The Idol And The Disabled President Made An Official Announcement

Chapter 33


Wen Run was really scared. After finally stopping the cough, his face was still flushed, even his ears and neck were crimson, his black eyes were foggy, he looked up, down, left, right, but he didn't dare to look at Ye Hansheng. He was a little ashamed, and couldn't help raising his eyes and glaring at Guo Congfei who was talking nonsense.

Guo Congfei was stared at by him with annoyance, not only did not feel angry, but felt that this kid was really fucking good-looking. Good-looking and obedient, he was different from those coquettish sluts he had seen. Thinking about it, he was not very happy again. After all, although Ye Hansheng hasn't caught up yet, one can surpass the sum of all the men and women he talked about.

At this moment, when he looked at Ye Hansheng again, he felt a little sour. It wasn't that he really had any thoughts about Wen Run, but he simply thought that this guy was awesome in everything, and now that he's a lot older, it's better to find a partner than others, just Lemon .

In his heart, he felt that Wen Run was better than those people he talked to, and Guo Congfei's attitude towards Wen Run was even better, but he still remembered to save face for his "dad", and did not dare to be too attentive to Wen Run. He tried to alleviate the embarrassment caused by himself, so he had nothing to say: "The targets are all dead. It's boring to play two games. How about playing CS? Yu Xin expanded a new scene last month, and it hasn't been opened to the public yet." , just to try it out.”

The Yu Xin he was talking about is one of the largest investors in the resort and one of the owners of the resort.

Yu Xin is also in the second-generation circle in City B, but although he also loves to play, he can also make money, and he is familiar with Guo Congfei and Ye Hansheng.

Ye Hansheng looked at him coldly, ignored him, turned to Wen Run and said, "Are you still playing?" After such a commotion, he guessed that Wen Run would not be in the mood to continue playing for the time being.

Sure enough, Wen Run shook his head, not in the mood to play anymore. The blush on his face receded a bit, but there was still a thin layer of pink, and he still seemed embarrassed by what he said just now.

"Then let's go eat first." Ye Hansheng thoughtfully did not mention the incident just now.

Wen Run nodded, and the two of them, plus a bodyguard, left the shooting room and went to the restaurant for dinner. The restaurant is in the resort area. In order to maintain a unified style with the wooden house villas, it is also in the shape of a wooden house, but the wooden house is made in the style of a courtyard. The back is against the woods, the front is an artificial pond, and there are tables and chairs in the middle yard.

The weather was fine today, so the two of them didn't go to the restaurant to eat, but sat down in the open-air yard. Ye Hansheng ordered a few signature dishes first, and then handed the menu to Wen Run, asking him to watch and order a few more.

After ordering, the waiter took the menu away, and Wen Run was visibly restrained. He always unconsciously thinks back to Guo Congfei's phrase "Is this my mother? I still have to be called Dad". Although it was just a misunderstanding, it still made him blush and his heart beat wildly. He has not completely calmed down until now. down.

Taking a sneak peek at Ye Hansheng who was opposite him, seeing that Ye Hansheng looked like a normal person, he felt a little indescribable, and lowered his eyes to cover up his emotions while drinking tea. It's just a misunderstanding that Wen Run comforted herself, don't take it so seriously.

What he didn't know was that when he was secretly looking at Ye Hansheng, Ye Hansheng was also looking at him.

Just now when he sneaked a glance over, his eyes were black and white, and the fundus seemed to be full of water, clear and clear, against the reddish cheeks, unintentionally but seductive, but he didn't know it at all, he was still holding the teacup Taking a small sip, he sneaked a sneak peek at Ye Hansheng, thinking he wasn't showing any signs.

Ye Hansheng didn't point it out, pretending not to notice, and let him look at him.

The two sat face to face at a two-person wooden table, behind them was a simple wooden house and a forest of green trees. Although they didn't say anything, their secret crimson thoughts made the surrounding air hot, and it tended to get hotter...

However, there are always people who don't know what to do, and abruptly come over to break the atmosphere.

Guo Congfei was sitting at the next table, but stretched his neck toward Wen Run's table, like a duck with a stretched neck, "You really don't want to go? I heard that the new scene is very exciting, and the equipment is also the latest."

