The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 105: not simple


What do you mean I didn't explain it to him last night? It was all my fault

What and what is this all about

Chu Ying's eyes widened immediately, his face full of bewilderment. And until this time, Qi Jingshan coughed lightly and said, "Shangshu Lu, please come in. Old Chu has the temper of looking down on others. Don't bother with him."

Seeing Lu Wan hesitate for a moment, and then draw the curtain and enter the room, knowing that the people around him were all officials from various places, Qi Jingshan, a former Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and now an old idler living in the capital, said with a smile: "We met Dr. Zhang who was joining in the fun downstairs of Zhigong Building. Old Chu suddenly felt like asking people to come up and sit. They haven't even exchanged names yet."

Zhang Shou had just guessed that the short and fat old man opposite him was most likely the old Chu that Ge Yong had mentioned before, or Old Chu. At this moment, before the other party lost his temper, he immediately stood up and bowed sincerely, saying, "Mr. Chu, I am really sorry just now. I saw that Mr. Qi was unwilling to speak out, so I just went with the flow and pretended to be confused."

Chu Ying glared at his old friend angrily, and seeing Qi Jingshan was still calm, he could not help but cursed him in anger when he thought of the times when he and Ge Yong had argued fiercely, and this guy often took advantage of him. However, the people next to him knew him, so he just stretched out his hand to Zhang Shou with a stern face, until the man handed him the note politely with both hands, and then his face looked better.

This kid is at least more knowledgeable and interesting than Old Man Ge... Humph, he even looks like Old Man Ge when he was young, attracting a lot of attention!

However, Chu Ying frowned after taking a glance at the note. He slightly bent his fingers - although mental arithmetic was much faster than this kind of small movement, his habit still overshadowed everything. After confirming that these numbers were completely unrelated, he looked at Zhang Shou with a bad face: "Why, is this the question you gave to Minister Lu?"

Zhang Shou immediately shook his head: "How dare I ask questions to test Minister Lu?"

Seeing Chu Ying looking at him thoughtfully, and then showing an understanding expression, Lu Wan hoped that Zhang Shou, the outsider, would quickly leave, but since he was sitting there calmly, he could only whisper, "Mr. Chu, I am also desperate and looking for help..."

"Hmph," Chu Ying glanced at the Shuntian government hall where a court was being held, and suddenly said, "Xiaokang, you guys should stop being so silent. Just say what you need to say and have a good chat with the two little guys that Dr. Zhang brought here."

Zhang Shou saw Qiao Hu and Yang Hao were a little confused at first, but when they were surrounded by Chu Ying and Qi Jingshan's servants, who kept asking questions, the two teenagers who didn't understand the profound conversation immediately forgot their restraint and excitedly talked about their days in the countryside. He immediately realized that this was the best way to disrupt possible eavesdroppers.

As expected, in this chaotic atmosphere, Chu Ying looked at Lu Wan with a half-smile and whispered, "Just now, Dr. Zhang asked me why the rebels in Linhai Camp were not tried by your Ministry of War, nor by the Ministry of Justice, the Dali Temple, the Censorate, or the Three Judicial Departments, but were thrown into the Ministry of Justice... Haha, isn't it because Shuntian Prefecture Governor Wang Datou is a rare anomaly who is proficient in mathematics?"