The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 160: Really small dark room


In the evening, when Zhang Shou got off the bus in front of the Imperial College, he found that Lu Sanlang had been waiting under the archway of the university. Thinking that the fat boy would be teaching in the afternoon, he was about to ask, but Lu Sanlang rushed over anxiously.

"Young sir, it's urgent. My mother just sent me a message secretly, saying that my father has chosen a girl from an unknown family for me and is about to prepare for the engagement!" Lu Sanlang had a sad face, and he looked like he was in a bad state. "I didn't expect him to be so anxious. If I don't find a solution, I'm going to fall into a fire pit!"

Zhang Shou was greatly surprised. He had dealt with Lu Sanlang's father, Minister of War Lu Wan, twice, and felt that he was a cunning and sly official. No matter what grudges he had with Zhao Guogong Zhu Jing, when he found out that his youngest son, whom he had always ignored, had become a mathematical genius praised by the emperor himself, he would not change his attitude immediately, but at least he would not easily cheat his son.

Besides, marrying a daughter-in-law is not marrying a daughter. She will live with the Lu family in the future. If you marry a troublesome daughter-in-law, and there will be quarrels in the future, will Lu Wan not have a headache? However, he couldn't help but laugh when he heard what Lu Sanlang shouted next.

"I don't like those kind of virtuous women. I can't stand my mother's personality, which is that she always listens to my father! In fact, Miss Zhu's straightforward personality is quite good, but she is too fierce. Except for you, young master, no one can stand it. Besides, if a virtuous woman meets someone like me who is so reckless, she will probably be pissed to death in a few days!"

You also know that you will make people mad

Seeing Zhang Shou staring at him from head to toe, Lu Sanlang's righteous momentum gradually weakened, and he muttered softly: "Although blind marriages may not necessarily lead to resentment, there are still many couples who treat each other like ice after marriage. I don't want to have a headache when I think about going home after getting married. Anyway, young master, please help me!"

As if he was afraid that his words were not enough to impress Zhang Shou, he added: "Since you stole my fiancée and became my teacher, you have to help me too!"

The excuse you came up with is simply... You think I won't hit you with a ruler, right

Zhang Shou didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Yingying has already helped you to arrange a match, who knew your father would be so impatient! Okay, I'll ask Ah Liu to send her a message later. By the way, I finally made some time to come here, where is the craftsman you promised me?"

"Needless to say, I have already invited all those people here, provided them with good food and drink, and provided them with a big house to live in. I'm waiting for you to come and see them whenever you are free, young master." When Lu Sanlang saw that Zhang Shou had agreed, he immediately went to inform Zhu Ying, and the anxiety on his face disappeared immediately - needless to say, the fat guy was three parts anxious and seven parts pretending.

Matters like marriage take several days to discuss. Given his reputation, any family that wants to marry their daughter to him would have to make inquiries for a while. So as long as Miss Zhu is decisive, she should be able to make it.

After hearing what Lu Sanlang said, Zhang Shou looked at the sky and said with a smile, "Well, it's better to do it today than to wait for a better day. You should accompany me to meet these people now."