The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 208: The calendar is a pitfall


Guan Qiu could read and do basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication. As a carpenter's apprentice, he had to calculate various sizes. If he couldn't even do this, he would undoubtedly not be able to continue his job. However, apart from the Thousand Character Classic and a few Tang poems, he had not read many books. As for the Ten Mathematical Classics, which were mostly learned from family traditions or studied by people with money and free time, he understood even less.

Therefore, when he persistently asked Zhang Shou about the period of the simple pendulum and finally heard the extremely unfriendly formula T=2π√L/G for a semi-illiterate person, he was stunned and then a little lost. This was the first time that he got the answer immediately after asking someone, but he didn't understand it at all.

Zhang Shou saw his embarrassment, thought for a moment and said, "How about this, your senior brother and Luo Xiaoxiao may not let you interfere. I'll lend you a set of math textbooks from the Jiuzhang Hall in the Imperial College. You can try to study on your own and understand as much as you can. When Lu Sanlang comes over, you can ask him for help. Once you've learned vertical division, you can learn to calculate square roots using vertical form."

Nowadays, there are too many things to do, so Zhang Shou did not patiently explain mathematics and geometry to Guan Qiu from scratch as he did to Qi Liang and Deng Xiaodai in the countryside. After agreeing to lend the book, he only pointed out to Guan Qiu the structure of the pendulum clock based on the principle of simple pendulum.

Of course, in his previous life, he had only looked up some information on the Internet out of curiosity, and the things he drew on a few random pictures were just as fragmented as the drawings he had shown the three people before.

Before leaving, Zhang Shou could not help but feel very complicated when he saw the young man staring at the blueprint. Although Taizu should have thought about reform, the Four Books and Five Classics still occupy an overwhelming position over the years, and the Ten Books of Mathematics have all been sidelined, not to mention other things. Therefore, the most talented people are all concentrated in the official career.

The most important thing is that the dignitaries and wealthy businessmen of this era are unlikely to sponsor any science and culture - it is possible for them to sponsor the poor scholars who are committed to governing the country and pacifying the world, and invest in shipping to make a fortune.

However, in fact, Chinese people have always been very smart. After the popularization of basic mathematics and physics, how many geniuses have emerged in China since the Republic of China? How many top scholars have been created? He is not at that level, but his mathematical foundation is still solid. In this case, why not introduce Ge's physics in addition to Ge's Mathematical Classics

That evening, when Zhang Shou finished his second class at Jiuzhang Hall and went to visit Ge's house, he had just carefully asked Ge Yong in the study whether he was interested in publishing another set of basic natural science books when he was given a big cold look.

"Are you done yet?" Ge Yong glared at Zhang Shou, his face full of grief. "You can discuss your ideas with me, but you attribute all your inspirations and achievements to me, your teacher. Aren't you too unmotivated? You were a nobody before, and you were worried that your words and books would have nowhere to be promoted and no one would read them, so you let me take the blame."

He paused, and his voice suddenly rose an octave: "But now you are well-known in Beijing. It would be great if you could write a solid book and let those who doubt you read it. Besides, when you gave natural science lessons to those people in Banshan Hall, I occasionally sat in. That has nothing to do with mathematics. Who can slander me for helping you become famous?"