The Husky and His White Cat Shizun

Chapter 340: Extra Xue Meng's Blind Date Night Ning is Awesome


Chu nightning. Ink burns. Taobao Villa.

When these three names appeared in Xue Meng's heart together, it evoked a certain unbearable past - when Treading Xianjun told him that Chu nightning had slept in Taobao Villa and Mo Ran, and was in front of him. face, a place separated by a curtain.

The trauma it caused to him was too great.

If time could go back, he would roar and interrupt him when Ta Xianjun spoke the first word—

"Stop talking! I have a picture!!!"

However, the past cannot be turned back, and life has to be faced.

In order to subdue the scroll demon, Xue Meng had to let the elder Chen Xuyuan give him a book to his master and his cousin, and respectfully invite Master Chu to come out to help.

Then they started waiting.

Nanping Mountain is on the bank of West Lake and is the closest to Taobao Villa. Even if you don't use your sword, walking down from the barrier in the depths of the white clouds and wandering around to the villa will probably only take an hour or two.

But I don't know why, after the letter was sent, until the dawn broke, they still did not respond.

Mei Hanxue is very smart, so she can think of the reason. He looked at the sun, got up and said to everyone: "You guys should go and rest, I'm afraid there will be no news this morning."

The disciples of Taobao Villa also stayed all night, listening to what he said, without going into the meaning of his words, they nodded, yawned and scattered, intending to make up for a sleep.

Only Xue Meng frowned and looked at him: "Why don't you wait? My master will come soon, and he never stays in bed."

Mei Hanxue smiled and said, "You still know very little about your master."

"You bullshit! Don't I know him before you? Don't believe me, you're going to gamble with me?"

"Oh?" Seeing his unconvinced appearance, Mei Hanxue came to the spirit, like a bird: "What are you gambling? I remember that you didn't bring much silver taels when you went out. What do you have as money for gambling?"

"Who said I didn't bring it, you wait..." Xue Meng gritted his teeth and began to reach out and grope in the money pocket.

Of course, he is not without money, but it is not long before he takes over as the head of the new family. Although he is reluctant to look like a dog in front of others, he is still inexperienced after all. Elder Xuanji is worried that he spends a lot of money, or that he will be deceived by women with ulterior motives such as Hua Ruowei, so the financial accounts are carefully managed by the elders. Although Xue Meng is expensive, he can only manage it every month. Get some pocket money from Xuanji.

And this month, I am ashamed to say that in order to have a blind date with Jiang Xi, he has spent most of his savings.

And Jiang Xi still looks down on him! The look in Jiang Xi's eyes when he was "Ruoying" was obviously that he thought he was poor!

Not to mention later on a blind date with Ta Xianjun, and those strange men and women... The generation of Tianjiao Xue Ziming has really been squeezed by these coquettish bitches to the point where he even has to count the grass paper once in the hut.

But for the reputation of Chu Wanning, no matter how poor or tired, the head of Xue has to gamble!

The big deal is the straw paper halved!

So Mei Hanxue watched Xue Meng rummaging through all the corners and corners of the body, and took out a bunch of pieces of copper, which were probably less than fifty cents, and Xue Meng used 500 billion arrogance. It hit the table, and two small copper plates rolled to the ground.

Mei Hanxue: "..."

"I bet my master will come after the breakfast hour!" Xue Meng said decisively.

"... What if he didn't come."

"These are all for you!"

Mei Hanxue looked at the pile of shabby copper plates, turned her head back, and said with a smile: "I have heard that Chu Zongshi said that if you want to bet, you should bet big. Forget it, let's do something else?"

"What else?"

"Running naked on the street, performing arts in brothels."

Xue Meng: "??!!"

Mei Hanxue frowned: "What's the nonsense?"

Mei Hanxue covered her mouth with her hands, rolled her hands and couldn't help laughing: "Don't take it seriously, I am teasing him."

"Let me think about it again..." Mei Hanxue folded her arms with her arms crossed and her eyebrows curved, "Well... Why don't the loser pretend to be a girl according to the other party's request?"

"..." Xue Meng frowned a little unhappily, "No, Mei Hanxue, did I force you to wear women's clothes? Excuse me, why can't you get over this hurdle?"

This time, it was Mei Hanxue and Mei Hanxue who watched him incomprehensibly together, and saw the hair behind Xue Meng's back, and stammered: "What? I'm just kidding, I haven't done it before. I , I have always been upright, never bullying, bullying the weak..."

"Yes." Mei Hanxue said with a smile, "you are the best."

Xue Meng: "..."

Why do you always feel so ominous...

Facts have proved that Xue Meng's intuition is sometimes very accurate.

Xue Meng was in hope and despair, and finally waited until the slump. In the afternoon, he finally heard the news from the disciples outside the villa: "Master Chu, Master Mo is here!"

