The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 139: The eldest lady's morning mood


While Zhu Ying and Zhang Shou each had a good sleep for half the night thanks to the soothing incense that continued to be lit in the room, the gate of Zhao Garden was closed tightly in the second half of the night, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. A thorough search began, in which not even a tree or a pot of flowers was spared.

Even though they used to boast of strict rules, after such a large-scale search, who knows how many forbidden things they would find, and how much gold and silver of unknown origin. The manager of Zhao Garden, who was smiling when he greeted Zhu Ying and Zhang Shou yesterday, was stunned by the piles of things that were confiscated, and dared not say a word.

Zhu Hong, who personally led the search, looked at the piles of messy things, his face was already livid. He took a deep breath and said angrily: "If it weren't for the fact that my Zhaoguo Mansion never lynches people, these stolen goods would be enough to make many of you die dozens of times! Examine them all carefully, and don't let any crime go!"

When Zhang Shou woke up from a good night's dream and got out of bed to change his clothes and wash himself, he heard Ah Liu behind him say, "There was a commotion outside all night last night."

Zhang Shou yawned, and couldn't help but stretch without caring about his image, and then asked casually, "Where's Yingying?"

"The young lady is still sleeping." Seeing Zhang Shou turned his head and looked at him in astonishment, Ah Liu did not explain, but looked at the incense in the corner. At this time, the room had been opened for ventilation, but the sweet fragrance of the incense could still be vaguely smelled in the air, so Zhang Shou suddenly realized. There is no doubt that Zhu Ying was able to sleep soundly until now, relying on this thing.

He got up early and changed into a sandalwood-colored outfit. As for why Zhaoyuan, the branch of the Duke of Zhao's mansion, had clothes that matched his size, he knew without thinking that someone must have made eight or ten sets of clothes and sent them to the manor under the name of the Duke of Zhao's mansion.

He was too lazy to think too much about this kind of thoughtful service. When he left Nuanxiangwu, before he had time to look around, Zhu Hong came up to him quickly. After bowing, he said in a deep voice: "Master Shou, Zhaoyuan has been searched and those with serious crimes have been locked up, but there are also countless people with minor offenses. This is a serious matter. I have sent someone to report to the Madam and Madam."

He paused, then whispered, "I don't want to disturb the young lady's sleep."

"Oh? Are you afraid that Yingying will get angry after she wakes up and say that she was here, but you ignored her?" Seeing Zhu Hong suddenly embarrassed, Zhang Shou laughed and said, "If I'm not mistaken, even if you report it, the government will probably send a message back and let Yingying make the full decision on the matter."

Even if Zhu Ying's rewards and punishments were not so fair, the Taifu and Jiu Niang would not think it was a big deal. After all, after Zhu Ying had clearly expressed her desire to grow up, they would definitely train Zhu Ying well in this troubled time. After all, no matter how you look at it, Zhu Ying is much more reliable than his second brother, Zhu Er Shao!

Zhu Hong had just tried to be cautious, fearing that Zhu Ying would be furious if she knew that Zhao Yuan was full of filth and all kinds of messes. After hearing what Zhang Shou said, he suddenly came to his senses and realized that he had done something wrong. He stood there for a long time before he lowered his head.