The Husky and His White Cat Shizun

Chapter 334: Fanwai Xue Meng's Blind Date of Tea Sister (4)


Mei Hanxue: "..."

Xue Meng is as red as Xia.

Mei Hanxue couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "... gone?"

"Oh..." Xue Meng pondered a little, and remembered another puzzle. "Also, how did you make the apprentice of Greedy Wolf and Xuanji not fight?"

Mei Hanxue: "..."

I'm sorry, he looked down on him.

Even though he has read tens of thousands of people, he has never seen a man with a skeleton like Xue Meng.

Head Xue really relies on strength to be single.

But although he thought so in his heart, Mei Hanxue was patient and told him how to mediate between the greedy wolf disciples and Xuanji disciples, and began to communicate with Xue Meng about the experience of taming animals.

"The cat is an animal that needs to be trained. The more you manipulate it, the less it will take you seriously."

Mei Hanxue smiled lightly, it was obviously a very gentle face, and her tone of voice was also very kind, but she had an inexplicable feeling that she treated all sentient beings with indifference: "So the head, don't look at it cute, just blindly treat it. Indulge. You have to control it in the palm of your hand, bully it more, let it know that it can't play with you, and this fluffy little guy will naturally be obedient. "

"…but won't it run away?"

Mei Hanxue smiled and said, "Aren't you going to chase?"

"Won't it hide?"

"Aren't you going to look for it?"

"Will it not bite?"

"Aren't you going to fight?"

After such a question and answer, Xue Meng looked at her with a smile, and suddenly there was some hair behind her. His Adam's apple rolled and swallowed, and then he said, "...You haven't made vegetable buns, have you?"

"Pfft." Mei Hanxue rolled her hands and put her lips to her lips, smiling even brighter, "Headman Xue is an honest person. I'm just kidding you. I have always been hooked by volunteers and will never go. Do things that force others."

Xue Meng breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise he really felt that this birthday was a bit scary.

After Mei Hanxue finished laughing, she raised her pale eyelashes, and her deep eyes were very seductive. He followed a persuasive tone and said: "But the head, speaking of it... Taobao Villa actually has a unique art of cuddling cats, you have it. Interested in learning more?"

As a martial arts fanatic, Xue Meng is extremely curious about anything that is "unique". Mo Ran once suspected that if you want to take the innocent Xue Ziming to read the yellow book, as long as the book is named "Doumen Spring Love Picture" and "Doumen Yan Selu", this person will rush to the hook.

Mei Hanxue smiled and said, "How about it, do you want to learn?"

"… "

"This is a rare trick. If it wasn't for admiring you, I wouldn't tell anyone easily."

In the end, Xue Meng couldn't resist the temptation of the cat's white belly and the word "unique", as well as his own curiosity, and finally got tangled up on Mei Hanxue's pirate ship, holding his face, coughing: "Cough , you begged me so sincerely... Then... Then learn, learn, learn."

So Mei Hanxue's teaching started like this.

"First of all, cats have a kind of nature." Mei Hanxue stared at Xue Meng and said meaningfully, "As the saying goes, curiosity kills cats. The weakness of all cats is that they can't control their too much knowledge. A heart that does not know danger."

Xue Meng opened his eyes very curiously: "Really?"

"Yes." Mei Hanxue raised a slender and beautiful finger, "Well, look, as long as people put their fingers in front of them, these little guys can't help but come over and smell it. Then You take the opportunity to grab it, press it to the ground, lift its legs, and at this time it will hum softly..."

Mei Hanxue originally said such a bad sentence on purpose, and wanted to make Xue Meng react and shout and jump.

It's a pity that a wise man must have a mistake. Xue Meng, who is too simple, doesn't understand what the too dirty Mei Hanxue is teasing him. He listened intently and asked: "Will it not be unhappy?"

"..." Mei Hanxue was not amused, but still not discouraged, smiled, "Yes."

"Then what?"

"Coax it."

Xue Meng waved his hand and said: "It's useless, it can't understand people's words."

Mei Hanxue said: "The words are all empty, as long as the cat feels cool, it will not resist, but will look at you dissatisfiedly, adjust her posture to match you, and make a very comfortable voice ... have you tried it?"

Xue Meng pinched his chin and mused: "Snoring?"