Chu night, Ning Yuguan's hair is tied, and the white clothes are flying. It is still a clear, cold, and heavenly appearance, but I don't know why the tail of the eyes is thin and red, the complexion is not worried, and there is even a vague anger in the eyebrows. And the ink burned with him a step away from him, followed with some helplessness and some funny.

It turned out that Chu nightning heard the spirit bird calling from Taobao Mountain Villa last night, worried that there was an urgent matter, and wanted to see it. But last night was the character of stepping on the immortal, and the stepping on the immortal is the temperament that is too lazy to pay attention to other people's affairs. Several times, Chu nightning wanted to interrupt him. At the beginning, he coaxed Xianjun and said, "It's going to be soon." "Just go and see when you're done."

As a result, the mouth of the ink burns, the deceitful ghost, what is going to be fast, what is done, it is just endless! Ma Yun's birds were calling themselves outside, but the birds who stepped on Xianjun didn't even mean to be tired at all.

In the end, Chu Wanning insisted on going out to see the situation. In a rage, he actually tied the person directly to the post, and for the sake of the heart of Chu Wanning, he fed some prescriptions that were not on the table. This kind of trouble, Chun Xiao is so charming, even if the personality switches back in the middle of the night and changes to Master Mo, seeing Chu Wanning's attitude, he can't stop.

So it wasn't until the afternoon of the next day that Chu Wanning woke up from the drowsiness, and only then did he get a report from Taobao Villa and learned that the scroll demon was a disaster for Lin'an.

Such a delay is clearly caused by stepping on the fairy, but there is no difference between the masters of Mo and the emperor. Tracing the source, it is naturally the fault of the ink burning himself, so that Chu nightning is reluctant to talk to him all the way down the mountain. , only when he is a wood carving clay sculpture.

"Master Chu, Master Mo!"

"Welcome to Master Chu and Master Mo!"

The cause and effect of the scroll demon's troubles, Chu nightning already knew, so he entered the hall to see Xue Meng, he wanted to train him to make trouble, but Xue Meng's identity is not what it used to be, and he must stay sympathetic.

So Chu nightning finally just frowned slightly and said: "How did you get into such a big disaster."

Xue Meng was originally complaining, but he really saw Chu Wanning, and he was not happy anymore. He quickly said: "Master, it's the scroll to learn from me, I didn't mean it..."

The ink burned and opened his eyes: "Xue Meng, after the impermanence of the town, you... why did you continue to play the worry-relief scroll for so long?"

"Can't you?"

Mo Ran just wanted to roll his eyes, because it was the "secret" of their brothers, so he used his mouth shape to say to Xue Meng behind Chu Wanning: You are a fool! You come out to mess with flowers, are you worthy of the head of Jiang

Xue Meng didn't know why: "Why don't you speak louder? Is your voice hoarse?"

Ink burning: "..."

Stupid him! ! !

Dislike and dislike, Xue Meng's mess can't end, they will still try their best to help. only-

"What?! You want Shizun to dress up as a woman!??"

Xue Meng embarrassed: "I don't want to, or, or let Gu Yueye open a prescription, which says that this person is...for...for..."

He stole his eyes to look at Chu Wanning's cold and stern face, and the words "this person is a woman" can't be said if he is killed.

The ink burns like the sky is about to collapse. How could he let Chu Wanning dress up like this to show people in front of him? This is insane!

But at the moment, this situation is not broken. He looked at Xue Meng's hard scalp and couldn't express it quickly. He was silent for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "Change me."

Xue Meng raised his head blankly.

The ink burned: "I will guard the scroll demon for him."

"You? Are you going to disguise yourself as a woman?"

"Can't you?"

Xue Meng: "...Brother, do you have any misunderstanding of yourself?"

The ink burned for a while, a little sad, and turned to ask Chu nightning: "Master, Xue Meng said that I don't look good."

There is a bit of arrogance in the words.

Chu nightning knows that he is trying to talk to himself, and he is just acting like a spoiled child, and he is too lazy to pay attention to him at all. He unhurriedly drank a cup of bamboo leaf green brewed in front of him, and then raised his eyes: "Why do you have to dress up? Isn't there a solution to it?"

People don't know why.

Chu nightning turned his face slightly, and said lightly to the ink: "Your Qiankun bag, take it here."

This is the first time he has spoken to himself since Chu Wanning went down the mountain, and Mo Ran couldn't help but be very happy. But Chu nightning looked uneasy, and he didn't speak any soft sentences, which made him a little lost. For a time, he was in a very mood like the kind of master who was scolded by the charming concubine while taking out his purse. I don't know whether to be happy or sad. .

For a monk, the Qiankun bag means the treasury. Chu night would rather have the treasury of Mo Weiyu, and there is nothing good to say, but Mo Weiyu can only turn it in no matter how sad he is.

