The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 157: map


On the second day of classes at Jiuzhang Hall, more than twenty students spent the entire painful morning under the bombardment of Lu Sanlang's exercises. In the afternoon, after Zhang Shou aroused great interest among the students with the three words "Tianyuanshu", he threw out the killer weapon of univariate equations, and then irresponsibly handed the task of explaining it to Lu Sanlang, and left quietly.

One doesn't know how hard it is unless he is a teacher. What's more, he has to teach up to eight classes a day, which is unbearable. Naturally, more efforts have to be made by Lu Sanlang or the students on their own.

Moreover, he felt that he did not have enough patience to explain the simplest one-variable equation to a group of students who had no idea what an equation was. He was also very indignant that the simple mathematics textbooks of Emperor Taizu had been lost.

When he arrived at the Imperial College, he saw the carriage sent by Zhang Kang waiting there, and of course, Ah Liu, who would always be there when you needed him, was also there. He had gradually gotten used to the bumpy ride, and after being tired for most of the day, he fell asleep in the carriage without realizing it, until he was suddenly awakened by the sound of knocking on the wall.

"Master, we have arrived at the Arms Bureau."

Zhang Shou patted his cheeks and finally recovered his spirits. He got off the car and found himself standing in a quiet alley. Not to mention the harsh sound of tools knocking, even the sound of people talking was almost inaudible, which seemed to be inconsistent with the three words "Arms Bureau". A blue-shirted official who came forward took the initiative to solve his doubts.

"The Arsenal's office is here, but the workshop is underground. All the land around here is assigned to the Arsenal, and many of the houses are empty, so there is no noise. This is Dr. Zhang's first time here, so he probably doesn't know the rules here. Without permission from the emperor, even the princes and even the princes cannot enter the Arsenal, so the uncle asked me to take you to his other private residence here."

Seeing that the other party explained in detail, Zhang Shou immediately thanked him with a smile - it was a confidential unit, so it was normal to have strict rules. Maps might be very precious to those merchants and even fleets, but for the Military Equipment Bureau, they should be more valuable than those important weapons and equipment. In particular, he wanted to see the world map outside the territory of the Ming Dynasty, so it was not surprising that he could bring it out.

Since there was no one else on the road, Zhang Shou had to strike up a conversation with the blue-shirted official who was leading the way, and then he learned that the other party was Li Wei, an eighth-rank official in the Military Equipment Bureau. Although he was only one rank lower than him, a doctor of the Imperial College, he was not stupid enough to think that there was really only a small difference between the seventh and eighth ranks, so since the other party was respectful and distant, he stopped talking after asking a few questions.

When he stepped into an ordinary-looking courtyard, the bookkeeper Li in front of him suddenly asked, "Dr. Zhang, are you here to unlock the Fourteen-Ring Delicate Box?"

Zhang Shou didn't even think about it and pretended to be dumbfounded and asked, "What's the Fourteen-ringed Delicate Box?"

Li Dianbu saw Zhang Shou's puzzled expression. Naturally, he didn't expect that such a famous young talent would pretend to be confused. He said in a deep voice, "That is a secret box that has been kept in the Military Equipment Bureau for many years. It has a 14-ring text lock on the outside. It will cause self-destruction if you are not careful. Therefore, it has not been opened for decades. Dr. Zhang, you are famous for your ability to decrypt, so I naturally thought you came here for this."