Mei Hanxue looked at his ignorant appearance, and her itch to make fun of him became more and more intense, and she couldn't help laughing: "Well, cats purr like that."

"But every time I touch its belly, it doesn't want to. At most, it can only touch its chin."

"That's because you didn't do it right, and you didn't serve others properly." Mei Hanxue's soft eyelashes moved slightly, and after a while, she said softly, "Do you mind if I take the liberty of teaching you?"

"Uh… "

Although it is said that men and women are not related to each other, it is an exception to preaching and receiving karma. In addition, Xue Meng saw that the girl after the birthday was so quiet, gentle and dignified, and she seemed to be a serious person, so she hesitated for a moment, but nodded.

However, Xue Meng hurriedly shouted at the moment when Mei Hanxue raised his hand: "Wait! Wait!"

"What's wrong?"

"I-I'll make it clear to you first, I'm just learning how to play cats with you, but I don't want to take advantage of you!"

"..." Mei Hanxue smiled, "Well."

"I don't mean to be frivolous with you!"

Mei Hanxue endured a smile until her ribs were about to break, and her eyes were full of water, and she laughed: "What are you doing so nervously, I am a disciple of Taobao Villa, from a serious school, I don't plan to play fairy dance, Not to mention that if you touch me twice, you will be responsible for me, why are you so fierce, Sect Master?"

Xue Meng cleared his throat without embarrassment: "Cough, okay... let's start."

Mei Hanxue moved to the side, making a space for Xue Meng, and said: "The head is closer first."

After Xue Meng approached, Mei Hanxue raised her hand and said solemnly: "Look, when you are licking the cat, you must approach it slowly first, and let it curiously look over and sniff your fingertips. ." Said, the fingertips stretched out to the tip of Xue Meng's nose, stopped for a while, then moved down and landed on Xue Meng's chin, "Then gently scratched twice."

Mei Hanxue knew Xue Meng's temperament and didn't have too much contact with him. She only touched him a little, and she laughed in her heart: Oops, Xue Meng didn't hit him.

Not only did he not fight, but probably because Mei Hanxue's "shouhou" played too upright, Xue Meng couldn't be suspicious, and he raised his hand and touched his chin several times.

"is that so?"

"A little more force."


"You can't use force all the time. There is a trick that is good, nine shallow and one deep, and you can't stop."

"...What kind of move is this? How come I've never heard of it."

Mei Hanxue smiled and said: "This is about a kind of profound kung fu, and there is no ordinary mind book."

Xue Meng was a little unhappy: "Joke, I am the head of the dignified life and death, haven't I experienced any profound skills?"

"... You really haven't experienced this."

Xue Meng was immediately dissatisfied, and raised his black eyebrows: "How do you know that I haven't experienced it? You give it a try! We have tried!"

Mei Hanxue said: "I'm quite familiar with this mental technique, but it would be disrespectful to rashly display it on the head."

After a pause, I saw that Xue Meng was still fighting and fighting, and if he went on, he would have to help, so Mei Hanxue persuaded with a smile: "But you don't have to take it to heart, the technique of nine shallows and one deep. Fa is relatively partial, not everyone can learn it, and some people are born with an unsuitable physique. I think that although your master, Master Chu, has experienced this kind of trick many times, he may not be able to cultivate due to his temperament. what?"

When he said this, Xue Meng reluctantly gave up, but still hummed: "Since my master doesn't learn, it must not be a great technique."

Mei Hanxue said with a smile: "Master Chu will not. But Master Mo must be good at this."

"?" Xue Meng opened his eyes slightly, "Ink burning? How did I never hear that he would do this trick."

Mei Hanxue was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. She smiled and said with narrowed eyes: "The person who has a treasure will not show it easily. Next time, the head can ask him, and ask him if the taste of this trick is wonderful."

Xue Meng was skeptical, but he still remembered this matter silently in his heart, and decided to ask Mo Ran next time he had a chance. What kind of trick is this nine shallow and one deep? It is so mysterious.

The two practiced the technique of brushing the cat for a while. Xue Meng scratched himself several times, and roughly mastered the strength. He asked happily: "Yes. I learned it, and then what?"

"Then." Mei Hanxue's white jade-like fingertips slowly slid down, and finally fell to Xue Meng's waist and abdomen, hovering on the silver lion's head waist armor, "Then the cat is comfortable with you, and it will lie down on its own. Turning the white belly over to you means it starts to trust you."

