The Idol And The Disabled President Made An Official Announcement

Chapter 11


Ling Shangyao hated Wen Run for being poisoned. He felt that all the troubles started when Wen Run dodged his sneak attack. If it wasn't for Wen Run to fend him off and make him uneasy, he wouldn't make mistakes again and again, even causing Li Que to scold him angrily. Thinking of what Li Que scolded him in front of everyone, Ling Shangyao felt his whole body screaming, he must teach Wen Run a lesson!

Wen Run has become a hurdle in his heart, and if he doesn't get rid of this hurdle, he will never get over it.

Pressing the cigarette butt firmly into the ashtray, Ling Shangyao lit another one with trembling hands, then took out his mobile phone and dialed.

It took a while to pick up the other end. Wang Heng's voice was a little impatient, but Ling Shangyao, who was immersed in the dream of revenge, didn't hear it. He softened his voice, and his voice was low and hoarse, as if hiding a hook, "Brother Wang, I miss you, are you free tonight?"

"You have the skill, why don't you read the script carefully, because how much progress has your entire crew delayed?" This day is burning money, and he is willing to praise him, but it doesn't mean that he is willing to throw himself into the water because of such a thing. throw money.

Ling Shangyao was recommended by him to Li Que at the beginning. This person can play and let go. After he got started, he was fresh, so he recommended him to Li Que. Originally, the role Ling Shangyao had fancyed at the time was "Yan Wu", but Li chose someone himself. Wang Heng didn't want to conflict with Li Que because of this trivial matter, so he finally decided on Ling Shangyao to play "The Prince of Zhenbei". But I didn't expect Ling Shangyao to be an idiot at all, just showing off!

Wang Heng's teeth itched in anger. Although he was willing to praise people, this person needs something to praise.

Ling Shangyao lowered his figure and said those words, but Wang Heng didn't let him go as eagerly as he expected, even there was a coldness in his words, Ling Shangyao finally heard his impatience. He was stunned, and wanted to say something after he realized it, but he had already hung up the phone.

He stared at the phone in disbelief, the veins on his neck were bulging, his eyes were red, and he smashed the phone to the ground viciously.

After skipping the role of Ling Shangyao, the filming progress finally caught up. Needless to say, the acting skills of the leading actors, and even the supporting actors showed 120% of their strength under Li Que's strict requirements. Especially Wen Run, because of Chen Yun's intentional or unintentional reminders and care, he has made the greatest progress. Even Li Que, who is very strict, also praised him a few words.

Of course, he got Li Que's blue eyes, and naturally some people were unhappy with him, but he usually has a good personality. He was kind to others, and he had a good relationship with Chen Yun and Xiao Xiao. For a while, no one dared to say anything, and he could only hold back his displeasure.

Among them, Ling Shangyao, who hated Wen Run the most, felt that he was going crazy. He tried hard to get back to his state, but the more anxious he was, the worse his mentality became. The usual scenes were fine, and he could barely pass the NG a few times, but when he was in a martial arts show, he became a puppet again. No matter what, I can't cross the hurdle in my heart.

He was going crazy, and he went to Wang Heng's room in the middle of the night, now only Wang Heng can help him.

But Wang Heng hated him a long time ago, not only didn't help him, but also drove him out mercilessly.

Ling Shangyao's heart was ashamed, he simply said he was sick and didn't go to the set, and just drank in the hotel room. Drunk to death, only to wake up in a daze at night.

He took the phone to check the time, but found that the phone had been blown up by his manager and assistant. He was about to dial it back in confusion, but saw the headline of the news that was pushed, "Ling Shangyao's sexuality is exposed, and the unspoken rules are on the top. "

Ling Shangyao's face turned pale, and he clicked into the news with shaking hands. When he saw a few photos in it, he knew that he was done.

Inside is a bed photo of him and Wang Heng. Although Wang Heng's face is mosaic, he can tell it at a glance. As for himself, except for the key parts, he could see that face clearly.

What he didn't know was that during the time he was drunk to death, this group of bed photos that broke the news was circulated by various marketing accounts within two hours, and then climbed into the hot search.

#玲上尩座照#, #玲上尩性向智除#, #玲上尩谁暴rule# Several topics have been pushed up, and photos with codes on key parts are spread everywhere, even if his agency wants public relations , too late.

In the beginning, everyone was just picking on Ling Shangyao. After all, the last drama was a little popular. Although the character became popular and others were not popular, it was somewhat splashed. Ling Shangyao attracted most of the attention, but a small number of people noticed Wang Heng who was with Ling Shangyao. Although he made a mosaic, the mosaic was not distracted. After a thorough search, after ruling out several possible candidates, he finally found out the identity of the man, the producer of the crew of "Jinling Terrace".

Now the excitement is getting bigger.

Wang Heng is married and has a three-year-old daughter.

So the enthusiastic netizens brushed up and pushed Wang Heng up, and even the crew of "Jinling Terrace" was also on the hot search.