Who made himself not human last night

A circle of people eagerly watched Chu Xiaoning rummaging in the ink-burning Qiankun bag, all wanting to see what the so-called "ready-made solution" was.

They feel that these masters are out of their minds. Jiang Ximen pretends to be a woman to prescribe medicine. Chu nightning does not know what amazing action will happen - will it be to find ten Yeyoushen to pull a banner in the back, which reads "Night Night Yuheng Beidou Fairy" Chu Wan condensed to participate in" or something like that

Just thinking about it, I heard Chu nightning frowning and frowning a little impatiently: "What are you putting in the mess in your Qiankun bag."

"… "

The ink burned unnaturally and touched his nose. He used to be very clean and tidy, and everything was placed well when he put it in the bag. But since all the souls have returned to the body, his personality has changed every three days, and the two personalities are secretly competing with each other in the universe. For example, under the personality of Ta Xianjun, he would secretly stuff some pepper seeds into it, wishing he could grow peppers in Nanping Mountain, but when he became the personality of Master Mo, all these pepper seeds would be dumped by him again.

When Ta Xianjun's personality reappeared, he was naturally very angry. He thought that he was not living happily, and he could never make the other self happy, so he messed with the Qiankun bag and smashed all the games collected by Mo Zongshi. , or go down the mountain to the pawnshop and get a discount, so that you can buy yourself beautiful clothes.

So can this universe bag not be messed up

The things are too complicated, and it's hard to find them all crowded together. Chu nightning lost a few things that got in the way on the table. Xue Meng stretched out his head curiously.

"Notes of the Gods and Demons."

The ink burned explained: "My book, I want to know more about the past of ancient gods and demons."

"Oh... not bad." Xue Meng continued to read, ""The Night Collection"."

"There are many old pasts of immortal monarchs written on it. These seniors have different reputations and reputations, but they all have their own hearts and obsessions. The listed monarchs are like stars shining in the night. It was fun to read."

"...Unexpectedly, you are getting better and better." Xue Meng was a little surprised, "It's a set after another."

The ink burned and smiled and said: "Master taught well."

Xue Meng went to the next one again.

"Postpartum Care of Sows."

The burning smile solidified on his face.

In the end, he broke his wrist and said resolutely: "... This was bought by Stepping Xianjun, and it has nothing to do with me."

Xue Meng: "..."

Chu nightning didn't care at all. Hearing what he said, he raised his eyes and asked, "Why do you buy this. Our family doesn't raise this kind of animal."

The ink burned: " like this. He once went down the mountain and saw someone in the village holding a livestock breeding competition. He was inexplicably confident for a while, so he ran to fight, but he didn't compare to the veterinarian Wang at the entrance of the village. I was so angry that I bought this book... Inspirational to study hard, to win the championship in one fell swoop in the coming year, and be ashamed..."

The more I talked, the more embarrassing I felt. When I heard that there was a little monk in the Taobao Mountain Villa disciples who couldn't help but snicker, Mo Ran closed his mouth and looked at Chu Wanning slightly.

Chu nightning is unbelievable: "Why are you going to participate in the... animal husbandry and domestication competition?"

"Yes, there are prizes." Mo Ran blushed slightly, and muttered with his head down, "I think... If I win... I can buy you the best clothes in Feiyunzhai."

Chu nightning said silently: "Feiyunzhai is close to Jiangdongtang. That Hua Ruowei sent someone to send a whole eight boxes of clothes before. You burned it without saying a word, and now you want to go and buy it yourself?"

"That's not the same." Mo Ran immediately displeased, "The girl's eyes are not right. She doesn't think I can't see what she's thinking, you see what she's sending, the robe Hair crown, close-fitting clothes..." The more he said, the darker his face became, "If you want Shizun to wear her clothes, she doesn't even think about it!"

"… "

Chu nightning listened to him saying this, his eyes were helpless or embarrassed, but the thick black in the two pools was softened after all. He finally pursed his lips and suddenly asked: "Mo Ran, is it you in the past life or you in this life today?"

"Of course it's me in this life." The ink burned for a while, "Why does the teacher ask this?"

"Look at what you are now." Chu nightning finally had a faint smile in his eyes, "What's the difference with the previous life."

He has always been icy and snow-boned, and his expression is indifferent, so this little smile cannot be seen by others. However, for Mo Ran, even if there is a slight fluctuation between Chu Wanning's eyebrows and eyes, he can feel the clear changes like wind, rain and snow. Seeing that he didn't regenerate his anger, Mo Ran couldn't help lowering his long eyelashes, lowered his eyes and smiled, and the pear vortex on the side of his cheek was deep.

What to say, Chu nightning felt that it was too embarrassing to talk in front of people, and turned his head and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

But this kind of ignorance and the kind of ignorance when they came, obviously have two different meanings, and the ink burned and smiled, and stood beside him obediently and did not speak.