"Can you touch it now?"

"No." Mei Hanxue said with a smile, "Be patient. You have to be like me, imaginary above its belly, but you can't really touch it."

As he spoke, he moved gently and softly on Xue Meng's waist and abdomen. When he was far and near, Xue Meng felt a little tight at first, staring at her hand, not sure when she would really touch him, but after For a while, the "shouhou" girl was still swaying away from the ground, and his guard gradually relaxed.

"like this."

Xue Meng nodded: "Oh..."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Mei Hanxue suddenly grabbed his waist, pulled him close, and said with a smile: "Then you are unexpected, take it-"

How about it, Mei Hanxue didn't have time to finish.

Because Xue Meng was suddenly held by the waist, he was shocked and caught off guard. He was staggered forward by Mei Hanxue, and he jumped firmly and fell towards Mei Hanxue.

"Depend on!"

"..." Mei Hanxue only felt that a heavy object was pressing directly towards him. He was used to pity and xiyu, and instinctively hugged Xue Meng and protected Xue Meng on it. The two people's center of gravity was unstable and fell to the ground together!


The thin accumulation of ash in the library was raised, causing Xue Meng to cough again and again, and his eyes were hazy. The old bookstore pavilion creaked under the two of them. Xue Meng was like an unknown cat, full of confusion, and after a while, he realized that he had pressed Mei Hanxue to the ground.

Mei Hanxue: "..."

Xue Meng: "Cough cough cough!!! No, I'm sorry!"

He waved his hand to chase away the raised dust, held up his hand, but saw that people's clothes were slightly messed up, and their temples were torn. A pair of pale eyes, half-covered by curled eyelashes, looked at him with a slightly different expression, but he still wanted to speak.

Xue Meng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt inappropriate, and was anxious to stand up.

However, the more anxious a person is, the easier it is to make mistakes. He stood in a hurry and didn't stand up neatly. The soles of his feet softened the first two times, but instead he rubbed on Mei Hanxue several times.

Mei Hanxue raised her eyebrows slightly, her expression more subtle.

After finally getting up, Xue Meng was blushing and stammered: "That, that, big, big sister, I'm sorry, right, right."

"… "

Because of his personality, Xue Meng has not had a woman's fate since he was a child. Girls of his same generation don't like to pay attention to him. Instead, he wants to please older sisters, aunts and the like. Therefore, his habitual names for women are often only two, one is "aunt" and the other is "sister". Under this tension, he actually blurted out that such a beautiful girl who was transformed by Mei Hanxue was called eldest sister.

Mei Hanxue almost looked at him several times with an unfathomable look, and sighed in her heart, deservedly this person hasn't held the girl's hand yet!

What the hell is the eldest sister

Greeting girls, more than 90 years old is called fairy, and under five years old is called honey, and all the middle ones, regardless of whether they are fat or thin, should be collectively called beautiful women. How can Xue Meng live almost thirty and still not understand it

Xue Meng is still stammering: "Big sister, I didn't hurt you? I, I think I'm pretty light, and you look pretty strong..."

"..." Mei Hanxue felt that if the person in front of Xue Meng at the moment was not herself, but a girl, Xue Meng might have been slapped heavily.

Fortunately, Xue Meng seems to have finally reacted to the fact that it is inappropriate to describe the female cultivator with sturdiness, and hesitantly changed his words: "I, that's not what I mean, I just think you are not crushed when you are pressed, you still have a little muscle, uh... I still It's not that I don't say it. Anyway, are you all right?"

Mei Hanxue lay on the ground for a while, and then sat up with a complicated expression: "...It's okay, I just didn't expect your reaction to be so big before."

The two were awkwardly silent for a while, and Mei Hanxue asked, "Did I scare you?"

"Scared, it's impossible to be scared." Xue Meng was still blushing, and he didn't know what to say. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "Cough... that's how you tame the vegetable bag?"

"Yes." Mei Hanxue smiled lightly, "As long as it is a beast that I have tamed, there is no disobedience."

"Oh… "

"I don't know the method just now, has the head master learned it?"

Xue Meng: "Almost..."

Mei Hanxue said: "That's good, as long as the head is happy, it's worth hitting me."

