The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 236: The name is Zhang Qing


If he were buying vegetables, Zhang Shou would be happy to take advantage of a seller who took the initiative to lower the price. However, now that he was choosing his future home, he encountered a seller like the emperor who was so generous that he felt a little complicated. After all, he was not very polite when he killed the eldest prince.

Therefore, when he saw Zhu Ying running towards him happily like a unique colorful butterfly in winter, followed by Zhan Jin Liuyin, he smiled and asked, "Yingying, what do you three think of this house?"

"This peony garden is great!" Zhu Ying praised the peony garden, and then added, "Don't be fooled by the fact that it's bare everywhere in winter. Not to mention flowers, even leaves can't be seen. But in spring, when the flowers bloom, they will be absolutely beautiful!"

She paused, and then continued, "When Hu Anshan built a garden, he never liked to be petty, nor did he just pile up rockery and small bridges and flowing water, but he paid attention to spaciousness and liked a kind of remote beauty. As long as we make a few small changes, we can move in. It is indeed much easier than building a house. Ah Shou, just buy this place! If you don't have enough money, I can lend you money!"

Zhang Shou didn't expect Zhu Ying to be so direct and proactive. He was stunned for a moment and then smiled and said, "Yingying, didn't you just say that you wanted to buy this place before, but your grandmother and your father didn't give you money? How come you have money now?"

"I was just thinking about it before. If I really want to buy such a big villa, will I use it as a dowry in the future? Who knows if it will be given to an ungrateful person!" Zhu Ying blurted out habitually, and then realized that she had made a serious mistake. She immediately said embarrassedly, "How could I know that my father had already arranged a marriage for me, and you, Shou, are so perfect... So now I have to buy it even if I have to sell my jewelry!"

Zhang Shou was a little surprised when he heard the word "ungrateful". He thought that Zhu Ying, a girl who was held in the palm of his hand, would always be optimistic about the future, but he didn't expect that she had such a pessimistic view.

Perhaps, it was because her father, Duke Zhao Zhu Jing, and her mother Jiu Niang had been at odds with each other for many years, which made her more worried about the future

But when she said that she would sell her jewelry to buy the house with him, Zhang Shou laughed and repeated what Ah Liu had just said. At this moment, Zhu Ying, who had been frowning, suddenly showed her joy and almost shouted "Long live the emperor".

However, Zhang Shou poured cold water on her excitement: "That being said, I cannot take the emperor's generosity for granted. So, I want Ah Liu to tell him that even if the emperor sells this villa to me at a low price, 5,000 strings of cash is still a reasonable price, but 50 strings of cash is too much. However, I plan to use 250 acres of cotton fields and 2,500 strings of cash to pay for it."

"After all, it's true that I made 10,000 strings of cash, but a small portion of it was deposited with me by Zhang Wu, Zhang Lu, and Lu Sanlang. I can't just use their money to show off."

Zhu Ying was about to object, but when she saw Zhang Shou's determined look, she was slightly startled, then nodded and said, "Okay, if you only pay fifty strings of cash, it will be like the emperor rewarding you with this villa in disguise. If you pay five thousand strings of cash, it can only be regarded as buying this place cheaply, and you won't owe the emperor such a big favor... But your loom is almost done, and then the emperor will probably have a headache!"