The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 523: Fire suspicion


"Is this... all burned?"

Zhang Wu took a long time to finally say something. But Zhang Lu suddenly shouted: "How did that thief know that the colored cotton seeds were hidden here, and just happened to come here and steal them? Could it be that there is a traitor in Haidian Qinyuan?"

When Zhang Wu came to his senses and tried to stop them, Zhang Lu seemed to have realized his mistake and hurriedly explained to Zhang Chen, "Brother Chen, that's not what I meant. I just didn't expect the thief to be so quick and accurate... Although Haidian is not like the capital, each family only has a branch courtyard here and not many people are left here, so the defense is inevitably lax, but it's not that bad..."

"Stop talking!" Zhang Chen said three words with a gloomy face, and then he said word by word, "If you feel that you have suffered losses, I will compensate you for any amount of money you want! I can't afford 100,000 or 80,000 yuan, but my father can! This matter is not over yet. You dare to provoke my Qin Guogong Mansion. You are really bold!"

Zhang Wu quickly advised, "Brother Chen, Ah Lu definitely didn't mean that. Now that things have come to this, it is crucial to find out who did it. The streets of Beijing have been full of color these days. Maybe he deliberately created momentum and then waited for the opportunity to carry out this plan to wipe out the whole family! Rather than saying that the colored cotton and seeds stored here were burned..."

Before Zhang Wu could finish his words, Zhang Chen interrupted him and asked, "Who said they were all burned?"

"Who said... it wasn't you, Brother Chen..." Zhang Lu suddenly stopped talking here, and then asked in amazement, "Could it be that you, Brother Chen, deliberately set the fire to scare the enemy..."

"Let you go!" Zhang Chen was furious. He cursed twice and then said angrily, "I said that not all the things were burned. I didn't say that the fire was fake! You trusted me to put the things here, so of course I have to be safe and keep them on both sides. But, who knows, the things in this warehouse were burned, not stolen?"

At this point, Zhang Chen, who was always hot-tempered, kicked a small stone hard. Seeing the stone soaring into the sky and then falling somewhere unknown, he suppressed his anger and said, "It's a pity that what's in my house is colored cotton, and what's placed here are seeds. I thought my home is a big target, and this place is always remote, maybe no one will pay attention to it... Damn it!"

Zhang Chen cursed again, and then he turned around like a trapped animal, cursing again and again. Faced with his obviously out-of-control reaction, Zhang Wu and Zhang Lu looked at each other, and Zhang Wu chose to go up and whisper comfort, while Zhang Lu followed behind, occasionally echoing with "hmm" and "ah", but was obviously absent-minded.

After walking around the huge Qin Garden, the three of them saw that although there was a mess left by the fire last night, and even many flowers and plants were trampled, most of the buildings were intact, which means that only the warehouse was burned. As Zhang Wu walked, he finally couldn't help asking, "Brother Chen, what else is in that warehouse?"

"This is Qin Garden, not the Duke of Qin's Mansion. Apart from the stored food, there are only some local specialties and local products. There is nothing else stored there. That's why I think no one would think of leaving it here. Who would risk sneaking into Qin Garden to steal food?"