Xue Meng didn't say a word, and these words were said gently from the mouth of a beautiful girl. In the heart of any normal man, they would feel comfortable.

So Xue Meng's heart began to shake. He thinks that although Ma Yun is not a good person, he has tossed out some worry-relieving scrolls, but his post-birth disciples are still quite good, calm, good-tempered, not pretentious, and serious, serious in work, and only concerned about customer's request.

Xue Meng used to think that these delicate little girls are like people made by Liuli. They are generally fragile and sad. They cry and scream at every turn. Weeping, or shouting hysterically: "Indecent assault! You stinky bastard!"

But the girl after the birthday, in order to let him revise the bad review of the "Relief Scroll", she didn't even respond to being taken advantage of - of course, he did not deliberately take advantage of her, but the kind-hearted Xue Meng Still couldn't help but feel a trace of heartfelt pity for this poor girl who lowered her eyebrows and pleaded for life.

So he hesitated for a while, and finally said: "... Well, after so much tossing, it's almost time to eat, why not... I invite you to have a meal?"

Mei Hanxue smiled and said, "You just bumped into me, there's no need to feel so guilty."

"No, this is also a thank you for teaching me your unique cat skills." Xue Meng still blushed embarrassedly, "As for the worry-relieving scroll to change the bad review, it's not impossible to talk... Anyway, let's talk about it after eating. ."

Saying that, he stretched out his hand to the poor little tea sister in his eyes, the girl after the birthday, and planned to pull her up.

Mei Hanxue didn't move, her eyes moved from Xue Meng's palm to her face, and finally said: "The head will go first. I'll sit for a while."

Seeing her reaction, Xue Meng couldn't help but feel a little vain: "... Did I really crash you just now?"

Mei Hanxue raised her eyebrows slightly, was silent for a moment, and smiled: "It's not bad, it's just swollen in one place, but it doesn't matter, as long as you don't hit me again, it will go away in a while."

The kind Xue Meng heard that the little girl was really broken by herself, and she couldn't help but feel more guilty.

"That's it..." Xue Meng bit his lip and was very embarrassed. "Then I will find the elders of the wolf to show you."

"...No. I'm not used to disturbing others at will."

Xue Meng felt that she was even more miserable and sensible.

"Then, where are you swollen? I also have some wound medicine with me. I'll rub some on you?"

"It's okay to rub it for you twice, do you mind?"

Mei Hanxue looked at his serious appearance, and the more she looked, the more she thought how could this person be so cute. She could hardly bear to laugh, and she didn't answer for a while, for fear that she couldn't help patting her legs as soon as she opened her mouth. Hahahaha Come out.

As a result, in Xue Meng's eyes, Mei Hanxue became a girl who pursed her lips and said nothing.

The girl looked at him, her lips pursed tighter and tighter, and her expression became more and more strange.

Finally, she lowered her head and coughed lightly: "If you touch it, the swelling may get bigger and bigger."

Xue Meng: "?? Is my hand poisonous?"

"… No."

"Then it's over."

Mei Hanxue originally just read the colorful picture book of the ink-burning painting before, plus the normal reaction after being dawdled, there is no other meaning. But he looked at Xue Meng's innocent look, and the itch in his heart was getting heavier and heavier, and he even wanted to see him fleeing in fright or yelling in anger.

When he thought of this, his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of luster and attractive glaze, shining with some kind of bright light, and he pursed his lips and smiled: "Then... if you insist on helping me, it's not impossible. , but I have to make it clear to you in advance, that is... "

At this moment, the door of the library was suddenly knocked on.

Mei Hanxue raised her eyebrows and closed her mouth.

Xue Meng turned back and saw Elder Xuanji dressed in blue, standing at the door, knocking on the door frame with his fingers.

"Respected lord." Xuanji said, seeing Mei Hanxue behind Xue Meng, so she smiled, "The girl is also here after the birthday."

Mei Hanxue smiled and nodded.

"Oh, I'll talk to her about something." Xue Meng didn't know that the situation was dangerous, and he said, "What's wrong?"

Elder Xuanji said: "That's right. Immortal Mei Hanxue from Kunlun's Snow Palace made a sudden visit. He said that he was looking for you in a hurry and was waiting in the Danxin Palace."

Mei Hanxue's smile suddenly froze.