The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 136: Zhao Garden was originally the Grand View Garden


Halfway down the mountain on the shortcut, Zhang Shou suddenly realized that in order to be alone, he had to help Wang Datou fish, so his late lunch was temporarily postponed. In order to avoid Wang Datou dragging Zhu Ying away, this lunch was ruined, and there was no way to make up for it for a while. He turned around and asked Zhu Ying, who was following him, "Yingying, are you hungry?"

"Of course I'm hungry!" Zhu Ying blurted out these three words without thinking, and then said with a bitter face, "But if we hadn't left just now, we would have run into that nagging Wang Datou, who might have urged us to return to Beijing right away! Didn't we have a meal outside in the wild when we were at your house? Can't we find anything to eat here? I still remember your cooking skills, Shou!"

How can I compare that time with now? At that time, I was prepared. That place was where a group of young boys in the village played and stole food. How can I conjure up food now? Do I have to make fire by rubbing two sticks together

Just as Zhang Shou was thinking about this, he heard Ah Liu's familiar voice from behind him: "I have food."

Zhu Ying and Zhang Shou turned around almost at the same time, and immediately saw Ah Liu, who had silently hung behind them. Seeing the young man stretch out his hands from behind, with a paper bag in each hand, Zhu Ying quickly grabbed one, opened it and saw that it was a bag of braised venison, and she immediately squinted her eyes with joy.

There is no doubt that the secret braised venison that the kitchen of Duke Zhao's mansion specializes in has always been one of her favorite foods.

When Zhang Shou took the other package, he couldn't help but glare at Ah Liu. If it wasn't broad daylight, Ah Liu's ghost-like behavior would have been really scary. He opened the oil paper package and found eight neatly arranged rice cakes inside.

The red rice cake, the green mung bean cake, the white glutinous rice bean paste cake, and the yellow yellow rice cake are all delicious snacks that can fill your stomach. They are supported by green leaves, which look cute and convenient to eat. Needless to say, these are homemade snacks made by Aunt Liu.

Eating while walking is definitely not elegant, so Zhang Shou and Zhu Ying stopped walking, ate something to fill their stomachs, and asked about the situation of Ah Liu. When Zhang Shou learned that Wang Jie had killed Zheng Huai'en, he directly put the strange theft case in the palace on this royal family, and Zhu Ying was stunned, and then she exclaimed in surprise.

"Although the first and second princes are not good people, they would not do such a petty thing. Princess Yongping is a woman who thinks highly of herself and thinks she is a pure and innocent woman all day long. She would not use such despicable means. That's why I thought she was taking the blame. Zheng Huai'en used to go to Qingning Palace frequently, maybe it was him!"

In just a moment, Zhang Shou also figured it out. He only felt that the inexplicable love rival was ridiculous, and Zhu Ying's speculation was not a big deal. Anyway, he had already done what Wang Jie asked him to do, and now it was his rare rest time.

When they met up with several guards from the Duke of Zhao's mansion who stayed at the foot of the mountain, rode eastward on horseback, and returned to the Duke of Zhao's mansion in Haidian, western suburbs of the capital, although the sun had not yet set, it was already past the 3:00 p.m.