The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 228: Complain to the Emperor?


Wang Jie, the prefect of Shuntian Prefecture, was a man of integrity and strong character. When he was released as a second-class Jinshi to serve as a county magistrate, he dared to confront the prefect. However, the prefect happened to be involved in corruption, and a group of Maitreya believers suddenly appeared in the territory. The co-magistrate and the assistant prefect were so scared that they fled, but he, the county magistrate, was hidden by the people who loved him. Later, he gathered a group of death-defying men to go deep into the tiger's den and directly behead the leader of the cult, which created a strange story.

After that, he worked as a local official for many years and served successively as a prefect, a prefect, an inspector, and a provincial governor. He was able to farm, spin, repair roads, build bridges, clear ditches, and understand boats... Even if he was not good at many of the jobs that people relied on for their livelihood, he at least knew a thing or two. Whenever the emperor held the plow and farmed, as long as he was in Beijing, he would be the one who accompanied him.

So, when he, a third-rank official who, in Zhang Shou's words, was particularly down-to-earth, walked into the weaving and dyeing workshop and into the room where the new spinning machines were located, and saw several spinners busy at work, he immediately widened his eyes, pointed at the spinning machines and asked in a stern voice: "What's the matter with this spinning machine? Where did it come from? Who came up with it? Who made it?"

Zhu Ying was born as the daughter of a duke. She only knew that beautiful clothes were made from all kinds of silks and satins, but it was her first time to visit a weaving and dyeing workshop.

In fact, she had long felt that it must be Zhang Shou's idea for Zhang Wu and Zhang Lu to buy the weaving and dyeing workshop, but her grandmother and mother did not allow her to come and watch the fun. Her grandmother even warned her earnestly that men should have some harmless little secrets and women should never pry into them. Therefore, she, who was very curious, could only forcibly restrain the urge to join in the fun.

However, after entering the house, Miss Zhu, who was curious about everything, felt an indescribable smell in the air, and all kinds of dust seemed to be floating in the air. After sneezing several times, she had to retreat to the door. But even so, when she found that Wang Jie's tone was unexpectedly harsh, she immediately stepped forward to block the way.

"Why are you so fierce, Wang Dayin? What's wrong with these spinning machines? There are many spinning machines in the world, aren't they all used for spinning yarn?"

Wang Jie glanced at Zhu Ying with a mixture of laughter and tears, but his tone immediately softened: "Miss Zhu, is this your first time seeing a spinning machine?"

"So what?" Zhu Ying was a little confused, but her tone was even more fierce than Wang Jie's just now. "Although this is the first time I have seen a spinning machine, these spinners are all hardworking and honest people. This weaving and dyeing workshop is as normal as it can be. There is nothing to be surprised about. Zhang Wu, Zhang Lu, don't you agree?"

As she spoke, she deliberately turned her head to ask Zhang Wu and Zhang Lu, but she found that their eyes were wandering. At this moment, Miss Zhu, who was never stupid but just too lazy to use her brain, suddenly felt a pang in her heart, and then she immediately got angry: "Hey, Zhang Wu and Zhang Lu, you are not doing something shameful without telling Ah Shou, are you? Did you cheat these spinners?"

Although there were a large group of outsiders, and the two noble owners were accompanying them, the spinners behind the looms were so busy that they had no time to look up. But Zhu Ying's roar was even louder than Wang Jie's angry questioning just now. One of the spinners was distracted and heard it. His hand suddenly shook and he almost made a mistake.