Ling Shangyao hid himself in the room and dared not go out. The phone was still vibrating. He threw the phone to the ground in a frenzy, making a dull sound. However, these are not problems that he can solve by escaping. That night, "Jinling Terrace" officially issued a statement, saying that it would consider changing actors. At the same time, Wang Heng also posted on Weibo, denying that the other person in the photo was himself.

But it doesn't matter if he admits it or not. Netizens think it is enough.

Ling Shangyao left quietly, and the filming of the crew continued as usual, while Wang Heng acted as if nothing happened, as if this matter really had nothing to do with him.

While filming, everyone is quietly following this gossip. Xiao Xiao also gossiped with Wen Run, she logged into the trumpet, found a bed photo and compared it secretly, the more she looked at it, the more she looked, "I think it's him."

Wen Run knew something inside. After all, Wang Heng also gave him a room card back then. The other party should like men, but he didn't say much. What he thinks now is, will the role of Prince Zhenbei be replaced by someone

He had inquired with the assistant director in private, but there was no candidate for the time being, because Ling Shangyao had caused a scandal, so of course his previous filming could not be used, and all had to be filmed again after the replacement. Wen Run thought about it, and ran to recommend Shen Muxun to the assistant director the next afternoon.

Shen Muxun and Ling Shangyao took the same route. The prince of Zhenbei was born in the Northland, and the King of Zhenbei was born as a general. His image fits the tall and rough appearance of the Northland very well. Wen Run didn't tell Shen Muxun about it. Although he recommended someone, the assistant director may not be able to use it. If it can be achieved, it will be a surprise, and if it cannot be successful, it will not be disappointing.

But to Wen Run's surprise, he saw Shen Muxun on the set three days later.

It is said that due to the hasty selection of candidates, the assistant directors could find people who either had conflicting schedules or were unwilling to cause trouble. After Ling Shangyao's scandal was exposed, he still had a group of small fans defending him like chicken blood, insisting that he was forced to do nothing. If anyone takes Ling Shangyao's position at this time, it will probably cause a commotion. However, Shen Muxun was not afraid of being hacked during his free time, and his popularity in the circle had always been good. The assistant director made some inquiries and asked him to take the role of Ling Shangyao.

After Shen Muxun joined the crew, the crew worked overtime to catch up all the scenes that had been left behind. Li Que's dark face finally looked better. A month later, when Wen Run finished filming, the crew held a small farewell party for him, and he bid farewell to the crew.

Not long after wrapping up, the variety show "Let's Farm Together" is finally about to start broadcasting.

Because Qu Haowen and Xie Yupan invited by the program group are traffic stars, fans have long been watching their idols before the broadcast started. The program group official blog has released several rounds of tidbits, and the hot searches of several guests are also on the list in turn. After going through it again, it was finally broadcast in the anticipation of fans.

Ye Hansheng returned home after dealing with the company's affairs. After the car accident, he moved out of the Ye family and lived alone for so many years. At this time, the nanny had already come home from get off work, and he was sitting alone in the living room, remembering the push page he had accidentally seen, and after a long silence, he went to the study to turn on the computer, click on the input field to search: let’s farm together

When he started watching "Farming", not long after the broadcast, the five guests had already arrived in the village, and the director was assigning tasks to them. The bullet screen is full of fans' swiping screens. Ye Hansheng looked carefully and found that there were not many articles about Wen Run.

He frowned and continued to look down.

This program group is very ruthless. On the first day when the guests arrived, they didn't even give them rice. Instead, they provided them with a few sickles, and asked the pampered guests to go to the fields to cut rice by themselves. Ten catties of rice were exchanged for one catty of pounded rice.

The guests were stunned, and a bleak background music and raining special effects were added later, and the barrage was maxed out.

[Fuck, is it so hardcore? ]

[Program group NB! ! ! ! ]

[The program team is an idiot, right? How can my brother do such rough work? ]

There was still a lot of chatter on the barrage, but the guests had already started assigning tasks. Because in addition to cutting rice for rice, they have to go to neighbors' houses to help with work in order to get meat and vegetables.

Everyone was worried about the three sickles, and finally decided that three boys would cut the rice, and two girls would lead the house to help with the work.

The two girls went to the neighbor's house to visit, and the remaining three men stared at the sickle in misery. Zhang Lu was worried: "How to fix this?"

"..." Qu Haowen stared at the sickle with bitter hatred.

Finally, looking at the youngest and thinnest Wen Run, he coughed lightly and said, "Let's go, I will."

After Wen Run finished speaking, the bullet screen was full of question marks, and a few were asking who it was.

Each of the three of them took a sickle and walked heavily towards the rice field not far from the yard. These rice fields were reserved by the program team after discussing with the villagers in advance. The rice grows golden and plump, and after post-editing, it is golden and looks very gratifying.

Qu Haowen didn't talk much, he gestured the sickle twice, frowned and said, "How do I do this?"

Wen Run went directly to the field, and he didn't think it was dirty. He skillfully grabbed a bunch of rice with both hands, and then swiped the sickle in his hand. He cut off a bunch of rice and threw it on the ground.

[? ? ? ? Why is he so proficient? ]

[This is a variety show, not a live farming experience, right? ? ? ]

The author has something to say: Small theater, Mr. Ye: My baby is really capable.