The Ideal Son-in-Law

Chapter 81: I want to be the head monk!


After a home-cooked meal, Zhang Shou did not follow Wu's nagging and go to bed early, but let Ah Liu accompany him out of the house and headed for Cuiyun Room. He knew what a playboy was like - after all, he had been a playboy who didn't know his place - so he believed that when he was around, those people would still abide by the rules, but when he was not around, they would probably go crazy.

Anyway, Cuiyunjian was in the bamboo forest, and the villagers would not know what they were doing. When he left, he did not ask the villagers to go over there to have a look, because he thought it would be useless to look there. Could it be that Yang Laoguan could keep an eye on Lu Sanlang and Zhang Chen

At this moment, he followed Ah Liu, walking on the path that led directly to Shuibo Buxing Pavilion. The moon in the sky was still bright white, but it was impossible for it to be round, as it was missing a large piece. The bright moonlight sprinkled through the gaps between the bamboo leaves, and with the lantern in Ah Liu's hand, he could barely see the road under his feet.

When he finally saw the bamboo house in front of him, Zhang Shou saw Ah Liu suddenly turn around. Under the light, his face, which had no particular features, seemed to be somewhat unpredictable, like an actor under the light on the stage.

"Master, do you want to turn off the lights?"

Zhang Shou couldn't help but laugh when he heard Ah Liu ask such a ridiculous question. Then he felt as if he was watching a teacher checking the dormitory in the middle of the night. He smiled and shook his head, saying, "No need. I don't intend to make an example of them. I just came to take a look and talk to them. As long as they didn't set the house on fire, it's fine..."

At this moment, Zhang Shou suddenly heard a loud cry like a broken gong: "The fire is breaking!"

I'm not really such a pessimist, am I? This is the second time!

Zhang Shou was stunned. Then, he saw Ah Liu scurried out like a rabbit, taking the lantern with him! It took him a while to react. He hurried forward, but he couldn't catch up with the boy in front of him. When he arrived at Shuibo Buxing Pavilion, he smelled smoke. This time, he couldn't help but say, "Oh no!"

You know, there were no high-pressure water guns these days, and a fire would often burn a large area!

These bastards wouldn’t really go so far as to burn down this bamboo house and this bamboo forest, would they

However, when he hurried to the noisy place, he did not see any fire, but only saw thick smoke and heard earth-shaking coughs. He pushed people aside without saying a word and squeezed forward. The people he pushed aside were very unhappy at first, but when they turned their heads and saw him, they shut up immediately. Finally, Zhang Lu, who reacted quickly, shouted hurriedly.

"The little gentleman is here!"

In an instant, the crowd dispersed, and Zhang Shou felt that the road ahead was suddenly clear. He hurried to the front and saw two people coughing and covered in dust on the ground. They were Zhang Chen and Lu Sanlang.

Knowing that these two people had always been at odds, he couldn't help but feel more confused. When he looked up at the house where thick smoke was coming out, he saw Ah Liu with his face covered by a black scarf, carrying a basin and walking out of the door. There was still thick smoke coming out of the basin.