The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 201: Dirty little devil


Standing in front of the blacksmith shop, Lu Sanlang had a modest and sincere smile on his face. This was a trick he and Zhang Shou had learned, that is, to only show your smug and arrogant side in front of the people closest to you, and in front of outsiders, you can be righteous, indignant, passionate, modest and polite... but never show an expression that makes people want to slap you.

This positive image makes him seem approachable. During the journey, he chatted with three young and naive teenagers and received a lot of admiring looks.

Zhang Shou didn't care about Lu Sanlang's attempt to show off. At this moment, he saw Luo Xiaoxiao standing in front of the door, staring at the sign that had not been removed. Zhao Si was looking inside with envy and jealousy, and seemed to want to have his own woodworking workshop. Guan Qiu rushed in without caring about anything. He looked at Lu Sanlang and whispered, "Where's Ah Liu?"

"He brought me here just now." Lu Sanlang quickly explained, "He was the one who agreed with me on the price first. In the end, the price for the house and the land was 70 guan. I couldn't carry that much money, not even silver, so I gave him the money note, and Ah Liu took his people away, saying that he would go to Shuntian Prefecture to change the house and land deeds to avoid any more trouble."

Seeing Zhang Shou frowning suspiciously, as if questioning the price, the fat man, who had just been a little proud of himself for getting the job done, finally remembered how he acquired the shop. After thinking it over, he finally decided to tell Zhang Shou the truth.

He whispered, "Young sir, I'm not speaking in hindsight, it's Ah Liu who told me not to tell you. This blacksmith shop is really spooky. It's said to have been haunted for almost half a year!" As he spoke, he unknowingly lowered his voice so that only he and Zhang Shou could hear it. He even looked around as if he was afraid that some unknown creature would appear.

Seventy guan bought a blacksmith shop with the land and the house, and even gave away all kinds of tools and furniture inside. For a place like Beijing where prices are so high, it is really unimaginable, so Zhang Shou was suspicious of whether Lu Sanlang and Ah Liu had used some tricks. At this moment, when he heard the word "haunted", his suspicions immediately disappeared.

However, he didn't believe in ghosts and gods in his previous life, but now that he had experienced the most mysterious time travel, he couldn't assert that ghosts and gods didn't exist. Moreover, if ghosts and gods existed, maybe he could return to the world he was once familiar with? So, he took a deep breath and said in a subtle mood: "How is it haunted?"

"this… "

Lu Sanlang felt scared when he thought of the time when he came to buy this shop and the haggard blacksmith Hu, who looked as if he would die at any moment, treated him as his savior. Besides, since Ah Liu, who always claimed that he was not afraid of any ghosts as long as he was around, was not here, he could only comfort himself that ghosts would not dare to come out since there were so many people around. Then he relayed the news he had obtained from the blacksmith Hu.

"When I came to him and said I wanted to buy the shop, I gave him the excuse that I had loved reading those strange and bizarre stories since I was a child, so I heard that this house was haunted and wanted to buy it to study it carefully. When Blacksmith Hu heard about this, he looked at me as if I were a lunatic. Finally, because I paid him readily and he had no other buyers, he confided a little to me."