The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 214: Your son is not as good as my son, and his father is worse than my father


Since I have told Zhang Shou that I will never scare people, the questions asked to the next four people by the emperor were normal. And these four young men of noble rank who came in order saw Zhang Shou sitting beside them with a smile, and they naturally felt confident. Although they could not answer fluently, they behaved quite calmly in front of the emperor. Of course, this was also because the emperor did not test their knowledge.

However, at the end, this time the emperor asked everyone the same question: "Which of my daughters or nieces do you want to marry?"

No matter how calm they appeared at first, Zhang Shou found that everyone was stunned by this sudden question, and no one was spared. And after they reacted, the four people gave different answers.

"I have admired Princess Yongping for a long time. Although I know that I am not talented and knowledgeable enough, I still want to give it a try..." This is the straightforward type.

"I know that the princesses of the royal family are always of good character and appearance. No matter who I marry, he will definitely be a good match for me." This is the type of attempt to not offend anyone.

"I heard that Princess Ning He's father passed away when she was young, and she likes watching plays. My father is kind-hearted and happens to be a play lover..." Hearing that the third guy had unknowingly diverted the topic, Zhang Shou seriously suspected that if he were to choose a son-in-law for his daughter and niece, he would definitely scold them immediately, asking, "Are you going to marry a wife yourself, or do you want to find a stepmother for yourself?"

"I have only seen Princess Yongping from afar, but I saw that she was extremely beautiful and charming. From this, I can see how charming the other princesses and princesses are. I hope that my future children can have excellent mothers like you princesses and princesses." This is what the daughter-in-law starts thinking about her children before she even gets married.

Because the emperor did not ask Zhang Shou what he thought of each person he met this time, after meeting these four people, Zhang Shou felt exhausted. He even had to be thankful that the emperor did not ask this question to everyone before, otherwise the strange answers would definitely make him laugh out loud. In this era when marriage is entirely up to parents, most young people dare not even think about their other half.

And even if you thought about it, would you dare to say it in front of the emperor? If you really said by name which princess or county lady you liked, and the emperor asked one more question, when did you meet them, what if you didn't respond well and the emperor flew into a rage

Just when he was wondering in his heart, after the fourth person left, the emperor suddenly asked, "Zhang Qing, what do you think of these four?"

Even though they agreed to speak well for others, they still had to behave well themselves. At this time, Zhang Shou could not help but say unhappily, "The first one can't write eight-part essays, and just being thick-skinned won't impress Princess Yongping; the second one's answer is universally applicable, which is really too cunning. The third one, I don't know where he heard about Princess Ninghe's preferences, but he actually got the point wrong."

"As for the fourth one..." Zhang Shou paused, then sighed and said, "He's already thinking about his children before he even gets married. I don't know what to say. If he doesn't marry a princess or a county lady this time, I suspect that if his future wife gets married and finds out about this, the look in his eyes will make him miserable for the rest of his life."

As he spoke, he looked at the few people in the hall and said sincerely, "So, in order for these four boys not to ruin their lives because of a moment of stupidity, I beg the emperor and everyone not to laugh at them and not to spread their stupid words. After all, like them, most unmarried men have never imagined who their future wives will be, let alone say it in public."