The Idol And The Disabled President Made An Official Announcement

Chapter 14


In Yuanshan County, Ye Hansheng looked at the unfamiliar place names on the news, and finally found them in the corners of his memory. At that time, he should have been only twenty-four years old. Not long after joining Ye's, in order to establish a positive company image, and also to accumulate blessings for his frail mother, he often showed up to participate in some charity activities. He had heard people say that many times Doing good deeds can accumulate blessings for those you care about.

He tried his best to recall what happened in Yuanshan County, but the time was too long, he had participated in so many similar activities that he couldn't remember clearly, no matter how hard he recalled, he couldn't remember anything related to Xiao Wenrun. Or maybe, at that time, he didn't pay attention to the young boy standing beside him who was smiling shyly.

Sighing eyes fell on Xiao Wenrun's face, he didn't remember him, so would he still remember him

Reason told Ye Hansheng that he probably didn't remember. It was just a donor six years ago, who would care about it. But the oppressed emotions were churning again, reminding him of Wen Run's bright black eyes. He once firmly said that he was a good person, and he tried to get close to him but asked for nothing. Ye Hansheng chuckled, and touched the face of the young boy in the news with his thumb.

So, you should still remember it, right

At this moment, he felt unspeakably happy. After his mother died and his younger sister became a vegetable, he stopped all charitable activities. He used to believe in blessings, but later he stopped. All that remained in his heart was the hatred for Ye Maokai and the Ye family, the two people he cared about the most, one separated by yin and yang and the other worse than death, the last bit of kindness in him had long since been wiped away. The so-called karma is just a lie of incompetent people who deceive themselves and others, but they don't know that killing people and setting fire to gold belts, and repairing bridges and paving roads without corpses. There are too many injustices in this world, and the Ye family is a living and bloody example.

He had long since disbelieved that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and he chose to avenge his mother and sister by himself.

This is a belief he has held unwaveringly for the past five years. But at this moment, looking at a screenshot on the screen of the small mobile phone, his firm belief began to waver. The young boy on the news smiled shyly, his eyes gleamed with hope, Ye Hansheng lowered his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, thinking to himself, doing so many good deeds is not useless.

The tense back slowly relaxed, Ye Hansheng leaned back in the large leather chair, remained silent for a long time, and finally dialed the secretary's internal number.

"...Find out the plan for the previously terminated charitable foundation."

"Yes, perfect the restart."

"In the name of Miss Ye Jia."

After two days of rest after the interview, the second episode of "Chang Tian" will start recording again. It’s still the same small courtyard, the same people, and the same taste.

Wen Run made more preparations this time. He secretly hid salted duck egg bibimbap meat sauce and old godmother in the suitcase. He found out in the first episode of the show that the show crew didn't check guests' luggage.

The small courtyard still maintained the appearance when they left. After the first five days of getting along, everyone got to know each other a lot. When Zhang Lu saw Wen Run, he couldn't help teasing, "Wen Run, it's up to you to take care of us next time." We're on our way to a better life."

Wen Run smiled, "Didn't you say that the rice will not be cut this time?"

Because rice is a seasonal thing after all, it is impossible to wait for them to harvest in the fields all the time, so the common "currency" for barter in this period has become cotton. This is a good time to harvest cotton.

Xie Yupan wailed, "But we don't know how to collect cotton either!" She looked at Wen Run expectantly, "Wen Run, do you know how?"

cotton? Wen Run nodded, "Yes."

Xie Yupan almost wanted to give him a hug, and said like a dog, "I will be your little brother from now on. If you tell me to beat Zhang Lu, I will never beat Qu Haowen."

Zhang Lu: "???"

Qu Haowen: "..."

Huang Ziyu on the side couldn't get in the conversation, seeing that they were talking happily, he quickly answered in a coquettish voice, "Yes, yes, we will rely on you from now on."

After a few people laughed and laughed, they went back to the room to pack their luggage. The room allocation is the same as the previous period, three boys live in one room, and two girls live in one room.

Although it was a small farmyard, the program team had cleaned it up in advance, so it was tidy and clean. The follower teacher stood by with a camera on his shoulders, Wen Run coughed lightly, then turned to ask Qu Haowen, "What are the rules of the show? I suddenly lost track of them, do you still remember?"

Qu Haowen looked at him in confusion, and repeated the rules again.

Wen Run turned to ask the follow-up teacher, his eyes were very innocent, "Did he remember correctly? Is there anything else he missed?"

The teacher's eyelids twitched, and he always felt that there was a conspiracy waiting for him. After thinking about it, he nodded hesitantly, and finally confirmed it with the director's team. The director didn't think so much, so he said yes, yes, nothing else up.

Wen Run was overjoyed, and opened the suitcase and took out the ten salted duck eggs, two bottles of bibimbap meat sauce and two bottles of old godmother, "That's good, the rules don't say you can't bring your own food."

Director team: "..."

"You are exploiting a loophole in the rules!"

Wen Run is innocent, "But I asked several times just now and you didn't say you can't bring your own food."

