The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 530: The police are also law enforcement officers


Chief Hong didn't know that the captain of the fast squad, whom he totally despised, had already greeted his whole family. He only knew that he was filled with anger at the moment, because he felt that Zhang Shou's messy stuff, which was not even a lecture, was more popular than his serious and earnest lectures, which was entirely due to the declining academic atmosphere in the Imperial College and the world.

However, although he had a conservative personality and was considered by his teacher and daughter to be easy to offend people after leaving Yuzhang Academy, he at least knew that if he vented his anger on Zhou Jijiu and Luo Siye, he would really make enemies on all sides. Therefore, he could only vent his anger on the insignificant officials whom he completely despised.

Anyway, as a great scholar summoned to the capital by the emperor, he doesn't need to take those runners and servants seriously at all!

However, before Zhou Jijiu and Luo Siye could reply, Hong Shanchang heard a voice behind him: "Hong Shanchang, what you said is absurd. The saying that the policemen are menial servants has not existed since the founding of the country by Emperor Taizu of our dynasty!"

Seeing that Chief Hong Shan suddenly turned around and glared at him with his brows raised, Zhang Shou walked forward without changing his expression, smiled at Lin Lao Hu and said calmly: "What do the three squads of police officers in the yamen do? The fast squad is responsible for hunting down criminals who have violated the law, the police officers in the soap squad are responsible for standing guard in the court and administering flogging and caning, and the militiamen in the strong squad are responsible for maintaining street law and order and, if necessary, protecting the people in times of crisis."

"Although it is said that even today, there are people who are selling dog meat under the guise of selling mutton, bullying the people and mistreating the common people, but the original intention of Emperor Taizu was that the three classes of runners were the actual executors of the Ming Dynasty law, representing the strictness of the law. Therefore, the black dog skins that everyone derogatorily calls them now were synonymous with the law during the reign of Emperor Taizu. If the ordinary people think that they are menial servants, it is understandable, but..."

"Master Hong, you are a well-educated scholar, don't you know the painstaking efforts of Emperor Taizu? In his imperial edicts, he repeatedly emphasized that the third shift of officials are law enforcement officers, not menial servants!"

Seeing that Hong Shanchang's face had turned livid, Zhang Shou suddenly pointed at Lin Lao Hu and said word by word, "And the person you just accused was the lowly servant, Constable Lin of Shuntian Prefecture Yamen. He has been a constable for thirty years, following in his father's footsteps. He has killed countless thieves and robbers who have come to the capital!"

"Do you think Tiger is his real name? It's because people praised him for his hatred of evil and his ability to catch evil like a tiger, so they gave him Tiger as a respectful name! Law enforcement officials use the law as a criterion to bring all criminals to justice. Even if they are not as good as teachers in teaching and answering questions, they should not be discriminated against!"

"From ancient times to the present, many major cases have been placed on the shoulders of government officials. They have to solve them within a certain period of time, and they are the ones who receive the punishments. However, their salaries are pitifully low. Emperor Taizu once lamented that he wanted the horse to run but not eat grass. This is why there are so many unscrupulous officials in the world. That is why he was determined to change the situation."

"Master Hong, you are a well-read scholar, don't you understand this? Are you old and confused, or are you pretending not to know?"