The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 372: Good place? Bad place?


Outside the county government office, through the two students from Wendao Yishu, the onlookers heard almost every sentence and every word of Zhang Shou's verdict in the court. Although they could not understand some of the flowery words, the people who came to watch the excitement today were not just ordinary people, but also scholars and even scholars who had passed the imperial examinations.

With their explanation, even those illiterate people could understand the meaning of every sentence. For example, before Ge Yong explained the words that came from Lao Tzu, an old scholar shook his head and commented on it with simple words. At this time, no one laughed at him for showing off his knowledge. People even had to divide their attention, listening to the students of Daoyi School on one hand and listening to others' explanation on the other.

When Ge Yong explained again, the old scholar immediately shut up. Xiao Huasheng, who was in the crowd and was so nervous that he clenched his fists at first, was so happy that he burst into tears when he learned that Xian Yunhe would not die. Especially when he heard Zhang Shou's words that he deserved death and his situation was pitiful, he couldn't help but grab Lao Xianyu's arm and whispered, "Uncle, what do you mean by that?"

Although Lao Xianyu had taken over three spinning workers from Ah Liu whose houses were burned down like Xian Yunhe's but who were rescued and settled elsewhere by Ah Liu, he had brought them here this morning to show his strength, but he was still not sure how Zhang Shou would sentence him. When he heard that people had just evaded the seriousness of the case and decided that the final punishment would be caning and exile, he was just as excited as Xiao Huasheng.

However, he waited until he had heard all of Zhang Shou's words and found that his proposal to plant trees was really adopted. He felt relieved and laughed, "Their crime deserves death, but their situation deserves sympathy. That is to say, according to their crime, they should be executed, but according to the reason and situation of their crime, they deserve sympathy."

He had realized that Zhang Shou had cleverly reversed the sentence "his feelings are pitiful, his crime deserves death", so that the verdict was no longer cold and hard, but had a bit more compassion. Even if the previous verdict might cause an uproar in the court, these eight words might be enough to move some officials.

But no matter what, he really owed him a huge favor! Perhaps only by taking out his last treasured possession could he repay Zhang Shou for being willing to offend a lot of people to save Xian Yunhe's life!

The other onlookers understood Lao Xianyu's explanation. Seeing that he was not wearing a scholar's robe, they couldn't help but praise him: "Brother, you are amazing. You can understand such literary words? Then tell me, this exile to Qiongzhou Prefecture... Where is Qiongzhou Prefecture? Could it be that the person did not die in Cangzhou, but died outside?"

Seeing that many people were waiting for his answer, Lao Xianyu was silent for a moment, then he smiled. The serious demeanor just now disappeared without a trace, replaced by his usual exaggeration.

"Qiongzhou Prefecture is the southernmost place in the Ming Dynasty. It can even be said to be the southernmost place. In the Song Dynasty, Dongpo was demoted to Qiongzhou Prefecture, where he left the story of the end of the world. It is more than ten thousand miles away from Cangzhou. The climate there is hot and humid, and there is no winter all year round. It is completely different from Cangzhou..."

Before he finished speaking, the man who had just asked the question widened his eyes and said, "Is it really that far? However, a place with no winter all year round is a good place. Here, we have to wear cotton-padded jackets and fur coats every winter. Moreover, if we can't afford charcoal for heating, it will be too cold to sleep at night. How much money will it cost every year! Speaking of which, how many beggars who sleep outdoors freeze to death every winter!"