The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 271: Children and relatives


His stepmother and sister actually pleaded for him!

Zhu Er felt that the situation had taken a turn for the worse, and his head was a little dizzy. It was okay with his sister. Although he hated her so much before that he wanted to bite her off to vent his anger, when he was short of money and asked her to borrow money, he almost never got her help. She was always hard-mouthed but soft-hearted, and treated him, her second brother, very well, so it was not surprising that she forgave him after she calmed down.

However, his stepmother left home in a rage and stayed in Zhaoming Temple for sixteen years. After she came back, she treated him indifferently, but now she is willing to speak for him and blame herself. This kind of love is very precious! After all, he wanted to marry his stepmother's only daughter to that fat guy Lu Zhu! Moved, Zhu Er couldn't help but burst into tears.

He lay on the ground and said in a hoarse voice: "I was really scared when I heard the bad news about my father and elder brother. That Zhu Gongquan kept lobbying in my ear. I thought that the fat boy of the Lu family would at least treat Yingying well, so I did such a wrong thing! Now when I think about it, I want to strangle myself to death. I misjudged Minister Lu, and I misjudged that fat boy..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a cough. "The fat guy you mentioned is now the head of Jiuzhang Hall. He just set a date for his wedding with the Liu family a few days ago. Although the so-called math genius may have to be discounted, it is true that he manages Jiuzhang Hall in an orderly manner. Unlike you, you have been the acting head of Banshan Hall for more than a month, but you still can't control the situation."

Zhu Er didn't expect that his elder brother Zhu Tingfang would bring up such a matter. His face darkened for a moment, and he thought of the beating he received after his elder brother came back. But before he could straighten up and prepare to protest, Zhu Tingfang continued to speak.

"Father, I'm not asking for mercy for my second brother. Although he made a big mistake while staying in Beijing this time, he is indeed much more sensible now than before. The emperor assigned Ah Liu, who works for Dr. Zhang, to teach him martial arts. He always practices very hard and never slacks off. Even though his martial arts skills progress slowly, at least he really puts in the effort to practice. He hasn't missed a class since Banshan Hall reopened."

"Every failure is a learning experience. I hope my second brother can reform himself. Please forgive him."

Even his elder brother, who was always ruthless to him, spoke up for him. At this moment, Zhu Er finally had a clear sense of being a member of the Zhu family. He swallowed hard and tried his best to look at his father with the most honest and sincere eyes, fearing that his father would directly say that he would beat him first if he was still angry. He waited and waited, but he didn't get his father's answer, but got another sentence.

"The children are all grown up now. There is no such thing as a third time. Because of what Erlang did wrong, his eldest brother and I have punished him twice. Now Jiuniang and Yingying are willing to forgive him. You don't have to keep nagging about it."

When the lady saw Zhu Jing quickly stand up and respond, she looked at Zhu Er and said, "Erlang, remember this lesson. You are lucky this time, and the Zhu family is also lucky. There won't be a next time. Be more careful in everything, don't let others sell you out and help them count their money! The father and son of the Lu family are not good at dealing with people, but they are not treacherous or evil. If they were, then you would have made a big mistake."