The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 70: To plead guilty


That night, Deng Xiaodai was relatively relaxed, because Zhang Shou's charts and graphs seemed to open the door to a new world for him, but he had no real difficulty understanding them. He knew that he was not as talented as Qi Liang in writing, so he never thought of taking the imperial examination and getting a title, but he always felt that being a minor official for his whole life should not be his end.

But now, although Zhang Shou did not show him a path, he let him see a possibility.

However, Qi Liang was in a relatively painful situation. Because Zhang Shou dictated very quickly, it was difficult to write down some words and sentences without missing a word, but he could only try his best. Although each article was only 500 to 700 words, he still suffered a lot when he stumbled and wrote them down. When Zhang Shou irresponsibly asked him to figure out the words and sentences himself, his eyes were bloodshot.

When Zhang Shou finished teaching the two of them and went to bed, Qi Liang and Deng Xiaodai also went to bed after cleaning up, but they couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

Didn’t the young master say that eight-legged essays and mathematics have nothing in common and that he knows nothing about contemporary literature? What were those articles just now

Even Grand Tutor Ge praised the young master's talent for mathematics, but how did he come up with those intuitive tables

That night, Zhang Shou slept soundly, but Deng Xiaodai and Qi Liang almost had insomnia, tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep. What made them even more amused was that in the dead of night, when they slept in the same bed with their eyes open, they suddenly found a person silently appearing beside the bed. This ghostly scene was accompanied by a very indecent remark.

"If you really can't sleep, I can knock you out."

“No… No thanks!”

Without a doubt, Deng Xiaodai and Qi Liang quickly refused. After watching Ah Liu return to the temporary soft couch where he slept, he curled up into a ball and soon began to breathe evenly. Deng Xiaodai then let out a long sigh and whispered, "Xiao Qi, if you ask me, the young master must be a star god. As for Ah Liu... this kid is definitely an evil star!"

Qi Liang was about to answer when he suddenly heard a cold snort from the couch, and he was immediately frightened.

Deng Xiaodai will stay in Shuntian Prefecture for a long time in the future, but he will have to get along with this evil star often, so he must not offend Ah Liu! By the way, why didn't he realize that this kid was so scary before

The next morning, although he slept a little later than at home, Zhang Shou still woke up on time. His biological clock was always very accurate, and the two who got out of bed almost at the same time were Qi Liang, who had to do a lot of farm work and chores at home, and Deng Xiaodai, who had to report for duty every day at the Shuntian government office.

When the noise in the east wing reached the main room, the old lady, who was old and always got up early, couldn't help but laugh.

"After all, they are young people, so energetic."

She said this as if in admiration or with emotion, and then she ordered, "Send someone to find out if there is anything interesting in the morning court today."

Mother Li had followed the Taifu for many years, so she knew what was behind the words, and immediately agreed and went down to do it. After the Taifu washed up, she walked out of the room and stood in the corridor. She heard the sound of two young men reciting in unison in the east wing. Thinking of her eldest grandson who was diligent and motivated, proficient in both literature and martial arts, but the second grandson who was lazy and incompetent, she couldn't help but sigh deeply again.