The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 205: Having an older brother at home is stressful


The emerald green dress turned into a red jacket and flowered silk trousers. His original pigtail was undone and his hair hung down, but under Jiu Niang's deft hands, it had been turned into two sky-high braids. At first glance, Xiao Cheng looked like the chubby white boy in the New Year pictures, if the smile on his face wasn't so stiff.

The dishes that were served to him not only looked exquisite and beautiful, but also tasted delicious. Although he tried his best to tell himself to be polite and well-educated, he still ate too much without realizing it. Finally, after all the dishes were cleared away, he could not help but burp, and then his face turned red with embarrassment.

"This child has really suffered a lot." The old lady was a person who could be soft-hearted or hard-hearted as she wished, and what's more, this child was taken care of by her eldest grandson, so she was naturally willing to take him in. Therefore, when Yutang and Yulan both served tea to everyone present, she said gently, "Xiao Cheng, how about you live here from now on?"

Seeing the little fellow's eyes wide open, clearly very surprised, Zhang Shou smiled and said, "This is the Zhu family of the Zhaoguo Mansion. You can continue to study and learn martial arts here, and then wait for your brother Zhu to come back safely. Of course, once there is news about your brother Zhu, everyone will tell you as soon as possible."

Zhaoguogong Mansion? Being too young, Xiao Cheng could not understand the meaning of these four words. But when Zhang Shou, who looked kind and friendly, told him that this was Brother Zhu's home, he could understand. Although he was grateful that others were willing to take him in because of Brother Zhu, he was reluctant to leave his home that had finally been restored to its original state.

He finally shook his head sadly: "Before leaving, Brother Zhu told me to wait for him at home. When the time comes, he will give me a horse suitable for me to ride and a snow-white wool blanket, but the condition is that I can memorize all the "Three Hundred Tang Poems" compiled by Emperor Taizu himself. But I have wasted these days, I must go back and memorize it well!"

"Besides, there is a sword at home that Brother Zhu left for me to defend myself!"

Regarding his words, Taifu and Jiuniang were impressed that he knew loyalty and integrity at such a young age, Zhu Ying was sad that her elder brother was still missing, Zhang Shou secretly criticized Emperor Taizu for not sparing even the 300 Tang poems, and Zhu Er, who was only brought in during dinner...

During this dinner, he just realized that his elder brother had secretly gone to study under the former military minister Liu Zhiyuan, and he felt that life was really bleak. His elder brother was already such an outstanding person, why did he spare no effort to improve himself, and would he not be able to survive as a mediocre person? With such an elder brother at home, how could he not be stressed

Zhu Er's self-pity was not as unnoticed as he thought - of course, Zhu Ying, who was always optimistic, would never notice it. The lady and Jiu Niang exchanged glances secretly, both hesitating about how to deal with the child Xiao Cheng and worrying about how to cheer up Zhu Er, the only male left in the family.

At this time, Zhang Shou said slowly, "Madam, Auntie Nine, let Xiao Cheng live in his own home and wait for the eldest master to return peacefully. I think this is more suitable for him. I just bought the house next door. Although it would be a bit noisy if there were only one blacksmith and two carpenters, I also sent Yang Hao and Qiao Dang from my family there so that Xiao Cheng can have a companion."