Wen Run was still holding grudges, so he turned his head and ignored him. Ye Hansheng glanced at him lightly, with a gloomy face, "Get lost."

Guo Congfei persevered, looked at Wen Run and then at Ye Hansheng, his eyes turned and he deliberately said to Wen Run: "Hey, you haven't seen my dad wearing camouflage and holding a gun? He's really handsome and manly, see The girls who have been there are all fascinated, wishing to have a monkey with him on the spot... And this time the new scene is an abandoned factory, the roads are all cement, it doesn't affect the performance at all... "

Wen Run imagined it for a while, and was really curious about Ye Hansheng wearing camouflage and holding a gun, but when he thought of Ye Hansheng's situation, he lowered his eyes, and let him say nothing.

But Ye Hansheng was uncharacteristically, although his face was unhappy, he didn't let him go anymore. Instead, his expression moved slightly, and he looked at Wen Run, "Go and try it? It's good to familiarize yourself with the combat mode in advance."

Wen Run was about to shake his head when he heard him say again: "I'll go too."

Wen Run was stunned for a moment, subconsciously looked at his legs worriedly, and was afraid that speaking out would hurt his self-esteem, so he pursed his lips and responded in a low voice.

"Then I'll call a few more people." Guo Congfei saw that he finally persuaded the two of them, so he happily went to call people without eating.

After Wen Run and Ye Hansheng had eaten, they took a walk along the tree-lined path to digest their food. After about two hours, Guo Congfei came to call for someone, "Let's go, everyone is here. Yu Xin is here too."

The latter sentence was addressed to Ye Hansheng. Originally, Yu Xin had gone to play elsewhere in the past few days, but when he heard that Ye Hansheng was coming, he hurried back. The other second generations who were called by Guo Congfei were in the same situation. After all, Ye Hansheng has hardly participated in any activities since the accident in the Ye family. Except for a few negotiations that required him to come forward, he pushed all the others.

So this group of second-generation people who like to be lively heard that Ye Hansheng was in the resort and wanted to play real CS, no matter what happened or not, they all came.

Some people were purely curious, and some secretly wanted to watch the fun, but when Ye Hansheng came out in a wheelchair, everyone fell silent. Although it was true that he was in a wheelchair, he didn't seem to be in a bad mood at all, and his momentum was even stronger than before. Tyrannical, not easy to mess with at first glance.

"You are finally here. After you don't come, I will have no opponent." Yu Xin was the first to step forward and punched Ye Hansheng on the shoulder.

Ye Han smiled, and motioned to Wen Run beside him, "Come over with a friend to have fun, don't take it too seriously."

Don't be serious, but Yu Xin is a master who knows how to play. Soon the people brought by Guo Congfei were divided into two groups. A group of five people. Ye Han has Wen Run in his voice, Yu Biao as his bodyguard, and two second generations. One is tied with fashionable little pulls, and the other has curly hair.

Yu Xin is on the same team as Guo Congfei, with three second generations.

Ye Hansheng's team is the red team, and Yu Xin's team is the blue team. The new scene is on the other side of the forest, an abandoned factory covering an area of more than 60 acres. The factory is a legacy from long ago. Yu Xin had taken a fancy to it before, and bought it on purpose, and it was only now that the development was completed.

The two teams changed equipment outside the field, camouflage uniforms, bulletproof helmets, tactical vests, half-finger gloves, and a water bomb rifle. After they were all equipped, the two teams were taken to different waiting places by the coach to explain the rules.

The two teams have to compete for three pennants, within one hour, the team that gets the three pennants first wins. If the time is up and no team has three pennants, the team with two pennants wins. Pennants cannot be hidden. Once obtained, it must be worn by a team member.

If you are hit on the head in the game, you will die immediately. You have to be hit three times in the chest or back to die. There is an electronic display on the tactical vest, which will show the number of hits. After being judged dead, the firearms of the members are automatically locked and they are out of the game.

At the beginning of the game, each member only has one shuttle of bullets, and the remaining bullets and other materials need to be obtained by searching abandoned factories.