Chu nightning finally found out what he was looking for from the Qiankun bag-

"Phantom sachet."

Xiuchang's well-proportioned hand holds the braid of the sachet, and Chu nightning said: "The reconciliation and worry scrolls are sold together, which can make the user change according to the original appearance in the eyes of others, without any real modification or disguise. ."

Everyone in Taobao Villa: "..."

Chu night Ning paused, almost unbelievably: "... No one thought of it?"

The makers of the Anxiety Scroll and the Illusory Sachet shook their heads in unison. I don't know who is talking about riding a donkey to find a horse, but riding a donkey to find a donkey probably refers to these monks in Taobao Mountain Villa.

In this way, the matter of dressing up was finally solved, and everyone was relieved. At this time, it was time for dinner, and they planned to go to the dining hall to padded their stomachs, and then waited for the reappearance of the scroll demon tonight.

When they went out one after another, Mei Hanxue suddenly came to Xue Meng's ear and whispered: "Xue Ziming."

Xue Meng was very alert to the goods: "Why?!"

Mei Hanxue still said with a low smile: "I'll tell you a secret."

Intuition tells Xue Meng that Mei Hanxue's secret is usually better not to listen to. But curiosity still drove Xue Meng to speak: "What, what secret."

Mei Hanxue said softly: "It's... The method that Master Chu said... In fact, I also thought of it early in the morning."

Xue Meng was taken aback and looked back at him: "Then why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Because Jiang Yechen wanted to disguise himself as a woman before?" Mei Hanxue said with a smile, "I didn't tell him, I just wanted to embarrass him and make you happy."

"..." Xue Meng was ready to scold people. When he heard him say this, he slammed his mouth dryly, but he couldn't scold again.

Mei Hanxue smiled lightly: "Don't thank me yet?"

"I thank you for your head! What about after Jiang Xi is gone! Why don't you say it!"

"Oh, later..." Mei Hanxue paused for a moment, her blue eyes were full of love, she put her fingertips on her lips, and said with a smile, "I didn't tell you later, it was because I wanted to embarrass you and let myself happy happy."

Xue Meng: "???"

"By the way, I remind you that you lost the bet before, remember to fulfill the contract, I'll be waiting."

"You are dreaming!!!" Xue Meng couldn't help roaring, "Wait for a ghost! You want me to pretend to be a woman to show you?!! Next life, you! Die this heart, you!!! "

The sound of the voice shocked the people around him, and everyone who didn't know it already knew, and whispered: "Oh, is the head of Xue going to disguise as a woman?"

"It seems that the head of Xue is unwilling and wants to break his word and get fat."

"Poor Young Master Mei, even if he wins the bet, he will be scolded by him."


Xue Meng's face was getting greener and greener in this rustling whisper, Mei Hanxue was quiet for a moment, and smiled: "So reluctant?"


"It's so stubborn." Mei Hanxue smiled and bumped Mei Hanxue with her arms. "Brother, look at him. Is it fun?"

Mei Hanxue glanced at Xue Meng, who was a puffer fish, and said lightly: "It's not fun. Don't let him dress up as a woman."

"Why? He's so spicy."

Xue Meng: "You! You!"

"It's quite spicy." Mei Hanxue said expressionlessly, "Spicy eyes."

"???" Xue Meng is about to explode!

Mei Hanxue is more extreme than Mei Hanxue! Mei Hanxue just said he was hot, but Mei Hanxue actually said he was hot! ! !

Xue Meng couldn't help angering the crown, and shouted regardless: "Mei Hanxue! You stop for me! You come back to me! Who are you calling hot eyes? Have you seen me dress up? You just said that! You think I really don't dare Are you pretending!! If you have the ability, we should look better than anyone else!"

Mei Hanxue smiled and said, "Ah, you really want to—"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Mei Hanxue. Mei Hanxue pulled Mei Hanxue's arm to stop his nonsense. Then he turned back to Xue Meng and said, "Don't. As you just said, it's still your next life to dress up as a woman."

"Damn it!" Xue Meng woke up, he pointed at Mei Hanxue, raised his eyebrows and said sternly, "When did I say that I would be willing in my next life?"

Mei Hanxue raised her eyebrows: "You just said it yourself. Besides, please be your head in this life, don't be enchanting."

Xue Meng almost stammered: "You, you dare... You dare... What do you say about me... "

"Yes. I dare." Mei Hanxue said, blinking her turquoise eyes indifferently, both mocking and teasing, "That's it. You owe us a bet."

"I'll wait for you in the next life, Miss Xue."

Xue Meng was stunned for a while, and shouted at the moment when Mei Hanxue turned his head: "Who owes you an appointment? What do you call me? Mei Hanxue! Don't go! I fucking killed you! Ah!! Stop for me!!!"