The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 186: You compensate me beauty!


When Zhang Shou stepped into the Banshan Hall, he saw faces that looked like they wanted to die. That's right, they weren't sad, but they looked like they had no interest in life and were living a life worse than death. Only a few people were still writing furiously, pinching their fingers and muttering to themselves as if they were not going to give up. He even had to cough several times to finally get some people's attention back.

Zhang Chen, who was looking at people with a ruler in his hand, was the slowest to react. When he turned his head and saw that it was Zhang Shou who came back, he couldn't even put away his fierce expression immediately.

"I stayed at Lu's residence last night because of a small matter. I didn't expect to hear that I had to take Lu Sanlang to the court, so I didn't have time to tell you and missed half a day of class." Zhang Shou walked slowly to the podium. Seeing Zhang Chen was eager to give up his seat, he suddenly quickened his pace and walked forward to grab him. Then he smiled and said, "But I didn't expect that you, Zhang Chen, are so powerful."

Zhang Shou turned around and took a look at the various questions with ink dripping on the wooden shelf behind the podium. He smiled and said, "This is what I taught Zhang Chen and his classmates when they were studying mathematics with me in Cuiyun Room in Rongshui Village outside Beijing. Of course, there were too many questions at that time, and most people probably didn't remember them clearly, so it's not surprising that they got them wrong."

"And it's not surprising that you can't do it. After all, the compulsory courses in Banshan Hall are only history and nature, not mathematics. However, since Zhang Chen gave you so many questions today, and no one can solve five of them, and walk away with your head held high, enjoying a half-day holiday freely, then I have to say a few words."

After a pause, Zhang Shou continued, "As a local leader, you need to know how much land there is, how many people there are, how much taxes there are, how many post roads there are, how many bridges and canals there are; as a commander, you need to know how many soldiers, horses, and weapons you have; as the head of a prefecture, you need to know how many slaves you have, how much your monthly income is, and how much your expenses are... Therefore, a basic understanding of mathematics is the foundation."

"Otherwise, if you are the chief officer of a region, you will be sidelined by the subordinates; if you are the chief general of a region, you will be controlled by the partial government; if you are the head of a prefecture, you will be easily deceived by the servants. Even if you may not really become an official in the future, I think you don't want to be played around by one or two servants. So, starting from tomorrow, every other day, we will naturally change to the arithmetic. Instead of talking about these complicated applications, we will talk about the practical application of the arithmetic."

Having said that, he smiled and recounted the "adventure" of Lu Sanlang last night, and then briefly talked about what happened in the court meeting this morning. As a result, except for the Third Prince and the Fourth Prince who were too young and only understood that the Second Prince was trying to be arrogant and was crushed instead, the others more or less understood what happened last night, and their expressions and reactions at this time were really wonderful.

Although he had been praised by the emperor, with Lu Sanlang's image and reputation, how could he marry the pretty young girl of Liu Shilang's family? And he also received the emperor's reward and even promised to give him a name when they got married

The most important thing is that Lu Sanlang confronted the Second Prince for this and even won!

If they could get a beautiful wife and the grace of the emperor, they would be willing to turn back! After all, isn't it because of this that they would return to Banshan Hall and serve as students