It was the first time for Wen Run to play, and his face was a little uncontrollable excitement. Although the water gun in his hand was not a full simulation, the metal gun body had a good texture. Holding it in his hand, he felt the excitement of fighting with a real gun.

After the coach explained the rules, after the system countdown ended, he opened the door to the waiting area. The five walked along the concrete road, and when they arrived at the nearest factory building, Ye Hansheng began to assign tasks.

"Divide into two groups to search for supplies first, and then gather at the factory building in front." Ye Hansheng pointed to Yu Biao and Xiao Yao, "You two go to search the building on the left. You follow us." The latter sentence is to curly hair of. The five men divided into two groups, and went to search for enough supplies first.

Ye Hansheng led them along the factory wall. Guo Congfei was right. The scene of the abandoned factory has little restrictions on wheelchairs. Apart from not being able to go upstairs, other things are quite convenient.

After entering the gate of the factory, Ye Hansheng found a place with the best view to hide, and the black muzzle of the water gun quietly protruded a little from the window, "You two go upstairs to search for supplies, and Wen Run goes to the rooftop to see if you can See where the pennant is."

The location of the pennant will not be announced in advance, they have to find it by themselves.

Wen Run nodded, took the gun and went upstairs with Curly. When he was halfway there, he looked back in a strange way, and saw Ye Hansheng hiding in the corner of the wall, most of his body was in the shadow, and he had a cold and ruthless aura out of thin air. He is wearing a camouflage uniform, with a straight back; his face is covered by a helmet, and only a pair of slightly squinted eyes can be vaguely seen; his slender and powerful hands are wearing half-finger gloves, and the exposed knuckles are bent and tight, with a stable end Aim with the butt of the gun.

Thinking of what Guo Congfei said earlier, Wen Run thought he was right. Mr. Ye, who was wearing a camouflage uniform, was indeed handsome in a mess, exuding a masculine wildness all over his body.

He didn't dare to look too much, and quickly followed after a pause. Curly was in charge of searching on the second floor, and he went up to the third floor. The scene here is done with great care. The props are all left over from the previous factory relocation. They are well preserved, with a high degree of restoration and authenticity. Abandoned wooden boxes were piled up randomly on the third floor. He rummaged through all the boxes, only to find two rounds of ammunition, a wooden-handled grenade, and a map. Pack your stuff in the pouch next to your tactical vest. Wen Run bowed to the rooftop again.

The roof is completely open-air, and the concrete guardrail is only half a person high. Afraid of being discovered, Wen Run carefully bent over and walked against the concrete guardrail. She only quietly revealed a pair of eyes to look at. In the scene, the third floor is the tallest building, and the rooftop on the fourth floor can capture all the scenes below. It's just that he looked around and didn't see anything like a pennant. I could only go downstairs carefully, and searched the third floor again to make sure nothing was missed before going down.

Curly found three shuttle bullets on the second floor, and the harvest was not bad. Ye Hansheng studied the map Wen Run found for a while. Then he led the people out of the factory building and continued to move forward.

There are guiding signposts in the scene, and the five people searched along the signposts all the way, and soon filled a large bag full of supplies. The first half of the road did not meet the enemy, and it went smoothly. About fifteen minutes later, the five of them walked to the factory cafeteria. There is a big square in front of the cafeteria. There is no cover in the square, and there is a big red pennant in the middle. Xiao Yaya was excited and wanted to pick up the flag, but Ye Hansheng didn't let him move, but asked Yu Biao to ambush on the third floor of the opposite factory building, and Xiao Yaya and Curly went to hide in another factory building opposite. He himself brought Wen Run into the cafeteria.

The hiding place of the three groups of people just formed a triangle. After Ye Hansheng and Wen Run found the hiding place, they turned on their headsets and said, "Don't search all the supplies downstairs, save some for camouflage. Everyone pay attention to the southwest direction, the blue team should be arriving soon."

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking and hid sideways behind the window, like a statue standing motionless by the window. Wen Run hid by the window opposite him, and also pricked up his ears to pay attention to the movement outside.

The place Ye Hansheng chose had a good perspective. The window he was guarding was facing the pennant fluttering in the wind, while Wen Run's side was facing the road that the blue team might pass by.

