The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 144: Don't make excuses if you're stupid


Zhang Shou spent some time flipping through the papers that Wang Jie and Deng Xiaodai had sent over before. He had a rough idea of the level of most people. As for the plagiarists who had similar papers, he didn't care. After all, there was an interview, which was a powerful tool that could tell a person's true level in just a few words. Why should he be afraid of plagiarism

Therefore, on his interview list, those with similar test papers were naturally placed at the front of the interview sequence. So, when the first young man, who was handsome and obviously extremely confident in his appearance, walked in with his head held high, he only nodded gently and calmly in the face of the extremely perfunctory bow.

"Within ten breaths, quickly calculate the sum of all the numbers from one to one hundred."

Without waiting for the other party to object, he read out slowly: "Ten, nine, eight..."

The first person to come in was the handsome scholar, who was stunned. He was well-informed and had a strong memory, and he could recite the Nine Chapters of Mathematics by heart, but now Zhang Shou did not ask him questions such as which chapter of the Nine Chapters of Mathematics he could recite, but directly asked him a difficult question

This was somewhat similar to the first complex multiplication problem on the test paper. Although it was addition, not multiplication, there were more numbers. If he was given enough time, he could calculate from one to one hundred, but Zhang Shou actually asked for it within ten breaths! Seeing that the countdown was about to approach three, he immediately shouted, "This is not fair!"

Seeing that Zhang Shou ignored him and continued to count, he was furious: "How could he calculate such a complicated problem in just ten breaths of time..."

The next moment, Zhang Shou's countdown stopped. Lu Sanlang, who was standing beside Zhang Shou, sneered and said, "Ten breaths of effort? It only takes me less than three breaths to calculate the correct answer from one to one thousand! If you are stupid, don't make excuses and don't waste your precious time!"

The handsome scholar was shocked and angry: "How can this problem not be complicated? If you haven't done it before, how can you solve it?"

"Is it interesting to assume that others can't do the same just because you can't do it yourself?" Lu Sanlang had actually long recognized that the other person was Zhao Ying, the talented and handsome assistant minister of the Ministry of War, who his father often used to attack him. However, he pretended not to know him and smiled nonchalantly, "If you don't believe me, you can try to test me with a question. Within four-digit numbers, no matter from one to a few, I can calculate the answer for you as quickly as possible!"

Zhao Ying refused to believe it and shouted angrily, "From one to two thousand, do you know the answer?"

"2001000. If you don't believe me, just add the numbers up yourself. Don't make excuses if you're stupid!"

Zhao Ying couldn't hold back any longer after being scolded twice by the fat guy whom he used to look down upon, telling him to stop making excuses for being stupid. He was furious: "Lu Sanpang, stop putting on airs. I don't believe you can be a genius after just a few days of studying with him..."

At this moment, Zhang Shou interrupted calmly, "Lu Zhu was praised by the emperor as a prodigal genius. Do you think the emperor has made a mistake in judging him?"

Seeing the other person's face flushed, he sneered and said, "Looking at your test paper, you answered two of the three questions well, but now you can't even answer such an extremely simple question. This is not in line with your test score. Since you think this question is difficult, let me ask you again, 998-33-67-22-78-46-54, what is the result?"