Zhang Lu also came forward to chime in, "Yes, you didn't make it clear yourself, how could it be considered a violation!"

Qu Haowen nodded, "It can't be considered a violation."

Director team: "..."

The three male guests argued hard, and finally kept the salted duck egg meat sauce and the old godmother. The director team who lost could only angrily add "Guests are not allowed to bring their own food" to the rules of the game.

Wen Run took the food to the refrigerator and put it in the refrigerator. Xie Yupan was so happy when he saw it, he finally obeyed his heart and gave Wen Run a bear hug, "You are really Doraemon!"

Huang Ziyu also leaned over with a smile, "Wen Run, you are so amazing, we didn't expect this."

Xie Yupan secretly rolled his eyes.

He smiled at her warmly and politely, but secretly he was a little wary. Zheng Xuan, who recorded the first episode, had reminded him that Huang Ziyu liked to tie up and hype. Sure enough, after the first episode aired, the draft that praised her for stepping on Xie Yupan was sent out several times. Fans on both sides have torn it up, and Xie Yupan has a lot of fans. Although he has a crushing victory, it is still uncomfortable to see this kind of drafts flying all over the sky.

Because of the unexpected fire in the first episode, the program team extended the recording time of the second episode to seven days in order to continue the hard (change) nuclear (state) species (toss) field (teng) of the previous episode. And changed the common currency to "cotton". One catty of cotton was exchanged for three catties of pounded rice. As for meat and vegetables, you still have to go to the neighbor's house to help with work to get them.

A group of five people went to the cotton field first. October is the right time to harvest cotton. The cotton in the cotton field was exposed to the sun and bloomed one after another. It was snow-white from a distance. The program team provided them with straw hats, dust jackets and bags.

This job does not require physical strength, but it is a little dry in the sun, and then you have to stand up to pick it. Wen Run equipped himself, picked up a demonstration and said: "This is much easier than cutting rice, just pull off the bloomed white cotton." The sun-dried white cotton came out of the wrapped shell with a slight pull , it is really not difficult.

Several people started to try, because it was the first time to pick cotton, and the guests were very excited. Wen Run saw that they were happy picking, and said: "Leave three people here to pick it. Who will go to work with me at the neighbor's house?"

Zhang Lu shook his head vigorously, "I want to pick cotton!"

So in the end it was Qu Haowen who went to work with Wen Run at the neighbor's house. The villagers who do the work are also arranged by the director team in advance. They will not tell the guests which villagers need help in advance, and the guests have to find them by themselves.

Qu Haowen didn't talk much, so he could only ask questions gently.

He is good-looking and small, and he bends his eyes and smiles when he sees people. Originally, the program group deliberately increased the difficulty, and deliberately arranged for a difficult-to-find family to set up tasks. As a result, an old man saw that Wen Run was pleasing, and pulled him secretly: "I saw A Qing's house before and was called by the director. You go to his house to see." Then he pointed out where A Qing's house was considerately.

Follow-up teacher & director team: "..."

How could you tell the truth like this! !

Wen Run thanked the old man with a smile, and found the small courtyard hidden behind a row of small buildings without any effort, which was Aqing's house.

Wen Run knocked on the door and asked politely, "Hi, may I ask if your family needs help?"

It was Mrs. Ah Qing who came out to open the door. She looked like she was in her thirties and had a friendly face. She wondered why they came here so quickly.

Wen Run smiled and said that the grandmother in the village told him secretly.

Mrs. Ah Qing also laughed, and didn't make things difficult for them anymore. She pointed to the pigsty in the backyard and said, "I'm going out to the county today. Please help me clean the pigsty and feed the pigs. I'll wait until I come back." I'll bring you a piece of pork belly."

After Mrs. Ah Qing taught them how to prepare pig food and how to wash the pigsty, she really went out with her bag.

Qu Haowen stared bitterly at the humming pigs eating, and after doing a lot of mental work for himself, he picked up the water pipe and washed the pigsty with Wen Run.

Although it is said to be cleaning the pigsty, after all, he is a big star who has never done dirty work, and the program crew did not dare to do it too much. In fact, the pigsty is considered clean, only the food is scattered everywhere by a few piglets yes.

The two put on gloves, and one of them held a water pipe. First, they vigorously washed the floor of the pigsty and the trough, and then turned down the water to wash the bodies of the five piglets. At this time, the piglets hadn't grown up yet, and they were chubby and white. After washing, their tails flicked around behind them, and they still looked weirdly cute.

Wen Run recalled the upsurge of raising pigs on Weibo before, so he went to the director team to borrow a marker pen, ran into the pigsty and grabbed the fattest piglet, drew a small flower on its forehead, and said softly: "From now on you will It's called Xiaohua, after another four or five episodes of the show, you should grow up, and you might be able to eat fresh pork by then!"

Xiaohua's plump body trembled and made a moaning sound.

Qu Haowen looked at him silently, as if meeting him for the first time.

The author has something to say: cute milk temperature, online pig raising.