The two didn't talk, they watched each other. After waiting for about five minutes, Wen Run saw a figure flashing by the large trash can in the distance. The other party moved so quickly that Wen Run almost thought he was dazzled. He stared at the trash can for another minute, and finally saw the corner of the other party's clothes that was accidentally exposed.

Quietly gestured to Ye Hansheng, Ye Hansheng slowly turned the wheelchair over, and Wen Run was alone, staring at the person hiding behind the trash can. The man probably wanted to pass through the back door of the cafeteria. After hiding for a few minutes and confirming that there was no danger, he moved out carefully, bent over and took the gun and quickly ran towards the back door of the cafeteria.

Ye Han narrowed his eyes and pulled the trigger with his finger. There was a "bang" sound, and the built-in system announced: "Blue team player Qian Sanshi was shot in the head and died. He is out."

Qian Sanshi was stunned, and looked at the place where the gun was fired, but he didn't see the shooter. Holding the gun with an angry expression, he threw the supplies on the spot and left wearing only the camouflage uniform.

"I'm going to pick up the supplies."

Wen Run stared at the bag thrown on the ground, ready to move. Ye Hansheng grabbed his wrist and said in a low voice: "No hurry." After finishing speaking, his dry fingers were still clasped on his wrist, and Wen Run could feel his body temperature slightly higher than her own, so she struggled slightly uncomfortably.

Ye Hansheng let go of his wrist and let him push himself to change places. After the two hid again, they saw a dark gun barrel protruding from the second floor opposite the window where they were originally staying.

The gun barrel was aimed at the window on the first floor of the cafeteria for a while, but after finding nothing, it was quietly retracted. Wen Run swallowed nervously, and sure enough, after a while, he saw someone coming out of that building. The other party pushed a huge trash can as a cover, and carefully approached Qian Sanshi's pile of supplies, getting closer...

Wen Run subconsciously clenched the gun tightly, and when they were in a tense stalemate, several gunshots suddenly came from behind him. Wen Run looked back and saw that the red pennant was still flying, but there was no one in the square. Then I guessed that the people from the blue team should have entered the factory building and confronted Yu Biao and the others, but I don’t know who will win and who will lose...

The gunshots in the cafeteria square made the trash can stand still for a while. After confirming that he was not in danger, Guo Congfei continued to move the trash can carefully.

Qian Sanshi's gun was equipped with a silencer, and he had to retrieve the silencer.

He stooped for a while, and finally he was only one step away from the pile of supplies. He quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to push the trash can slowly.

In the cafeteria, Ye Hansheng pushed away the protective mask, and whispered in Wen Run's ear: "You go out through the window on the left side of the cafeteria, then go to the opposite side, and shoot anyone at random." The warm breath sprayed on the pinna, Wen Run's cheeks were hot, so he quickly put down his mask and walked out stooping.

At this time, Guo Congfei was only half a step away from the supplies, all his attention was on the supplies, and he didn't pay attention to the slight movement of Wen Runmao walking past him behind him,

Wen Run entered the building where Guo Congfei came out just now, stooped to find a window, poked out the gun, aimed at Guo Congfei's back and fired.

The water bomb suddenly hit his back, Guo Congfei was startled, instinctively pushed the trash can to change direction, and blocked it behind. The number three on the electronic display on the chest changed to two.

He felt a little distressed, and ventured out to grab the gun on the ground, took off the silencer, and wanted to run into the cafeteria. As a result, when he turned around and faced Ye Hansheng's black muzzle, Ye Hansheng pulled the trigger without hesitation, and headshot with a "bang".

Guo Congfei opened his mouth wide.

System broadcast notification: "Blue team player Guo Congfei was shot in the head and died, and is out."

Wen Runmao ran back from the opposite side with his waist down, picked up the bullets on the ground and stuffed them into his bag, and urged him in a low voice, "Hand over all your supplies, hurry up!"

Guo Congfei angrily took out the silencer and the bullets to Wen Run, met Ye Han's voice hidden behind the window, and secretly cursed this person for being so fucking insidious!