slammed a piece of soap on him, and finally roared like a volcano eruption Said, "Ah!!! No one is coming! Hurry up and drag this dog thief to me!!!"


Mei Hanxue was still a little stunned when she was pushed to the ground and dragged down.


He was just hot and wanted to take a bath, why did he become a hooligan

Thinking about it again, the child next to the young master seems to be called Junior Sister. The meaning of junior sister in Mandarin is, that is, a female disciple who is younger than herself...

Mei Hanxue reacted somewhat——

Uh... In Kunlun, boys are not allowed to bathe with girls. Could it be that in Shu, boys can't bathe with boys