The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 399: Teachers often take the blame


"Little peanut, little peanut!"

Although Old Salted Fish seemed to have heard what Ah Liu said and called out twice, Little Peanut turned a deaf ear and ran out without a second thought. He had been staying at the county government office these days, and he was wearing the same silk clothes. At first glance, he looked no different from Ah Liu. Besides, the runners and clerks in the county government office were used to it, so no one tried to stop him.

He already knew that Zhang Shou was in the second hall, but when he hurried to the door, he found that only Zhu Tingfang's guards were there. They just glanced at him and no one asked him to leave. He couldn't help but feel a little relieved, but he didn't dare to go in rashly. He just waited at the door with his hands hanging down, but his ears perked up, trying his best to eavesdrop on the conversation inside.

"Lord Jiang wants to find fault with General Zhu and Doctor Zhang, but he doesn't think about it. The old Grand Tutor has received the imperial decree and is in charge of Cangzhou, but his students and old friends are desperately attacking General Zhu and Doctor Zhang for favoring the rioters and seeking fame. Isn't this slandering the old Grand Tutor? He has students all over the world, but how can they compare to the old Grand Tutor's disciples?"

In the second hall, Zhang Shou didn't know that Xiao Huasheng was eavesdropping outside the door, but he couldn't help laughing at Lü Chan's blatant flattery. Jiang Ge Lao has disciples all over the world, but all his disciples combined are indeed not as good as Ge Yong, because Ge Yong has another disciple who is the current emperor! The emperor recognized him personally, and the word "teacher" is always on his lips!

Of course, if the emperor was weaker, the outcome of the battle between Lord Jiang and Grand Tutor Ge might be hard to predict, but is the current emperor easy to bully

"Moreover, Lord Jiang suddenly started fighting on several fronts. He was too arrogant. Grand Secretary Kong and he were sworn enemies. Grand Secretary Zhang had just joined the cabinet but he was repeatedly suppressed by him. This time, his followers were crazy and threw dirty water on the two of them. No one can tolerate it! In addition, Duke Zhao, Minister Lu, no, Lu Jijiu, and Eunuch Chu all said that they don't know what he is thinking..."

Zhu Tingfang listened indifferently to Lu Chan's explanation of the situation in the capital. From the corner of his eye, he saw Ge Yong flipping through a book attentively, as if he was not listening. From time to time, he poked the contents of the book with his right finger, and grabbed Zhang Shou with his left hand to ask him to explain some key points. Even though he knew without thinking that Ge Yong was just making a gesture, he couldn't help but feel angry.

If Ge Yong wanted to drag Zhang Shou back to Beijing to study mathematics wholeheartedly, and then leave the affairs in Cangzhou to him... he shouldn't do it so obviously!

Therefore, Master Zhu took a deep breath with a fierce look on his face, and then suddenly interrupted Lu Chan and said, "Eunuch Lu, if I remember correctly, eunuchs should not be able to leave the capital easily, right?"

Before Lü Chan could explain or defend himself, he said calmly, "I am not one of those conservative civil servants. I just want to know that since this time an exception has been made, you are not just a messenger, because anyone can be a messenger, so why do we need a eunuch? Cangzhou has more than a dozen vacancies, from county magistrates to subordinate officials and clerks. The court did not fill the vacancies, but sent you instead?"

Lu Chan was originally distracted and was eavesdropping on what Ge Yong and Zhang Shou were talking about. When he found out that they were talking about three expressions of circle equations in the rectangular coordinate system, his scalp went numb when he heard the strange-pronunciation symbols. When he realized that Zhu Tingfang's words were sharp, he was even more caught off guard when he heard that the other person was questioning him directly about his purpose.