The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 11: The falling flowers have intentions, but the flowing water is merciless


Gathering a bunch of country children who were too young to work, and making them recite poems, the Nine-Nine Songs, and learn elementary cultural knowledge from an early age was originally just Zhang Shou's initial impulse after he discovered that he had to quietly understand this new world first.

He knew that this kind of thing might not necessarily produce any results, and even the effect of enlightening the people might be limited, but in the spirit of doing something is better than doing nothing, he still did it seriously since he had a lot of free time.

But he was able to pick out two young men who were very sensitive to mathematics and writing from the farm children who were watching him teach them to recite poems and the Nine-Nine Song. Among them, Deng Xiaodai had a way to take the civil service examination, and Qi Liang, who had a "family origin of learning", passed the county examination in one try. It was purely a pleasant surprise.

So, since Miss Zhu didn't disturb his class, he didn't take her listening or eavesdropping outside seriously.

After giving Deng Xiaodai instructions, he began to explain plane geometry to the two of them - even though these two people might never have the opportunity to use plane geometry in their entire lives, he always felt that if mathematical logic was cultivated well, people would benefit from it throughout their lives.

Of course, he had no way of knowing how confused Miss Zhu outside would be.

As expected, Zhu Ying stuck her head out while listening. However, when she found Zhang Shou standing in front of a white wall with his back to her, writing and drawing on the wall with cotton thread dipped in water, Miss Zhu was completely confused. Not only that, Zhang Shou was drawing while dictating the topic, and she didn't understand at all!

Especially when Zhang Shou used cotton thread dipped in water to draw straight lines, tied a brush at the end to draw circles, and made various drawings, the drawings were extremely complicated, and would disappear with the water stains after a while, she felt dizzy and couldn't help but admire the two country farm boys sitting below. You know, Zhang Shou only said it once, how good a memory does he have to remember it

Soon, she discovered another problem that she had not noticed - Zhang Shou drew with his left hand! Thinking of the poor handwriting in the copybooks on the bookshelf, she finally realized why he, who was so outstanding in demeanor, could not write well.

It is easy to practice left-hand sword and left-hand knife, but writing with the left hand is definitely difficult!

She was distracted for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she saw two young men sitting on small stools, each with a wooden sandbox on their knees, writing and drawing with wooden sticks. She realized that they were copying questions in this way. When she saw the two of them thinking seriously, as if they were solving a problem, she finally couldn't help but coughing softly.

However, although Zhang Shou turned around and looked towards the door, his reaction made her very angry. Instead of coming out to answer her questions, he put his index finger on his lips and gestured to her to keep quiet.

This time, she couldn't bear it anymore. She glared at him hatefully and turned away.

It was like this at dinner last night, and it was like this this morning. Just now, when Zhang Shou asked Deng Xiaodai, who passed the exam to become a minor official, to inquire about the details of the marriage certificate, she used the excuse that she was so scared after hearing about the marriage that she couldn't sleep. Now he even dislikes her for being too noisy!

"It's just a few questions, just write them down clearly in black and white and hand them out. Why is there any need to be so mysterious...ah!"