The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 195: Guests who were invited


It was a rare day off, and when Zhang Shou returned home that day, it was almost 3 p.m., and there was a fat man named Lu Sanlang following him. However, Wu did not complain at all. Even when she heard that Zhang Shou had already eaten outside, she still asked Aunt Liu to go to the kitchen and steam the snacks that had been prepared long ago. Even Lu Sanlang, who came with her, was flattered by her saying that she treated him as her own family.

After Wu smiled and led the two into the study and left, Lu Sanlang sighed and said, "Seeing the Grand Master's wife, I can't help but miss my mother... Young Master, do you think I should go back to live there the next day? Otherwise, I'll be free and easy here at the Imperial College, while my mother will be missing me all the time at home. How pitiful!"

Zhang Shou's scalp tingled when Lu Sanlang called her "Grand Master's Wife", but when Lu Sanlang said he missed his mother, he felt relieved and said with a smile, "Your legs are on your body, so you can go back if you want."

"But Xu Heizi from the Shengqian Hall comes to check on me almost every night!" Speaking of this, Lu Sanlang was so angry that his teeth itched. "This guy always says that there are not enough dormitories in the Imperial College, and if I don't do anything, he will definitely take the dorm back... But my father is so difficult to deal with, I don't want to move back and see his face every day!"

Zhang Shou couldn't help laughing when he heard this. If Lu Wan knew that Lu Sanlang, as his son, didn't like him, he would be furious! As for Xu Heida's inspection like a dormitory supervisor, he could understand it.

"Xu Heizi from Shengqian Hall has this kind of personality. In his opinion, only poor and hardworking students need dormitories. Not to mention you, even if I occupy one, I am also robbing the poor students of their resources. If you want to go home more often, why don't you pay some money and rent two houses outside to compensate those students who can't live in dormitories... especially those in Ratexing Hall."

At this point, he suddenly had an idea: "Of course, don't use the word compensation for Xu Heizi. If you say compensation, it makes it seem like you owe him something. If you want to use reward... you might as well use the name of scholarship."

Lu Sanlang had long been accustomed to Zhang Shou's brain being more powerful than his own, and when he heard this, his eyebrows immediately danced with joy: "Yes, the court has no money, but we, the students of Banshan Hall, have money! How about this, let Zhu Er also contribute some money, and then I will mobilize everyone to collect some money, and then put the money together to make a scholarship. In this way, others can't accuse us of seeking fame and reputation."

Zhang Shou always felt relaxed and happy talking to someone like Lu Sanlang who could draw inferences from one example and even come up with more ideas because of his one idea. At this moment, he burst into laughter.

"Okay, your idea is good. However, this is not just a small amount of money. If we just give it to others, or just buy land like those private academies in various places as a foundation for rewarding students in the future and maintaining the operation of the academy, it would be better to take out this money and set aside a part of it for scholarships every year. The rest is used for operating and generating profits."

Zhang Shou briefly explained to Lu Sanlang the composition and operation of the foundation, and then said with a smile: "I think it's quite appropriate for you to be in charge of the operation."