The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 184: The lady who informed the news


When Zhu Ying excitedly walked through a door along the corridor, she saw Zhang Shou walking out from the other end at a leisurely pace. He was wearing an ordinary green official uniform, just like a willow tree sprouting new buds in spring, full of lush green, which was pleasing to the eye at first glance. Facing this scene, her eyebrows curved and she unconsciously smiled.

"A Shou!"

Zhang Shou saw the girl running towards him briskly, so he walked up to her with a smile: "Yingying, thank you for your hard work!"

Zhu Ying was so happy to hear such a simple "thank you for your hard work" and said with a smile: "It's not hard at all if you say that! Besides, I slept well in the palace last night, and I didn't have to get up early in the morning, so I slept in!"

After a few words of idle chatter, she suddenly remembered the purpose of her visit and hurried forward. Seeing that the servants of the Liu Mansion had tactfully avoided them, she was very satisfied and immediately motioned Zhang Shou to come closer. Then she whispered, "After the court meeting was over and the emperor returned to the Qianqing Palace, he had the Second Prince, that annoying guy, tied up in the yard and personally supervised the execution, beating him with thirty sticks!"


Zhang Shou took a deep breath and was truly amazed. The emperor actually got so angry that he used the family law!

Zhu Ying raised her eyebrows proudly: "The eldest prince even pretended to beg for mercy in front of the emperor, but the second prince got angry and insisted that it was the eldest prince who leaked the news and instigated him to cause trouble for Liu Qing. The emperor didn't say whether he believed it or not, but said that if you ask for mercy, you will have to share the hardship, and even the eldest prince was punished with ten strokes of the cane. The queen came to plead for mercy in person, and she was beaten, but the emperor still blamed her for not teaching her well!"

When she said the last sentence, Zhu Ying lowered her voice. It didn't matter if she said bad things about the two princes, everyone knew that she never had to look at them straight in the eye, but she couldn't say bad things about the queen... Although the queen's family was a thing of the past, as the queen who was the mother of the country, she had to show some respect. Seeing Zhang Shou's face full of surprise, she winked at him secretly.

"The Emperor personally supervised the execution. The two guys who wanted to fake a fight to curry favor with Kunning Palace were exposed, and they both received a good beating. The eldest prince was better off. The Emperor said that since he was protecting his brother, he should be tied up with the second prince, and ten strokes of the cane would be a lesson for him. The second prince's buttocks and legs were broken!"

"The emperor hasn't used family discipline for several years. I remember that he used to beat them until they cried for their parents!"

Zhang Shou was quite surprised to hear Zhu Ying's words: "Oh? The Emperor actually beat the eldest and second princes before?"

"At that time, they were still young. When they were pushing each other, they accidentally broke a vase, but they framed each other and neither of them admitted it. As a result, the emperor was so angry that he took the handle of the whisk and beat them both on the buttocks. When the queen came, she cried bitterly. Although there were many such messes between the two of them later, the emperor was too lazy to care about them and mostly left them to the queen to deal with."

At this point, Zhu Ying sneered, "It was only when the two of them instigated each other over the matter of being crowned kings last time that the emperor got angry and confined them to the palace for three full months that they seemed to have calmed down a little. As a result, it has only been a short time since these brothers were released, and this time they caused such an unheard-of incident. Liu Qing is really unlucky!"